Master of Unlimited Luck

Infinite Luck Ruler Chapter 286

The voice has not fallen yet.

His expression was stagnant, and after a while, a strange look appeared on his face.

Looking at Lingyue blankly, helplessness flashed through her eyes!

"Uncle...what's wrong with you?"

Lingyue asked timidly, "Could it't it?"

"This one……"

Su Jingchang sighed and smiled bitterly.

Chapter 268 We can actually double repair

Su Jing’s original intention was to impart to Lingyue the Ming Jade Skills and Flower Transferring Jade he knew. After all, Ming Jade Skills are extremely powerful. Inside and outside the powerful sect, other places are very rare!

More can stay young forever.

But he just came up with this idea, and the Lord God also bubbling over there, and this time he took the initiative to talk to Su Jing.

The main god said: [If you want to teach this little girl the martial arts you got from the reincarnation space, I suggest you not!

Su Jing frowned, her face already puzzled.

The main god continued: [The martial arts within the space of reincarnation, you must have the proof of reincarnation before you can practice. If you force this little girl to practice, I am afraid that once she cultivates her own true energy, she will immediately be rejected by this world. , After all... everything in this world has common sense, but Ming Yugong is something that does not exist in this world, unless... you bring her into the space of reincarnation, of course, in fact, as a reserve agent of the main god , You have such qualifications!

Su Jing: "……………………………………”

"In other words, I can't transfer the flower transfer to the jade and the Mingyu skill, and can't even teach her the Qishang Quan?"

Su Jing asked in his heart.

[Yes, unless you are willing to let her also enter the reincarnation space.

"Forget it, after all, there are too many dangers in the reincarnation space!"

Su Jing sighed. He had previously imagined that he would simply use Ming Yugong to open a sect in the present world. With the effect of eternal youth, he would surely receive many girls to join... But now it seems that the Lord God is really a little bit. No loopholes for anyone to drill!

[I am the one who needs to be confused, why do you always want to exploit my loopholes?

The main god was confused and said: [Can't you just experience honestly like ordinary reincarnation?Your current strength is still low, and I don't need you to help me obliterate any reincarnation with a high deviation value, so you can fully experience it like an ordinary reincarnation.

"Well, I won't drill next time!"

Su Jing murmured casually, looking at Lingyue with a look of confusion on her face, and asked timidly: "Uncle, can't it be...can't it?"

Su Jingchang sighed and sighed: "In fact, it really can't...The exercises I practiced are really not suitable for you, um...but..."

He suddenly moved his heart and said, "But, Lingyue, are you interested in becoming a Taoist practitioner?"

"Dao Xiu?"

Lingyue tilted her head curiously.

"Yes, there are hundreds of different ways, Dao Xiu is respected, and in terms of lethality, Dao Xiu is still within our martial arts!"

Lingyue said curiously: "No, what I am curious about is, is Taoist Taoist practitioner of Yin Yang Taoist School?"

"This... almost."

Su Jing smiled and said: "Now I have only one Taoist classic that can be cultivated. If you talk about martial arts, it really doesn't exist. Lingyue, would you like to try it?"

Although the sword code was brought out from the space of reincarnation, it was not an exchange item, but the treasure that Li Xiuyuan carried with him. At the beginning, I had tried to test with Xiaozhu. The cultivators are actually quite senior in Taoism. It’s worth it. Although Li Xiuyuan’s strength is not high, but since his seniority is so high, the classics he wants to bring are quite difficult, right?

"Then...I'll try?"

Lingyue glanced at Su Jing tentatively, and asked, "Can you?"

"of course can!"

Su Jing laughed. The little girl was obviously still a little rusty. She couldn't let go of herself. It's no wonder that after all, she had been living a life of being abused like that, and suddenly she recovered. It is estimated that she also needs Get used to it slowly.

When I heard that Lingyue was going to try it, he smiled and said, "The classics have been destroyed by me, and the contents are all in my heart. If you want to try, I will copy it for you tonight, and you will try it tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if you are unsuccessful. My friend will come over in three or four days. At that time, I will let her teach you some unique skills... The Tianyahaige sect has only female disciples. In fact, you can also worship that. Sect."

"But I still want to try this sword classic!"

Lingyue's eyes wide open, looking particularly stubborn.

"Well... Then tomorrow, I will copy the classics to you!"

Su Jing said: "It's just that I'll say yes. I'm still groping for this sword classic. I'm afraid I can't give you any pointers. You may have to cross the river by feeling the stones, but we can fix it together and study it together."

"It's okay, I'll try."

Su Jing stopped talking.

On the second day, he copied another copy of the sword book, but he didn't let Lingyue keep it, but let her memorize it and burn it again!

In the sword code, it is not just the art of swordsmanship, but also the method of making spells, various Taoist spells, these things Su Jing has tentatively asked Xiaozhu, knowing that he wants to cultivate these things within the Taoist school. , All need to pay a great price...

The preciousness of this book of swordsmanship is actually higher than my imagination, and my own strength is low now, if he is discovered by others, everyone will be innocent and guilty!At that time, I am afraid that other troubles will arise.

Seeing Su Jing being so solemn, Lingyue also vaguely understood how precious this thing was.

At the moment, the attitude has become extremely solemn.

Both my uncle and nephew lived in peace in the inn, regardless of the outside world...

But outside, with the death of the massacre, the entire town of Qingshui began to be turbulent. The people who were oppressed by it on weekdays saw the death of their enemies and stood up to testify against him, and they were oppressed and robbed in the past. All the plundered things were told.

Ever since, all kinds of bullying men and women, all kinds of forcibly occupying homes, all kinds of rampant and domineering, so many cases make people look at the scalp...

Afterwards, Qingshui Townshou directly submitted these evidences. At the same time, they also submitted the news that the massacre had been strangled. He was anxious and righteous, and could not tolerate the posture of such madness to live an extra day. !

Ever since...

Su Jing's pot was happily carried by the guards of Qingshui Town!

Of course, Su Jing didn't know this... even if he knew it, he wouldn't care at all. After all, now with his strength, even if he can't fight against an iron maniac, he won't be able to escape... and he just gave him one. Dare, he dare not go out of the basin, right?It’s a good thing to say, but in just a wanted criminal, unless he can reach the innate and get immunity, otherwise, he will not be able to leave the basin half a step in this life, otherwise, the country will allow it. Nope!

At this time, he was in a deep blow to himself!

So that in a few days.

When the woman in the white shirt hurried to Qingshui Town and saw Su Jing, her weathered face couldn't help showing a confused look, and said in surprise: "Brother Su...Brother Su? You... …What’s wrong with you? Why are you lying in the corner with a listless look? Could it be that you were injured?"

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