Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 858: Decided to go abroad

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Ou Qingheng woke up and saw Zhang Zhiling looking at him with a good eye. He felt funny and said, "What's wrong, it seems that I will leave?"

Zhang Zhiling leaned on his shoulder and said in a grudge: "Yao Yiyi is always entangled with you. I'm afraid you will be robbed by her. After all, she looks so beautiful, and she gave birth to An An. You have children. Be the foundation, and I just love you silently, without any reputation. "

Ou Qingheng put her in his arms and guiltily said: "Sorry, I made you feel uneasy. You can rest assured that I will deal with it."

A dark light flashed in Zhang Zhiling's eyes and said gradually: "Qingheng, will you marry me?"

Ou Qingheng originally wanted to say "yes", but somehow flashed Yao Yiyi's voice and smile. He shook his head and was surprised that he shouldn't have reacted like this.

Zhang Zhiling's heart tightened, looking up at Ou Qingheng, then lowered his eyes and said, "Brother Ou, don't you want to marry me?"

Ou Qingheng patted her face and said, "Don't think about it, go up."

After finishing talking, he took the lead to open the door and get off.

Zhang Zhiling also got out of the car and watched Ou Qingheng walking in front of her back. Her eyes were very complicated and she bit her lip tightly.

"Chi Ling, what's wrong?" Ou Qingheng stopped and turned to ask.

Zhang Zhiling smiled, and quickly followed him, holding his hand: "I just look at your back, and suddenly feel particularly handsome, thinking about how I have such a handsome boyfriend."

Ou Qingheng just smiled.

Back in the apartment, he looked at the familiar house design, and then glanced at Zhang Zhiling next to him. He couldn't help blurting out: "Chiling, have you really lived here before?"

Zhang Zhiling said, looking up and asking, "Brother Ou, what do you mean? Isn't it like our love nest?"

Ou Qingheng shook his head and said, "Don't think too much, just think that you should not like such a warm design in your style. I always feel that the hostess here has someone else."

Zhang Zhiling's hand clenched into a fist, and then slowly released.

"Qingheng, you can hurt someone with your words. You said that the hostess of this house has someone else. Do you take the woman back to the country while I don't know? Hurry up and recruit me, or I'll be punished Waiting. "

She scared Ou Qingheng with open teeth and claws.

Ou Qingheng looked at her deeply, her brow moved slightly, and felt that Zhang Zhiling had a lot of deviations from her memory at this moment.

"Chi Ling, how would you play with me in the past?" He said casually.

Zhang Zhiling's heart was mentioned again, and her heart was already empty. She was afraid that Ou Qingheng would notice something. Now Ou Qingheng asks this question, and she doesn't feel confused.

She said with guilty conscience: "Brother Ou, why do you say that?"

Ou Qingheng reached out and put her in her arms, nodded her nose and said: "I just asked casually, you are just like a guilty conscience, did you do something bad about me?"

Zhang Zhiling was even more guilty, but she tried to act coquettishly on her face: "Brother Ou, I love you so much, you still doubt me, I will really be sad."

Ou Qingheng gently stroked her hair, the corners of her mouth were bent, her mood seemed to be very good, but her sense of disobedience became stronger and stronger, and there was always a voice telling him that the girl in this family The owner has other people, but Zhang Zhiling is indeed in his memory.

The memory of Zhang Zhiling is gentle and virtuous, independent, strong, and kind. He will hug him from behind in the sunset, and then rub his cheek against his back, just like a lazy kitten, cute very.

However, Zhang Zhiling in his arms didn't mean bad, but always felt a sense of violation and never reached the level of companionship.

He felt a violation, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Zhang Zhiling looked up at the look in his eyes, and he felt terrified in his heart, for fear that he would notice something.

Zhang Zhiling's eyes rolled back and said, "Brother Ou, let's go and clean up the house together."

The two were about to get up, and the sound of the key was heard outside the door. The two looked at it at the same time, only to see Wu Ma opened the door and came in.

With a large pile of vegetables in her hand, Wu Ma saw a woman in the room that should not appear. She was puzzled, but she still said politely: "Young Master, Young Lady and Young Master? How could Miss Zhang be here? This? I remember you did n’t welcome her to come home. "

Zhang Zhiling gave Wu Ma a fierce glance, and she had missed everything to see Wu Ma who was here to help.

Ou Qingheng frowned and said, "Mom, what young lady? Didn't Chi Ling live here before?"

Wu Ma seemed to have heard of the fantasy of night, worried: "Master, are you okay? This is the home of you and the young lady. The decoration here is all followed by the young lady, what is this Miss Zhang. thing?"

Zhang Zhiling shouted: "Ma, Wu, I am so good to you. How can you turn black and white upside down in front of Brother O?"

Wu Ma looked at her like a lunatic, and then looked at Ou Qingheng, said: "Young Master, what about the young lady? I'm just going home to see my grandson for three days. Why is it like changing the hostess here? I was sent by my wife to serve you, but you ca n’t do anything that I ’m sorry for Mrs. Young. ”

Ou Qingheng frowned deeper.

"Wu Ma, Yao Yiyi's woman has a deep mind and a cruel heart. Chi Ling is very good to you. Shouldn't you like Chi Ling better?" He said doubtfully.

He always felt that there was a big discrepancy between the facts and his memory.

"Master, what are you saying? Are you stunned?" Wu Ma looked at him worriedly.

Zhang Zhiling stood in front of Ou Qingheng and anxiously said: "Qingheng, drive her away. She was sent by Yao Yiyi to separate our two feelings. We don't want her to wait. It is because of her that our feelings are frustrated. "

Ou Qingheng saw her face full of anxiety, and she had to wave her hand to let Wu Ma leave first.

Wu Ma was confused, but she was just a maid, so she put the dishes in the refrigerator and left.

Going downstairs, Wu Ma called Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi told her about the situation, and then asked her to go back to Ou's house to help, and then don't go to the apartment.

Mother Wu said anxiously: "Mrs. Master, do you really remember nothing? Then what can you and Master do?"

Yao Yiyi smiled bitterly: "Mother Wu, don't worry, An An and I are going to go abroad, and you will look at Qing Heng for me more in the future."

"Young lady, the young master saw the woman's words at first glance. You went abroad at this time, do you not intend to control the young master?"

"Mom Wu, you have also seen that Qingheng doesn't know me anymore. I will only provoke suspicion here." Yao Yiyi sighed lowly: "Mom Wu, take care of me when I am away. Qingheng, I ’ll hang up first. "

Hanging up the phone, Wu Ma sighed silently.

She has only been home for a few days, and that day has changed.

She shook her head and could only go back to the main house of the European family.

"My dear, what's the matter, whose phone?" Yao Ting came over with milk tea.

"Mom Wu. She went back to see Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling were there, and was chased out by Zhang Zhiling. She didn't know the situation and called me. I told her about the situation to save her confusion. "Yao Yiyi explained casually. Her generosity doesn't matter, but sadness still flashes in her eyes.

Yao Ting gritted her teeth and said, "This woman is really shameless, obviously your home, she is such a magnificent dove in the magpie nest, I have never seen such a cheeky face.

Yao Yiyi said: "Ting Ting, don't fight for me, things have become a foregone conclusion, you can't go back to the past anymore, look at it, we will go abroad in a few days, do you want to be peaceful? Say hello? "

Yao Ting puzzled: "He is now in a woman's arms, waiting to be a dad, why should I tell him about my going abroad?"

Yao Yiyi said: "Well, don't say, there is really nothing to say."

Yao Ting concealed the strangeness in his eyes and said, "I have packed my luggage. The clothes you and An An bought are also stacked in the lockbox. What number of plane tickets are you going to buy? I'd like to buy tickets online. "

Yao Yiyi said a time.

Yao Ting ran to book a ticket, and then came back to say that he had already bought it. It was a plane ticket five days later. In Yao Ting's words, it was early to go and good to save him from accidents.

Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting had originally left without wanting to disturb anyone, but two days before leaving, Li Haoran suddenly appeared in her home and asked directly, "Ting Ting, are you going abroad?"

Yao Ting put his hands on his hips, restoring the straightness and spiciness of the past: "Where did you know? I didn't tell anyone about this."

"Don't worry about where I know it. Although you told me this thing is true? Why did you go abroad suddenly? Will you come back in the future? Have you considered what I should do if you go abroad?" Li Haoran gasped. , Questioned.

Yao Ting chuckled, then poked Li Haoran's chest with his finger, and fought back. The tone was like a machine gun: "Li Haoran, don't forget that we are divorced. I have nothing to do with you. You already have Other women will soon have children. Where do you want me to go? I just plan to go abroad and go to a foreign man. If he is good enough and considerate, the most important thing is not to be derailed, then I will immediately marry He, of course, would have been better if he had a big enough child in his family. After all, I could n’t give birth, and it ’s nice to be a cheap mother. ”

Li Haoran was defeated by her poke, and was embarrassed.

About to retreat to the wall, Li Haoran reached out and grabbed her hand, then put her hand on his heart and said, "Ting Ting, I beg you, don't go abroad, I really miss you, I I do n’t want children, I do n’t want other women, I just want you, as long as you are willing to come back, I can give up anything. "

Yao Ting finally looked at Li Haoran, the only feeling was that he lost a lot of weight, his cheeks were deeply sunken, and the bearded man couldn't find the appearance of the old handsome man.

She felt a pain in her heart and said that it was simply impossible not to feel so disrespectful to him. Although she still couldn't walk out of the shadow of marriage failure, on the surface she could at least make herself live well, but Li Haoran was in self Tormented, if it goes on like this, she does not doubt that she will really be blown down by a gust of wind.

The love for him still defeated her original reason.

"Sit down first, and look at you like you haven't eaten." Yao Ting withdrew his hand and said pretendingly.

Li Haoran's eyes lit up.

"Tingting, you still distress me, don't you?" He said anxiously.

Yao Ting glanced at him, and he immediately sat on the sofa obediently.

Yao Yiyi took An'an back and saw Li Haoran sitting on the sofa happily.

Yao Ting watched their mother and son come back, took out their ears, and said something unnaturally: "I think he is thin like a refugee who came back from Africa, so I kindly cooked something for him, don't think about it Now. "

Yao Yiyi glanced at her, as if to say that I didn't think too much, I'm afraid you thought more.

Yao Ting pouted, beckoning to An An, and An An walked over.

"Yiyi, you're here." Li Haoran ate another dish, and then wiped it with a napkin to restore the elegance before him. If he ignored the stubble on his face, he would be elegant and expensive. Son.

Yao Yiyi sat on the sofa on the other side, pointed to the leftovers, and said, "It's easy to get it. You eat it first, and then we'll talk after it's finished."

Li Haoran was also welcome. He took the chopsticks and ate it. He waited for a full meal before putting down the chopsticks.

"Are you full?" Yao Ting said disgustedly.


Yao Ting got up and packed the endgame, leaving a sentence: "You talk first." Then he went into the kitchen.

Li Haoran was sitting with eight children, looked at Yao Yiyi, and pondered, saying, "Are you divorced from Ou Shao?"

Yao Yiyi raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Your news is quite well informed."

"There is no way. Tingting is the woman I love. I will care more about her and her friends than others. Don't mind it." Li Haoran didn't hide it. "I'm also afraid that she will be wronged."

"But don't forget, you and Tingting are divorced. You have no relationship. Even if Tingting is wronged, I don't think you are qualified to comfort Tingting." Yao Yiyi smiled, but said something. There was an extraordinary burst of blood.

Li Haoran's face sank slightly.

"Hao Ran, don't blame me for being unpleasant. You will be a child's father. You and Tingting have nothing to do. I hope you don't appear in front of her. I'm responsible for you and her. You should understand this truth more than anyone else ’s injury. ”Yao Yiyi leaned forward slightly and made a negotiation posture.

Li Haoran lowered his eyebrows, a flash of pain in his eyes.

"I love her." He whispered, because he loved too much, so he sent Yao Ting like a pervert to investigate her and her friends. He felt that he had fallen into a magic obstacle. Can not extricate themselves.

Yao Yiyi couldn't bear to see how thin he was, but the thought that he already had a child, it would only be Yao Ting who would be entangled and hurt, so she had to harden her heart.

"Horan, you are the one who derailed, and you are the one who has children. I hope you take on the responsibilities that a man should have. Living alone in the world is not only about love. I don't care whether you have a relationship with Miss Zhang or not. It ’s innocent, Tingting ca n’t intervene between you to be a cheap mother for your child. ”Yao Yiyi said bluntly:“ When she really puts down this relationship, I will let her try a new relationship, and then get married, and You are past tense. "

Li Haoran clenched his fist in excitement, and looked at Yao Yiyi with a sharp look, gritting his teeth: "She is mine, I can't let her be with other men. Yiyi, I appreciate you, but you must insist on destroying me and her My feelings, I blame you for being unkind. "

Yao Yiyi was bluffed by his appalling gaze, but his face was even more bland.

Yao Ting came out with the cut fruits, and keenly realized that the atmosphere between the two was not right.

She frowned, put the fruit on the table, and said, "What's the matter? Both of you are faceless."

Yao Yiyi laughed out loud, "I just let Haoran come to you less, saying you are going abroad, and people get angry."

Yao Ting glared at Li Haoran and said, "What are you so angry about, we broke down two years ago, and you are going to be a dad. Why, want others to say that I am involved in you and Miss Zhang's little three?

Li Haoran's face tightened, and he said seriously: "Tingting, I don't mean that."

Yao Ting waved his hand and said, "Okay, I don't care what you mean. You are full and you can leave."

Li Haoran stared at Yao Ting in the end, the next second, he said weakly: "Ting Ting, don't go abroad, eh?"

"All the tickets have been bought, and the schools studying abroad have also been contacted. What do you say?"

Li Haoran's face was pale, his fists clenched tightly, and the green muscles on his back were exposed.

He said dumbly: "Tingting, our so many years of feelings, can you really say you can let go?"

Yao Ting chuckled.

"Hao Ran, you're sorry for me first, forget it, and now it's not interesting to pursue these old things." Yao Ting waved his hand, and there was a trace of tiredness on his face: "I'm tired, I don't want to think about who is right Who is wrong, in short we are impossible. You are your dad. I go abroad and continue to learn how to be a screenwriter. Well water does not make rivers. As for whoever you love to marry, it does n’t matter to me. "

Li Haoran smiled bitterly and felt that his throat was very dry.

"Tingting, it seems that only I am struggling hard in this relationship. I thought you and I loved it deeply. It turned out that it was just my self-love. Forget it, even if I am entangled, it will only provoke you. I'm bored. I'll go first. "Li Haoran got up and left, how depressed his back was.

Yao Ting looked at his disappointed back and felt a pain in his heart. His eyes were red, and his tears almost fell.

She couldn't help but wonder, was she acting too cruel?

"My dear, I seem to be too unforgiving." Yao Ting looked at Yao Yiyi and murmured.

Yao Yiyi got up and patted her on the shoulder. "Tingting, you are doing very well. You are no longer possible. Being impersonal may allow the two of you to pull away from this failed marriage and give each other a little. Time, the past pain will disappear.

Yao Ting chopped her hair and was upset. She was going to go abroad and it was annoying to make her come out.

Yao Yiyi knew that things like emotions were messy if they were not cleaned up, so she did not persuade Yao Ting deeply, but just let her think about it.

After dinner in the evening, Yao Yiyi said: "Ting Ting, tomorrow I have an appointment with my mother-in-law. Come with me."

"Okay." Yao Ting shook off the impact of Li Haoran on her. "I will strike out the finale of the script tonight and send it to the director. I will go with you tomorrow. This should be my last one in China. The script has been written, and I do n’t know if there is a chance to cooperate with domestic directors. "

Yao Yiyi glanced at her, "Are you going to be a screenwriter in the future?"

Yao Ting stretched his waist and said: "I don't know, suddenly there is no hot pillow for writing a script. Maybe I will write a novel full-time. I have entrusted the copyright of the novel to a publishing company in Beijing. If I can adapt the film and television in the future Rewriting the script for others, I ’m not going to write. "

"Written well, why don't you want to write it?"

"I don't know, but suddenly I don't have this enthusiasm, maybe I am older."

"..." Yao Yiyi thinks that this is mostly related to her failed marriage. Yao Ting can't pass Li Haoran. Although she verbally said that she doesn't care, she actually cares more than anyone else.

"My dear, I will go abroad this time. If I can, I want to settle for a long time. Returning to China is also a lot of terrible things. It is better to settle abroad, and there are fewer disputes."

"Have you thought about it?"

"I had this plan, but when you want to go back to China, I feel that boredom may follow you back, after all, it's a strange place."

"With you, no matter what you decide, I will support you." Yao Yiyi said.

"Honey, do you think I'm too capricious?"

"How come, you like it."

Yao Ting laughed exaggeratedly, but the loneliness in his eyes could not be concealed.

Yao Yiyi looked at her like this and sighed in their hearts. No wonder they are good friends. This experience is surprisingly similar. They all embarked on the road of divorce, and no one can say who.

"Don't stay up too late to write a manuscript for a while, and write tomorrow tomorrow if you can't finish today."

"Got it, housekeeper, go out quickly. I'm going to code, and I will strive to finish it today."

Yao Yiyi was pushed out by her with a smile.

The next day, Yao Yiyi took An An and Yao Ting to the appointment.

As soon as she arrived in the box, Mrs. Ou hugged An An and kissed him on his face several times. The pain was the same.

"An An, do you miss Grandma?"

"Think, An An also wants grandma's braised pork ribs. When An An comes back from abroad, Grandma must make An An." An An said crisply.

Mrs. Ou ’s eyes dimmed and her hand was tighter. She was such a baby grandson. She did n’t expect to go abroad. She really hates Zhang Zhiling now. If she did n’t make such a moth, Her grandson will not be left abroad.

This time, I don't know when I will meet again.

Mrs. Ou strongly suppressed her discomfort and asked, "When will you leave?"

"The plane at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." Yao Yi said.

Mrs. Ou frowned, and said reluctantly: "So hurry? Yiyi, do you really want to take An'an abroad? Stay with me and your father-in-law to take care of him, he will go abroad when he is so young, I am afraid he will not know me when he comes This grandma. "

"Mom, I will let him call you every day. Qingheng is now controlled by Zhang Zhiling, Liu An'an is in the country, we can't guarantee that Zhang Zhiling will encourage Qing Heng to do anything to An An, so I'm more at ease when I go abroad "Yao Yiyi looked at Mrs. Ou:" Mom, I know you are reluctant to settle down, but now Ou Group is taking care of it. Although Dad is still the chairman, in the end, Qing Heng ’s rights are even greater. Dad can't help him, can't he? "

"..." Mrs. Ou sighed quietly: "You are right, my dad and I can't help him now, we are old, and a little carelessness may make An'an fall into utter annihilation. It ’s okay, but we must protect An’an. My dad and I will try to find someone to see Qingheng. We are his parents, and we still listen to us, but Zhang Zhiling, we ca n’t move for the time being. One day it will move, this woman has the courage to count, even if she is ready to pay the price. "

"Mom, don't be angry, take your time, the most important thing is that you and Dad take care of your body. I promise to bring An'an back in a year or two." Yao Yiyi said: "This is my promise, but I am not here. I'll bother you to take care of Qingheng. "

"Relax, under my eyelids, Zhang Zhiling dare not do anything." Mrs. Ou said cruelly.

She looked at An'an, her eyes full of reluctance: "Yiyi, in fact, you don't need to go abroad, stay here, and the Ou family will back you up."

"Mom, I ca n’t change anything here by staying here, it will only increase Zhang Zhiling ’s alert. She does n’t know what we do to Qingheng. I leave her temporarily to relax her alertness. At least Qingheng is safe. Give one. I ’ll give you two years. I think you will find out how many illnesses there were, and you will always find a way to cure Qingheng. "

Mrs. Ou thought about it and agreed.

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