Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 197: Can't offend women easily

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Ou Qingheng's face was unpredictable, and his fists clenched slowly, making a creaking noise.

Ou Tingting looked at him like this, he was scared.

Ou Qingheng looked at her and said, "You can do it for yourself."

After talking, he turned around and went out.

Leaving Ou Tingting cluttered in the wind above the window alone, when she saw the scenery under the window, she scaredly climbed the wall and cried, "Brother, I'm afraid of highness, you will come back soon." Unfortunately, no one answered her .

Finally, she climbed down the window very embarrassed.

When she was on the floor, she was relieved and relieved, sweat on her forehead, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

She was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't help chilling. She didn't know how to get up from the ground and then left the room.

Ou Qingheng, who had already left, took the elevator downstairs and got into his car. He dialed a phone number. After connecting there, he said, "Xu Chen, have you handled it?"

"Boss, the person has dealt with it. Will his family move?"

"I don't need it for the time being, but I have cut off all the financial sources of his family. His children are already over 18 years old and already grown up, so let them make money."

"Yes, boss."

"Since the people have dealt with it, come and drink with me." Ou Qingheng said the place to drink.

Ou Qingheng chose the largest KTV in the city, opened a luxurious private room, and ordered several bottles of whiskey.

The two bodyguards soon came.

They pushed the door in and said to Ou Qingheng very respectfully, "Boss."

Ou Qingheng took a drink and took a sip and said, "Sit down, drink two glasses with me."

Xu Chen and the two of them sat down, and Ou Qingheng personally poured wine for them.

The two are really flattered. You know that Ou Qingheng is like a **** in their hearts. They can make money, control, martial arts, and the marksmanship is also very good. In their eyes, they are almost omnipotent.

"Thank you boss." The two expressions said very seriously.

Ou Qingheng raised the glass, the two met, and also raised the glass.

Ou Qingheng tilted his head and drank the wine from the glass.

Xu Chen looked at the two bottles of whiskey that were empty on the glass table and said with some concern: "Boss, you should drink less, or you should have a stomachache later."

Ou Qingheng laughed bitterly and suddenly said, "You honestly say, am I a good husband?"

Xu Chen looked at each other.

Xu Chen felt that Ou Tingting should have stimulated Ou Qingheng, otherwise Ou Qingheng would not say such things for nothing.

Xu Chen thought for a while, and said in a fair way: "Although the boss is very serious, but he treats his subordinates very well, and the salary is also high. Of course, it is also very good for the boss.

Ou Qingheng poured a glass of wine into his glass again, looked up, and drank it.

He was bitter in his heart. Everyone could see that he had only material satisfaction with Yao Yiyi before. Except for these, he had never cared about her at all. No wonder his sister would hire such a fearless man to hit Yao Yiyi. All of this was actually caused by him indirectly.

When he didn't pay attention, he actually did a lot to hurt Yao Yiyi.

Before he could not feel his heart, he could be ignorant and would not feel heartache, but now he could perceive his intentions for Yao Yiyi, and could not help feeling annoyed and regretful about his once indifferent and arrogant self. .

His self-righteousness, Yao Yiyi still fell in love with him. He was also proud and guilty.

His five years of indifference and complete neglect can be worthy of the title Yao Ting gave him-scum.

"Xu Chen, Liang Dong, you have also been with me for many years. Honestly, am I okay with Yiyi?"

Xu Chen and Liang Dong looked at each other again, and they felt that Ou Qingheng was a little strange today.

Xu Chen came to answer this time. He coughed and said seriously: "The boss and his wife have been married for another five months. It ’s good or bad, have n’t they all passed for so many years? It ’s very good. It ’s good for her to double in the future. Does it make sense to struggle with the past? "

Ou Qing stunned for a moment, then laughed.

He was holding his glass, his expression gradually relaxed and lazy.

"You're right, for such a simple reason, I got horny. I was really a fan of the authorities, and the bystanders were clear. I was awoken by the stick of you by the bystanders." Ou Qingheng took another sip of whiskey. Said with a sense.

Both Xu Chen and Liang Dong were relieved.

Their duties are very heavy, not only to protect Ou Qingheng's personal safety, but also to resolve his personal emotional confusion.

This year, it's not easy to be a bodyguard. It takes a lot of effort and a flexible mind. BOSS has a problem that it can't crawl out of the tip of the horn, they all have to try their best to help solve it.

"Xu Chen, in the future, you will protect Yiyi in secret, and it will be enough to leave Liang Dong by my side." Ou Qingheng drank all the wine in the glass and said.

The surprise in Xu Chen's eyes passed by, and he straightened his back and said, "Boss, I ..."

"Xu Chen, this is an order. In the future, Yiyi will be your real master. You only need to protect her. Her whereabouts and who she is with, you do n’t need to report it to me. You only need to be loyal to her in the future. I can completely ignore my orders, you know? "

Ou Qingheng said seriously, and said very seriously.

After Xu Chenleng stood up, he stood up from the sofa and took 120 cents seriously.

"Yes, boss."

It is precisely because of Ou Qingheng's order today that Yao Yiyi really left one day in the future. Ou Qingheng found Xu Chen to tell him where Yao Yiyi was, but he just shook his head and said he didn't know.

When Ou Qingheng threatened him, Xu Chen blocked what Ou Qingheng had said: "BOSS, my present owner is the boss lady, I will only take orders from her, and you let me swear with my life Even if I face the danger of life, I will never betray her. I am just loyal to my professional ethics, so I am sorry. "

At that moment, Ou Qingheng was speechless.

He had the illusion of lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

But this is all afterwords.

Ou Qingheng stood up, patted the dust that was not on his body, and asked, "I look like this, is it OK?"

Today, Ou Qingheng's abnormality has already made Liang Dong and Xu Chen become unsurprised.

"BOSS, how you look, looks the most handsome." Two bodyguards who have always played black faces, this time the rare one is not so serious.

Ou Qingheng's mood suddenly improved.


Ou Qingheng left KTV, Liang Dong acted as the driver and Xu Chen went to drive another car.

Ou Qingheng leaned back in the back seat to close his eyes and recuperate. From the car to the car, he drove to the hospital. He closed his eyes and said nothing more.

When getting off, Ou Qingheng said to Liang Dongdao: "You can drive the car back and Xu Chen can follow me alone."

Liang Dong nodded and said, "Yes, boss."

Ou Qingheng got out of the car and Liang Dong drove away.

Xu Chen followed Ou Qingheng's side.

The two went upstairs by elevator.

Pushing the door in, there are only Yao Ting and Yao Yiyi in the ward. Yao Yiyi is asleep in the hospital bed, and Yao Ting is also lying on the sofa with her eyes closed to recuperate her. Immediately opened her eyes alertly, seeing that it was Ou Qingheng, she was relieved.

She got up from the sofa and first glanced at Xu Chen, feeling unfamiliar and saying, "President of the University of Europe, your friend?"

Ou Qingheng casually said: "Bodyguard."

Yao Ting was surprised this time. He looked at Xu Chen from head to toe without disguising his eyes. You have to comment bluntly: "I thought the bodyguards were all expressionless ugly men. It ’s handsome, tall, handsome and stylish. President Ou Da, how do I feel more stylish than you? "

Xu Chen twitched her lips, this woman was definitely intentional, she said, is she going to lay off?

Ou Qingheng gave her a blank expression.

Yao Ting shrugged, obviously not taking Ou Qingheng's expression into his eyes.

She held out her hand and smiled: "Handsome bodyguard, my name is Yao Ting. I am very happy to meet you. How do you call it?"

Xu Chen was a little hesitant, trying to maintain his superficial coldness.

Yao Ting blinked innocently and began to damage Ou Qingheng again: "President Ou Da, I know who your bodyguard looks like, who else can you, so I said you can not use such a high height It ’s cold, otherwise the bodyguard has a good look. The whole face, the handsome guy, has been biased by you. "

Xu Chen's mouth twitched even worse.

In his heart, he also sincerely admired Yao Ting, his omnipotent BOSS. No one dared to talk mercilessly in front of him. This woman should be the first one.

Should he say she is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, or a stupid woman with only a physical appearance but no brains?


This is Xu Chen's evaluation of Yao Ting's first impression, but it is also a bold stupid woman.

Yao Ting wants to know that if Xu Chen defines her as a stupid woman, she must drag down the sneakers under her feet regardless of the image and hit Xu Chen fiercely.

Xu Chen felt guilty, but still reached out and shook hands with Yao Ting.

"Hello, I am Xu Chen, Xu is a lot of Xu, Chen is the moon of the sun, moon and stars." Xu Chen introduced himself seriously.

Yao Ting withdrew his hand and gave him a thumbs-up, saying: "Xu Chen, right, you have put President Ou Da on the road more, I think Yiyi will definitely like you more."

Xu Chen's mouth could no longer be pumped, and Ou Qingheng's face was instantly black. Xu Chen felt that because Yao Ting's sentence was just like revenge, he instantly Alexander.

Ou Qingheng gave Yao Ting a seemingly inadvertent look. Yao Ting shrugged and said in a shocking manner: "President Ou Da, don't look at me like this, I'm just telling the truth, your bodyguard is much cuter than you, Yiyi I like cute people more. "

Xu Chen came out in cold sweat, and felt like a mountain behind him.

Woman, really can't offend easily.

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