Master of Unlimited Luck

Infinite Luck Ruler Chapter 229

The handsome man did not answer, but opened the note on the white crow's leg.

Then, with a solemn expression on his face, he said, "Yes, Xun Lei has already discovered the strength of the opponent's reincarnation. Sure enough, there are two opponents equivalent to the powers of the Shenhai realm. No wonder we have a lot more people than them. , But it is still judged as the weaker side!"

"Two warriors in the realm of Shenhai?"

All the people around me changed slightly!

"Don't worry too much..."

The handsome man was naturally the captain of the reincarnation team, Jun Moyan. He smiled and said: "In fact, the main god only judges the absolute combat level, but does not consider the matter of attribute mutual generation and mutual restraint. Those two are equivalent to the Shenhai realm. Not all of them are martial artists, one of them is a ghost who has cultivated to the ghost realm!"

"Ghost repair?"

Several people showed weird looks on their faces at the same time, and looked at one of the men in the blue shirt.

The man smiled slightly, and said, "What about the realm of ghosts? Under my awe-inspiring righteousness, he is determined to escape!"

"From this point of view, our luck is indeed good, and we were able to match a Confucianist. This time, we not only occupy the general momentum, but also slightly better in terms of overall strength!"

The honest and honest young man smiled and said, "This battle looks like we are going to have the upper hand, but what about Xun Lei, when is he going to come back?"

"I haven't said..."

Jun Moyan smiled and said: "But listening to him, there is a warrior who doesn't seem to have much strength among the opponent's reincarnations. It is estimated that he intends to kill him first and get down the city first, right? After all..."

Several people are tacitly aware, after all, although the rewards are the same, killing the opponent's reincarnation will undoubtedly affect the final task reward, and the gap is quite large.

"Well, let him, as long as we make sure that the enemy has no hidden power, then we can take the initiative!"

Jun Moyan breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone met right away. Although they shared common interests, in the final analysis, he didn't have the prestige to convince the crowd at all. He was only temporarily the leader because he was the most powerful person among the crowd. It's just the position, but if the enemy's strength is too strong, if he makes some mistakes or suffers any losses, I am afraid the following people will not accept it.

Fortunately now...Although the enemy's strength is very strong, there is only one divine sea realm martial artist who is threatening, and the martial artist is just...Huh, how many advantages can you have in the face of my Taoist sword repair?

There was a slight smile on his face. It seemed to his mind that this time, as the leader, I would definitely get the highest luck reward!

And now...

Su Jing, Qu Wuyi and other talents had just walked out of the cell, and the congregation came and respectfully said: "I have seen three elders, the leader has his life, and ordered the four elders to meet him at the top of the cliff, three It is good for the elders to be there, so the subordinates will go and ask the elder Yin to leave!"

Having said that, he hurried to the cell.

Qu Wuyi said: "It seems that the leader can't wait. We have just served as elders. He can't wait to let us snatch the sunflower treasure! But it's not bad, it happens to be the same as our goal, those few The elder's power can be borrowed!"

"This... not that easy!"

Su Jing hummed and sneered, wondering how could I easily give up the benefits of my reservation?

Chapter 212 I also have a psychological gap

The three of them waited for a while, and saw the congregation following behind Yin Jiu, the two of them were walking all the way.

Seeing Qu Wuyi, Yin Jiudao said, "It's all done, don't worry, it will be difficult for Xun Lei to die!"

"Very well, let's go!"

Qu Wuyi walked forward first, Su Jing and others followed...

The top of Heimuya cliff is high above the mountain peak where everyone is located, hundreds of meters away, even if it is as light as Zhao He, I am afraid it is impossible to climb up. You can only take a hoist and sway to the top of the mountain. go with!

Along the way...

As the sling swayed, Murong Ruo's face became more solemn, and he unconsciously reached out and grabbed the sling on the side.

Su Jing saw that she looked wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"


Murong Ruo looked at the ground that was at least tens of feet away from him, and swallowed dryly, his original pale complexion became even more pale.

Su Jing said in surprise: "Are you afraid of heights?"

"A bit..."

Murong Ruo murmured: "To be honest, my swordsmanship and martial arts are all good. I still have this confidence, but I can only lightly... because once I fly too high, I am a little scared..."

"You really are..."

Su Jingzheng wanted to make a joke, suddenly remembering the miserable situation when he was riding a horse, and then sighed sadly, "Well, I have no right to laugh at you."

With that, she reached out and grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

With support, Murong's complexion immediately became much better. The eyes that looked at Su Jing were teased, and when they looked at the hands they held together, there was no shy look. Instead, they smiled generously: "You Have you really matured a lot? I remember that when you and I were nothing but high-five alliances, you blushed like a big boy, and now you actually take the initiative..."

"People always change."

Recalling the first time I saw in the past, at that time I was just a little trash fish with a rough knowledge of martial arts, trapped in the Afang Palace and not free, but now, it has only been more than half a year, and I have gone through the usual The journey that can only be completed in a few years has become a martial arts master who can compete with the elders of the Demon Cult. In the future, there will be endless potential... how to say?The blank period that has been left for so many years is now finally filled.

Now, even in the face of those elite disciples who have cultivated since childhood, I am not necessarily inferior, am I?

It only took me half a year to do all this...Although I was a bit embarrassed as a pioneer of the traverser, Su Jing's words, I have always known that martial arts together, step by step, not to mention... I am afraid it will be very soon, my own Strength will usher in a big leap!

Thinking about it, Su Jing smiled expectantly.

Qu Wuyi glanced at him and didn't say much.

A few people all the way up...

Approximately a few hundred feet, this is finally down to earth.

Murong Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed look on his face, let go of Su Jing's hand, and smiled: "Thank you, Brother Su!"

"You are polite, I should take advantage of it!"

Su Jing smiles!

Beside, there was already a congregation greeted respectfully, saying: "Please come with us four elders!"

The congregation led the four people forward, guarding along the way. Compared with the mountain, it was more than ten times stricter, three steps one post, five steps one sentry, and the surrounding was full of masters with brilliant eyes...

Walked all the way to a magnificent hall.

The hall is vast enough to be hundreds of feet in radius, and it is extremely solemn and capable.

And inside, there were already several people waiting. It was Dong Taichu and the Ten Elders and others who had met before. Zhao He was also among them, but his face was slightly pale. It seems that the injury is still unhealed. Indeed, he did nothing. Taking revenge is naturally very heavy, but in the end, he has eaten his own bitter fruit!

Seeing Su Jing coming in, he snorted coldly and looked away!

"Hahahaha, the four of you are really anxious, they came together!"

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