Master of Unlimited Luck

Infinite Luck Ruler Chapter 313

After rubbing his fingers, the person above said displeased: "So, I want to see the scene of Wuxing Qiwang assassinating Emperor Tang, on the day of the birthday, can I not see it?! And that picture was originally just a fake The map used as a tool is gone?! Even, you don’t know who is in the hands?!"

"I've been seizing the time to track down. I tracked down everyone that my gangster had contacted during this period of time. I believe I will be able to make a difference soon!"

"But the map leaked out after all, didn't it?!"

The person above said coldly: "Li Zongdao, you have a good son, and you have a lot more talent than you. I planned to take out this picture to arouse the ambitions of the five surnames and seven hopes, which will cause great chaos in the Tang Dynasty. So I took this picture back, but you did it well, and you lost it. Now how many people have seen this picture, even you don’t know, right?!"

In the voice, there was already a bit of unquenchable anger!

"This... Exactly!"

"Very good! I know what you want to ask me... Go, in seven, seven days, I want to see this picture appear in the hands of the five surnames and seven hopes, and the rest of the irrelevant people, watch The person in this picture, you know how to deal with it, and if you can do it, I will tolerate Li Jingren’s fault. If you can’t, you can handle it yourself!"

"Much...Thank you!"

Obviously it was extremely rude, but Li Zongdao was overjoyed. At the very least, his son's life might be saved. He respectfully said, "That villain...retired!"


Li Zongdao's figure gradually disappeared.

At this moment, Li Zongdao in the study suddenly awakened as far away as the prefectural palace, with a sullen expression on his face, and he let out a sigh of relief.

There was a bit of anger on his face, and he said loudly: "Come here, give me a thorough investigation of all the people who have entered and left the palace during this period! Also, hang the evildoer on me for a day and night, and he is not allowed to eat and drink!! !"

Chapter 296 I may... be away for a while

"Well... it's just a very ordinary map, isn't it? Shanhe Sheji, really only the name sounds great?"

Looking at the completely unfolded pictures of mountains and rivers.

Jiang Liu looked puzzled, and San Zang was also full of disapproval, saying: "Ding Tian is more detailed than other maps. Can this really make Xiao Jiang Liu fulfill his wish? It's all exaggerating. Promote it?"

"This is naturally a baby, if you don't believe me, you can send it up and try it."

Su Jing smiled and exchanged glances with Lingyue.

Sure enough, he was not in his position and did not seek his own politics. Even though the Sanzang monk was old and had a wide range of knowledge, but he had the most contact with alms and Buddhist scriptures, and he did not have any intuitive feelings about maps.

In his opinion, a map is a map, no matter how detailed it is, isn't it a map? How useful can it be?!

That's good, the province explained it himself.

Su Jing said sternly: "Of course, you can also prepare another thing. If this map does not satisfy Emperor Tang, you can send another one on it, so that it won’t hurt the face of your Brahma Temple. ?"

"It's also reasonable!"

Sanzang nodded, expressing his approval of Suning's suggestion!

"And... I suggest that you better send your gifts in advance."

Su Jing smiled and said: "The reason is very simple. After all, the Brahma Temple is thousands of miles away. It is normal not to arrive on time... But if it is delivered on the birthday, the Emperor Tang will be busy with things, I am afraid he may not be free to personally Open up your gifts, until then, wait until he thinks back to see your gifts afterwards, I don’t know it will be the year of the monkey!"

"It's more reasonable."

Sanzang gave Su Jing a thumbs up, and exclaimed: "The last suggestion is to the heart of the old monk. To be honest, the old monk is the kind of person who can't pretend to be troubled in his heart. If something happens right away If you really let the old monk wait for more than half a month, I am afraid that the old monk will be suffocated!"

"That's good, yes, Master Sanzang, the juniors have something to ask, I wonder if the master can answer one or two."

"what is the problem?"

"It's... the treasure I got before."

Su Jing smiled embarrassedly, and said, "As the saying goes, wealth cannot be revealed. Therefore, the juniors have so many treasures. I really don’t know what to do. Where to put them is a problem. If someone finds out, even more so. I'm afraid there will be extra incidents, so I want to ask, how did the master deal with this loot?"

Sanzang widened his eyes and said in shock: "What the donor said is wrong. What is stolen goods? This is a windfall from the Buddha. Otherwise, how could the old monk happen to meet him? It can be seen that everything belongs to the Buddha. arrangement……"

"Okay, well, then I just want to ask, how should the treasures given by the Buddha be put away? If the master can help think of a safe method, then I am willing to give most of the remaining treasures again!"

"A word is settled!"

Sanzang said: "The remaining stolen goods are all mine, so it's settled!"

Su Jing: "Isn't it a gift from the Buddha?"

"It's just a statement anyway!"

Sanzang sighed: "Speaking of this, I really have to sigh that those bull noses are really amazing. They have made so many tricks. In terms of absolute fighting, they are not as good as Buddhism, but their formations are together. It's exquisite and admirable!"

Su Jingjing said, "The Dharma is wonderful, Taoism is subtle, Chunlan Qiuju, each is good at winning!"

"Yes, that's what I said!"

Sanzang slapped his legs and laughed: "No wonder Xiao Jiangliu admires the donor so much. It seems that the donor has a deep Buddha nature and has a relationship with the Buddha. I wonder if I am interested in joining my Brahma Buddhist Monastery? Surely it can become a great monk of a generation."

"Forget it, I am envious of Hongchen, unable to be born or cultivate a Buddha."

"Hahahaha, there is a Buddha if there is a family, so why bother to become a monk!"

Sanzang smiled, not entangled in this issue too much, and smiled and said: "Taoists have magical methods, which can make the must be hidden in the mustard seeds. The magic is infinite. The Yin and Yang Dao Sect can circulate widely in us. This treasure is worthy of credit!"

As he said, he couldn't help but sighed, "Sumi mustard seeds, which has always been my Buddhist word, but I did not expect it to be realized by is ironic."

Su Jing said in surprise: "So...there are there really storage rings?"

Although it can be exchanged in the space of reincarnation, the pig knows that such treasures are of great value. He has finally made a fortune, how can he be so wasteful?

And recently, I have been very lucky. Adventures, friends, Depot... various protagonist templates have come one after another.

Bad luck or something, I don’t want to experience it again in my life... If you can spend money to get this thing in this world, then it would be better.

"Well, yes, but this thing is too precious, even if you have money, I'm afraid you can't buy it."

Sanzang gently stroked his wrist, and said, "And it's not just a ring, but also a bracelet and belt... Although the space inside is not very large, it can be called subtle!"

"If you have it, let's talk about it if you don't buy it or not!"

Su Jingxindao, as long as he doesn't run around, these treasures are safe to put here, but he is not in a hurry.


He suddenly shook his body, with an inexplicable look on his face.

After that, he immediately turned the topic aside.

After talking for a long time, Jiang Liu and Sanzang left.

Just like Su Jing said, the treasures should be delivered in advance. Otherwise, there will be a lot of rare and exotic treasures on the day of the birthday. By then, Emperor Tang's vision will be raised, and he might not look down on his own picture. The painting is finished and sent up in advance. Maybe he is very satisfied when he is blind?

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