Chen Yang's pressure on Luo Ning's body, he evil spirit smile, said: "peony flower under death, be a ghost also romantic. I don't want to care about anything now. I just want to eat you. "

Ronin's face was red, and she looked a little drunk. She said, "this is what you ask for. Don't rely on me when it comes to light."

Chen Yang smiles and kisses Luo Ning's red lips.

Ronin closed his eyes.

She has always been a strong woman, but now, she is willing to make a soft finger for Chen Yang.

The night is so beautiful.

Soon, Chen Yang took off Luoning's clothes under the quilt. Luoning is too shy to open her eyes. Chen Yang gently kisses her forehead, nose tip and even every inch of her body.

This night, Chen Yang and Luo Ning enjoyed the tenderness.

Chen Yang feels very comfortable.

For the first time in such a long time, he felt so happy.

Ronin feels the same way.

After a long time, Luoning asked Chen Yang, "you are going to leave tomorrow, aren't you?"

Chen Yang said: "it's estimated that it is. It's all decided by the brothers and sisters of the Song family."

Luo Ning said: "there are still many dangers in your going. I thought, come with you, too. In this way, we have a look after each other, don't you think? "

Chen Yang said: "I think so too. After all, the communication here is too inconvenient. I'm afraid that something will happen suddenly and I can't get in touch with you. Just, I think song Shuangxue is very sensitive. I'm afraid she can smell the difference between you and me. "

If cold says: "killed her eye suddenly?"

Chen Yang immediately laughed bitterly and said, "Why are you so murderous? What do you want to do to kill her? There's nothing wrong with her. Since we practice Taoism, we know the way of heaven, so we'd better not kill for no reason. "

Luo Ning said, "do you want me to go with you or not?"

Chen Yang said, "I want you to go, but you can't come with us. You can come after we're gone. I don't think the gate of Bodhisattva city can stop you, can it? When you get to the Song Emperor city, you leave a mark outside the city master's mansion, and then you can rest in a Ruyue Inn ten miles away. I'll see you then. What do you think? "

Luo Ning slightly a Zheng, afterward a smile, say: "still you think of thoughtful, that do so."

Chen Yang then pressed Luoning under his body, and they had a round of kiss. After the kiss, Chen Yang said softly, "no matter where I go in the future, I will be with you, do you understand?"

Ronin said softly, "well." She is shy in love and not very able to respond to love words. But Chen Yang doesn't care. He knows what she wants. That's enough.

"Well, go to sleep. I'll go back there. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will make song Shuangxue suspicious! " Chen Yang said to Luo Ning.

Ronin nodded.

Then Chen Yang put on his clothes and got out of bed.

Before leaving, he turned around and gave a kiss to Luoning, so that he was reluctant to leave.

Luo Ningge said with a smile: "I can't see that you are such a greasy man!"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes as he left and said, "you can steal the music."

Luo Ning after waiting for Chen Yang to leave, she involuntarily involves the corner of the mouth to smile. She thinks this kind of feeling is very good, the whole body up and down, every pore is so happy, comfortable.

This love, love is really the most magical thing in the world, can make people happy, can let people depend on each other.

After Chen Yang left Luoning's cave, his mood was naturally pleasant. But he soon cleared up his mood, and then he went out of the cave from another exit.

It's still snowing outside.

The north wind is whistling. It's really cold.

Chen Yang rolled a few times in the snow. After he was sure that he would not leave any flavor about Luoning, he felt relieved.

Chen Yang is also thinking, what is this special thing. It's like I'm cheating on song Shuangxue.

Also at this time, Chen feirong jumped out.

She is still such a white shirt, such as snow fairy, such as white fairy.

The little girl looks at Chen Yang.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang smiles and asks Chen feirong in a warm voice.

Chen feirong didn't seem as lively as before. She just asked, "brother Yang, do you really like Luoning?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.

"Is she your wife, too?" Asked Chen feirong.

"Yes Chen Yang said.

"What about me?" Chen feirong asked with a sudden red eye.

"You..." Chen YangZheng wants to speak.

Chen feirong said, "I don't want to be your sister. I'm with you..."

Chen Yang couldn't help coughing. He said with a bitter smile, "you must stop. You and I haven't had any trouble!"Chen feirong's tears suddenly fell down like a thread off bead and said, "brother Yang, how can you say that?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "feirong, I know you are not as simple as you seem. You are actually very smart, otherwise you would not have achieved what you are now. But in my heart, you are my sister. There is no way to change this feeling. I really need you now, and I should coax you. If you leave me now, I'll be in a dilemma. However, if I bend my heart to cheat you because I want you to help me, then I can't do it. I can cheat song Ning, because she is not my family, I can hard under this heart. But for you, I will always be sincere to you. "

He paused and said, "if you can't accept it, then I ask you to read it for the sake of our meeting. Help me finish the Song Dynasty city. Once it's over, you want to go. I won't keep you

"Brother Yang!" Chen feirong was startled. At that moment, her face turned pale. "Brother Yang, I won't say anything. Don't drive me away. You think I didn't say anything After she finished, she immediately turned into a breeze and got into Chen Yang's brain.

She was transformed into pure mana again.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

"Imperial concubine!" Chen Yang called softly.

Chen feirong did not answer.

Chen Yang said, "I know you are listening. Think about it. What's good about being a husband and wife? There are also divorcees and divorcees. But have you ever heard that brother and sister can break up and divorce? Isn't that better? "

Hum, Chen feirong said, "I don't think you can fool me right away? I'll see what you say when I find the right body. "

"You'll be my sister then!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Ignore you." Chen feirong really ignored Chen Yang this time.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved, and then walked into the cave.

He was moved by Chen feirong's care and attachment to himself.

Chen Yang came back to the cave from the main entrance. In the hot spring, many ape people are soaking in it. They go in all the way. There are also ape people dancing and so on.

Finally, Chen Yang came to the stone chamber where song Jinglun lived.

Song Jinglun and others have gone to sleep.

However, as soon as Chen Yang came in, song Jinglun propped up. His injury has been cured, so at this time, song Jinglun sat up, a smile, said: "brother Lin, you come back?"

Chen Yang also a smile, said: "I went out for a walk."

"Everyone has everyone's privacy." Song Jinglun smiles and says, "so brother Lin doesn't have to explain to me, but I absolutely believe in him."

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's late. Let's have a rest earlier."

Song Jinglun said, "you too!"

Then Chen Yang lay down to sleep.

That night, Chen Yang was sleeping soundly.

The next morning, many ape people had a hangover.

After breakfast, they said goodbye to Luoning.

Luoning did not come out of the cave. She asked Gu Jianxi and others to send him off.

The elders of gujianxi are very grateful to Chen Yang, and they warmly send them out ten miles away.

The heavy snow has stopped, and the world is still covered with snow.

Chen Yang then said to gujianxi, "elder Gu, as the saying goes, if you want to send you a thousand miles away, you must say goodbye. Let's come here."

Xibian, the ancient sword, hugged his fist and said, "have a good journey, all of you

Song Jinglun said: "if you are interested, you can come to the city of the Song Emperor. I will treat you warmly!"

Gujianxi said with a smile: "the second young master is a kind-hearted man. If you have a chance, you must go to harass him!"

So they said, and then they waved away.

Gu Jianxi and others watched Chen Yang leave. They didn't turn back until they couldn't see them.

After gujianxi returned to the cave, Luoning summoned gujianxi.

In the hall of the cave, Luo Ning asked Gu Jianxi to take a seat at the stone table.

Gujianxi sat down.

Before Luoning spoke, gujianxi said with a smile, "saint, I guess you want to say goodbye to me now?"

Luo Ning slightly surprised, surprised said: "the ancient elder actually know?"

Gujianxi said with a smile: "I know that young master Lin stayed with you last night. If I hadn't told you, how could the saint and childe Lin be so quiet? "

Luo Ning immediately blushed. She gave a dry cough and said, "his name is Chen Yang instead of Lin Qianshan. I've already made up my mind with him, but I didn't expect that I would meet him here. "

Gu Jianxi said: "there is no need to explain the saint. I have no intention of interfering with your private affairs. Besides, this Lin No, it's Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen was kind-hearted and saved us from fire and water. He is a great benefactor of our ape peopleLuo Ning took a look at the west of the ancient sword and said, "I'm going to let the ancient elder you be the clan leader of the ape man. What do you think of the ancient elder?"

Gujianxi was slightly surprised, and then said: "absolutely not!"

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