Song Ning said in tears: "don't blame uncle."

That's the end of it.

Next, Dong Chuan and Zhuge Rui entered the black prison again, and they supported the whole falian again.

Chen Yang is responsible for sending song Ning and others back to the government.

After returning home, it's not too early.

Chen Yang bid farewell to song Ning, and he went back to his attic.

As for song Ning, naturally, he is still with Xiaolan.

In Song Ning's boudoir, Xiao Lan is still a little excited. "Miss, you don't know how powerful Mr. Lin is today. Wang Ye's side has Zhuge such as me, cold front such fierce general. But they have no way to help you. Only Mr. Lin is the calmest. He soon made up a plan to save you. Moreover, his momentum is not weaker than that of Zhuge, such as my husband, nor that of Mr. Leng Feng. In my opinion, Mr. Lin is the real talent. He has not only the force like Mr. Leng Feng, but also the wisdom of Mr. Zhuge

Song Ning's heart is complex and wonderful. Of course, she knows Chen Yang's prestige. She always flashed in her mind the picture of Chen Yang bearing the monster's three palms.

That night, song Ning had a beautiful dream. In her dream, she and Chen Yang were married. They received many blessings and lived happily together.

The dream was so wonderful that song Ning didn't want to wake up the next morning.

The next morning, Dong Chuan summoned Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang arrived at the Xiaoyuan hall, he saluted Dong Chuan and called out, "Lord!"

Dong Chuan smile, said: "Qianshan, sit!"

Chen Yang was seated. Dong Chuan said, "Qianshan, thanks to you yesterday."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I'm doing my job. I'm your minister. Naturally, I want to help you out. "

Dong Chuan laughed and said, "OK, OK, OK!" After a pause, he said: "by the way, Qianshan, yesterday you confronted with drugs, but I have been watching and listening. Why is your body recovering so fast? "

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "my blood is different from ordinary people. I have a strong recovery ability. These are my personal secrets. I've traveled thousands of miles to take refuge with the Lord. If I don't have some special skills, how dare Ann come here? "

Dong Chuan had no doubt about him. He laughed and said, "yes, yes!"

Dong Chuan now trusts Chen Yang because he thinks he has mastered Chen Yang's lifeblood.

Chen Yang then bid farewell to Dong Chuan and left on his own. Before leaving, Dong Chuan also said: "Song Ning had a good feeling for you. Now you have saved her, and this will get twice the result with half the effort."

Chen Yang immediately said, "it's all thanks to the Lord!"

When eating breakfast, Chen Yang is called by Xiao Lan. It's in Song Ning's house.

Chen Yang is very calm, while song Ning looks at Chen Yang in a coy way. Chen Yang smiles and says in a low voice: "Ning'er, the Lord just urged me. He wants me and you to go back to the imperial city of song earlier."

Song Ning's face suddenly turned red. She said, "he really didn't have any good intentions."

"I don't think it's meaningful to waste time here," Chen said

Song Ning said, "well, I'll explain to Uncle Dong later. Let's go back to song imperial city today."

Chen Yang said, "good!" He paused and said, "but I'll follow you. What's the identity? Although you and the LORD have a clear idea, you still have to have a statement? What's more, I'll go back to song imperial city with you. How do you introduce me to your father? "

Song Ning said, "it's not easy. I told uncle Dong that you and I are in love. I'll take you back to my father! "

"Isn't that a little too fast?" Chen Yang can't help feeling embarrassed.

Song Ning said: "that's what you urged to be faster!"

Chen Yang said: "so fast, do you think Wang Ye will be suspicious?"

Song Ning said: "I always do things in a hot and stormy way. I don't care so much. Uncle Dong knows my personality. Besides, he thinks he controls you and will never doubt you. "

"Well, this..." Chen Yang said.

Song Ning said, "we have to go together. I'll go alone. How embarrassing it is!"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "you will be embarrassed."

Song Ning was annoyed and said, "what is this? Am I a cheeky man?"

Chen Yang laughs.

"Laugh at you big head!" Song Ning is more upset, took a book to throw toward Chen Yang in the past.

After breakfast, Chen Yang and song Ning go to see Dong Chuan.

Still in Xiaoyuan hall, Dong Chuan is talking to Zhuge Ru. As soon as Chen Yang and song Ning came in, they stopped talking.

Chen Yang and song Ning met Dong Chuan.

Zhuge Rui said to Dong Chuan, "Lord, I'll leave first."Dong Chuan nodded.

Zhuge Rui nodded to Chen Yang and song Ning and then left.

Song Ning was not interested in this Zhuge either. For example, Dong Chuan and I were discussing something. She said directly, "Uncle Dong, I'm tired of playing with you. I'll go back to song imperial city later."

"So suddenly?" Dong Chuan was slightly surprised. He then said, "I'll play for a few more days. What's the rush to go back for?"

Song Ning said: "no, I miss my father too. Uncle Dong, during this period of time, my niece is very grateful for your kind care. "

"If you say that, you will be surprised." Dong Chuan sighed and said, "well, since you insist on going back, my uncle will not keep you. But I have prepared some gifts for you, your brothers and sisters, and your father. Help me to take it and ask your father how are you

Song Ning smiles and says, "thank you, uncle Dong."

Later, she changed the subject and said, "Uncle Dong, elder brother Lin said that he has never been to song imperial city. He wants to play with me. Do you want him to go or not?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but be stunned. He then said with a bitter smile, "Miss Ning'er, did I ever say that?"

Song Ning glared at Chen Yang and said, "you said it clearly. Now you don't admit it?"

Chen Yang was speechless.

Song Ning immediately turned to Dong Chuan and asked, "Uncle Dong, do you think it's ok?"

Dong Chuan smashed his mouth, and then said meaningfully, "it depends on Qianshan's own meaning. If he really wants to go, I can't force him to stay."

"Would you like to go?" Song Ning immediately pressed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "I..." He looked at Dong Chuan in embarrassment.

Dong Chuan sighed and said, "Qianshan, it seems you still want to go. I don't blame you. You can go if you want

Chen Yang was silent.

Anyway, they are all acting, but I don't know whose play is more realistic.

But anyway, it's settled.

Two hours later, Chen Yang and song Ning, Xiao Lan took a carriage out of the prison city.

A group of horses is also magnificent.

On the carriage, song Ning suddenly laughed and said, "brother Lin, if you want to say that you really don't want to come with me, do you think uncle Dong is going to die in a hurry?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I don't know if the Lord will die in a hurry, but I know you will be angry."

Song ningbai glanced at Chen Yang and said, "no way."

Chen Yang then said, "how can you tell your father that you want to marry me?"

Song Ning said: "you think it's beautiful. I'll explain your spy identity to my father, and then my father will help you lift uncle Dong's ban on you. After that, I'll see your performance. Besides your good performance, my father should approve you. "

Xiaolan said immediately: "master Lin is both talented and beautiful. The city master will like him."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "Xiaolan can talk. But that's the truth! "

"You are disgusting Song Ning and Xiao Lan immediately laugh together.

Song Ning then said, "I don't care. You should write poems for me. Let's do one now, based on the delicate relationship between you and me. "

Before Chen Yang opened his mouth, Xiao Lan said with a smile: "childe Lin will surely say that poetry is not about eating and drinking. Where is it so simple? It needs inspiration."

Chen Yang is ready to say so, Xiaolan this words immediately blocked his mouth.

With a bitter smile, he said, "this poem is not easy to write. If it's easy to write, would you like to write it?"

"But you are Mr. Lin!" Xiaolan said: "you are both literate and martial arts. We can't do it. People in the world can't do it, but you must be able to do it."

Chen Yang looks at Xiaolan and song Ning's adoring eyes. His heart suddenly swells. Once his eyes turn, he has a song. If I say, "don't blame him for what he should do."

Song Ning and little Langton were very happy.

Chen Yang began to copy poems. "If life is just like seeing for the first time, what's the matter with autumn wind! It's easy to change, but it's easy to change

"What a poem Xiaolan said immediately.

Song Ning is to savor it carefully. The more she savors it, the more she feels that it is really good! She immediately asked Chen Yang, "do you really think of it now?"

As soon as Chen Yang was seen by song Ning, he became a little nervous. I'm really sorry to say it's a poem I'm doing now. After thinking about it for a while, he said unnaturally, "I did it before."

Song Ning was relieved. She murmured: "it's easy to change, but it's easy to change..."

At that moment, song Ning had a great feeling. She then asked Chen Yang, "do you think we will always be as beautiful as we just met? If life is just like seeing for the first time, is that what you want? "

Chen Yang was embarrassed. He was just copying poems! You think too much about it.However, Chen Yang nodded and said affectionately, "I will always remember the first time I saw you in Yalou. At that time, you were in my heart, just like heaven and man. I hope, after many years, you are still the same in my heart, so beautiful! "

Song Ning's heart suddenly burst of sweet, but his face is a little shy.

Xiaolan said: "Mr. Lin, you are so special when you talk about love. Do I have to get out of the car to avoid it?" She was smiling.

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