Master of Voracious Beasts

Chapter 17:How do Tamers Improve


After Reading it all, Jomel felt helpless to the naming sense of this world.

He cringed.

The names and animals were sounds and look familiar to him, he couldn't take it anymore so he clicked back again.


o Types of Soul-Beasts.

o Soul-Beast Descriptions and Combat powers.

o Continents.

o legendary of Soul-Beasts.

o Soul-Beast Tamers.


This time he clicked the legendary beasts.


Legendary Soul-Beasts are Soul-beasts that are characterized by their rarity and their high base stat totals. They are very difficult to obtain because of their difficulty to locate, high levels, and low contract rates.

They have terrifying abilities and normal Soul-Beasts Tamers who don't have Legendary Soul-Beasts or that can't resist pressure would die instantly. They massacre cities just for fun, even if they don't have pressure or control Ability, they can still overpower anyone with their strong physique and elemental fire-powers.

Below you will see and know the legendary beasts

Top-level Legendary beasts (Still not mythical):

*Restricted, Join Academy to look for more information*


Jomels face reddened.

He is infuriated.


He just let it be since he can't do anything about it, it's the same in his previous world. So he is used to this kind of thing.


o Types of Soul-Beasts.

o Soul-Beast Descriptions and Combat powers.

o Continents.

o legendary of Soul-Beasts.

o Soul-Beast Tamers.


Jomel Clicked the Races and Soul-Beast Tamers.


What exactly is Soul-Beast Tamers...?

There is no precise answer to that question, however... It is said that in ancient times, when a Soul-Beast fell in love with a demi-human, the demi-human regarded the Soul-Beast as though it were a family member. The Soul-Beast vanished that night. The Demi-human grew distraught and decided to leap off the cliff...

On his way down to the sharped stoned-river, his back sprouted the Soul-Beast wings that he is caring for.

That day, he learned that his Soul-beast had not left him. For a long time, the two have lived in seclusion and harmony. But one day, someone discovered his secret. Since they were constantly afraid of the Soul-Beast at the time, the poor continued to seek a way to obtain control.

The demi-human died as a result of the Plan and siege while his Soul-beast was gone.

His secret had been revealed. They discovered that they would tame beasts if they reach an understanding. Until it evolved into what it is today.

There is no news about the demi-human Soul-Beast; they say it left with its master's corpse, some say it left because the deal was violated, and some say it left when his master's smell was gone, so it never bothered to return. But the Soul-Beast cursed those beings who practiced Soul-Beast Taming.

If the beings or Soul-Beast Tamers started to practice that method, they will die and be killed by the curse, and those who surpassed a level 30 have no way of training into becoming a Tamer.

They won't be able to stay longer on the Lower Realm.

In antiquated times, standard creatures on Domain one can as it were remain depends on their lifespan. They should begin Soul-Beast Tamer since it has been on this Domain for five hundred (500) years. It's impossible to level-up, but they can look for Take Will Vitality Precious stones, and advertise if they go flat. They would be sucked up by the Realm.

Still no one cared because they did not want to be persecuted by Soul-Beasts and eaten like animals like they had been in the past. As a result, the Soul-Beast Restraining spread like wildfire.

It is currently used by all races in the Domain.


What does the Soul-Beast Tamers do..?

Soul-Beast Tamers are Tamers and Warriors, but most of all Soul-Beast Tamers Steal. Soul-Beast Tamers steal the ability of their beast to Transforms into their humanoid Combat form. Once a Soul-Beast Tamers dies on the battlefield but his Soul-Beast lives, His Soul-Beast won't be able to transform anymore into their Beast Combat form.


Humanoid Combat form- A Combat Form is not a natural organism, but rather a mutated host infected by parasitic Soul-beast Soul implanted by a will Energy. Successful creation of a Combat Form requires a host with sufficient biomass, calcium storage, a strong mind power to control his Soul-Beast Form.

Or else once the Host is defeated or run-Out of Will Energy, the Combat form would fade and they would revert to their normal form.

The infection is not the Soul-Beast but the Soul of the Soul-Beast Tamer. After mutation begins, the infection Form attaches with one of its Soul-energy from the Soul-Beast Tamer's spine to the Soul-Beast Spine.

Which it uses to establish a neural connection that allows it to command the Soul-Beast's nervous system, thus rendering for it to command the Soul-Beasts. During the infection process, the host's internal organs are liquefied, and the nutrients from them are used to develop the Soul-Form. The Soul-Form can be controlled by the Soul-Beast Tamer. The Soul-Beast Tamer can command it to every part of its body, according to the Soul-beast Tamers choice.

A Soul-Beast Tamer becomes a Combat Form after the Soul Form of the Soul-Beasts enters the Soul-beast Tamers body.

Transformation involves brutal mutation that makes the host more suitable for combat, just like what happened to Jomel when he Contracts with his crocodile. This process is presumably very painful and terrifying, and will eventually kill the host; though, in certain circumstances, the Soul-Beast Tamers will remain alive, depends on their Will-Power.

Once fully transformed, the Infection of Soul-Form can be totally controlled over by the Soul-Beast Tamer's body and changes the physical appearance of the Soul-Beast Tamer to better suit its own needs. On rare occasions, this effect may be weakened by time in stasis for the Infection of Soul Form, allowing the host to regain some control immediately, but still depends on the approval of The Soul-Beast Tamer.

Combat Soul Forms retain the Soul-Beast Tamer's previous attributes, therefore they can wield weapons, and drive and board enemy vehicles. However, Infection Soul Forms do require their Soul-Beast Tamer's to still be alive for Soul-infection Combat transformation.

A few say that a few dead has been reasonable for change into a Combat Shape; disease shapes can taint as of late expired has and reanimate them in much the same way as they would living Soul-beasts Tamers.

Although the brain tissue remains dead, the victim's biomass and calcium saves are adequate to warrant infection.

But they would be a mass-murdering beast, and to be slaughtered on sight.

Soul-Forms communicate utilizing Soul, Will Vitality, pheromones and have one establish behavior; to progress the Soul-Beast Tamers body, and to reinforce their nearby controlling insights and levels.


Human and Beast from statistics:


Level 25 = 25 power

Level 50 = 50 power

Level 75 = 75 power

Level 100 = 100 power

Combat Form:

Average Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 80

Level 25 = 40 power + 25 power = 65 power

Level 50 = 80 power + 50 power = 130 power

Level 75 = 120 power + 75 power = 195 power

Level 100 = 160 power + 100 power = 260 power

Rare Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 60

Level 25 = 60 power + 25 power = 85 power.

Level 50 = 110 power- + 50 power = 160 power.

Level 75 = 160 power + 75 power = 235 power.

Level 100 = 210 power + 100 power = 310 power.

Semi- Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 50

Level 25 = 70 power + 25 power = 95 power.

Level 50 = 120 power + 50 power = 170 power.

Level 75 = 170 power + 75 power = 245 power.

Level 100 = 220 power + 100 power = 320 power.

Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

3 Hidden talents


Can control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 40

Level 25 = 80 power + 25 power = 105 power.

Level 50 = 130 power + 50 power = 180 power.

Level 75 = 180 power + 75 power = 255 power.

Level 100 = 230 power + 100 power = 330 power.

*No available information for the other race, please attends to Academy*


Even though they make look strong compared to Soul-Beast, they are still nothing..

Here is the Soul-Beast Combat form:

Average Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 80

Level 25 = 40 power + 40 power = 80 power

Level 50 = 80 power + 80 power = 160 power

Level 75 = 120 power + 120 power = 240 power

Level 100 = 160 power + 160 power = 320 power

Rare Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 60

Level 25 = 60 power + 60 power = 120 power.

Level 50 = 110 power- + 110 power = 220 power.

Level 75 = 160 power + 160 power = 320 power.

Level 100 = 210 power + 210 power = 420 power.

Semi- Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

Can't control lower-level bloodline and level

Level battle form: Level 50

Level 25 = 70 power + 70 power = 140 power.

Level 50 = 120 power + 120 power = 240 power.

Level 75 = 170 power + 170 power = 340 power.

Level 100 = 220 power + 220 power = 440 power.

Legendary Soul-Beast Level combat power limit:

3 Hidden talents


Level battle form: Level 40

Level 25 = 80 power + 80 power = 160 power.

Level 50 = 130 power + 130 power = 260 power.

Level 75 = 180 power + 180 power = 320 power.

Level 100 = 230 power + 230 power = 460 power.


Semi- Mythical: -------- none -------

Mythical: ----- none ------

Note: It is actually not that accurate and it is just a limit they can reach because sometimes the beasts or humans can be strong for close combat then weaker to Range combat.

So it depends but it is the limit.


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