Chen Yang nodded and said, "that's right." After a pause, he said, "master Tiandu treats me like a father and son, and I gave master Tiandu the emperor's mirror. It is precisely because of this mirror that master Tiandu was destroyed. Yue Guangchen is mean and dirty. As a disciple, I should do something for the dead Master Tiandu. "

Luo Ning said: "you should not blame yourself too much. The emperor's mirror is just a cause. Even if there is no emperor's mirror, the shady world will take action."

"I know that," Chen said

Luo Ning changed the topic and said, "by the way, I'm afraid that you can't get through this after all by making use of that girl song Ning. I don't spend a lot of time with you, but I know you can't be so cruel in your heart. "

"I will try not to hurt song Ning, and I will try to explain it to her if I have a chance afterwards," Chen said

Luo Ning a smile, say: "if you marry her at this point, isn't the best of both worlds?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "I know you have this open-minded, but I don't want to have anyone else between you and me."

Luo Ning light smile, said: "I just casually say, how do you want to do, I respect your decision."

"However, we still need to pretend that we have nothing to do with each other," Chen said

Luo Ning said: "don't worry, I will try to cooperate with you."

That's the topic.

Chen Yang then began to talk about the devil leader. Chen Yang said, "your sword array can't break the demons' soul taking array of the demon leader, can it?"

"If it could be broken, it would have been broken." Luoning also straightened up, she said: "the leader of the demon is called xuanyuanjing. Xuanyuanjing refines the supreme yuan God, and his yuan God comes and goes invisible. The ape was absorbed by many of us in the past. Especially now, in order to become the emperor platinum chop, he did not hesitate to set up the demons Dementor array. This big array can make him use of the spirit of all the demons to make his mana particularly powerful. The big array is built in the magic nest. If the leader of the devil is in the big array, it is almost invincible. So, I really don't have much confidence when you say you want to break xuanyuanjing's demons Dementor array. "

Chen Yang said: "soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth!" He pause, said: "such a huge demon soul taking array, involving thousands of people, there will be a huge loophole."

Luo Ning said: "if you want to find a loophole, you have to go to xuanyuanjing's demons Dementor array. Let's just talk on paper. I'm afraid it won't help! "

Chen Yang said, "you're right. I have an idea. Do you think this will work. Let's pretend to leave the frontier wasteland together and lead xuanyuanjing over. I'll secretly send Chen feirong to check out the demonic Dementor array that day. As long as xuanyuanjing is on our side, Chen feirong will not be in danger. And Chen feirong found out the demons' soul taking array, which is equivalent to my finding out. "

Luo Ning said: "Chen feirong is a spiritual body and xuanyuanjing's favorite nutrition. It's too dangerous for her to get close to the demons' soul taking array. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid you'll regret it. "

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, he said: "what you said is reasonable, and I have to make a good plan."

Ronin nodded.

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

After a long time, Chen Yang was suddenly overjoyed and said, "yes. You muster all the ape men and we'll go to the devil's nest together. Xuanyuanjing if come to entangle, we will deal with him together. There are tens of thousands of ape people. Let's roar together. This roar can also make xuanyuanjing's Yuanshen uneasy. What's more, we have sword formation to deal with him. "

Luo Ning said in a deep voice: "all the ape people gather together. If Xuan Yuanjing comes to absorb the ape people's soul, we will always look after the head and ignore the tail. It's hard to take care of all of them." She pause, said: "however, you said that if we all work together, with a roar of war, maybe this sense of war can really frighten xuanyuanjing."

Chen Yang said: "no matter how powerful the spirit is, it is also a spiritual and material existence after all. I'm sure I'll be afraid of the killing intention. I think it's feasible! "

"But even if we get close to the demons' soul taking array, what can we do?" Said ronin. After a pause, she said: "the array of the demons' soul taking array is exquisite, and it is presided over by xuanyuanjing. Can we break the array by roaring? That's impossible. And if you rush, you're looking for death. Brute force can't break the big array. The magic power in the big array is boundless. "

Chen Yang said: "I don't want to break the demons Dementor array through everyone. I just want to get close to the demons Dementor array and get to know the demons Dementor array. After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles! "

Luo Ning said: "to arouse the masses is to let you understand the great array?"

Chen Yang said, "but there is no better way."

Luo Ning said: "although I am a saint, I can't treat the ape man's life as a joke. We have a long way to go. There are always times when I am tired and slack. At that time, xuanyuanjing doesn't know how many people I will kill. I can't take such a risk just because you want to know about the demon Dementor array. It's not worth it. Besides, you may not be able to understand the demons' soul taking array. Even if you do, it's useless. With our mana, it's hard to break the great array composed of thousands of demons! "Chen Yang said: "all the time, have you never been close to the demons Dementor array?"

Luo Ning nodded and said: "no one dares to get close. The closer you get to the demons Dementor array, the more you can feel the power of the demons Dementor array. Close to the big array, only feel the soul shudder, seems to be involved at any time. So, all the time, no one dares to get close. In fact, he can't get close. Xuanyuanjing wants to absorb people's soul. He will be killed before he gets close. "

Chen Yang said: "I ask you, do we want to kill xuanyuanjing?"

Luoning said: "yes, xuanyuanjing will not die for a day, and the border wasteland will not be peaceful for a day. Moreover, the ape man will be extinct by xuanyuanjing sooner or later

Chen Yang said: "in order to get rid of xuanyuanjing, we must first break the demons' soul taking array. At present, there are only two ways in front of us. The first way is for us to go back and invite the emperor of song to come. However, I estimate that since this heaven demon soul taking array has gathered the power of thousands of demons, even if the emperor of song came, with his own power, it might not be able to break the array. Moreover, if we insist on reporting to the experts, xuanyuanjing will become angry and will kill the ape people wantonly. " After a pause, he said: "the second way is what I just said. Let's get to know about the demons' Dementor array. Although it is a little risky, there will inevitably be the sacrifice of ape people. However, this is everyone's battle for survival. We have no other way out, nor can we go back! "

"Can you guarantee that you will be able to break the demons' soul taking array after you understand it?" Asked ronin.

"I haven't seen this battle. How can I guarantee it?" Chen Yang said: "but I have been in the lost mainland for ten years, and I have learned the secret of the Taiyu scepter. For these arrays and so on, I have your unexpected attainments. Maybe, I can break through this big battle! "

Luo Ning said: "if only we go? Why don't you take the ape people

Chen Yang said: "I don't know much about the demons Dementor array. Do you think we can survive if we get close to the demons Dementor array? Although I have Wuliang runyin cheating xuanyuanjing all the time, I'm worried that when I get to the magic nest, where is his home court, he can send out some attack power at will to crack it. Before, his mana was limited, and I could resist his attack. When I get to the vicinity of the demons' soul taking array, I can't guarantee that I can crack it. "

Ronin fell silent, and she pondered.

Chen Yang did not urge Luoning.

After a long time, Luo Ning said, "once you get close to the demons Dementor array, it's like getting close to the black hole. We can't resist the demons Dementor array!"

"I guess so." Chen Yang said: "although I haven't seen the demons' soul taking array, judging from xuanyuanjing's ferocity, we can roughly guess that we can't cope with the array. Only by relying on the will of all the people and uniting the whole spirit of the big guy to resist the idea of soul taking. "

Later, Chen Yang continued: "now, the only people who can compete with xuanyuanjing are us. If we don't take precautions to send it to our door, xuanyuanjing will do his best to kill us. That's the risk I really dare not take! "

Luo Ning took a deep breath and said, "OK, I'll call several elders to announce this, and I'll try my best to help you. Just try my best. I'm not sure I can make it happen. "

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I'll wait for your good news!"

"It's a matter of great importance," Luo Ning said. "All your hopes are on you. You have to think about it."

Chen Yang said: "life and death, what have I never experienced? Now, there's nothing to be afraid of. "

Then he thought of Chen Luoning's experience. Not to mention those legendary deeds after him, that is, she and he both experienced the unforgettable life and death together.

Ronin said, "well, you go first."

With a smile, Chen Yang suddenly stepped forward and said, "I'm about to get down to business. Now I just want to..." He didn't go on. Instead, he took Luoning's head and kissed her on the lips.

Luo Ning slightly a stay, then, her tongue is pried open by Chen Yang.

Chen Yang drives straight in and kisses Luoning intoxicated.

Luoning was still a little uncomfortable at first, but immediately, she closed her eyes to cooperate with Chen Yang.

This kiss is very mellow, like a cup of strong wine. Luoning never adapt to adapt, after a long time, Chen Yang just lip.

Luoning's face is as red as the rosy clouds in the evening!

She has never been so shy.

But the heart is sweet. Since her childhood, she has always closed her heart and refused to accept anyone. In her heart, she never thought that she would fall in love and get married like a normal woman. And since I met Chen Yang, her calm heart lake has been rippling layer upon layer

Now, the relationship has finally officially blossomed.

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