Lin Qingxue chuckled and said, "you just said I'm not young. Now you say I'm young."

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, he found that he is some concern is chaos. However, he said seriously: "no matter what, I must be involved in your life affairs. The elder brother is like a father. Your brother is gone. I have to guard for you now. "

When Lin Qingxue heard Chen Yang mention her brother, her eyes suddenly darkened.

Her memory and the appearance of her brother's immature, later many times, she will see his brother in a dream. But when I heard the news again, my brother had already died in battle. This is an absolutely sad thing!

But fortunately, there is no brother. But the elder brother arranged for Chen Yang to take care of himself.

"Well, brother, I'll listen to you." Lin Qingxue then said.

Chen Yang nodded with satisfaction. In fact, he felt guilty. If he didn't drive Lin Nan to leave, Lin Nan would not commit suicide.

After that, Chen Yang thought of something and said, "by the way, Qingxue, in a few days, after I'm gone, you can do something for me."

Lin Qingxue said immediately, "what's the matter?"

Chen Yang said, "when I came in just now, I saw Lao Xia. Lao Xia is a good person. He used to treat me very well. I think he is old, and I heard that he still has two sons in his family, which is a heavy burden. You give him a million in my name. As for the money, I'll give it to you then. "

"Turn what turn?" Lin Qingxue immediately said: "if you give it to me, I will not recognize you as a brother. Isn't that a million? "

Chen Yang smiles.

Lin Qingxue said: "I also know that you have a good relationship with Captain Xia, so you have taken good care of him this year. His salary has also increased a lot. "

Chen Yang said, "that's good."

Lin Qingxue said, "are you hungry now? Let's go to a place to have a drink, a snack and a chat."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Before going out, Lin Qingxue went to the bathroom first.

Chen Yang takes advantage of this opportunity to make a phone call to Su Qing, saying that he will make an appointment at the ghost themed bar in the evening. Su Qing said, "don't worry. I'll arrange it for you."

Chen Yang a smile, then said: "I will talk more with Qingxue, you don't wait for me."

Su Qing said, "OK."

After that, Chen Yang Hung up again, and then called Shen monong.

Shen Mo Nong asked with a smile: "how about returning to his hometown in honor? Does it feel good?"

Chen Yang said: "it's good to see old friends. But I need you to do me a favor

"Oh, what's up?" Shen asked.

When Chen Yang was about to say something, he thought of something and said, "how's the trouble over there?"

Shen Molong said: "it's OK for the time being. Don't worry, it can't collapse. You've been away so long, haven't we all been fine? "

There's a point in that!

The earth, apart from anyone, actually turns around.

Chen Yang said, "Binhai belongs to Haibei Province, right?"

Shen said, "yes, do you want to ask me that too?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "my sister, Lin Qingxue, do you know?"

"How can I not know that you came back to the seaside just for her." Shen said.

Chen Yang said, "well, there is a man named Xue Wanshan in the provincial team in Haibei. You help me check him. He has a son named Xue Gang, who is very arrogant. When I look at Laozi from my son's point of view, I feel that Laozi is not a good bird. Go and check Xue Wanshan to see if he has any problems? "

"It's not very good, and we can't abuse our power," Shen said

Chen Yang said discontentedly, "what is abuse of power? Xue Wanshan's son is abuse of power. He doesn't know how many bad things he has done behind his back. Now I'm still clinging to Qingxue. If I don't deal with this matter well, I don't know what madness he will have. Besides, if Xue Wanshan is clean, what can we do to him? "

Shen said, "well, I'm kidding you. Don't take it seriously. I'll arrange it right away and have it checked

Chen Yang said: "also, I have to give them in the Binhai side to re weave their relationship network. You send someone over tomorrow. I'd like to invite the head over here to dinner

Shen monong had a headache, but she couldn't refuse Chen Yang, so she said, "well, I'll do these two things for you by the way. You will be contacted tomorrow. "

"Thank you." Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong said, "come on, you're welcome with me." She paused and said, "but to tell you the truth, I don't like doing these things very much. I always feel that they interfere with other people's normal procedures."

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, I can solve other things myself. It's just for the sake of clearing snow that I'll come to you. "Shen said, "well, that's it."

Then Chen Yang and Shen monong hang up.

It's not surprising that Shen Molong hesitated. After all, Shen is a key confidential person, she is a very rule-abiding person. I don't like doing things that deviate from her rules. But Chen Yang spoke, and she couldn't refuse.

Around five in the afternoon, in the sunshine cafe. Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue are shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun. They sit by the window, drinking coffee and eating snacks. This afternoon is very pleasant.

Lin Qingxue is very interested in Chen Yang's method of hypnotizing Xue Gang, so she asks.

"Do you want to be hypnotized, too?" Chen Yang asks Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue said curiously: "I have heard of hypnosis, but in my impression, hypnosis is a very difficult thing. Absolutely quiet environment and so on. But it's incredible that you can hypnotize people with a dozen fingers. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "do you want to try?"

Lin Qingxue nodded in anticipation.

Chen Yang said: "when I ask you anything, you will answer it honestly."

Lin Qingxue blushed and said, "forget it."

Chen Yang said: "look at your reaction, is there any secret I'm afraid to know?"

"Of course!" Lin Qingxue said: "I'm a girl. Girls certainly have girls' secrets."

Chen Yang thinks so.

"Where have you been for more than a year?" Lin Qingxue then asked. She continued: "I remember when we left Yanjing, you said that we wanted to enter the realm of God. Are you in yet? "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I'm in."

"And your wife?" Lin Qingxue asked bravely.

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly darkened, he said: "she's OK."

Lin Qingxue then saw that Chen Yang didn't want to talk about this topic, so she stopped talking about it now.

Just then, Lin Qingxue's phone rang.

"It's Qingqing. She must have arrived in Foshan." Lin Qingxue takes out her mobile phone and says happily.

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After Lin Qingxue gets through the phone, Chen Yang can hear Tang Qingqing's lively voice across a table.

Two people soon ended the call, Lin Qingxue said to Chen Yang: "Qingqing will come soon."

"Is her boyfriend here?" Chen Yang asked.

Lin Qingxue said: "that's not a boyfriend. It's just that they like each other." She paused and said, "but he's here too. It's said that he's too sticky."

Chen Yang smiles.

About ten minutes later, Tang Qingqing and a young man came in. The young man was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. He was dressed in a suit. He was very tall and well proportioned. It can be said that it is elegant and graceful.

Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue got up to greet each other.

Tang Qingqing is wearing a red skirt. It looks like a very beautiful rose.

And it's the dynamic one.

She is so bright!

When Tang Qingqing saw Chen Yang, he hit him on the shoulder and said, "you are still alive. I haven't seen you for more than a year, and I've never seen you call us."

Chen Yang smile, said: "all talk about friends, how can you still not so formal, want some ladies to know?"

Tang Qingqing stared and said, "who said I talked about friends? Besides, I'm just like this. If I can't stand it, I can go! " When she said this, she glanced at the young man beside her.

That youth pour is good spirit degree, just light a smile, then say: "green green, you help us introduce."

Tang Qingqing then said: "this is my ultimate good sisters, Lin Qingxue, President Lin. This is my good friend, Chen Yang. "

Then she introduced the young man to Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue. "This is the son of my father's comrade in arms, Lingguang Takeda."

Takeda Lingguang immediately shakes hands with Lin Qingxue. He looks at Lin Qingxue's eyes differently. "Hello, Miss Lin, I've heard your name a long time ago."

Out of politeness, Lin Qingxue shakes hands with Takeda Lingguang and points out.

After that, Takeda Lingguang didn't shake hands with Chen Yang, just nodded his head and said, "Hello!"

Facing Chen Yang, Takeda Lingguang inadvertently showed a trace of pride.

Chen Yang didn't like it, but said strangely, "well, isn't Mr. Takeda a Chinese?"

"I'm an island citizen, my father is Chinese, but my mother is an island citizen," he said. I grew up on the island. I follow my mother's family name

Speaking of these, Takeda Lingguang involuntarily revealed a sense of pride in his words.

There is nothing to blame. Takeda regards himself as an Islander, and he is indeed an Islander. It's normal for him to be proud of his country.Therefore, Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue feel nothing wrong.

So is Tang Qingqing.

"It's not suitable to eat here. Let's find a place to eat." Then, Lin Qingxue proposed.

Naturally, Chen Yang and Tang Qingqing agreed with each other, and Lingguang Takeda said nothing.

After that, they found a Sichuan restaurant.

There is no elegant room in this Sichuan restaurant. The seating facilities are similar to that of a western restaurant, with screen partition.

When seated, Takeda Lingguang naturally wants to sit with Tang Qingqing. But Tang Qingqing said, "I'll sit with Chen Yang."

Lin Qingxue's face turned red. She said in her heart, "if you sit with Chen Yang, then I'm not going to sit with Lingguang Takeda. Are you such a pit elder sister?"

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