Shen Molong quickly called the blood clan.

For the blood side, Shen monong has many acquaintances. For example, snow white and wall Rhine are all over there.

As for nadorus, he was even more familiar. Shen Molong first makes a call to Bai Xue.

Bai Xue was surprised to receive a call from Shen Mo Nong. She first asked, "Miss Shen, have you heard from your majesty?"

Since Chen Yang left the blood clan, Bai Xue, wall Rhine and duorensi are all in charge of the affairs of the blood clan. After Chen Yang's death for several months, snow white, wall Rhine and Doris are very concerned. But Bai Xue calls Chen Yang several times, and finally the phone is turned off.

In addition, she also knows that Chen Yang has been wanted by Shenyu. In this way, Bai Xue is more worried about Chen Yang.

What Chen Yang has done in the blood clan has completely established his personal dignity. Snow white and wall Rhine are completely convinced of Chen Yang.

When Shen Mo Nong hears Bai Xue's question, she knows that they are still dedicated to Chen Yang.

"I know where Chen Yang is, but now he's in big trouble." Shen said.

Snow White was surprised and said, "what's the big trouble? Have you already fought with the divine realm? "

Shen said, "no, it has nothing to do with the divine realm. Now Chen Yang is in the Mount Fuji volcano and has never come out. You probably don't know that Chen Yang's accomplishments are terrible now. He can fight with the top experts in the world. But he went into the volcano and never came out. Later, Luo Feng also went in. Now Luo Feng is the king of Gu in Tongtian cave. He has the most powerful magic weapon and the most powerful magic power. After he went down, he never came up

After hearing this, Bai Xue immediately said, "I immediately summon all the soldiers of the blood clan to go to Mount Fuji to rescue your majesty."

Shen Molong said: "snow, don't be impulsive. This matter can't be solved by more people. Both Luo Feng and Chen Yang can be trapped. We must be cautious. "

Snow White said, "are you sure they are alive now?"

"That's for sure." Shen said. In fact, she can only be sure that Luo Feng is still alive. Chen Yang's life and death, she really doesn't know. But now, Shen can't say what happened to Chen Yang.

Snow said: "then can we take enough bombs down, no matter how powerful the master is, he is also afraid of bombs?"

"I'm afraid there's no chance to explode!" "There are a lot of magic in mana that we can't understand," Shen said. And it's still at the bottom of the volcano. It's hard for our bombs to get in. Even if it can be brought in, it can't be detonated! If there's a volcanic eruption, it's going to make a big deal

Bai Xue knew that Shen's words were reasonable. She said, "what should we do?"

"For today's plan, let's see if you can get in touch with your ancestor Yun lei'er. As long as she is willing to show up, there will be no problem." Shen said.

Bai Xue said: "the ancestors have gone to the void now. It's impossible to get in touch with them. If we can get in touch with him, how could he dare to make trouble? "

Shen Mo Nong did not hold too much hope. After hearing the words, she said, "maybe not at all?"

"It's totally traceless. If you can find clues from your ancestors, maybe you can make efforts. But the ancestors disappeared from the closed door. " Said snow white.

Shen monong knows that Bai Xue is not talking about excuses. She said, "well, I know. I'll think of something else."

Snow said: "however, although the ancestors can not find, but Qin Lin may have a way."

Shen Mo Nong is slightly a Zheng, way: "Qin Lin?"

Of course, Shen Molong knows about Qin Lin.

But Shen's impression of Qin Lin is not deep, in her impression, Qin Lin is an honest and dull person. And more pedantic, with super strong principles. At the beginning, Qin linning could burn himself to death, and he didn't want to drink human blood. This is still quite shocking to Shen.

"Is Qin Lin OK?" Shen Mo Nong can't help a strange way.

Many times, even Chen Yang thinks that Qin Lin is dead.

So it's not surprising that Shen Molong has this cognition.

"Qin Lin is on our side," said Bai Xue

"He's fine." Shen Molong naturally hopes that Qin Lin will be OK. After all, Qin Lin is Chen Yang's sworn brother. She paused and said, "it's just this kind of thing. How can he help?"

Bai Xue said: "Qin Lin is now the son-in-law of the Xuanyuan people. The Xuanyuan people have a deep foundation. If he can ask the experts of the Xuanyuan people to come forward, maybe he can save them."

Shen said, "in that case, I'll come to you at once."

Bai Xue said, "it's always time-consuming to come and go. Let me talk to Qin Lin. If he can't, we'll think of another way immediately. "

Shen Molong thought it was the same and said, "OK."Shen then hung up.

Then, Shen Morong contacted another person, that person is Luo Ning.

Luoning's number has been put on record in Shen monong.

Soon, the phone was through.

As for the relationship between Luoning and Chen Yang, Chen Yang didn't say much, but Shen monong was clear.

"Hello Ronin's voice was steady over there.

"Chen Yang is in big trouble," Shen said immediately

Luo Ning there immediately lose color, way: "how?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Miss Luo, don't get excited. Listen to me slowly." Later, she told Chen Yang what happened to him.

Shen Molong especially explained the seriousness of the matter.

Finally, Shen said, "Miss Luo, you are the only one who knows blue and purple clothes. I hope you can find blue and purple clothes to help at once. "

Although Shen and Yuan Xingyun have seen blue and purple clothes, they are just nodding friends, so it's hard for Shen to say that they know blue and purple clothes. What's more, Shen didn't know how to find blue and purple clothes.

After hearing this, Luo Ning said, "OK, I'll do it right away." After a pause, she said, "by the way, do you have LAN Hong's phone? I need to contact lanhong about this. "

"I don't have her number, but I can find it right away," Shen said

After that, Shen monong immediately found out LAN Hong's phone number and sent it to Luoning.

And Luoning immediately called lanhong.

In view of Chen Yang's crisis, the network around him has gradually started, and everyone is thinking of ways to rescue Chen Yang and Luo Feng.

Luoning people are still in her hometown in Fuzhou. She is also very anxious at this time. She and Shen monong knew that the longer the delay, the more dangerous Chen Yang would be. Right now, impulsivity and recklessness can't solve anything.

The power at the bottom of the volcano can trap experts like Luo Feng and Chen Yang. No matter what other people do, it's hard to work. Moreover, the bottom of the volcano is a sensitive area. If Shen Moneng really wants to use bombs or let mercenaries bring guns in, it will lead to a political crisis. Once the whole mount fuji volcano detonates, it will be a terrible disaster.

Luoning quickly dialed lanhong's number.

The phone soon got through.

Now is the era of advanced technology, thousands of miles away, a mobile phone can be done, more magical than magic.

However, technology can be destroyed, but mana can not be destroyed. This is the difference between the two.

Lanhong over there obviously doesn't know the number of Luoning.

LAN Hong has two mobile phone numbers, one is the official account, the other is private, only a few people know it. Lanhong thought it was a harassment number when Luoning called in, but she suddenly saw that Luoning's mobile phone number was a special satellite number. Lanhong thought it was not so simple, so she thought about it and finally got through.

"Is it blue rainbow? I'm ronin Luo Ning recognized the voice of LAN Hong and said immediately.

Blue rainbow Leng a Leng, after a long time just remember who Luo Ning is. "It's you."

She got a call from ronin, and she felt guilty subconsciously. Because she knows the relationship between Luoning and Chen Yang, and she and Chen Yang once had such a love affair. She was afraid that ronin would call and come to trouble her.

But lanhong is a person who has seen the wind and waves after all, so she won't show her timidity first.

Luo Ning said: "Miss LAN Hong, Chen Yang is in big trouble. I need to get in touch with your sister LAN Ziyi. If I can't get in touch with LAN Ziyi, Chen Yang is in danger this time. "

LAN Hong was surprised. She tried to calm down and then said, "but my sister left after you left. She stayed for three days. Now I don't know how to get in touch with her. "

"Didn't she leave you a way to get in touch?" said ronin

LAN Hong said: "she only left me a magic weapon that can protect me, and said that as long as people see this magic weapon, they will know her name, and they will not dare to have any more attempts on me."

Ronin was silent.

LAN Hong is also worried. She asks, "what happened to Chen Yang?"

Luo Ning didn't answer LAN Hong, she said: "do you really have no way to contact LAN Ziyi?"

Blue Hong said: "really not."

Ronin said, "do you have a route to the dark world?"

LAN Hong said: "well, my sister said that as long as I hold her magic weapon, I can take the ghost bus to the dark world at night. But she also said, do not go to the dark side of the world until you have to. Because the place of the shady world is not affordable for ordinary people. "

Luoning is not afraid of the ghost messes on the ghost bus now, but she is going to move rescue soldiers. If she is upset, her journey will be greatly affected. So Luoning immediately said, "can I borrow your magic weapon? I need to use it to go to the shady world and find blue and purple clothes to helpLAN Hong said: "of course, this is no problem. Chen Yang has great kindness to me and my sister. If he has something to do, we will not turn back!"

"Thank you very much." Said ronin.

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