Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 793: From love to hate

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Zhang Shujun rushed to the apartment he and Lin Shufen built the nest of love with the fastest speed. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Shufen crawling on the ground like a dog. His eyes flashed and walked over.

Lin Shufen raised his head and grieved and shouted: "Shujun, save me."

She didn't call it okay. As soon as she called Ou Tingting, she stepped directly on her back, and the painful Lin Shufen gasped.

Zhang Shujun felt a little bit distressed and wanted to reach out to help. Ou Tingting's eyes swept over and looked at him with a smile, saying, "Shujun, why, distressed?"

Zhang Shujun looked away and walked in front of Ou Tingting, said softly: "How come, I'm just afraid that you are tired, if you really don't want to see her, just let her leave T City, why should you be so tired of being indifferent with her? Own body. "

"Are you worried that I am tired, or distressed your little lover stepped on my feet? She personally admits that you have been with you for more than eight years, Gee, this time is really long enough." Ou Tingting's voice changed It ’s sharp and sarcastic: "Zhang Shujun, you can also pretend to be in front of me. I look affectionately on my face. As a result, I was carrying another woman with you, you and I, what do you say? Is it worthy of my trust in you? "

Zhang Shujun stared at Lin Shufen without showing any traces, and said in a good tone: "Ting Ting, marrying you, I will really wholeheartedly treat you, I and her will be over, you have to be really angry, you can make people Beat me up, but do n’t be sulking yourself. I ’m really afraid that you will have three longs and two shorts, so I wo n’t forgive me forever. ”

Ou Tingting snorted and looked at him with a smile.

"Is that true? I thought you were expecting me to have an accident sooner." Ou Tingting waved his hand. "Unfortunately, it may disappoint you. My life is long. I am very jealous and possessive. You can only have me as a woman if you marry me, so today, whether you want it or not, you must choose between me and her. "

Zhang Shujun's expression was stern, and he was very loyal: "Tingting, I love you. Let's stop fooling around, I'll send you back first."

Ou Tingting waved his hand like a noble queen.

She glanced at the bodyguard standing behind her and said, "You, fold the thumb of Miss Lin's right hand."

Wen Yan, Zhang Shujun and Lin Shufen both changed their faces.

Lin Shufen realized that Ou Tingting was a master who didn't play cards according to common sense. She came from her temperament, and she didn't take Zhang Shujun into her eyes at all.

She understood that Zhang Shujun was simply not useful.

"Miss Ou, Rao Ming, Shu Jun never loved me at all. Before marrying you, he told me that he met a woman who wanted to be cared for in this life. I was jealous of the woman who allowed him to marry, so I designed it. That day you caught traitor, I used beauty to try to seduce him, but he was not moved at all, and I knew his heart was not on me, he loved you deeply. "Lin Shufen shed tears," Neither do I Begging him for love, I ’m destined not to win you, you are too noble, too perfect, I want to go back to my hometown and find a honest man to marry while still young. "

Ou Tingting smugly smugly looked at Lin Shufen's embarrassment with pleasure.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Didn't I make you scrap her fingers?" Ou Tingting said like a demon.

"Yes, Miss." The bodyguard stepped forward and stepped on Lin Shufen's finger when he lifted his foot.

Zhang Shujun's eyes dimmed and he struggled. In the end, he pushed away the bodyguard and pulled Lin Shufen up.

Ou Tingting looked, his face changed.

"Shujun, why, are you going to protect this coquette?" Ou Tingting smiled falsely.

Zhang Shujun changed his tender and affectionate face. He crouched in front of Ou Tingting and said, "Tingting, I'm just afraid of getting your hands dirty. You are pregnant now. How could I let you do these dirty things?" ? "

Ou Tingting raised her eyebrows, "Since you think so for me, then you can paint her face for me, you know, I can't hold the sand in my eyes. If you marry me, I dare to hide in the golden house outside. I have n’t discarded your place, you are quite right. "

Zhang Shujun seemed to be gentle, but he held his arms in his arms and said softly, "Tingting, I have a heart on you. Why should you care about a woman who has no identity? You have reduced your identity. I fancy a piece of jewelry, and I think it matches your temperament very well. I bought it to give you a surprise. Come home and see with me, eh? "

Ou Tingting seems to be getting smarter, and there is no such fool.

"For her, do you even count me?"

"Tingting, why are you ..."

"Follow me with this set. If you don't give up one of her fingers today, I'll divorce you. If she wants me, you choose." Ou Tingting said suddenly.

Zhang Shujun's fist was clenched slowly, Ou Tingting noticed his change and sneered: "Shu Jun, I thought you were ruthless to her, it turned out to be pretended, you are really hypocritical, I actually marry you Is such a woman disgusting? "

Zhang Shujun quickly withdrew the anger in his eyes and said softly: "Tingting, do you really want to scrap her finger?"

"Of course." Ou Tingting nodded.

Zhang Shujun stood up and walked quickly towards Lin Shufen. Lin Shufen stepped back in fear, swallowing saliva subconsciously, shaking: "Shujun, what do you want to do? We have been in love for so many years, can't you treat me like this?"

Zhang Shujun's answer was to catch up quickly, grab Lin Shufen's hand, and break her thumb accurately. In the miserable cry of Lin Shufen, he calmly said in her ear: "Shufen, don't blame me , I do this for our future, and I will definitely double up to you later. "

Lin Shufen's painful cold sweat directly looked at Zhang Shujun in disbelief.

She did not believe that Zhang Shujun would treat her so cruelly. They had devoted their best years to him in a decade and eight years. As a result, the man broke her thumb with his own hands, and said that It is for their future.

Ha ha.

She felt that she was really sad. They have been together for so many years, and this man finally loves himself.

She laughed bleakly, and the pain in her fingers was less painful.

Zhang Shujun looked at Lin Shufen without looking, and walked in front of Ou Tingting, tenderly said: "Tingting, are you tired? I'll go back with you. I booked a restaurant with a good atmosphere. I don't know if you can enjoy a face and accompany me. eat?"

Ou Tingting was satisfied now. She put her hand on Zhang Shujun's hand and said, "For your sincerity, I will reluctantly agree with you. Let's go, let's go to a big meal. Today I'm in a good mood , You can eat two servings. "

Zhang Shujun hugged her waist and carefully protected her belly, saying: "Go slowly, don't move to fetal gas."

Ou Tingting quietly followed Zhang Shujun away, and the bodyguards who followed naturally walked with him, and no one was sorry for Lin Shufen who had just broken his finger.

Lin Shufen looked at the closed door resentfully, and slowly climbed up from the ground, trying to move the broken finger, and the pain came from the cone.

"Zhang Shujun, Zhang Shujun ... Your heart, your unforgettable sentiment completely interrupted our past sentiments. Don't blame me for not doing what I want to do in the future." Lin Shufen said resentfully.

After the pain in his hand eased down, Lin Shufen called Ou Qingheng again. After the call, she said straight away: "Ou Shao, I have a lot of things that Zhang Shujun has done over the years, most of them are from his company. Shady transactions with other companies, if you want, I can give you immediately, but I need a lot of money. "

"You bring it to the company, I think it will cost you a considerable amount of usefulness." Ou Qingheng said.

Lin Shufen was silent for a while and said with a smile: "Ou Shao, others say you are cold and ruthless, but when you come in contact with you, you are more committed than Zhang Shujun, who has a human face and beastly heart. At least you haven't been short of my expenses. Here I will tell you Thank you very much. "

"No nonsense, you come here in an hour, and hang up first."

Looking at the black screen, Lin Shufen pursed her lips, a flash of revenge and fierceness flashed in her eyes.

Zhang Shujun, from then on we will be determined.

She thought.

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