Song Shuangxue murmured: "right and strong?" Then she woke up and said, "you're right, but ordinary people don't have a strong sense of reason because they feel empty in their hearts. But it seems to me that you are... "

"Because my heart is not empty!" Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'm sure that the leader of the demon doesn't dare to continue to attack."

"But what if?" Song Shuangxue road.

"No, just in case!" Chen Yang said.

"Why are you so sure?" Song Shuangxue is puzzled. Chen Yang said: "it's so sure, and there's no reason."

Then Chen Yang sighed and said, "let's not waste our time. Let's go back to Bodhisattva city as soon as possible."

Song Shuangxue nods.

They went on their way right now.

However, Chen Yang and song Shuangxue haven't gone far, and they are in new trouble!

That is, a group of ape people suddenly appeared in front.

There are about a hundred ape people, one by one echoing each other, whistling and calling friends.

After a while, Chen and Bai Yong surrounded each other.

Chen Yang and song Shuangxue's eyes sank. Chen Yang glances at the ape people on the spot, and suddenly discovers that this group of ape people is not simple. It's not the ape man we caught before. These ape people are all extraordinary. Some have infinite power, some have magic power.

Especially in front of the five headed ape man.

These five ape men look a little older, like the old men in their 60s. They were dressed in blue robes.

However, their faces are still covered with thick hair.

These ape people have different eyes. But at first glance, I always feel that all of them are very similar. Just like the monkeys in the zoo, it's hard to see a big difference.

Among the five ape man masters, another one is the leader. The ape man has a long beard and white hair. But although he was old, his eyes were shining.

The cultivation of mana is no better than the cultivation of Wu Dao's physical body. The physical body is shackled and will eventually grow old. But the longer you practice mana, the more profound it is. But the old man's body is still beginning to decay. If he can't get rid of the flesh, he will not destroy the spirit. When the body dies, no matter how high his mana will disappear.

Those who practice the physical body, such as Chen Yang, can live for three or five hundred years. Three or five hundred years will give him more time to practice mana. There will be more time to pursue the immortal spirit.

Chen Yang's body can be said to be a glazed jade body.

Such as Dong Chuan, the emperor of Song Dynasty, they are not very old. Great is about two hundred years old!

And the sons and daughters of the Song Emperor, such as song Ning, are only in their twenties.

Song Yu is in her forties.

Although the ten halls of Yama have always existed, they are also handed down from generation to generation, with the replacement of father and son. It's not that they can live forever!

In this world, the only one who can live forever is Yuanshen!

Yuanshen will not perish, but Yuanshen will bear the disaster!

It's the people of the blood clan who are a little older. Because they mainly cultivate the physical body, and the physical body is strong, so they can live longer.

The song emperors did not play very well, but they hardened their bodies very well. Like Chen Yang, the body of glazed jade!

But at the moment, these old ape men in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang can see that their physical bodies are not so pure. It seems that some of them focus on cultivating magic power, while others focus on cultivating physical bodies.

This is a convenience given to them by the Yin Qi surrounding in the Yin world. Before they reach the supernatural realm, they can absorb mana to moisten their brain and achieve mana!

However, although they are so convenient, everything has its advantages and disadvantages!

If you don't practice the physical body, first practice the mana, then the physical body will not work, which will lead to premature aging and death!

At this time, Chen Yang looked at the old man with white beard in the ape man and said in a deep voice, "I have no grievance or hatred with you. Why do you block our way?"

After he finished, he wondered in his heart whether these advanced ape people could speak human language?

Immediately, Chen Yang was relieved.

Because the old man with white beard can speak human language. He looked at Chen Yang and said in a deep voice, "hand over your Tianxuan compass!"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and said in secret: "I've been doing this for a long time, and the conversation between myself and the leader of the demon man has been heard by these ape men. They have been fighting against the demon leader, but they always fail to win. Now I've heard that I have a Tianxuan compass that can restrain the demon leader. Naturally, I want to get it. "

Chen Yang's heart turns.

And song Ning is also a little silly. It's not really fun.

Chen Yang gave a wry smile and said to the old man with white beard, "if I say that I don't have the so-called Tianxuan compass at all, I used to scare the demon leader away, do you believe it?"

"Young man, do you think we'll believe you when you say that?" The old man with white beard sneered and said, "you young man, you are so eloquent. A set of words in front of you and a set of words behind you. The demon leader is cruel and suspicious. If you don't have Tianxuan compass, how can you cheat him? "After a pause, the old man continued: "what's more, we watched with our own eyes that the golden light of your body shook away the demon leader."

Chen Yang sneered and said, "no matter whether I have Tianxuan compass or not, no matter what I say is true or false. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it? Tianxuan compass, even if I have it, it's mine. It doesn't seem to be robbing you. Why, can't you do that? "

The old man with white beard said, "yes, Tianxuan compass is true for you. But now, we need to borrow your compass. "

"Ha ha, well, since you have asked to borrow it, my answer is no!" Chen Yang said, "since I'm borrowing things, I have the right not to borrow them."

The eagle eyed old man beside the white bearded old man said coldly, "it seems that you are toasting instead of drinking."

Chen Yang gave a cold smile and said, "the leader of the devil has nothing to do with me. Do you think I'm afraid of you because of the large number of people? You'd better not force me, or I'll kill you in a river of blood! "

Song Shuangxue is already in a state of preparation.

Chen Yang also sacrificed the dragon sword!

The atmosphere on both sides suddenly became tense.

The old man with white beard sighed slightly and said, "in that case, don't blame me for being rude." After he finished, he suddenly opened his mouth!

He opened his mouth and spat out a green sword!

The Qingfeng sword slashes Chen Yang fiercely.

In this case, surrounded by ape masters. It is impossible for Chen Yang and song Shuangxue to travel through the void. There is no way to escape!

Therefore, Chen Yang has to fight.

That Green Feng sword cuts to kill to come over, Chen Yang immediately responds with the sword Jue of fortune!

In a flash, the sword formula of fortune was like a huge sword array, and the light and shadow of the sword were like honeycombs.

Qingfeng sword and Zaohua sword Jue killed several times in the air. At last, Qingfeng sword was forced back.

Chen Yang also quickly received the dragon sword. He said coldly, "I have no grievances with you. I don't want to be contaminated with innocent spirits under the sword. You'd better not be aggressive! "

But the old man with white beard didn't say a word, and then he yelled, "set up the battle!"

Then, the five elders immediately sacrificed their own swords!

For a moment, the five swords blazed with infinite light. These five sword lights represent the five elements of heaven and earth!

It's like the punishment of heaven!

Five sword lights quickly surround Chen Yang and song Shuangxue.

Chen Yang felt the horror and strength of the sword array. It seemed that as long as he resisted, he would immediately suffer infinite disaster.

Even the sword formula of fortune can't resist!

At this moment, the old man said, "young man, we don't want to kill the innocent. If you hand over the mysterious compass, we will save you from death. "

Chen Yang's heart turned, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't have a celestial compass on me, but only a seal of limitless talisman. Tianxuan compass deceives the demon leader. My limitless Rune seal can only rebound three times, and it has no ability to destroy the demon leader. So, if you want me to hand over the Tianxuan compass, I don't have it at all. How can I hand it over? "

"Is that true?" At this time, the old man with white beard received the Dharma array.

Chen Yang and song Shuangxue are both in a state of lingering fear.

Chen Yang looked at the old man with white beard and said, "nature is serious!" After he finished, he took the seal out of his chest. He said: "this is my golden light of rebound. Now there is only one force left to rebound. If you don't believe it, take it and see for yourself

Chen Yang knows that he can't escape. He thought that although Wuliang Fuyin is a good thing, it is not more important than Xiaoming.

It's time to be honest.

The old man with white beard took over Chen Yang's wuliangfuyin, and then he used his magic power to explore it.

After a long time, he returned the seal to Chen Yang.

Then the old man with white beard said, "I see!" He then bowed deeply to Chen Yang and said, "young master, I have offended you before. It's our fault, isn't it! Goodbye

Chen Yang saw the disappointment in the old man's eyes.

It can even be said that there is a kind of sadness.

It was the disappointment and sadness after the disillusionment of hope.

Not only the old man with white beard, but also the other old men, including the ape masters, had the same sadness and disappointment in their eyes.

Although Chen Yang didn't communicate with them much, he could guess one or two.

Because he read the memory of the ape man before, and understood that they were really hurt by the leader of the demon man. And now, the demon leader is still catching them everywhere, trying to destroy them all.

This is the disaster of extermination!

But now they have no way to deal with it. They can only watch the demon leader encroach on and persecute their people day by day.

This is the biggest sorrow!

That's why they are so excited when they know they have a dark compass. Will do anything to come out to snatch!"You don't have to worry too much!" Chen Yang suddenly said, "we are here to understand what happened in the famine. Now we know it's the demon leader. Next, we will go to ask the Lord. After that, we will send more experts to deal with the demon leader. You just have to bear with it again! "

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