Chen Yang left the place quickly with Shen Moneng and Wen Tianzhun.

In the night, Shen was worried and said, "if you kill these people, will you get into trouble?" Chen Yang didn't care much and said, "the black robed ancestor is the leader of the secret sect. I killed all the leaders. What are you afraid of?"

Wen Tian said coldly, "you are wrong. This time, Yinyue Lama, the great master of Tantrism, came. In addition, the three first disciples of the Yinyue Lama, the nameless ancestor and the black robed ancestor, are dead, but another one is alive. He is with the Yinyue Lama. This first disciple is called Xuehe Laozu. His cultivation is better than the nameless and heipao Laozu. What's more, the Xuehe Laozu has a very powerful magic weapon in his hand. It's called Jingyuan Shendan. It's extremely lethal. "

Wen Tianzhun said, "now you should know how important the magic weapon is in your level. Without this bloody Weiyang sword, you can't break the black robed ancestor's demon flag. The Zhaoyao banner and Jingyuan Shendan were given by the Yinyue Lama. You can imagine how powerful the Yinyue Lama's own magic weapon is. "

Chen Yang suddenly felt a little headache, he said: "what magic weapon does the Yinyue Lama have?"

Wen Tianzhun said: "the magic weapon of Yinyue Lama is called the little destiny book!"

"Little destiny book? What is this? " Chen Yang is not surprised. When he was lost in the mainland, he once performed the great destiny. He knows something about the great destiny, which is a very deep magic, the great forbidden curse. But what is the magic weapon of this little destiny book?

Wen Tianzhun said: "it is said that in the depths of the universe, there is a great destiny book. The great destiny book records the fate of the universe. The little destiny book is to change your temporary destiny through infinite magic power. Once the temporary change is successful, your life will be changed. This is the little destiny book. The Yinyue Lama holds the little destiny book. Once you fight him, if he changes your destiny through the little destiny book, you may die on the spot. There is no escape, no escape. "

Chen Yang said: "what you said is so mysterious. According to what you said, am I not dead now?" Wen Tianzhun said: "the little destiny book really has this ability. I'm not threatening you with empty words. It doesn't do me any good to scare you. The most important thing now is not to let the Yinyue Lama know that we killed the black robed ancestors. Otherwise, your troubles are endless. "

Chen Yang said: "I'm afraid it's difficult. Those three people must have known that I killed the ancestor of black robe."

"The three of them are also greedy. They didn't dare to talk about it to anyone. " Wen Tianzhun said: "next, as long as you don't easily use the Lixue Weiyang sword, don't take out the two commandments and the things inside. The Yinyue Lama can't find out that you did it. "

"You can't use the sword of Lixue Weiyang?" Chen Yang feels a little tricky.

Wen Tianzhun said, "you killed the black robed ancestor. Lei Guang is amazing. If the bloody Weiyang sword comes out, with the wisdom of the Yinyue Lama, can you guess that you did it? "

Chen Yang said: "you may meet Chen Yihan here. If you don't need to use the sword, it's like binding your feet. No, I have to go back and destroy the bodies of those lamas. In this way, there is no way for the Yinyue Lama to investigate. "

Wen Tianzhun pondered for a moment and said, "then you have to hurry, because the Yinyue Lama may be near here."

Chen Yang then felt the urgency of the matter, he immediately said: "you are here for me, I will come."

Wen Tianzhun and Shen monong nodded.

Chen Yang immediately returned to the past, he had not gone far, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the silver gray moonlight shone on the bodies of the lamas.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He quickly came to the body of the black robed ancestor.

"How to destroy it?" Chen Yang thought a little, then laughed bitterly and said in secret: "these people have done many evil things before they died, but they didn't expect that they would be frustrated by me after they died."

"Brother Yang, someone is here!" At this time, Chen feirong suddenly shouts in Chen Yang's mind.

Chen Yang is about to use the thunder light of Lixue Weiyang sword to destroy the corpses of these people. Chen feirong suddenly reminds Chen Yang, and Chen Yang is immediately surprised.

He immediately stopped pulling out the sword of Lixue Weiyang, and hid the Jie Xumi in his pocket.

It's an instinctive act.

Because at this moment, Chen Yang felt that the person who came should be the Yinyue Lama. Only then such master suddenly appears, can let oneself not feel.

Besides, the Yinyue Lama should be looking for these people.

Chen Yang is cautious, but he wants to hide everything that may be exposed.

Chen Yang's brain is turning very fast. He can predict the possible danger in the quickest time. Of course, Chen Yang is also a reckless man. He mostly does things according to his preferences. He will not stop doing things for fear of offending others.

For example, when he killed heipao Laozu, he thought there would be trouble. But he did not expect that the trouble was so big.However, even if he knew that there would be such a big trouble, he would kill heipao Laozu according to the situation at that time. For one thing, the practices of the black robed ancestors are too cruel. Second, the black robed ancestors have shown their swords.

Chen Yang immediately pretended to search for things on the black robed ancestor. While searching, he scolded and kneaded and said, "Damn, I thought there would be some good magic weapon on these dead people. It's really bad luck to know that there is nothing in them."

He then stood up, scolding kneading ready to leave.

Just then, a voice came from behind. "Benefactor, stay!"

Chen Yang suddenly startled, he turned around, suspicious way: "who, who is talking?" At this time, there was fear in his eyes.

In the rear, a red Lama appeared.

"Damn, it's the ancestor of Xuehe!" Chen Yangchang breathed a sigh of relief. What he thought in his heart was that this guy was red. Red must be the ancestor of Xuehe.

This is Chen Yang's first judgment.

Of course, Chen Yang is not 100% sure. So he went on pretending.

The red Lama looks like he's in his fifties. His eyes are cold.

"Benefactor, shouldn't you explain something to me?" The red Lama came forward. He said: "I came here to find that several younger martial brothers died miserably, and you suddenly appeared here, benefactor. The death of my younger martial brothers must have something to do with you, benefactor?"

This red Lama is really the ancestor of Xuehe!

After he came, he found that his younger martial brother died miserably. Originally, the ancestor of Xuehe was angry and sad. At this time, he felt that someone was coming, so he immediately hid away.

Chen Yang heard that the red Lama claimed that these people were younger martial brothers, and he was completely sure that this guy was the ancestor of Xuehe.

The ancestor of Xuehe stares at Chen Yang and wants to see some clues from him.

Chen Yang looked around and said, "are these your younger martial brothers?"

"That's right," he said

Chen Yang asked, "how did they die?"

The ancestor of Xuehe said, "this is what I want to ask you. Do you still want to play the fool? "

"What am I pretending to be crazy or selling stupid?" Chen Yang said: "when I came here, I heard that there was a big baby here. When I saw that there seemed to be a corpse here, I wanted to pick up the baby. I don't know. I didn't find anything

The ancestor of Xuehe said, "is that true?"

Chen Yang said, "what else? Didn't I kill them? If I kill them, what else can I do? "

Father Xuehe was lost in thought.

Chen Yang said: "besides, I have all my martial arts, but I have no magic power. Where am I your opponent? If you don't kill me, I can still kill you? "

"Since you are not a practitioner, why do you come here?" Blood River old ancestor asks.

Chen Yang's mana comes from Chen feirong, so as long as he doesn't use it, outsiders can't see it.

Chen Yang said: "maybe you don't know that I'm a blood demon. All my mana will turn into combat power. All these years, I have been unable to gather the fruits of Tao, so I want to meet the fate here. "

"Blood demon blood?" Doubts flashed in the eyes of Blood River ancestor.

Chen Yang said, "don't you believe it?"

Blood River ancestor said: "your blood surging exuberant, different from ordinary people, it seems that you did not lie in front of the poor monk."

Chen Yang gave a dry smile and said, "I'm also arrogant. If it wasn't for you, you are the generation of great powers, I would not have answered so honestly. The only thing I can guarantee is that the death of your younger martial brothers has nothing to do with me, and I have no ability to kill them. " He paused and said, "I don't know if I can leave now?"

The ancestor of Xuehe said, "no!"

Chen Yang suddenly turned his eyes and said, "why not?"

The elder ancestor of Xuehe said, "my brothers died miserably. I'm not happy in my heart. Benefactor, you just appear here. I have to kill one person to vent my hatred."

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "you and I have no injustice or hatred. You will kill me just because you are not happy in your heart?"

Xuehe said: "if you are lucky enough to have a dialogue with our ancestors, you should be willing to die. Go on the road in peace When he finished, he suddenly put out his hand.

As soon as he grabs it, Chen Yang suddenly feels that there is an invisible handprint in front of him.

Chen Yang suddenly felt suffocated, which was an extremely strong sense of extrusion.

Chen Yang's face suddenly turned purple.

"Damn it Chen Yang knows that the blood River ancestor is playing for real. He struggles hard, kicks his feet, and his eyes turn white.

Chen Yang looks very painful and unable to fight back.

Blood River ancestor's face is very cold, that is a kind of extreme cold indifference.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was about to lose his breath.Blood River old ancestor then wants to increase the strength on the hand.

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang's eyes suddenly flashed a light. In an instant, the bloody Weiyang sword was killed.

All of a sudden, a strong thunder cut in the past!

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