Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 498: Gift giving thanks

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"Qingheng, where are you from these photos?" Yao Yiyi asked without answering.

"It's just a bit of money for someone to take a sneak shot. The technology of the person taking the picture is quite good. You can see how clear this is, even if the face of the black man is still very clear." Ou Qingheng fair Just reviews.

Yao Yiyi took a detailed look at the photo and commented: "The shooting angle is good, and the two people in the photo also look very intimate. Qingheng, you show me these, I want to say that this has always been the performance Polite, like a good husband, Zhang Shao actually stepped on two boats? "

Ou Qingheng slightly bent the corner of his mouth, praised: "My wife is smart."

Yao Yiyi chuckled.

"Qingheng, what are you going to do?" Yao Yiyi asked.

"What should I do?" Ou Qing pretended to be silly.

Yao Yiyi glanced at him.

Ou Qingheng chuckled aloud, and his mood was obviously quite good.

"Qing Heng, this Zhang Jiazi son is also interacting with another woman at the same time as Ting Ting. Do you really not let Ting Ting know?" Yao Yiyi raised the photo in Yang's hand and said.

"Then do you want me to tell her?" Ou Qingheng threw the question to Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi pretended to be thinking very seriously, and really shook her head, saying: "I don't want to. I'm quite a little belly, Ou Tingting is everywhere against me, I don't remind her so kindly, I'm very heartfelt thinking She was brutally hurt in the relationship, and I also made a bad breath. Of course, I just thought about it, and I would n’t really watch her happen, because she is your sister, even if you do n’t say anything, but I still can't let her go, I don't want you to hurt your sister because of me. "

Blood is thicker than water, no matter how cold and ruthless it looks, he is quite accommodating to his only sister.

Ou Qingheng held the person tighter and kissed without a trace of **** on her forehead, whispering: "Fool! In my heart, you and An An are the most important, you think I ’m going to investigate Zhang Shujun? I just want to see if he is as good as it seems on the surface. This will reveal the stuffing without checking. It turns out that the so-called Jia Gongzi is just a scumbag. Do n’t you think he and Ou Tingting are a natural pair? "

Yao Yiyi raised his head and stared at Ou Qingheng.

Ou Qingheng touched his cheek, making a rare joke: "Wife, did you suddenly find my handsome person angry?"

Yao Yiyi was amused by him.

After laughing, Yao Yiyi went back to the official story: "Qing Heng, Zhang Shujun's situation, you really don't intend to tell your sister?"

If you intend to indulge, I'm afraid Ou Tingting will not be happy to marry Zhang Shujun in the future. A marriage living in a lie that is woven by someone. Waiting for the moment when the truth is revealed, it is a very good for the woman who thinks the marriage is very sweet Fatal blow.

But at the thought of what Ou Tingting once did to her, Yao Yiyi's original sympathy was also calm. She was not the Virgin Mary, and it was already pretty good not to fall down, it is impossible to kindly remind.

Ou Tingting is also her own choice if her marriage is unfortunate in the future. She blames herself for the result, and it is not worthy of anyone ’s sympathy.

Yao Yiyi thought for a while, and finally said: "Qingheng, if you feel embarrassed, don't consider my feelings. I don't want to regret my whole life for your revenge."

Ou Qingheng's generous palm rested on her head and laughed softly, but her eyes were cold.

"I said they were born with a perfect match, a hypocrisy, a wayward, no brain, not to get together will only harm others, not to mention Zhang Shujun married Tingting, you think Tingting's temperament must know that Zhang Shujun has something else outside Woman, will she swallow her voice? "

Ou Qingheng paused, as if thinking of something funny, he sneered a few times and continued: "Ou Tingting will definitely turn the Zhang family upset, Zhang Shujun will not necessarily ask for a little benefit, this is to want to sit When the man who enjoys the good fortune comes to an end, when Tingting marries over, I will secretly add a fire to make this farce more and more prosperous, which is also a big gift for me and his good sister Well, teach them not to do too much at a loss, otherwise God ’s rewards are not not to fail, but the time is up. ”

Yao Yiyi opened her eyes and looked at Ou Qingheng with a smile.

"Qingheng, you will not retaliate for An'an, will you?"

"Wife, did you just see it?"

Yao Yiyi laughed loudly, but his eyes slowly turned red, and Ou Qingheng did this kind of maintenance for their mother and son, which is really commendable.

"Oh, I blame you, causing sand in my eyes." Yao Yiyi raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, said with a little scorn.

Ou Qingheng was amused by her appearance.

"Laughing farts, I don't know if it helps me see if my eyes are really in the sand?" Yao Yiyi said intentionally.

Ou Qingheng pretended to show her eyes, and the two of them faced each other. Ou Qingheng lowered her head uncontrollably and kissed her red lips.

Under the light, the two stripped bodies slowly entangled together. As for the photos and materials on the table, they lay alone, and no one was interested.

Early in the morning the next day, Yao Yiyi's biological clock woke up very accurately, only to find that she had returned to bed, and she couldn't help thinking of the madness in the study last night. It's hot.

I have been married to Ou Qingheng for many years, but apart from the embarrassment of not having emotions when I first got married, the fit between them is getting higher and higher. As I said, the husband and wife have been together for a long time, and looking at each other's body is like feeling with the left hand touching the right hand.

Ou Qingheng came out of the bathroom, only a bath towel around him, and his sturdy upper body looked even more blushing during the day.

He came to the bed, leaned over and kissed on Yao Yiyi's lips, and said, "My Queen, are you awake? I'm still thinking of a play where the King kisses the Queen."

Yao Yiyi can be said to be stepping back and forth in his step-by-step romance. The seemingly indifferent Ou Qingheng is romantically blushing and his heart rate can't be controlled.

Yao Yiyi lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and his body fell into Ou Qingheng's eyes, his eyes suddenly became deep, just like the ancient wells without waves. The big rock stirred waves from circle to circle.

"Women, if you don't want to really get out of bed in the morning, please don't seduce me by wearing nothing." Ou Qingheng said hoarsely with his hands on his chest.

Yao Yiyi turned around and threw a wink at him, and smiled gently, "Husband." After she finished, she saw Ou Qingheng's eyes darkened at once, and the desire in her eyes was almost Out of the gate.

Yao Yiyi smiled triumphantly, and then swaggered into the bathroom, closing the door, closing the lock, and all in one go.

Ou Qingheng felt the change in his lower body, and then looked at the closed bathroom door, he could not help but laugh bitterly.

There is a wife who can hook people at home, and he can only bear it.

Yao Yiyi simply refreshed and went downstairs with Ou Qingheng to have breakfast, let Wu Ma take care of An An, and said that if Mrs. Ou sent someone to pick An An, she would let Wu Ma follow him directly.

After breakfast, Ou Qingheng drove Yao Yiyi to the company.

Ou Qingheng parked the car in front of the company and said, "Shall I take you up?"

Yao Yiyi unfastened the seat belt, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, saying: "No, as soon as you go up, those colleagues will be too handcuffed when they see you."

Ou Qingheng did not force him, but got out of the car and opened the trunk to take out the gift he had specially prepared. Yao Yiyi took the gift in his hand and smiled: "Go to work, I can do it alone. "

Ou Qingheng left by car.

Yao Yiyi took the gift to the elevator and went upstairs to the design department. The colleagues who had arrived in the design department all showed their due enthusiasm.

"Yiyi, you're here, how are the children?" The colleague asked eloquently.

Yao Yiyi smiled decently: "An An has been discharged from the hospital, thank you for your concern, and thank you for your tolerance for my work in the past few days when I took leave. This is a gift I prepared for everyone. dislike?"

Colleagues present took their presents one after another and opened it. The female colleague had the latest LV bag and the male colleague had the latest watch. Everyone looked at such gifts. They opened their mouths one after another, and the gift was a lot of money in total.

Everyone could not help but roar in their hearts-it was really a trench, and indeed it was a local tyrant. This gift is so tasteful.

Xing Rongrong came in on high heels when she saw Yao Yiyi. She immediately put on a smiley face and said, "Sister Yiyi, you are back at work. Is Anan all right?"

Yao Yiyi walked over to her and smiled: "Thank you for your concern, An An is all right. This is a small gift I prepared for you. Thank you for sharing the work for me these days. See if you like it or not?"

Xing Rongrong looked at the gift in Yao Yiyi's hand, a flash of jealousy and greedy desire flashed in his eyes.

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