Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 843: Prepared surprise

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Yao Yiyi took An An to go home. As soon as he opened the door, he saw many balloons floating in the sky. Each balloon has a word written on it. Together, it is-wife, An An, I will always love you, you are my life.

Then a large group of people ran out of the room, spraying things against Yao Yiyi and An An, and then they first stepped upstairs, Ou Qingheng pushed a big cake out of it and pushed them in front of Yao Yiyi and An An.

He looked at Yao Yiyi affectionately and said, "Today is the day of An'an's discharge from the hospital and also the day of his rebirth, so I prepared this birthday cake for him to celebrate his bad luck away, good luck forever, no life It ’s a disease-free, this is my only wish to be his father. "

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng, his eyes closed with a layer of water vapor, and said: "Qinheng, when did you prepare these?"

"Secret." Ou Qingheng stooped and took out a handful of eleven red roses from the cake shelf. "Give it to my beloved wife, I hope she likes it."

Yao Yiyi looked at the flaming rose and couldn't help but burst into tears and smiled. This man, when romantic, always hits people's hearts.

She took the roses and laughed: "Although it is a bit vulgar to send roses, but anyone tells a woman to eat this set, so I like it very much." She counted the number of roses and laughed: "Ten One flower, Qingheng, are you telling me that you will love me all my life? "

"No, this is not enough. Our fate will continue into the next life, the next life, the next life."

"Nourishment." Yao Yiyi lamented: "But I like it."

Entangled three life three, she really likes this.

Yao Yiyi hugged An An and leaned in front of Ou Qingheng's cheek and said, "An An, these are all prepared by your father for you. It is his heart, should you express something?"

An An Liangjing looked at him, Zhan Yan smiled, and then said: "Dad."

Ou Qingheng's pupils shrank first and then enlarged again, and there were a lot of surprises in his eyes. The heart lake couldn't help but surging. He hugged An An and kissed on his cheeks several times, laughing: "Good boy, cry again."

"Dad, daddy, daddy ..." An An screamed continuously.

This is the first time An An has come back, and for the first time he is so willing to call Ou Qing Heng.

Ou Qingheng is like winning a seven-star color, no, it should be said that it is more exciting than talking about a project of hundreds of millions of dollars. It was so happy that his son called his father willingly to call his father so happy. The pride of having a son.

With a wife and children, his life is really complete.

Yao Yiyi looked at the interaction between father and son with a smile, and her heart was full, and Zhang Zhiling's deliberately provoked words were automatically ignored by her.

Enough trouble, Ou Qingheng said: "Let's eat cake first."

An An hugged Ou Qingheng's neck and said with a milky voice: "Dad, I want a hardcover version of Ultraman. Will you buy me?"

Ou Qingheng nodded briskly: "Well, you go to bed tonight, and it will appear on your bedside when you wake up."

An An kissed two of them on Ou Qingheng's cheek and said with a smile: "It's nice to have a dad. When I go to school later, I will tell people that Dad is a super hero."

Ou Qingheng is even more proud. This is An An consciously accepting him from his heart, and his father is obviously more intimate than the big bad guy.

Ou Qingheng held An An to cut the cake, and Gong Lin stood behind them automatically. The doorbell rang when the atmosphere was harmonious.

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but frowned, Gong Lin stepped forward and said, "boss, I'll send them away."

Yao Yiyi shook her head at her and said, "Gong Lin, the visitor is a guest, just open the door and let them in."

"Yes, Mrs. Young." Gong Lin went to open the door. Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen turned out to be outside the door.

Gong Lin glanced at Fang Hui who was ordered to look at the two, and then turned sideways to let them in.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen, and said, "Chengxun, you are here, come and eat a piece of cake, the visitor is a guest."

Xu Chengxun walked over, suddenly Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng solemnly bent over and said seriously: "Yiyi, I will say sorry to Zhenzhen for you."

Yao Yiyi glanced at Li Zhenzhen and pretended to be stupid: "Did she do something I'm sorry for?"

"..." Xu Chengxun was choked and said, "I know that you and Ou Shao thought that An's kidnapping was planned by Zhen Zhen, but I believe this matter really has nothing to do with her, you can forgive her for this Back? She just simply asked everyone to hang out together, and she never thought there would be an accident there. "

Yao Yiyi said with a smile: "Did I say that this thing was personally planned by Miss Li?"

Xu Chengxun looked at her quietly, and his heart wasn't tasteful. He didn't expect Yao Yiyi to think of him as a snake.

Yao Yiyi said: "Since it's all here, if you don't mind, sit down and eat a piece of cake. Qing Heng specially prepared it for An An. After all, he made a false alarm."

Xu Chengxun narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Okay, I haven't eaten cake for a long time."

Yao Yiyi invited the two of them to sit at the table and cut two pieces of cake for them, saying: "Try it, I don't know if it tastes right for you."

Xu Chengxun took a sip and felt it was not sweet and tasted pretty good.

"Not bad," he said.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Li Zhenzhen, who had been silent for a while, and said, "Miss Li, is this cake not your appetite?"

Li Zhenzhen recovered, raised her head, and met Yao Yiyi's unscrupulous eyes. Her lips moved, saying, "No, this cake is delicious."

"You can eat more if it's delicious." Yao Yiyi posted a small piece of cake to her again, and there was no change in her attitude.

Li Zhenzhen looked at her expression without revealing her traces, and for a moment, she couldn't guess what Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng thought.

Ou Qingheng, who has been silent, suddenly said: "Miss Li, I am obedient that your mother actually went to a nursing home abroad. The environmental facilities there are very good. Do you think if I use some way to let her and you How about my father returning home? "

Li Zhenzhen's hand suddenly opened her pupils. She clutched the small spoon tightly and said, "Ou Qingheng, what do you want? I haven't touched An An, if you dare to understand my mother , I'm desperate with you. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes were sharp, and she looked at Li Zhenzhen arrogantly, and Li Zhenzhen was trembling in her heart. She was really afraid that Ou Qingheng would really deal with her mother who was far away abroad, although she planned to do so to An'an. However, June took advantage of her, and implemented this plan in advance before she responded, leaving her alone passively bearing the anger of Ou Qingheng.

Li Zhenzhen's shortness of breath eased the tone and said: "Ou Shao, I can explain this matter. An An's abduction really has nothing to do with me. My parents have been forced to go to foreign countries by you. The Li family is suffering for me alone. Supported by bitterness, I hate you for being merciless, but I have n’t been stupid enough to move a child, so I ca n’t justify your revenge. "

Ou Qingheng hooked his lips, and the sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"Miss Li, if you do n’t know if you do n’t know what to do, I deliberately asked people to investigate your affairs two days ago. I did n’t know if I did n’t check, and I only knew what kind of love you and June were. I think Xu Shao It should be very interesting. "Ou Qingheng said:" You and June have been in the light of the century for two times, and you have been intimate. You stayed in a five-star hotel for five nights. Almost all of them are in the hotel except for dinner. As for others, do you still want me to say? On the night that you promised to be with Xu Shao, you only spent half a night with June before driving away, This nightlife is really rich enough, you really stepped on two boats and walked upright enough. "

Li Zhenzhen's face was white and white, and the embarrassment exposed by her made her afraid to go to see Xu Chengxun. He knew that Ou Qingheng was retaliating against her. Going out, and she has a close personal relationship with June, no matter whether her relationship with June is really very good, at least on the surface, so Ou Qingheng indirectly thinks that she is the chief of the kidnapping case. One of the people.

Ou Qingheng is worthy of being the leader of the younger generation of the Ou family. She attacks people and knows that she really cares about Xu Chengxun in her heart.

This man is ruthless enough.

Li Zhenzhen turned a thousand times, suddenly stood up from the chair and said, "I still have to leave beforehand, you eat slowly."

Li Zhenzhen hasn't stepped forward yet, Ou Qingheng's voice said like a ghost: "Miss Li, be careful of your mother, you say that I hurt her, then I will implement this crime, and save me if I haven't done it before. You have been wronged. "

Li Zhenzhen's footsteps flickered and her eyes shone differently, and she clenched her fists.

Xu Chengxun stretched his hands to cover her hands and protected her behind him, saying: "Ou Shao, Zhenzhen is now my woman, you can just send me some fire, there is no need to embarrass a woman, this is not What the gentleman does, are you right? "

Ou Qingheng shrugged and looked at Xu Chengxun. Their eyes met in the air, and there was a fierce spark.

Ou Qingheng's mouth turned up slightly and said, "Xu Shao, are you going to cover her?"

Xu Chengxun firmly said: "I did not intend to cover her, I just fulfilled the responsibility of a man, I am her man, of course to protect her from harm."

Li Zhenzhen, who was standing behind Xu Chengxun, heard such words and his eyes shone with complicated light.

Ou Qingheng clapped his hands and smiled, "Yes, like a man. It happened that I haven't spent some time practicing with some companies recently, so that some people feel that the heirs of the Ou Group are living very foolish and bullying their sons. Comes up. "

Xu Chengxun just pursed his lips and looked at Yao Yiyi subconsciously.

Yao Yiyi didn't look at him, just said: "Qingheng, An'an is still there. Don't talk about work, you can save An'an."

The color in Ou Qingheng's eyes slowly dissipated, and he looked at An An gently, and said, "Son, you have grown up too. Are you interested in going to the company with me? I want to train you as an heir early. Let you stand alone and face everything you encounter in the future, and I will teach you one more time, people do n’t commit me, I do n’t commit people. do you understand?"

Ou Qingheng's words were borrowed from An'an to beat Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen. He wanted to make them understand that neither of his sons could move.

Xu Chengxun held Li Zhenzhen's hand tightly and looked at Yao Yiyi. He said, "Yiyi, Zhenzhen and I will go first. When everyone calms down, I will be the host and ask your family to have a meal together. It ’s a guilt for Zhenzhen, but I do n’t think Anan ’s kidnapping was really done by Zhenzhen. I do n’t want her to carry her own black pot. ”

After finishing talking, he took Li Zhenzhen's hand and left without looking back.

The beautiful atmosphere vanished due to the appearance and departure of Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen.

Yao Yiyi wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "Qingheng, do you really plan to move Li Zhenzhen?"

Ou Qingheng's eyes closed, and he asked, "Why, do you think she is innocent?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "No, I just think you have to deal with the Lee Group, just don't do it with the elders. It's a good deal for An An."

"Okay, I promised not to move the Li's couple, but if they come across without thinking, don't blame me for being cruel." Ou Qinghun narrowed his eyes and said.

"I won't take care of your work." Yao Yiyi wiped her mouth with An An, then picked up the wine glass on the table, and signaled to the bodyguard sitting in the other chair, "You guys, An An can be saved thanks to For your help, I would like to give you a drink here. I am very grateful to Qingheng for training you a group of excellent and perfect bodyguards. Qingheng, An'an will ask you to take care of me in the future. No, but he is a person, and sometimes he is knocked down, so I have to rely on your support. I will pay tribute first, you are free. "

Gong Lin was so flattered that they took the cups in return and said "Dare not dare", "Young lady is polite", "We also give you a drink" in the mouth. At the end, I don't know who is bold Shouted: "boss, young lady, kiss one, kiss, kiss."

With such a person who tried to eat crabs, others also followed and coaxed the two to kiss.

Ou Qingheng got up and hugged Yao Yiyi very hard, bowed her lips to her lips, gave her a deep and hot kiss, the atmosphere in the hall slowly climbed, and thunderous sounded Applause, invisible dispelled the dullness brought by Xu Chengxun and Li Zhenzhen.

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