Black prison arena, in addition to the giant arena is brightly lit, the rest of the place is dim light.

But at the moment, the atmosphere of the whole arena has been ignited.

The design of this arena is full of modern ideas. Chen Yang and his party really sat in the front of the audience.

People around don't recognize Dong Chuan's identity, and not everyone knows him.

The ladies were hysterical with excitement. Maybe it's because I'm too depressed at ordinary times, so I get a good release here.

The arena is a bloody place.

This kind of blood can burn the hormone of human body.

Song Ning is also a little excited.

Chen Yang sits next to song Ning. On his left is Dong Chuan.

Chen Yang asked Dong Chuan in a low voice, "Lord, what are the rules of the fighting field?"

Dong Chuan was slightly stunned, and then said: "the game in the arena is without weapons, and mana is not allowed. In addition, there is no limit. It's up to the individual to kill or to forgive. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized that this rule is similar to the fighting rules of modern society. Chen Yang feels that needless to say, this rule must be a modern arena of plagiarism.

It was also at this time that the host in the middle of the arena appeared, but he took the horn.

There are loudspeakers in this arena.

This will make people suddenly a little trance, do not know in the end is in that era.

The host yelled: "today's first competition in our arena is the promotion competition of Zhu Tao, the No.1 master, challenging Li Jun, the master of heaven! Now, let's welcome Zhu Tao and Li Jun, who are the top experts in the field

The whole audience immediately detonated and everyone cheered.

Just because this first time was so powerful and wonderful, this is a rare scene in the arena.

"As we all know, the 18 top players of Tianwei have been in the championship for three months. In the past three months, 30 of them have challenged for promotion, but no one has succeeded. Can Zhu Tao be the first player in the competition? Audience friends, let's wait and see! "

The audience immediately began to boil. It was so easy that the sound gradually subsided.

In the audience, the black left sat next to Dong Chuan. Dong Chuan said to the black left with a smile: "the first challenge, you arranged such a strong, then there is still a look behind?"

Black left a smile, said: "Wang Ye rest assured, today's scene is absolutely unexpected."

"Oh, what else is on?" Dong Chuan asked with great interest.

"Black left said:" back to the Lord, we have not been fighting field is warmly welcome four experts to participate in it

Dong Chuan said, "so what?"

Black left said: "three days ago, a boy named blood wolf came to the fighting field. His physical cultivation is extremely terrible, and his body method is unparalleled. He has already killed our two masters. Today his subordinates arrange him to continue to challenge. "

Dong Chuan said, "are you not afraid that he will kill all our heavenly masters?"

Black left said: "don't worry, but it's not easy to be a master of heaven. I haven't arranged for a real master to appear. If the blood wolf has the ability to kill a master like Liancheng today, it's his fortune. "

Dong Chuan smile, said: "listen to you say so, I also have some interest."

At this time, song Ning asked Chen Yang, "Mr. Lin, do you think it will be Zhu Tao's promotion or Li Jun's victory?"

As soon as Dong Chuan finished his conversation with heizuo, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "Qianshan, why don't we make a bet on who can win?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Lord, I have no money to lose to you."

Dong Chuan laughed and said, "what's money? How about three drinks if you lose?"

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Dong Chuan said, "well, who do you bet on to win?"

Chen Yang said with a wry smile: "in fact, I can't see this. Because both of them have the same physical accomplishments, the next step is to see their actual combat ability, and there is a lot of luck in it. "

"No matter what, we have to choose one. I choose Zhu Tao to win," Dong said

Chen Yang said: "then I have to choose Li Jun to win."

Song Ning smile, said: "that I and Lin together, choose Li Jun victory."

Dong Chuan said with a smile, "you are such a small thing."

Song Ningge smiles.

At the moment, Zhu Tao and Li Jun are at war.

Zhu Tao is young and energetic. With a sneer, his eyes are full of poisonous light, and he said, "Li Jun, what you practice is Taijiquan strength, which is more than soft strength, but less than hard strength. Today, I will break your Taiji with the sharpness of Xingyi boxing. You must die! "Their conversation was clearly heard by Chen Yang, but Chen Yang didn't like it either. Because he knows that there is a big difference and gap in the cultural aspect between the shady world and the sunny world. The shady world has its own cultural system. But in the aspect of cultivating the body, they also practiced Tai Chi, eight trigrams, form and meaning.

These fists are made by refining the body.

However, these boxing techniques are not widely spread. Because people in the shady world don't pay so much attention to physical cultivation, they pay more attention to the cultivation of mana. The essence of Yin is floating in the air, so many people can cultivate their mana.

, however, because Yin Qi has its own limitations, there are few people with advanced strength. Most of them are half baked.

Chen Yang asked Dong Chuan curiously, "Lord, who are these people? Why don't they practice mana, but focus on physical cultivation? There is no comparison between mana and physical cultivation. "

Dong Chuan said: "there are a large number of people who are captured from the outside world. Do you know the sunny world? "

Chen Yang immediately said, "I've heard something!"

Dong Chuan said: "in addition, there are also a group of people who are not born to practice mana. You probably don't know. In fact, there are a few people who can practice mana. Most people's constitution can't practice mana. But these people can't practice mana, so they turn to the physical body. "

Chen Yang immediately asked Xiaobai, "can't people from the sunny world practice mana?"

"People in the sunny world are very different in constitution. Although breathing, the body can integrate into the shady world. But there is little harmony with Yin essence, so it is hard to cultivate mana. " Dong Chuan said.

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Dong Chuan said, "why don't you seem to know all this, Qianshan?" Chen Yang said with a smile, "I don't know much, I don't understand at all. I only know that my cultivation is quite smooth. "

Chen Yang knows a lot about the local conditions and customs here. In fact, he knows what to ask and what not to ask. Sometimes he simply asked some idiots, instead of making Dong Chuan suspicious.

In fact, Dong Chuan's suspicion of Chen Yang is gradually disappearing.

Of course, it is impossible for him to completely trust Chen Yang immediately.

At this time, Zhu Tao and Li Jun had already fought.

In the field, Zhu Tao's front and back feet were sandwiched inward, like scissors cutting iron sheet. The bones of his legs moved between the clips and joined together. Through the skin, he made a sound like steel hitting.

The scissors step in Xingyiquan is made by Zhu Tao. His legs are as fast as the wind and straight forward. It's really like a huge clip sticking to the ground.

"How powerful!" Chen Yang said in secret.

Before Zhu Tao started, Li Jun had been absorbed in it, but the other side suddenly cut his feet, which still brought a huge wave in his heart.

With Zhu Tao's move, Li Jun's legs felt as if a knife had cut his feet and he wanted to cut off his legs.

At that moment, Li Jun had an impulse to jump up and escape.

It's true that Zhu Tao's scissors step is too sharp. It gives people the feeling of cutting off his leg. In the face of this power, there is almost no second move except jumping and dodging.

But in the face of this, Li Jun didn't jump or even move her steps. Instead, she suddenly separated her legs and sank into a riding step. In the middle of Zhu Tao's middle line, it seemed that a knife was going to split her in two.

Zhu Tao's scissors step just stopped when his opponent's hand hit an inch in front of his nose. Suddenly, he lifted his hand up and picked Li Jun's wrist with his fingers like steel hooks.

"The python spits out the message!"

Li Jun's eyes flashed, his hand changed, like a snake's head. He swayed for a moment, dodged Zhu Tao's grasp, and suddenly pressed down. The landing point was Zhu Tao's tiger's mouth.

When Li Jun took the shot, his feet seemed to be glued to the floor with all kinds of glue. He didn't move. He relied on his two arms. It's like a rattan Hooper practicing Wing Chun of the southern school.

In the fierce fight, Zhu Tao knew that this was Li Jun's brilliant point. When fighting, he sank his feet and stuck to the ground. Below was a solid iron block, and above was void. He could fight back at any time and stand in an invincible position.

Facing Li Jun's pressing the tiger's mouth, Zhu Tao extended his hand forward and twisted his small arm back. Like a big axe blade, he struck the opponent's wrist.

Li Jun still didn't move his feet at all. He rubbed his arms up as if he were rubbing clothes. He and Zhu Tao had a hard fight.


As soon as they touched each other, they immediately separated. Li Jun's steps were still motionless, but Zhu Tao took a step forward and suddenly put out a killing move.

Zhu Tao's killing move is very simple, directly into the body hard capture! At the same time, he pulled his feet hard, such as the ancient general's strong bow, tearing to the footwall of Li Jun.

It's hard Qigong to pull the bow and open the feet!

And his hands also become very tough, five fingers open, a large number of muscles and muscles between the joints raised, the sound of heart beating came out from the palms of both hands.Seeing Zhu Tao's power, Li Jun's eyes changed, his legs pulled up, suddenly turned outward, and twisted his body in oblique steps. The whole person moved two feet.

In the face of Li Jun taking root in the footwall, Zhu Tao pulled a strong bow and broke him in an instant.

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