Chen Yang's eyes became more complicated. He seemed to have feelings and said, "I've had too many things to endure in recent years. If we didn't have to bear it, we would end up with those who should be killed one by one. Today, if I have to endure even a traitor who deceives my teacher and destroys my ancestors, I will despise myself. "

It's not that I didn't think of the consequences, it's not that I didn't know how to endure.

Chen Yang knows that as long as he and song Ning get married smoothly. In the future, he secretly killed Yue Guangchen. Even if the emperor song knew it, he would not really blame it. Chen Yang knows all this!

However, at that moment, his anger and grievance burst out.

There is no way to endure Chen Tianya. If you can't bear it, you will die, or you will die in vain!

I can't bear Chen Yihan, because there is no room for resistance.

Even Dong Chuan, he has to endure.

But why do I have to endure even one Yue Guangchen?

When he got here, he only had the word "outbreak" in his heart.

Chen Yang doesn't want to endure any chance of fighting.

His character, usually looks calm, but in fact is a very happy person. What he likes is to be shirtless, eat big meat, drink big wine and kill people with big knives in the heavy snow!

That's fast! Fast!

Song Shuangxue and others know something about Yue Guangchen. They can't be unaware of what song Ning knows. They also despise Yue Guangchen.

For a moment, song Shuangxue can't hate Chen Yang.

Such a man is the real man, the real man!

Even in Song Tianjiao's heart, he appreciated Chen Yang.

What about song Ning?

Her husband in mind is really complete, flesh and blood up.

Before that a trace can not be polished into can be polished.

She finally understands why Chen Yang has been interested in alchemy and so on. It turns out that he just wants to kill Yue Guangchen.

At this time, song Tianjiao said to Chen Yang, "let go of my little sister, and you will go back with us to see my father." After a pause, she said, "you and your little sister have been married. It's not that there's no way out."

"No way." Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I know very well in my heart that today's events have made the emperor of song lose face. He is angry in his heart. He must kill me to sacrifice the flag, and give an account to the distinguished guests present. "

Song Tianjiao couldn't help saying.

Chen Yang continued: "don't try to persuade me. I have no other requirements now. You can rest assured that I will not hurt Ning'er. I have only one request to release luo'ning. As long as you let Luoning go, I'll let Ninger go at once. "

Song Tianjiao didn't say much. She said, "after all, you saved my second younger brother and fourth younger sister. Today I give you this favor. Now you let my little sister go. I promise you that I will let Luoning go! "

That song Jinglun was stunned, because he didn't know everything.

"Well, I'm sure it's hard to catch up with what you say." Chen Yang immediately let song Ning go.

Song Ning looks at Chen Yang, but she doesn't say a word.

Chen Yang also looks at Song Ning, his eyes flashed the color of guilt, said: "Ning Er, I'm sorry, I now in addition to tell you I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to tell you."

"You don't have to say anything!" Song Ning said, "I have already worshipped you. Our wedding ceremony has been completed. You can't deny that I am your wife."

Chen Yang said, "I'm sorry!" He didn't want to say any more, he turned around and left.

"If you don't take me, ronin won't let me go." Song Ning closely followed Chen Yang, she said: "if you let me go back to the house, the first thing I do is tell my father, let him kill Luo Ning."

"You..." Chen Yang is helpless. He grabs song Ning's jade hand, then turns to song Tianjiao and says, "as long as I see Luoning, I will give Ning'er back immediately."

Later, Chen Yang left the scene with song Ning.

"Second brother!" After Chen Yang and song Ning leave, song Tianjiao shouts song Jinglun.

When song Jinglun came back to himself, he called out, "elder sister!"

"Don't tell Dad about Luoning!" Song Tianjiao explained.

Song Jinglun said, "I know, elder sister. Anyway, Chen Yang is a real man, and he treats me and my fourth sister with a life-saving grace. I should help him anyway. "

Chen Yang took song Ning far away, and finally stopped at a remote farmhouse. Ahead is a lake!

Song Ning rarely has such a long journey, but she is very stubborn and follows Chen Yang without saying a word. Finally, Chen Yang thought she was a little slower, so he said, "I'll carry you on my back."

Song Ning immediately got on Chen Yang's back.

Between heaven and earth, it was dark.

Chen Yang and song Ning stopped by the lake. What about the bridegroom's or the bride's standard dress. Chen Yang takes off his red wedding dress and wants to put it on Song Ning.Song Ning immediately refused, she said: "you have to wear, today is our wedding day."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then he said in a deep voice: "I have a wife long ago. I came here to kill Yue Guangchen. So, I can't really do anything with you. "

Song Ning was stunned. She couldn't come back for a long time. Then she fell silent.

Chen Yang continued: "I'm not a walking poet at all. All the poems I read to you come from the outside world and I copied them. So, I have never been Lin Qianshan that you think. I am not your lover

He pauses and says, "I know what I've done today is embarrassing. All I can say to you is "sorry."

"Is your wife ronin?" Song Ning suddenly asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

Song Ning immediately stood up and said, "I'll let my father kill her right away!" She was about to leave.

Where can Chen Yang allow? He stops song Ning's way.

Song Ning looked up at Chen Yang and said in a cold voice, "why, are you going to kill me?"

Chen Yang said: "I won't kill you, but if you dare to kill Luoning, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

He said this sentence.

Song Ning's eyes suddenly turned red. She turned her head, but she didn't want Chen Yang to see her weakness. "So, you've always used me, and you don't have the slightest sincerity, do you?"

"You can think so." Chen Yang feels that he can't connect with song Ning any more, so he just says ruthlessly.

Song Ning is about to run away, and Chen Yang grabs her.

"Let go!" Song Ning suddenly roars at Chen Yang, and her look at Chen Yang is full of hatred. Her eyes were red with blood!

"When ronin is safe, I'll let you go." Chen Yang said coldly.

"It's ironic, ha ha!" Song Ning will no longer struggle, she sneered at the head of the Phoenix crown thrown out, the body of Xifu also took off.

Chen Yang looks at Song Ning in pain, and his heart is extremely sorry.

However, he remained cruel and didn't say anything.

"Chen Yang, I will make you regret, I will!" Song Ning suddenly said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "whatever you want!"

Next, song Ning never paid attention to Chen Yang.

She is neither noisy nor noisy.

Two hours later, Chen Yang met Luoning smoothly.

Song Tianjiao comes here alone with Luo Ning. Although this place is not agreed, song Tianjiao can still shine on it. This is why Chen Yang did not deliberately avoid it. He deliberately left a breath for song Tianjiao to find.

Luoning's mental state is not bad, and has not been wronged.

When Chen Yang and Luo Ning met, they both had mixed feelings.

Luoning already knows that Chen Yang has killed Yue Guangchen at the wedding scene.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang stood side by side with Luoning. Then Chen Yang said to song Tianjiao, "the green mountains will not change, the green waters will flow. I'll see you in the world some day! "

Song Tianjiao also took song Ning by hand. When she saw Chen Yang saluting, she hugged her fist and said, "brother Chen, it's not peaceful to go all the way. Take care of yourself!"

"Thank you very much." Chen Yang said with a faint smile.

"In the future, there will be a battle between many masters in the shady world and the sunny world!" Song Tianjiao said in a deep voice, "if brother Chen is willing to stay with Miss Luoning and be loyal to my father, I'd like to keep you safe with all my life!"

Chen Yang said: "elder sister is a person who will practice what she says. I can trust her promise. However, since we are people in the sunny world, we should do our best for the sunny world in the future. As the saying goes, "the way is different. We'll leave you alone."

"It seems that we will inevitably have a war in the future." Song Tianjiao sighed!

Chen Yang then takes another look at Song Ning, but song Ning ignores Chen Yang and does not look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sighed a little. He didn't say much, so he turned to leave with Luo Ning.

After Chen Yang and Luo Ning walked out, it was still dark.

"The great revenge has been avenged!" Luoning smile, said: "why do you seem not very happy? Is she reluctant to give up the girl song Ning? "

Chen Yang sighed a little and said, "most of my life is a happy life. I can be merciless to the enemy. But song Ning is not the enemy. If it wasn't for her today, it would be hard for me to escape. She makes me feel guilty, but now, she probably hates me to the bone

Luo Ning understood Chen Yang's mood and said, "it's impossible. Now that it has happened, we can only do so. "

Chen Yang nodded, and then he said, "don't worry, I won't feel sorry for this for long. Because we have more important things to do. "

Ronin said, "that's right! It's time for us to go back to the sunny world. "

Chen Yang said: "now how to go back is still a problem. When I came here, I came in by ghost bus. Now I don't know how to get out. " After a pause, he asked ronin, "and you?"Luo Ning said: "I came in from a snow mountain corridor on the other side of Kunlun mountain. The entrance of that corridor will appear once every month at noon. When I came in, I was in the wilderness. "

Chen Yang said, "are we going to go to the frontier now?"

"I've marked that exit, and we can really get out of there," said ronin

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