Although modern science and technology can make thousands of miles, it can be achieved in one day. But what Luoning has to face is the myriad mountains and rivers in the shady world. She was not so familiar with the shady world, and she had spent more time in the wilderness before. So when she reaches the dark world through the magic weapon in LAN Hong's hand

When she got off the ghost bus, she was a little confused.

However, no matter how hard it was, she did not dare to lose heart or be depressed. We must do our best to reach the undead as soon as possible. Luoning caught a ghost poor, will be clear about the route, and then put the ghost poor. Later, Luoning rushed to the undead.

Chen Yang and his family arrived at the undead from the ghost field. They experienced many difficulties and dangers, and the delay was also very long. For now, even if Luoning is single, it can speed up the process. But that thousand mountains block, even if all the way smoothly, it will take ten days to reach.

Ronin was afraid to delay her time, so she kept on going all the way.

Also good luck, the next day, Luoning met a speeding ghost car outside Fengdu city!

It's a very fast off-road vehicle, and it's very fast.

Luoning used all his mana and finally caught up with the ghost car. There is a ghost king on the ghost car. The ghost king has something urgent to go to lingdu. Luoning's powerful mana instantly controlled the ghost king. Let the ghost king take her to the undead!

On the third day, Luoning miraculously arrived at the mountain road in front of the undead. Ghost cars can't get in that mountain road. Luoning released the ghost king and went directly to the mountain road.

The third day here in Luoning is the second day of Chen Yang's three-day deadline.

Because before, Chen Yang and Tianzun had been waiting for a day to start refining. After refining, they made mistakes again. It's all a little bit of time.

Luoning star night rush, in the evening, finally over the insurmountable undead mountain, arrived at the undead!

After arriving at the undead, Luoning was soon besieged by the undead. Luoning beat those clansmen back and captured one.

"I didn't mean to come here, but I have something urgent to see King Huang!" Luoning this just won the chance to speak, she said: "Chen Yang you should all know, he is now in dire straits, must want the Phoenix King to help each other."

This sentence is still very useful. Chen Yang is well-known among the undead.

Therefore, the ethnic people also realized that the situation was serious, and they immediately reported it to King Huang.

Blue purple clothes is closing at this time, Ye Ming met Luo Ning. Luo Ning told Ye Ming about the urgency of the matter. Ye Ming is extremely embarrassed because blue and purple clothes are closed, which is not easy to disturb.

Coincidentally, Lin Bing is still in the undead. She heard the news and came to see ronin.

Two people are old acquaintances, can meet in such a place, that is one kind of foreign land meets the old friend's feeling.

When Lin Bing heard that Chen Yang was in danger, he was even more anxious.

In desperation, Lin Bing and Ye Ming go to huangwang hall where they practice in blue and purple.

What is gratifying is that Lan Ziyi was not the key to her success at that time. She was annoyed when she was harassed. But when I heard that Chen Yang was dying, I got angry.

Lanziyi met Luoning.

Luoning is no stranger to blue and purple clothes.

In the side hall of Binghuang palace, the blue and purple dress is still a blue skirt. She looks elegant.

After hearing Luo Ning's story, LAN Ziyi said with a bitter smile, "how long has it been? How many things has Chen Yang committed? Can't he just stop for a second? Do you really think you're a cat's waist with nine lives and can't be killed? "

Luo Ning said, "the king of courtship will do it!" With that she went down on one knee.

Lin Bing and Ye Ming also knelt down on one knee and said together, "the king of courtship."

Blue purple clothes says: "just, probably this is also the luck in his life. You can always meet me to save him. I think I owe him in my last life. "

Blue purple clothes said so, everyone was relieved.

Luo Ning said in a hurry: "it's not too late. If you delay one more point, Chen Yang will be more dangerous. Let's go right away, King Huang."

Blue purple clothes said: "this matter, I go alone, the speed can be faster. With you, after all, there is some influence. "

Luoning and others were in a daze.

However, since blue and purple clothes opened their mouth, they naturally had to comply. Luoning said, "thank you very much."

Later, blue purple clothes did not say much, she directly called out the Phoenix God. Then, she set foot on the Phoenix Yuanshen, the Phoenix Yuanshen issued a loud hiss, and then broke away, in the twinkling of an eye disappeared in the sky.

It was not until this moment that Luoning was relieved. Then she fainted!

Along the way, the wind and rain, day and night, the heart of suffering, even Luoning such a strong person is also some can not bear.

But she didn't matter. Just have a rest.At this time, in the bottom of the volcano.

With the help of wind and fire, Lin haoxuan can barely fight with the fire devil. Chen Yang and Luo Feng come down from the dragon soul, and they want to find the God, so that they can kill him. But that day Zun seems to have disappeared.

Qin Lin and elder Mokong went to fight against the fire devil, but they suddenly found that all the mana magnetic fields here were used by Lin haoxuan. It is difficult for them to drive the outside world's mana, everything can only rely on their own mana.

How powerful is the magnetic field magic power of your brain?

The reason why the fire devil is invincible in the bottom of the volcano is that this is his ashram. When the outsider comes, his magic power is greatly reduced, but he is so strong that he is beyond the mark.

Qin Lin and elder Mokong's face is very ugly. They don't know how to help Lin haoxuan.

What about Lin haoxuan?

Every time the fire devil attacks, Lin haoxuan relies on wind, fire and dust to fan a blade of Hurricane! This hurricane blade can kill the enemy and sweep away all attacks.

However, even if it is such a magic weapon, every attack also needs mana.

This is the absolute arena of the fire devil. There are very few other mana. Lin haoxuan is like to absorb all the air, soon, Lin haoxuan will be unable to follow.

Bang, Lin haoxuan didn't sweep away the fire devil's attack for the last time. He was hit by the fire devil's fire evil spirit, and the whole person immediately flew out, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

"Master!" Qin Lin was stunned. He came to Lin haoxuan's side in a hurry. Lin haoxuan was seriously injured, and the fire evil penetrated his shoulder. That fire evil spirit madly burns, is wants to burn Lin haoxuan to ashes.

Fortunately, Lin haoxuan's magic power is deep. He quickly resists with his own magic power and forces the fire evil out directly. At the same time, Lin haoxuan's body red plate cells all gush up to treat the wound. Lin haoxuan took out the wound medicine and sprinkled it directly on the wound.

Rao is so much movement, he still issued a painful hum.

"Lin haoxuan, you haven't been hurt for a hundred years, have you? How does it feel to be hurt? " The voice of the Heavenly God sounded.

Lin haoxuan's face turned pale to the extreme. He ignored the emperor, but he faced Qin Lin and said, "boy Qin Lin, it seems that master can't save you this time. The fire devil is here, full of his power. Here, he is the number one in the universe

"Master!" Qin Lin said, "master, don't talk. You can take care of yourself."

Chen Yang three people also leaned over and looked at Lin haoxuan with concern.

Lin haoxuan looked at Chen Yang and said with a bitter smile, "you are the king of destiny, but the king of destiny is not immortal! You put yourself in this situation. Who can save you now? No one can save you! No matter how powerful they are, even if the emperor comes, their mana is limited here. They are not the opponents of the fire devil! "

Chen Yang's heart sank.

Before the God also said, even if the God Emperor came, there was nothing to do. Now Lin haoxuan also says so, is this time, oneself this gang of people really dead?

"Fire devil, tear him up!" Tianzun gives orders to the fire devil. He hated Lin haoxuan to the bone.

"Stop it Chen Yang stopped in front of Lin haoxuan to stop the fire devil.

The fire devil opened his teeth and clawed, but he did not step forward.

That day, Zun sneered and said, "there are so many people here. I only killed one. Are you going to commit suicide? Besides, what if you kill yourself? Today is the last day, you are dead, although the effect will be greatly reduced, but I can restrain your soul now. You can't threaten me anymore. "

Chen Yang couldn't help saying things.

Tianzun then said, "tear up Lin haoxuan!"

The fire devil immediately said, "yes, master!" Qin Linton eyes canthus to crack, he cut in front of Lin haoxuan. Chen Yang, Luo Feng and elder Mokong surround Lin haoxuan.

The fire devil stood where he was.

"All the people except Chen Yang are killed!" Tianzun was also cruel.

"Yes, master!" Said the fire devil.

In a flash, fear struck everyone's heart.

At this time, where is the resistance?

Not all of them can only be slaughtered by the fire devil. This is the fire devil's Taoist arena. No one is the opponent of the fire devil.

No miracle, no miracle.

Destiny, are you going to die three?

Is it destined to end the destiny of heaven?

Will there be a miracle?

Will there be?

Yes! The answer is yes.

Because at this time, a golden light flashed, and then the Golden Phoenix landed at the bottom of the volcano. A beautiful woman in a blue skirt came down from the Golden Phoenix. This woman is elegant and elegant. Who is she if she is not in blue and purple?

"Blue and purple?" Chen Yang was surprised when he saw the truth.

Luo Feng and others were all in a daze. Lin haoxuan propped up and said, "is it the immortal god Huang, the king of Huang?"

Tianzun also spoke. He just sneered and said, "good. Here comes another one. It seems that this destiny is really the best bait to lead you down one by one. "After a pause, he said, "immortal shenhuang, you have lived for so many years. You are invincible on land. But today, when you are here, this is your time of death. Here, the emperor can't do it, let alone your blue and purple clothes. "

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