Shen said: "the second record is that Wen Tianzhun fought with others and was finally detained by the administration."

Chen Yang asked, "who did he fight with?"

"A 36 year old man," Shen said

"Why the fight?" Chen Yang asked. He then said, "is this man going to be the leader of a terrorist organization in the future?" "That's what I asked," Shen said. He said the man would not be the leader of the terrorist organization, but he would kill a family of four that night. The wife of the family of four is his lover, but this wife has broken up with him. He was very angry and wanted to kill them all. That night, if he was allowed to kill successfully, it would lead to the escape of a little boy in that family. However, the little boy was hidden in the closet, where he saw all this. After that, the little boy will grow into an anti human genius. The little boy will be admitted to Harvard University at the age of seventeen. At the age of twenty-two, he began to develop weapons for the military of M country. At the age of thirty-one, the team led by him produced lethal weapons 100 times more powerful than hydrogen bombs, and destroyed the whole earth civilization in the Third World War. So, that day, he stopped the man from killing. Both of them were detained for half a month for street fighting. Just half a month later, the family of four moved away and escaped the disaster. It also avoids the birth of an antisocial personality genius. "

"That's a good way to pull!" After hearing this, Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "whatever he says about the things that didn't happen. We can't define right or wrong. "

Shen said: "the third incident is similar to this. I won't tell you about it one by one. He said that a South American butterfly flapping its wings, how can it cause a tornado on the west coast of the United States? In fact, this is a chain reaction in topology, that is, chaos. You think, a butterfly in the tropical rainforest of South America, flapping its wings will affect the air flow around it. This weak air flow will cause a larger range of air changes and react with other ecosystems. After such a series of chain reactions, this subtle change is likely to eventually lead to a huge impact on another system Change. That is to say, the chain reaction of a butterfly flapping its wings is enough to create a tornado

Chen Yang said: "no matter what Wen Tianzhun said is true or false, this man does have a lot of eccentricities." Then he asked Shen, "what trouble did he bring to you later?"

"Later, he predicted a few things with us," Shen said. For example, there will be a series of traffic accidents somewhere in Yanjing, for example, a stock will rise sharply, and so on. He is very accurate

"It doesn't seem like any trouble." Chen Yang said.

But later, he began to tell us to do things. For example, he would say that in Mordor, a young man would run a red light and cause traffic chaos. Then, in the traffic chaos, a child will survive. This kid is going to be an antipersonalized genius in some way. Then, we let the traffic police go, and there was a traffic accident, even the traffic police died in it. After that, a child really survived. He asked us to kill the child. This is very embarrassing, because we don't know if this child will really harm human society in the future. "

"What did you do after that?" Chen Yang asked.

"That child is under our strict control," Shen said. Wen Tian will say some things every day, and every thing is alarmist. But every time he says something, it will happen in a few hours or a few days. " After a pause, she said: "we started to check whether Wen Tianzhun had any shady hands behind the scenes, but the final display was that he had no connections at all and could not instigate so many things to happen. At this time, we don't understand whether this guy really has such a prophetic ability or a huge conspiracy. I want to ask you to help because I know you are a very smart person. Maybe you can tell. "

Chen Yang pondered and said, "according to what you're saying, if Wen Tian is not a prophet, then he can plan so many things without knowing it. Well, he's a terrible terrorist. But what is the purpose of all this? Didn't you ask him why he wanted to see you so much? "

"We asked, but he didn't," Shen said. The only thing he said was that he was too tired to ask us to do business. Because of looting, too many things are going to happen. It's a shortcut to find us, and he doesn't have to break the law. "

Chen Yang said, "there is some truth in what he said."

Shen monong said: "we are now made suspicious by this guy, just like a frightened bird. Many people don't know whether to kill them secretly or what. He's bluffing, but obviously we can't be his tools. So we have to investigate the possibility of things, whether it is natural disaster or man-made disaster. But these things seem to have happened unintentionally. There is no conspiracy behind them. ""Does he have any accomplishments?" Chen Yang asked.

Shen said: "during the day, he is not sleepwalking. I can see him through. I know that he has no accomplishments, but at night, I feel that this guy is unpredictable and can't understand at all. "

Chen Yang said: "everything seems to happen without trace. But there will be a motive and a purpose behind it. I believe that even if he is the reincarnation of the way of heaven, it is his purpose to disturb you this time. "

"Now I just don't know whether the purpose he said is true or not," Shen said

"It's not that simple," Chen said He paused and said, "well, let's meet him now. I want to see the difference between before and after he sleepwalks

"Good," Shen said "I'll call Yuan Chu," she continued

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

Later, Shen Molong called Yuan Xingyun.

The two sides agreed to meet in a mental hospital.

After that, Chen Yang and Shen monong get out of the house and get off the elevator. "Stop driving. Let's walk or take the subway."

Chen Yang is still worried about the traffic jam.

Shen said: "the location to the mental hospital is very remote. It won't be so traffic jam."

"All right." Chen Yang said.

This time it's still Shen Molong driving. Chen Yang sits on the co pilot and starts to think about it.

Chen Yang thought over and over for a long time, but he didn't come up with a reason.

Later, Chen Yang simply didn't want anything. Driving all the way out, it's a little slow in the city, but when it comes to the suburbs, it's unimpeded.

An hour later, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yang and Shen monong arrived at the mental hospital.

Yuan Xingyun just arrived by car.

It's snowy outside. No one has driven in yet. Chen Yang saw yuan Xingyun dressed in a Chinese tunic and wearing sunglasses. The boss of Guoan looks like a big boss in the secular world. But no one can imagine that his identity is not so simple.

When Chen Yang sees yuan Xingyun, he will think of her mysterious elder martial brother. The elder martial brother didn't feel anything at that time. Now I think about it, but I'm afraid. At that time, senior brother Changyun was in the ninth place.

"Director yuan, long time no see." Chen Yang smiles when he meets yuan Xingyun.

When Yuan Xingyun saw Chen Yang, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes and said, "I haven't seen you for a short time. Chen Yang, your accomplishments are immeasurable. I can't see through you at all. I'm really afraid of you

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Yuan Chu is very polite."

Yuan Xingyun said, "I think you'd better call me Lao yuan. I'll feel more friendly."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

This is the reality. In the past, Chen Yang called Lao yuan only in private. Because his accomplishments are not as good as Yuan Xingyun, but now he can be called Lao yuan.

The two sides exchanged greetings for a while, and then entered the mental hospital together.

In front of the mental hospital is a garden, which is very open. In fact, all around the mental hospital is very empty.

Yanjing has been snowing these days, so the garden is also a piece of snow. There are several patients chatting in the snow. It seems that they are all normal.

Moreover, here, Chen Yang did not dare to look at people with abnormal eyes. Because mental patients are very sensitive whether they are in the normal or abnormal stage.

Chen Yang also knows that most mental patients are subjected to very strong stimulation, which eventually leads to brain wave confusion and so on, which leads to behavioral disorders. Of course, there are also congenital brain cell disorder, the kind of born is dementia, or a fool.

As soon as Chen Yang and his wife stepped on the steps, President Hong Jinbo met them.

"This is..." When Hong Jinbo met Chen Yang, he was surprised. Because it's always Shen and Yuan Xingyun who come here. When Chen Yang, a stranger, came here today, he thought, does this young man have a special background or ability?

Shen monong immediately said, "Dean Hong, this is my friend. He does some research on ghosts and spirits, so let's let him see Wen Tianzhun! "

Hong Jinbo immediately said, "that's just right. I'll take you to see Wen Tianzhun."

Chen Yang light smile, said: "thank you."

Then the three followed Hong Jinbo into the house. First to the second floor, then from the corridor all the way to the edge.

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