The sword skill of Qinglong tianque is really powerful!

However, it is extremely simple for Chen Yang to kill these two people. He thinks that if his eye-catching pearl is suddenly displayed, these two people will definitely die under the eye-catching pearl. However, Chen Yang doesn't want to kill people. He has no deep hatred with them. He doesn't need to take people's lives.

It's not that Chen Yang is soft hearted! But Chen Yang is afraid of cause and effect and doesn't want to create too many evils!

All of a sudden, Chen Yang shows his nine Epee screen!

The Dragon Sword quickly rolled out of the nine Epee curtain!

The cold light of Qinglong tianque sword quickly broke through Chen Yang's triple sword curtain, then four, five, and even the eighth. Fortunately, the last Epee curtain has not been broken.

And the green dragon sword and tianque sword have returned to the hands of the lethal double evil spirits.

Then, Chen Ling pointed to the sword in his hand and said, "can you resist my swordsmanship?" After he finished, he displayed the formula of the sword!

All of a sudden, thousand sword light, thousand sword shadow change magic!

The murderous Shuangsha was shocked.

Chen Yang then accepted the sword formula of fortune. If he really showed it to these two people, they would be dead.

Shuangsha immediately took out the gold. They said to song Bingwen, "we can't do your business."

Then they turned and left quickly.

Song Bingwen can't help hating! He's about to go!

"Stop!" Chen yangleng drinks.

Song Bingwen turned around and sneered, "what? Thief, do you dare to kill me? "

Chen Yang said coldly: "in Ning'er's face, I don't want to embarrass you too much. But you'd better remember that my patience is limited. If you challenge my patience again and again, I will personally report to the Lord, and I will tell him that I will kill you! "

Song Bingwen felt the chill in Chen Yang's words, and he shivered. I wanted to be brave, but I put up with it in the end.

"Brother Lin, don't you really..." Song Ning came forward, but she was a little afraid. She was really afraid that Chen Yang and her third brother would get out of hand.

Chen Yang took a deep breath. He turned back to smile and said, "don't worry, I'm just scaring him. Otherwise, he'll really go on and on. Although I am confident that I can cope with it, I am always beaten and can't fight back. There are still some risks

Song Ning said, "I know what you mean. Don't worry. I'll talk to my father when I go back."

Chen Yang nodded.

Then Chen Yang and song Ning went back to their home.

After returning to the palace, song Ning takes Chen Yang to find the emperor of song.

The emperor of song is in his bedroom.

When Chen Yang and song Ning come, they unexpectedly see song Ning's second brother and her fourth sister!

Song Ning's second brother, song Jinglun, is a handsome young man. You look like you're twenty-seven or twenty-eight!

As for song Ning's fourth sister, she is called song Shuangxue. She is as beautiful as song Ning and looks like she is twenty-four or twenty-five years old. She is more stable and mature than song Ning, and her accomplishments are unfathomable.

Probably only song Ning is the most favorite, and he doesn't need to cultivate anything. He has been so carefree all the time.

Song Shuangxue is dressed in a long white shirt. It looks like a chivalrous woman in ancient times.

It seems that song Jinglun, song Shuangxue and the emperor of song are discussing something.

Song Ning is straight poke burst in.

Chen Yang followed.

"Daddy After Song Ning came in, he called out, and then said, "second brother, fourth sister, you are here, too."

Song Jinglun and song Shuangxue both smile, and they spoil the youngest sister.

The emperor of song could not help frowning and said, "you are really more and more unruly and unruly. You come in so rashly."

Song Ning said: "Dad, today the third brother went outside and invited some messy experts to kill brother Lin."

Song Jinglun and song Shuangxue are surprised. They look at Chen Yang. Obviously, they also know what happened in the Lord's mansion yesterday.

"It's such a thing The emperor of song was also shocked.

Then the emperor of song looked at Chen Yang and said, "Qianshan, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" Chen Yang said, neither humble nor overbearing. He paused and said: "however, the third young master misunderstood me deeply. I'm afraid that the third young master will continue to pester me. If I hurt the third young master by mistake, I can't tell you. "

"The villain!" The emperor of song was very angry. He pause, said: "Qianshan, you can rest assured that this kind of thing will never happen again."

Chen Yang immediately said, "thank you, Lord!"

Song Ning was satisfied. She then said: "second brother, fourth sister, it's rare to see you come to find Dad together. Is there anything interesting?"

"Funny things?" The emperor of Song said, "you are a girl who is full of fun. There are so many interesting thingsSong Ning said with a smile, "what's that for?"

The emperor of Song said, "this happened to be Qianshan. Jinglun, you can talk about it again. Maybe Qianshan can help you? "

Song Jinglun immediately said: "yes, Dad!" This song Jinglun is quite different from Song Bingwen. He is gentle and polite. At first sight, he is a dragon and Phoenix among people.

This is really the ninth son of the dragon. Each of them is different!

Brother song Jinglun said, "this is what happened. All along, there is a secret unknown to outsiders in the world of ten halls of hell. That is, outside the Bodhisattva city where the king of Tibet Bodhisattva is located, there is a vast boundless wasteland. In the past, Bodhisattvas of the Tibetan king guarded the frontier wasteland, which has always been very stable. However, since the disappearance of the Bodhisattva king of Tibet, there will always be some monsters that suddenly appear in the border wasteland and wreak havoc on this side of Bodhisattva city. We have also sent several teams to explore the frontier wasteland, but none of them ever came back. Recently, there is no peace in the frontier wasteland. More and more monsters are fleeing towards Bodhisattva city. They seem to be afraid of something. Now we have to find the source and solve it. Otherwise, Bodhisattva city will be occupied by more and more monsters. "

"These monsters live in the frontier wasteland, and they are also used to living in the frontier wasteland." Song Shuangxue added. After a pause, she said, "as long as the source is solved, the border wasteland will return to peace. However, it is not clear to all of us what is in the frontier wasteland. So it's very dangerous to be in famine! "

Chen Yang has a headache. NIMA, why do you tell me! Do you want me to go to bianhuang? I'm not really trying to work for you.

But in this situation, once the Song Emperor ordered, Chen Yang really can't refuse!

"I'm willing to go to the frontier wasteland to solve this problem for the Lord!" Chen Yang's heart turns, and he thinks it's better to let the emperor of song say it himself. It's better to say it on your own initiative, which will make the emperor of song feel really good.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Yang opened his mouth, the eyes of the Song Emperor were bright.

"Border famine is very dangerous, Qianshan. You have to think about it clearly." Then the emperor of Song said.

Chen Yang said: "I'm willing to go through fire and water for the Lord. I'm willing to go through fire and water for him."

At this time, song Jinglun also said: "Dad, there is no time to delay the border famine. If brother Lin is the only one to take people there, there will be a lot of danger. I also want to go together to share my father's worries. "

Song Shuangxue immediately said: "Dad, I also want to go together."

Song Ning immediately went to the theatre and said, "Dad, I want to go too."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty took a look at Song Ning and immediately said, "nonsense, do you think it's fun to go to the frontier wasteland?"

Song Ning saw that her father was really angry. She was shocked. Later, she said: "since it's so dangerous, the second brother, the fourth sister and the elder brother Lin, don't go." She said to the emperor of song, "Dad, please arrange other people to go."

"Little sister, it's not as simple as you think." Song Shuangxue said: "we have arranged several groups of people to go in, but they didn't come back. It's unimaginable that there is danger in the wasteland, but it's precisely because of this that we song jia'erlang need not turn back. "

"But..." Song Ning eyes a red, said: "I am afraid you will be in danger."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was lost in thought.

Chen Yang said: "Lord, you can send some experts to me, and I'll go. You don't need to bother the second young master and the fourth young lady to take risks. The so-called son of a thousand gold, sit down. How dare you let the second young master and the fourth young lady go to risk such things? "

"Daddy Song Shuangxue said: "brother Lin doesn't know much about the frontier famine, but my second brother and I have studied it for many years. If we go in, we will have a better grasp of it."

Song Jinglun said: "it's not as good as this. Dad, brother Lin and I will go, but the fourth sister still won't go."

The emperor of Song said, "don't fight for it. As a father, you have to think about it. Let's go down first."

When people saw that the emperor of Song said so, they couldn't say anything more.

Chen Yang and his party left first.

As soon as he came out of the palace of the Song Emperor, song Jinglun said to Chen Yang, "brother Lin has the spirit of fearlessness. Song admires him!"

Song Shuangxue also said with a smile, "my little sister is always proud. Originally, I wondered why my little sister has a special preference for brother Lin. Now it seems that I understand a lot. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "second young master, fourth young lady, you are too modest. You are a man of thousands of gold, and you have taken the initiative to take such a big risk. This is knowing that you can't do it, and I admire it

Song Ning is very worried, said: "if you go to elder brother Lin do not come back, I do not want to live."

"Silly girl!" Chen Yang laughed and said, "don't worry, I've been through too many life and death crises, but I'm still alive. That means I'm lucky and lucky! "

Song Ning is still worried.

Song Jinglun said: "not if brother Lin, let's find a place to sit down and have a good chat, OK?"Chen Yang said, "I'd better be respectful than obedient."

Song Jinglun laughs.

So at the moment, a crowd came to the pure heart Pavilion.

People have tea ready.

Song Jinglun said: "four younger sister, in the wilderness, monsters are rampant. After all, you are the daughter's family. Listen to the second elder brother's words, you'd better not wade in this muddy water."

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