Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 708: Her chance comes

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Amidst the envy and envy of Huang Yiyi, Madam Huang's illness was repeated. Once her head hurt, she took the head and hit the wall. The doctor could only give pain relief to relieve her pain, but nothing happened. Yes, when it hurts, her hair is scratched by her.

Yao Yiyi felt distressed when they looked at it. She grabbed James and swallowed saliva, nervously: "James, you honestly told me, what is the success rate of my mother's operation?"

"It's hard to say." James looked cold and solemn: "If it is an early malignant brain tumor, it has a small mass, and it can be surgically removed as long as the site is suitable. If the cancer is difficult to cut, it can be treated first. After the cancer becomes smaller , And then perform surgical resection. But Auntie is already in the middle stage. For patients with advanced malignant brain tumors, there is almost no possibility of surgical resection, but Auntie ’s will is very firm and actively cooperates with treatment. I will try my best to research a set of operations that will not harm my aunt. If it is really impossible, it can only be treated conservatively. However, I suggest that she should eat celery, chrysanthemum brain, mushrooms, Foods such as white fungus, black fungus and daylily are very effective for intracranial blood vessels and side effects of protective chemotherapy and therapeutic treatment. Also, I suggest to transfer my aunt to T city. My hospital is there after all. I ca n’t often in Shanghai Stay here. "

Yao Yiyi thought for a while and said, "I will discuss with the Huang family. If they agree, we will transfer my mother to T City as soon as possible."

"That's faster, if she waits later, her situation won't allow her to travel long distances," James said.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"James, how did your mentor reply?"

"I didn't get through his phone. At this time, he usually looked for the medicinal materials he needed in the old forest of the deep mountain. The information there was not good, and he was rarely found. Except when he needed to call back, I'm afraid I have to wait for three. He will not be found until after months. "

James' words directly broke Yao Yiyi's hopes.

Yao Yiyi was like a deflated ball-heaved.

Ou Qingheng grabbed her shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I have contacted a team of foreign experts in brain, they will come soon."

Yao Yi leaned on his shoulder and didn't want to talk for a while.

I do n’t know if she was too violent in her life. Since she had a car accident when she was pregnant with An An, she has formed an indissoluble bond with the hospital, and people around her have also been involved in accidents, or they have been suffering from minor illnesses. Or, a serious illness overwhelms everyone's nerves.

She thinks that the winning rate is not higher than the probability of her entering the hospital.

She sometimes wondered if she had been in the hospital in her life?

She collapsed.

James stayed in Shanghai for a few days and had to buy a plane ticket back to T City. There was a major operation in the hospital waiting for him to do it. He had no more time to delay here.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng sent James to the airport. On the way back, Ou Qingheng saw that her face was not particularly good, there were dark circles under her eyes, and people were also a lot thinner. There was a flash in his eyes. Distressed.

"Yiyi, I'll take you back to the hotel to take a rest. If you can't go on like this, I will be distressed." Ou Qingheng said with a frown.

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "Qing Heng, I'm fine, I can just close my eyes and take a break. I can't sleep when I go back to the hotel."

Ou Qingheng looked at Yao Yiyi with her eyes closed and leaned on the seat from the rearview mirror. Her skin was fair, so the dark circles were particularly obvious. He felt more distressed, but Yao Yiyi's perseverance was not enough, so there will be some helpless.

At the hospital, Ou Jingheng carefully parked the car, untied the seat belt and got out, opened the door to sit in, and then carefully held Yao Yiyi, who had fallen asleep, in her arms and adjusted the position to make her sleep more comfortable. a little.

Yao Yiyi didn't know how long she slept before waking up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the enlarged face of Ou Qingheng. She was startled, and then she recovered and smiled, "How long have I been asleep?" ? "

"Almost two hours."

Yao Yiyi came out of his arms and said, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You are too tired, I will let you go back to the hotel and take a rest. You won't do it, so I can only sleep with you in the car. You are too stubborn and make me feel so bad. When can you save me a snack? , I can breathe a sigh of relief, "Ou Qingheng said helplessly and spoiled.

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and touched his face, said: "I know you are worried about me, but I'm really okay, but you, and I have no good rest with me, or you go back to the hotel to take a rest Say no to me. "

Ou Qingheng grabbed her hand and stared deeply into her eyes.

"Okay, I'll go back to rest. If there is anything in the hospital, you have to call me and say, don't carry it alone, you know?"

"I will." Yao Yiyi seemed to think of something funny, she said: "Qingheng, I think you were brought down by me and followed me in and out of the hospital all day."

"It doesn't matter if you go in or out of the hospital. As long as your people are fine, it doesn't matter if other people get sick."


Yao Yiyi squeezed his cheek, and the eyes of the two looked at each other with tenderness.

The two of you, I and I, somehow, Yao Yiyi said softly: "Qingheng, go back and take a rest, your physical fitness is very strong, but I still feel distressed after seeing you work so hard."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Yao Yiyi got off the car and watched Ou Qingheng drive away before entering the hospital.

Outside the ward, Huang Lingxuan and Huang Yiyi came across the opposite side.

"Sister, you are back." Huang Lingxuan said.

Huang Yiyi was puzzled and did not see Ou Qingheng, she said: "Sister, brother-in-law?"

Yao Yiyi said undefended: "I asked him to go back to the hotel and have a rest. He has stayed with me in the hospital these days and has not slept for many hours."

Huang Yiyi heard this, and her eyes lit up.

She couldn't help but curled her lips, feeling that her chance came, as long as Ou Qingheng saw her charm, she might be empathetic and unrequited.

She is very confident in her appearance, and she looks like Yao Yiyi, she does n’t believe that Ou Qingheng wo n’t look at her more. Besides, there are no cats in the world who do n’t steal, she believes that as long as she strikes, Ou Qingheng will It will be in her pocket.

"Yiyi, are you okay?" Yao Yiyi asked, looking at Huang Yiyi's loss.

Huang Yiyi recovered and smiled: "It's okay, sister, don't you want to go in to see your mom? Go in."

"Aren't you going in?"

"I went out for a while, Mom looked so distressed, I wanted to go out and walk."

"then you go."

After Yao Yiyi entered the ward, Huang Lingxuan grabbed Huang Yiyi's hand and warned: "Yiyi, don't mess up, otherwise I won't be comforted by any insults, sometimes people are still not too smart. it is good."

Huang Yiyi pretended to be silly: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Huang Lingxuan looked at her deeply and said, "You know what I say."

Huang Yiyi's nostrils snorted and said, "Brother, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm going."

"Yiyi ..."

Huang Yiyi ignored him, and left without looking back.

Huang Lingxuan's expression was even more gloomy. He stared at Huang Yiyi's back, thinking that she should not do shameless things, but his sister is self-willed and has no brains, often doing things that she thinks are smart. But in the eyes of others, what she did was stupid.

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