Master of Voracious Beasts

Chapter 15:Details 2

Here some Volatile status condition:




If something is stuck in a particular position, it is fixed tightly in this position and is unable to move.

Some Soul-Beasts moves can make the opponents or foe unable to move, to its position which greatly reduces their combat efficiency


Can't escape

A Soul-Beast that can't escape is unable to switch out or flee as long as the Pokémon that trapped it is on the field.

Most of the Soul-Beast was wild and a hunter they have extreme senses, some hidden talent, and moves that cannot make the opponents to run-away.



Obviously, Confusion makes Soul-Beast or Soul-Beast Tamers confused, they often hurt themselves and their partner Soul-Beast thinking that they are the enemy or something.

But if Soul-Beast is in Soul-Space and Soul-Beasts Tamer who have merged with their respective Soul-Beast, they attack themselves by banging their head on the floor or attack the enemy itself.



A prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one, there's a lot of curses so it is not estimated yet.



Presence feeling conditions, obviously conditions, that are mostly from hidden abilities of opponents.

There's a lot of Hidden abilities information about Presence feeling condition that is exclusive only when Joining Academies.


Here, are the three best example of common Presence Condition:




This kind of ability is common to Legendary Soul-beasts, it is their best abilities

Here the effects of pressure...

First, Pressure makes the enemy cough up blood and cause internal bleeding instantly that knocks-out enemy just by the presence Alone.

If the enemy doesn't have pressure hidden skill on the same level, they would likely lose.

Pressure also knocks-back the enemy close combat attack and Range combat attack damage by 35%.

Thus, hurting the attacker too in the process

There are some top-level Soul-Beasts in the Semi-legendary kind that can emit a weaker pressure. Usually 10% knocks-back.

If soul-beasts with pressure and weaker pressure met, the effect would become lesser and it is like.

35% - 10% = 20%

Only the effect.


Weaker pressure:

Usually, a pressure too that knocks back 10% enemy damage.

There's only a couple of Semi-Legendary Soul-Beasts that can emit weaker pressure.



An ability that can control Soul-Beast with the same species, if the species has lower bloodline and lower level, Legendary Soul-Beasts would likely control them to battle for them.



Legendary abilities like pressure and Control can't be learned by Soul-Beasts Tamers.

The non-volatile attack can affect Soul-Beast Tamer multiple times, The Tamer could get poisoned, paralyzed, and burn at the same time.

But Soul-beast Tamers can't be burned and frozen at the same time.


Jomel was so shocked by the information, especially to pressure and control by those Legendary Soul-Beasts.

No wonder Soul-Beasts are so damn strong even though, Soul-Beasts Tamers have extremely different peculiar abilities.

They won't be able to take down hordes of beasts and can be taken down just by the pressure alone.

Jomel continued to read the pieces of information on the hologram.


Melee Combat attack: _ combat power

Ranged Combat attack: _ combat power

Melee Combat Defense: _ combat power

Range Combat Defense: _combat power

Speed: _ combat power


Melee Combat attacks are for short, physical attacks:

A physical move is one in which the user uses its physical strength to damage its foes. Damage dealt by a physical move depends on both the Attack stat of the attacking Soul-Beasts and the Defense stat of the defending Soul-Beasts.


Ranged Combat attacks are for short, Range attacks:

A Range move is one in which the user does not necessarily have to make contact with its opponent to deal damage. It is notable that while most range moves do not contact their target.



Melee Combat defenses are for short, physical defenses:

Defense refers to the Soul-Beasts' ability to take physical damage and is used in calculating how much damage the Soul-Beasts receive from physical attacks.


Ranged Combat defenses are for short, Range defenses:

This determines how much damage is dealt when a Soul-Beast is hit by a special move.



Speed is the stat that determines how quickly a Soul-Beasts can act. If the opposing Soul-Beasts' speed is higher (and +1 or -1 etc priority moves aren't used) than the user, they will go first.


There are also hidden statistics that usually in battle but there's no accurate measure about it...



The Evasion stat is similar to the accuracy stat, but it determines the chances of the opponent Soul-Beasts landing a hit. At the start of a battle, it is initially set to 100%.



The Accuracy stat shows the chances of a Soul-Beasts landing an attack and expresses it as a percentage. At the start of a battle, accuracy is automatically set to 100%.


It usually refers to hit-points.

Hit-Points: _

Accuracy is for chances of hitting the enemy.

Evasion is for chances of evading the foes attacks.




Next, is Combat power..?

Combat power is the measure of their attacks, but it depends on their kind if they are average, rare, and so on… They have a combat power limit of every kind, and are accurately estimated…

Here is the list of their Combat power limits:


Average Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 80

Level 25 = 40 power-

Level 50 = 80 power-

Level 75 = 120 power-

Level 100 = 160 power-


Rare Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 60

Level 25 = 60 power-

Level 50 = 110 power-

Level 75 = 160 power-

Level 100 = 210 power-


Semi- Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 50

Level 25 = 70 power-

Level 50 = 120 power-

Level 75 = 170 power-

Level 100 = 220 power-


Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

3 Hidden talents

Can control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 40

Level 25 = 80 power-

Level 50 = 130 power-

Level 75 = 180 power-

Level 100 = 230 power-


Semi Mythical Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Hidden Talents: ---- No data gathered ----

Can control lower-level bloodline and level: ---- No information gathered ----

Level battle form: ---- No data gathered ----

Level 25 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 50 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 75 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 100 = ---- No data gathered ----


Mythical Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Hidden talents: ---- No data gathered ----

Can control lower-level bloodline and level: ---- No data gathered ----

Level battle form: ---- No data gathered ----

Level 25 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 50 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 75 = ---- No data gathered ----

Level 100 = ---- No data gathered ----



What is level combat form..?

Combat level form is when a Soul-Beast in a certain level they can transform into their humanoid, smaller battle form.

Just like Soul-Beasts Tamers who can transform into their contracted Soul-Beasts.

No one knew the reason why, just like, how could a Soul-Beasts Tamers could, transform into their Contracted form.

But things are Logical, if the Soul-Beast Tamers can transform why not the beasts themselves..?

They prefer to transform into their battle form all the time, because if two giant behemoths fought and the other one decides to transform into a little one and decides to enter the other one.

And inside the Giant behemoth, the one who transformed into a little one, transformed again into a giant inside, what do you think would happen..?


Hidden ability:

A Hidden Ability is a special ability of a Soul-Beast that cannot normally obtain in the wild. Every Soul-Beast has one. Hidden Abilities usually make the Soul-Beasts stronger.

Hidden abilities depend on the nature and habit of the Soul-Beasts themselves.

Example pressure and control by legendary Soul-Beasts itself.


Next are the move-sets:

First, what are move-sets..?

A move, also known as an attack is the skill Soul-Beasts primarily use in battle. In battle, a Soul-Beast uses one move each turn some moves can be used outside of battle as well, usually to remove obstacles or explore new areas.

Some Soul-Beasts have moves specific to themselves or their evolutionary line. These unique moves are known as signature moves.

Some of these moves are powerful moves that only certain Legendary and Mythical Soul-Beasts can learn.

A Soul-Beast can only know between one and five moves at a time.

No single Soul-Beasts can learn every move; each Soul-Beasts has a predetermined set of moves that they can learn naturally that relates to the type and concept of the species.

Move list sizes vary greatly among different Soul-Beasts; some Soul-Beasts can only learn one move.

Evolved Soul-Beasts generally have larger move lists than their pre-evolved forms but learn moves naturally at a slower rate or even stop learning moves via level-up entirely. This may provide the incentive to delay a Soul-Beasts's evolution.

Moves that do not directly inflict damage are known as status moves.

The damaging moves are divided into melee and range depending on the individual move's characteristics; the category of the move determines whether the move's damage depends on the user's melee Attack or range Attack stat and the target's melee Defense or range Defense.

Each move has a type that determines how effective it is against various types of targets and whether it receives the same-type attack bonus.

It is important to note that before the move's category was dependent on the move's type, rather than a distinct variable.

When multiple Soul-Beasts attempts to use a move in the same turn, priority, and Speed determine the order in which the moves are used. Accuracy affects whether the move misses.

The damage dealt by a damaging move is determined by its power, as well as many other variables.

Some damaging moves have additional effects.

The number of times they can use each move is restricted by the move's PowerPoints.

The only move that is not affected by PowerPoints is Struggle.

Most moves can target only one adjacent Soul-Beasts, but some moves instead can target the user, more than one Soul-Beasts, or non-adjacent Soul-Beasts.


Here is what the Moves look like:

Bubble Bomb- Liquid

Attack power: _.

Hit-Points: _

The user recovers half the damage inflicted on the opponent.

Bubble Bomb: is the name of the movie.

Liquid: is the type of move.

Attack power: This is the power that can be stack to Melee or range attack.

Hit-Points is the accuracy of the attack.

And the last one is the effect of the effect.



Note: It is always advisable to go all out in battle because even though the type has the advantage, the enemy could use attacks that had an advantage against the certain type too.

It also says that those moves are not the only ones they can use, they can still do some basic moves like dodge, move to the side, run, etc



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