Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 829: Want to help compound

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Xu Chengxun sent the drunk Li Zhenzhen back to the Lijia villa, looking at the almost empty villa, his brow furrowed, and he didn't know what was going on for a while, and many of the servants usually found no one now. .

Xu Chengxun blocked Li Zhenzhen from the waist, and finally got the key from her bag to open the door, took the man into the bedroom upstairs, his gentleman took off her shoes for her, and then took the towel out of the water to wipe her After wiping his face and waiting for all this, he sat at the head of the bed and reached out to touch the bangs in front of her forehead, looking at her eyes with lingering doubts and in addition to obsession.

"Zhenzhen, tell me, are you using me?" Xu Chengxun sighed quietly and said.

Li Zhenzhen went to his company this morning and said that he would consider starting with him. It happened too suddenly. He was shocked for a long time before he reacted. First, he was ecstatic, and then he was suspicious after calming down, doubting her ulterior motives.

At first, he had only doubts. Only when the farmhouse Li Zhenzhen had an uncharacteristically enthusiastic passion for Yao Yiyi's family, his doubts gradually became true in his heart.

He never thought that Li Zhenzhen would use him one day.

His heart is not uncomplicated.

"Zhenzhen, what exactly do you want to do?" Xu Chengxun looked at Li Zhenzhen's drunken sleep and murmured.

Li Zhenzhen's response just turned over, and then said a dream: "Chengxun, I love you so much, I really love you, don't you leave me, okay?"

Xu Chengxun's heart shook, and the look in her back softened, and the previous doubts vanished.

"I won't leave you, what do you want to do, I'll stand on your side." Xu Chengxun compromised. If Li Zhenzhen really had to deal with Yao Yiyi, then he would just take a stab to resolve it. He neither wanted to be like a stranger with Yao Yiyi, nor wanted Li Zhenzhen to go astray because of the hatred that could not be resolved. Now that she is His woman, then he will protect.

Xu Chengxun sat by the bed for a long time before getting up and leaving. When he left the house, Li Zhenzhen, who was drunk and slept, opened his eyes and looked at the closed door without sleep. His eyes became very complicated.

She withdrew her eyes and guiltily said: "Chengxun, I'm sorry, don't blame me for taking advantage of me. I'm also out of luck. It's the Ou's family who's sorry for my mother first. It wouldn't be possible for Ou Qingheng to kill my mother Son ’s, he ’s not benevolent, does n’t blame me for being unrighteous. "

This night, the two had different thoughts and were destined to sleep hard.

The next day, Li Zhenzhen reluctantly slept for two hours and woke up. After drinking and lack of sleep, her face was very pale, her lips were dry and dehydrated.

She held her head and wanted to get out of bed to find some water to drink. Unexpectedly, the door was opened and Xu Chengxun came in from outside.

A bit of embarrassment flashed on Li Zhenzhen's face, Xu Chengxun was quite frank, and walked over to help her, caring: "Wake up? Does your head hurt? Do you have a honey lemon tea? I I made it for you early in the morning. "

Li Zhenzhen took a sip and then felt that the mouth was not so dry. Just waking up, the throat was really like a fire.

"Thank you!" Li Zhenzhen said sincerely.

Xu Chengxun just fed her gently and continued to drink, saying: "I prepared breakfast for you, brush your teeth and eat breakfast when you wake up, you promised to be with me, and I should take good care of you."

Li Zhenzhen's cheeks were a little red, and her heart was sweet, but she thought that she was just using Xu Chengxun, and the joy disappeared instantly.

"Chengxun, you go out first, I will go down in a moment."

"You're still shy, okay, let me go first." Xu Chengxun held her cheek and dropped a kiss on her forehead. The affection in her eyes could almost indulge people: "If you need help, you can Tell me, do n’t be brave, do n’t you know? "

Li Zhenzhen nodded.

Xu Chengxun left the bedroom, and Li Zhenzhen raised her hand with carelessness, stroking his head. It was sour, sweet, and not flavorful.

"Xu Chengxun, if one day you knew that I was just using it, would you hate me?" Li Zhenzhen murmured.

She didn't want to use Xu Chengxun, but things had developed to such a point that she couldn't get close to Yao Yiyi without taking advantage of it, and she couldn't move An An. Then her plan to catch An An could only be put on hold.

She couldn't look back at this step.

At the thought of her mother's appearance, she was a bit soft and hardened.

She got up to brush her teeth and wash her face, and chose a simple dress from the closet.

Going downstairs to see the exquisite breakfast set on the dining table, there was a trace of warmth in her eyes, and to Xu Chengxun's eyes, she gave him a sweet smile.

Xu Chengxun's eyes became softer.

"Come and have breakfast." Xu Chengxun opened the chair for her and said.

Li Zhenzhen sat down, looked at the breakfast on the table, and said: "These are all prepared by you? I didn't know that your cooking was so good before."

"I used to cook, but I seldom cook. I half-timely reported to the class to learn the cooking skills. The cooked things are pretty good, but I just do n’t know how it tastes. Come, you try Try it. "Xu Chengxun gave him a bowl of porridge and said.

Li Zhenzhen nodded and tasted the food prepared by Xu Chengxun, which tasted good. She felt very warm in her stomach and her head became less painful.

After Mother Li became like this, she did not have the luxury of being able to sit down with Xu Chengxun to eat breakfast calmly. Although it contained ingredients, it was her dream to be able to eat so calmly.

"Delicious?" Xu Chengxun asked.

Li Zhenzhen said with a smile: "It's delicious. I didn't expect your craft to be so good. It's almost catching up with the craftsmanship of a five-star hotel chef. If you don't start a company in the future, you can consider becoming a chef."

Xu Chengxun looked at her deeply, and a sweet word came suddenly: "If you want, I can be your exclusive cook for life."

Li Zhenzhen had a meal in his hand, the food in his mouth also stuck in his throat, and the smile at the corner of his mouth faded away.

"What's wrong, don't want me to be your exclusive cook?" Xu Chengxun's eyes dimmed and said.

Li Zhenzhen shook her head, and the smile on her face was even brighter: "How come, I wish I could have such a good and handsome chef as you, but you are too expensive, I am afraid I haven't paid you all your life."

Xu Chengxun scraped her nose and smiled: "No need to spend money, as long as you are willing to let me spoil you, love you, love you, and then you give me two cute little babies, I will give you Cook with children for the next life. "

Li Zhenzhen joked: "This way, I'm a good deal."

"Then you have to hug my thighs well and let me hurt you well as your exclusive cook."

Li Zhenzhen just smiled sweetly.

Xu Chengxun, if you knew that I could deal with a child, would you still be my exclusive chef for life? If you knew that I was just using you, would you still think I was the one you remembered?

Li Zhenzhen smiled bitterly in her heart and did not hold any hope for the future of Xu Chengxun. The obstacles between them were deeper than the chasm. Mrs. Xu would not admit her first.

After eating breakfast, Xu Chengxun asked: "Zhen Zhen, uncle and aunt, and servants? I came back yesterday without a single person."

Li Zhenzhen's hand, and then said casually: "My mother said she was nostalgic for her previous days abroad when she was ill, so my dad took her to settle there, and I needed so many servants at home. It ’s useless, so I gave them all away. There was a housekeeper, but my parents were used to the housekeeper ’s care, so they took it together. ”

Xu Chengxun showed a distress in his eyes.

He said: "The company will leave it to you to take care of it. There is no one to take care of you at home. The big villa will be deserted even if you look at it. I will send you a few servants."

"Then thank you." Li Zhenzhen said.

Xu Chengxun was satisfied now: "I will let people come in the afternoon. You can rest assured that you are all from the country. People honestly will not move their minds."

"I can trust you."

The two said a few more self-confident words before Xu Chengxun got up and went to work.

Li Zhenzhen sent him to the car, he said: "I will send you to the company."

"No, I have to go to the car at noon to discuss the contract with a client, and then accompany him to dinner." Li Zhenzhen refused.

Xu Chengxun stroked her cheek, and suddenly felt that they could have been stolen in the same time.

"Zhenzhen, I know it's not easy for you to promise to give me a chance again. I also cherish this time. I am going to get married this time. We will get married as soon as the time is right." Xu Chengxun is very serious Said.

Li Zhenzhen's heart shook, and a trace of fear flashed for no reason. She knew that all of this was an illusion. After she used his truth to expose it, maybe they would really retreat to a distant point and live the days of old and dead.

Her mad video is destined that she can't even look up at the Xu family. Even in the 21st century, the traditional concept is destined for women to live more tired than men.

Li Zhenzhen did not answer directly, but just said: "Go to work quickly, time is running out."

Xu Chengxun looked at her deeply, and did not force her, but changed the topic: "Take care of yourself, and don't have close contact with June. He is not a good person."

Li Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Got it, steward."

Xu Chengxun's smile is very hearty.

He kissed Li Zhenzhen's lips and then got on the car and left.

Li Zhenzhen looked at the passing car, and his eyes turned red.

She took out her mobile phone and made a call to June. After the call, she said: "June, he has been hooked, with his help, I believe I will soon become a good friend with Yao Yiyi. You can easily catch An An. "

June said over the phone: "Zhenzhen, you have done a good job. You are more ruthless than I thought. Even people you like can use it. I believe that working with you will get the effect I want."

"As long as you don't drop the chain at that time, I believe we will get what each other wants." Li Zhenzhen finished and hung up the phone directly.

She drove to the company, was busy at noon and left the company, drove to a Korean restaurant, and entered the box, there was only one person in it, and this person was none other than Li Haoran.

"Horan, have you waited a long time?" Li Zhenzhen walked over with her bag and said.

Li Haoran glanced up at her, ripped his lips, and said indifferently: "No."

Li Zhenzhen sat down, called the waiter, ordered several dishes, and then handed the menu to Li Haoran. Li Haoran instead said: "You can order it."

Li Zhenzhen helped him to order two dishes by himself, and then he handed the menu to the waiter and asked him, "Thank you for serving the food faster, thank you."

The waiter nodded.

As soon as the waiter left, Li Zhenzhen opened the door and said: "Horan, I didn't have anything to call you out today. I saw Yao Ting the day before yesterday and heard her say that she was divorced from you, so I called you out of trouble."

When Li Haoran heard Yao Ting's name, he finally had a touch of emotion.

"Is she okay?" Li Haoran asked eagerly.

Li Zhenzhen looked at Li Haoran carefully and did not answer the question: "Horan, you still have feelings for Yao Ting, and she doesn't seem to have no feelings for you, you don't know that she cried when you mentioned your name, that tears Just like you do n’t want money, do you really want her to stay with other men in the future? "

Li Haoran's face sank in an instant, but instead looked at Li Zhenzhen in a wary and suspicious manner, and said, "Zhenzhen, I don't even know when you got in touch with Tingting?"

Li Zhenzhen said with a smile: "Horan, you still don't understand the friendship between women. After a meal, go shopping and talk about the private things between women, and soon you will get in the same camp, and I and Cheng Xun is together, there are only a lot of opportunities to contact her, I am happy, of course, I don't want you to be alone, in a word, do you want to recombine with Yao Ting? "

Li Haoran revealed unspeakable bitterness.

"She is the most beloved woman in my life. If I can, I don't want to let go of her hand at all." He said quietly.

Li Zhenzhen said: "Then go to chase her back, as long as the person is not dead, afraid that the person will not come back?"

"You don't understand. I made a mistake that she couldn't forgive in her life. It's impossible for me and her." The smile on Li Haoran's face was more bitter.

Li Zhenzhen has long investigated the matter between Li Haoran and Yao Ting. In her view, it is not a big deal at all. It is not that the derailment caused Zhang Jiaqi to have a big belly. This is a thing that men all over the world will commit, as long as men are Sincere repentance, most women will choose to forgive.

She knows that she knows, but on the surface, she pretends to be unknowingly: "Horan, can you tell me what happened to you? I can help you."

Li Haoran leaned back in his chair and looked at her with all his leisure.

"Zhenzhen, I never knew you were such an enthusiastic person," he said.

Li Zhenzhen spread his hands and said: "Horan, if you doubt me, then I don't help. The marriage is your own, and I can't interfere with an outsider. This meal is right to be an ordinary meal."

Li Haoran looked at her carefully, as if to know whether she was genuine or fake.

Li Zhenzhen was frank.

The waiter came in and interrupted the two's dark tide.

After setting the dishes, Li Zhenzhen gave Li Haoran a bowl of soup and said, "Come on, drink the bowl of soup. You look a lot thinner. If you do n’t know you, I thought you were a refugee from Africa. You and Yao Ting I will wait until you want to say something. "

Li Haoran just looked at the soup in the bowl, quietly recounting the matter between him and Yao Ting. From his voice, you can hear how much pain he has suffered after being derailed and how reluctant he is to Yao Ting, even if Up to now, he is still expecting Yao Ting to come back, and then they still have no guesses as before.

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