Master of Unlimited Luck

Infinite Luck Ruler Chapter 227


Qu Wuyi suddenly said, "Girl Mu..."

"Huh? Yes!"

Murong Ruo hurriedly responded and asked, "Does Miss Qu have any advice?"

"You seem to take care of this Su Jing."

Qu Wuyi asked lightly.

Murong Ruo smiled embarrassedly, and said, "This...I am ashamed. We have worked together before, but they are friends, just to prevent everyone from being separated, I didn't tell Miss Qu!"

"Then why did you tell it now?"

"This... naturally because..."

If Murong Ruo Xindao brother Su gave me a wink, I would be stupid if I didn't know that you had discovered the clue.

Qu Wuyi said lightly: "I remember that there is a teammate contract in the reincarnation space, are you teammates?!"

"Well, that's right!"

"That's it!"

Qu Wuyi suddenly said: "I said it is no wonder that Su Jing's strength is so humble, but he directly participated in the team fight. It turned out that you were burdened by you..."

Murong Ruo said in surprise: "There is even this to say?"

Su Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. Team battles are a bit dangerous, but the rewards are also very generous, and I am confident enough to win this team battle."

This is a bit illusory, but the big deal is that I will go directly to Putian Shaolin Temple to get the full version of the Sunflower Book, and I will be rewarded with the absolute highest level... and those who are in reincarnation, surely they would never have thought that there will be other places where the Sunflower Book exists!

As for what the full version of the Sunflower Collection has been burned, Su Jing said that what they said from their own population is something to be trusted?

The reason why I didn’t say it, I was still willing to go to Huashan, not to get the Sunflower Book, but...

"This time, I will destroy all these reincarnations!!!"

Su Jing's voice was faintly cold, "Although I am not an enemy, since I am standing on the opposite side, I have something I need to exchange for my luck, so I can't easily let them go!"

"I don't care about you being teammates."

Qu Wuyi didn't respond to Su Jing's words. He just said indifferently: "But don't tell Yin Jiu anymore. He already has opinions on you. If you find out about this again, I am afraid it will really be what you think. , Suspicion."

Murong Ruoqi said, "Don't you care?"

"Of course I don't care!"

Qu Wuyi's tone was indifferent, but the self-confidence in the words couldn't be blocked. "I have confidence in myself. Even if I am alone, it is enough to destroy all the other reincarnations. You are not more, you are less !"

If Murong was silent, she dared to speak rudely to Yin Jiu, because she knew that even if Yin Jiu was a powerful ghost, she might not outperform herself, but Qu Wuyi... she stood in front of her, carrying her back. Facing myself, but I couldn't find the slightest flaw in her, the strength of this woman was indeed above me!

Fortunately... With Brother Su, he seems to have something to do with this song of Wu Yi. At the very least, he can see that she treats him somewhat differently, and she will not be her enemy.


Thinking about it, Murong Ruo's eyes towards Su Jing already brought some admiration!

It's really amazing, Brother Su really is a magical teammate!

Su Jing was puzzled, noticed Murong Ruo's eyes, just smiled faintly, and then went on.

After walking for a long time, it became more and more deserted and remote, and the surrounding patrols gradually became stricter.

"Okay, here we are!"

In front of a cell, the narrow and dark entrance looked like a huge mouth of a devil, and it looked extremely hideous and terrifying!

Qu Wuyi said: "This is the prison of the Sun Moon God Sect. Anyone who is sent here will be fed the next kind of strange poison, the Three Corpse Brain God Pill. Now, the Samsara is to let him escape. He doesn't dare anymore! And before, I had torn away his defenses, you just asked his ancestors what the name of the eighteenth generation was, and he would have nothing to hide!"

With that said, she went in first!

Su Jing and Murong Ruo looked at each other, and they both followed Qu Wuyi's back!

Chapter 210 The Same Starting Line

Three Corpse Brain Pill?

Su Jing was stunned. He didn't expect to hear such a familiar name eighty years before the beginning of the orthodox plot. He really had a feeling that he had indeed come to Xiaoao Jianghu. Of the plane.

The three of them were speechless and walked into the prison!

As soon as I entered, there was a narrow road, with cages made of stainless steel on both sides, which contained many prisoners in rags.

It's just that when these prisoners saw strangers, they didn't rush to shout for help as they saw on TV. Instead, they shrank back into a ball in fear, as if the three of Su Jing and the others were vicious ghosts!

"Come on, come with me..."

Yin Jiu's figure quietly appeared beside the three of them, and said gloomily: "That samsara is very honest, I think it's quite boring, I thought he would have the courage to escape, but I don't want to disappoint me so much. ."

"Naturally he won't have the guts to run away!"

Qu Wuyi said: "Now that you have treated him with ghost repair secret techniques for a few days, he is no longer different from foolishness? I don't know if the Lord God can heal him, but the premise is that he can survive this. Experience!"

"Hehehehe...It's just that Ghost Xiu is always accompanied by Yin Qi and resentment, so the fierceness in my heart is a bit bigger than that of ordinary people. It's normal!"

Yin Jiu smiled, led the way for the three of them, and explained as they walked: "This is the darkest place of the Sun Moon God Sect, and the place where the grievances are the deepest. So my favorite is to practice here, and during this time Here, I also often see those religious believers who are angry and resentful, come here, take these prisoners out of anger, torture them at will, as long as they don’t kill, basically no one will intervene, so these just thought You are the ones who come to torture them, so you are afraid."

Murong Ruo showed a look of dissatisfaction on his face, as if he was very dissatisfied with his practice of grievances, but it was Yin Jiu's own business after all, and she had to snorted slightly without saying anything.

On the contrary, Yin Jiu seemed to want to taunt her a few words, but was glared at by Qu Wuyi, and now he was honest.

Su Jing suddenly laughed inwardly, Qu Wuyi's aura was so strong that even Murong Ruo and Yin Jiu couldn't wait for it.

Walk all the way to the innermost.

It is the most expansive prison. It is not messy, but rather tidy. In the innermost part of the room, a prisoner in a white prison uniform shrank his legs and shrank in the corner. His face was pale and his eyes looked distraught. , Completely ignored the arrival of Su Jing and others.

Yin Jiu's voice was filled with a bit of complacency, and he smiled: "I have brought a grudge, attached to this reincarnation, tortured day and night... Until now, Miss Qu, if you want to ask, just ask, make sure you know. No words, no words!"

Qu Wuyi glanced at him and asked, "Reincarnation, what is your name and origin?"

The prisoner's eyes were panic, but his mouth was dull and said: "Xun Lei, the outer disciple of Da Gan Chao Royal Pirate Sect."

"It's also from Qianchao?"

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