Chen Yang returned to his residence! (Note: it was written that it was a clerical error to go back to the main residence)

after returning to the residence, Chen Yang saw that there were bright lights in the residence. There is a festive atmosphere everywhere!

Chen Yang suddenly feels like a dream. He thinks that the day after tomorrow is the wedding day for him and song Ning.

Chen Yang is not willing to think about it. If he thinks too much, he will have a headache and feel sorry for song Ning.

On the third day, everything was going on around the grand wedding. The wedding was held in the Lord's mansion. After that, Chen Yang would marry song Ning to his mansion.

Chen Yang hasn't seen song Ning these three days.

He didn't think much. It all came down to song Ning's shyness. Or the bride has the bride's rules and can't see the groom before getting married.

That night, Chen Yang stayed in his residence.

He doesn't need to worry about anything, but late at night, Chen Yang is a little worried about Luoning. He hasn't seen ronin these two days.

Chen Yang then sent Chen feirong to look for Luoning.

Chen feirong went to Luoning. Of course, she couldn't find Luoning.

After Chen feirong came back, she reported the situation to Chen Yang. Chen Yang was surprised. He knew that Luoning would not leave Ruyue Inn at will.

"What happened?" Chen Yang was worried.

After that, Chen Yang put on a long black shirt, then went out of the mansion and went straight to Ruyue inn.

"Brother Yang, you are so rash to go, not afraid of other people's suspicion?" Chen feirong said immediately.

Chen Yang said: "I can't manage so much. If something has happened to Luoning, it means that I have been targeted."

"But no one came to trouble you. Could it be sister Luoning who went elsewhere?" Asked Chen feirong.

Chen Yang said: "I don't know exactly what happened. So I have to take a look to see what's going on. We can't. everyone else has the cage ready. We have to get in. "

Chen feirong said, "OK!"

Chen Yang's heart is very heavy.

He felt that things were not as calm as they seemed.

In the middle of the night, the north wind is like a knife.

Taking advantage of the night, Chen Yang quickly comes to the outside of Ruyue inn. Chen Yang didn't go in. He felt around with his mana!

Soon, Chen Yang felt that there seemed to be some changes in the atmosphere around him.

There are traces of mana fighting!

There is still a residual smell in the air.

Chen Yang quickly found the scene of Luoning fighting with song Tianjiao, and the ground trace in the scene has been removed. But Chen Yang still found the clue, he can even feel the fierce struggle in the scene.

As soon as Chen Yang closed his eyes, countless fierce sword fighting appeared in his mind!

This is due to Chen Yang's deep mana and keen perception.

However, Chen Yang still can't feel who is fighting with Luoning.

Chen Yang is lost in thought. "Luoning's cultivation is not under me now. Obviously, Luoning has met the enemy. And it's very likely that Luoning has fallen into the hands of the other party, or something unexpected has happened! "

At the thought that Luoning might encounter an accident, Chen Yang's heart surged with great panic.

"I don't think so!" Chen Yang shook his head and said in secret: "although there is a smell of fighting here, there is no smell of blood. Luoning should be OK. Obviously, she didn't get out either. If she ran away, she would come and let me know. In that case, Luoning must have been caught

Chen Yang thought that he was sure Luoning was not dead, and he was relieved.

Then, Chen Yang's thoughts began to clear up.

"There are few people who can capture Luoning alive in the city of emperor song. The emperor of song is OK, but it will never be the emperor of song, because if the emperor of song had known about it, it would not be so calm now, and he would have been called to confront him for a long time. This is the character of the Song Emperor! Now... "

Chen Yang immediately thought of something. "I haven't seen song Ning these days. I thought she didn't meet me because she wanted to get married. Now, since I asked her to ask the Song Emperor about alchemy, she was a little strange. I almost forgot that song Ning was a smart man. At the beginning, Dong Chuan made a mental impression on me, and song Ning had already guessed it. So now, it's likely that song Ning caught Luo Ning. "

"Song Ning's ability naturally can't be grasped. She must be with song Tianjiao. Song Tianjiao's ability is also difficult to capture Luoning alive, but song Tianjiao may have some powerful magic weapon. Now, song Ning and song Tianjiao should have captured Luoning, but song Ning's heart is still with me, and they can't find anything in Luoning. Therefore, song Ning captured Luo Ning, but did not tell the emperor. Because she's afraid the marriage won't work out! "

By this time, Chen Yang's heart was like a mirror.

He is a very clever man. He can guess the truth of that day by relying on some clues and recent events.Chen Yang's mind settles down. He knows that song Ning won't do anything about Luo Ning. He even felt guilty and moved. Now Song Ning is so devoted to himself that he knows that he has plans and concealments. She didn't say anything, and she planned to marry herself.

Now, how can I tell her about Luoning?

How can we get her to let ronin go?

Do you keep cheating on her?

"No, I can't say it yet!" Chen Yang said in secret: "now that the wedding has not been held, the change is too big. When they get married, it's easier for song Ning to compromise. "

Thinking of this, Chen Yang turned around and returned to his residence, and he would not do anything else.

The next day is the wedding day of Chen Yang and song Ning.

The whole city of the Song Dynasty was decorated with lanterns, and the festival reached its climax.

Before Chen Yang got up in the morning, he saw the sound of firecrackers all over the street.

It's more lively than Chinese New Year.

After Chen Yang gets up to wash, he changes into Xifu with the help of housekeeper Ding and servant girl Xiaolan. He is very red and purple, especially happy.

The whole person is also very spiritual!

In the morning, Chen Yang was escorted by the coach of the city Lord's mansion and entered the city Lord's mansion. First, under the guidance of song Jinglun and song Tianjiao, he went to the ancestral hall of the Song family to worship.

Then, it was incense burning, bathing and so on!

All in all, all kinds of red tape.

This is not unusual. After all, the city of the Song Dynasty is still a feudal society. Even in the sunny world, some big families pay attention to the etiquette of marriage is also very cumbersome.

Chen Yang has never seen song Ning.

I don't think the bride will show up easily.

The banquet was going on all the time. In the evening, all the guests arrived one after another.

Because the wedding is in the evening, it can't be held in the daytime, so send the bride and groom into the bridal chamber?

The kings arrived, and some celebrities and gentry from all over the world also came to attend.

The whole city Lord's mansion is extremely busy.

At this time, Chen Yang was guided to pick up song Ning's sedan chair. But from the East, riding with sedan chair, arrived at Weiyang hall.

Outside Weiyang hall, guests gather.

It's dark, the lights are on, and the whole city hall is full of lights.

The sound of firecrackers rocked the sky.

This posture makes Chen Yang feel a little uncomfortable. When he and situ ling'er got married, they were not so busy.

So today, song Ning's heart must be excited and excited, is unforgettable.

Chen Yang thought of song Ning's mood, she is so solemn, the marriage as a real marriage. But my heart is cheating, but it is using.

Chen Yang feels sorry for song Ning.

After kicking the sedan door, Chen Yang leads song Ning into Weiyang hall, and then worships heaven and earth, the emperor of song, tea and so on.

Song Ning fengguanxiashe, her head has been covered by that Xiashe, also can't see her face.

After that, song Ning was supposed to be sent to Chen Yang's residence, and then the banquet here officially began. But song Ning himself uncovered Xiashe, her face a Jiaohong, but it has the color of women do not let men. She said: "Dad, many uncles are here today. I'd like to propose a toast to them with my husband."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was slightly stunned. Then he laughed and said, "that's very good. My sons and daughters of the Song family should be so heroic!"

Although this action is not quite in line with the rules, it makes people feel that song Ning really has an indescribable heroism and heroism.

She is so beautiful, beautiful and generous. This makes all the guests, as long as they are men, envy Chen Yang's good fortune and marry such a woman.

Chen Yang also thought that if he was a simple person, he would not have so much past and hatred. He is sure to have a good life with song Ning, but unfortunately, fate makes people!

Then, the toast begins!

Chen Yang and song Ning first toasted the princes. After the toast, the emperor of song ate and drank with the princes. Later, song Ning and Chen Yang toasted them.

Song Shuangxue has a profound meaning, but he says sincerely: "little sister, I wish you and your brother-in-law have a noble son early, grow old, love and never quarrel!"

Later, she said, her eyes were red.

Song Ning is strong, she smile, said: "four elder sister, elder sister, second brother, third brother, you can rest assured, my husband and I will be together." After a pause, she asked Chen Yang, "husband, what do you say?"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "of course!"

He smiles on his lips, but his heart is mixed. This play, however, is getting worse and worse.

The reason why song Ning wants to do this today is that she doesn't give her a chance to step back!

If she was wearing Xiahe, no one would recognize her. But today, she and herself are so public. If one day, he negative her, the rest of her life will be destroyed.She is so willful, so affectionate

At this time, song Shuangxue said to Chen Yang meaningfully, "brother-in-law, we don't care what you have before, but we hope you can treat your little sister well in the future and don't let her down. Otherwise, we will not spare you. "

Her words are meaningful, but song Shuangxue knows that Chen Yang will understand what it means.

Chen Yang light said: "four elder sister rest assured!"

Song frost snow heart suddenly a sour, in front of Lin Qianshan is such a jade tree in front of the wind, is so indifferent and elegant, her heart of this a sour, unconsciously emerge, even she don't know what is for.

Maybe I think of his warm and powerful arms when he was in the wilderness?

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