Master of Unlimited Luck

Infinite Luck Ruler Chapter 114

"I only worry about one problem now."

"Miss, what are you worried about?"

"Master Su... he destroyed his face in order to avoid hunting, but now, these people obviously already know his disfigured appearance. If he didn't know about this, he would appear in the city rashly. It's very dangerous!"

Su Moru didn't understand why, that young man who was so much younger than him actually made him feel good, and even worried about his safety unconsciously!Even knowing that he is the enemy wanted by the Wang family...

"Maybe...because we are my own family!"

She sighed faintly.


At this time, in another direction.

Su Jing was riding a horse uncomfortably. He would not be as light as a swallow, nor could he be as light as a swallow. Fortunately, the horse was quite docile, and he didn't kick his feet when he fell. Otherwise, he might have been Kicked it seventeen or eight times!

But even so, Su Jing's face was covered with a thick layer of dust at this time, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he looked embarrassed.

He once heard Xiaoqiong say that on this Yuanchen Continent, riding and shooting belonged to almost everyone's essential skills, no matter what the family background, riding is everyone's skill!

"I'm probably the only one who can't ride a horse."

Su Jingxindao is in the Afang Palace, how can I have a chance to learn these things?

But for now, we still have to make clear which direction to go to Datang first!

Su Jing did not ask Su Moru. Naturally, everyone met together. Maybe they were talking about Yan Yan a moment ago, but after she knew who she was, she might not... No matter who she was, she could not reveal her true destination. !

Just riding on the horse, staggered for a long time.

In the middle of the journey, he almost fell several times, but in desperation, he had to dismount and lead the steed to move forward...

The speed is naturally extremely slow. Fortunately, he thinks he is safe now, but he is not too eager!

Just like that, I walked calmly for a few days.

I finally saw a small city in front of him, thick black stone square bricks, and square walls, which seemed to have the characteristics of the Qin State.

"Just go in for a bite, and then ask which direction to go to Datang!"

Thinking about it, Su Jing slowly walked in with the horse.

You have to redeem the money in your hand by the way. I bought three buns for one hundred taels before. If you calculate the price of the buns, one hundred taels is almost a huge sum of 100,000!

This is the silver reward for betraying your whereabouts, so you can save some flowers!

I just didn't think that one of his own news was worth a million, and Qin Zheng's servant was really willing to himself.

It seems that if I become poor, I can sell myself again...

Su Jing thought, with a sarcasm smile on his face.

Follow the flow of people all the way into the city.

The goalkeeper is doing routine statistics!

It seems rather strict.


"Zhang Lei!"



"Age, names of relatives at home!"

"There is no father and no mother, with a wife and son named..."

The inspection was very slow. Su Jing followed all the way at the end, and it was about half an hour before he finally reached him!


"Zhang Feng, a person from Yongshou Xianyang, has no father or mother, no wife or daughter, and the villain's household registration should be on the 12th book.

Suning casually mentioned the household registration of a person he had heard before.

"Well, let's go...huh?!"

The goalkeeper was startled, looking at Su Jing, who was covered in dust, with a look of surprise on his face.

Chapter 102 The End of Unclean Hands and Feet

The two looked at each other for a while.

The keeper's weird look made Su Jing bewildered for a while, thinking that I had ruined my face...Why could he still have the courage to look at me carefully...



His eyes froze.

Staring fiercely at the picture scroll held by the goalkeeper, there was a figure in it... looks, looks very familiar.

Su Jing's head suddenly blasted silently.

what happened?

I self-destroyed my appearance, this matter was not known to anyone, and I did not encounter any chasing soldiers, but even so, could I still escape Qin Zheng's net of heaven and earth?!

Noting the look that the goalkeeper looked carefully on his face, and the ecstasy that gradually emerged under his eyes... he recognized me.

Su Jing's heart flashed again. It is not time to pay attention to how he was exposed. More importantly, if he screams here, it is really dangerous!

"My lord, the villain has a baby here!"

Su Jing hurriedly yelled, and reached out to hold the goalkeeper's arm. There was an ingot of gold in his hand, and the golden brilliance happened to be seen by the people behind.

At the moment, all the people showed a clear look on their faces, is it actually a bribe?But in a hurry to deliver the benefits so openly, it seems that this dirty kid must carry a lot of money!

At the moment, everyone looked at the goalkeeper who was accepting bribes with contempt, and then went to the side to examine.

Current officials are not as good as current officials. Although there are opinions in their hearts, they will definitely not break out now!

"'s not right, but he..."

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