Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 163: The fate between you and me is over

When he was in Qin's house, Qin Cheng asked Wang Fu to arrange a special inspection room for processing, which was full of equipment for inspection.

Therefore, the general pregnancy test can be done in Qin's house.

Of course, after arriving at the Mountain Resort, there are naturally not so good conditions here.

So if Ye Sili wants to have a check-up anymore, he has to go to the hospital to get the number and line up.

Jin Ruiying thought for a while, and suddenly couldn't help asking.

"You can go there in the past few days, but, Miss Ye, do you want to see Miss Zhou too?"

"Perhaps, I also want to see her miserable condition...Speaking of which I am really abnormal now, Nurse Jin, are you not afraid of me?" Ye Sili smiled, before she had time to put on makeup, her lips appeared. A little pale.

Now she didn't have to face Qin Cheng anymore, and naturally she didn't need to put such a thick layer of camouflage on her face.

Jin Ruiying looked at it with mixed feelings in her heart, but when it came to her lips, there was only one sentence.

"Miss Ye, I won't be afraid of you."

"Haha, it may also be fearless for the ignorant. After all, I am afraid of myself now..." she said, rising upstairs and heading to the bedroom, "I want to be alone for a while, and I don’t need to call me when I have lunch. ."

"Okay." Jin Ruiying looked at her increasingly slender back, with worries flashing in her eyes.

Before she knew it, she didn't know why, she actually became so concerned about Ye Sili.

The next day, Ye Sili made an upset and wanted to go to the hospital for a maternity check. The remaining servants in the villa couldn't limit her actions at all, so she could only let her go and found the driver to take her to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Ye Sili had a prenatal check-up as usual.

The doctor looked at the results of the obstetric examination, his face was also quite complicated.

"Miss Ye, from the perspective of prenatal and postnatal care, I do not recommend that you continue the pregnancy because the child's development is still slow. In this case, if it is a full-term birth, it is okay. If it is premature, then he is very He may die soon after he is born... because his heart, lungs and internal organs have not yet developed well. Another point is that your current mental state does not look good. You may have a little depression during pregnancy, but I did not have it at this time. How to prescribe medicine for you, because it will inevitably affect the fetus..."

The doctor in front of him was not the family doctor Qin Cheng took the picture, so what he said was a lot more objective and straightforward.

In the past, Ye Sili listened to those family doctors vomiting out, most of them were "okay, the situation is more optimistic."

For this reason, she actually wanted to find another unsuspecting doctor to review the report.

But when the doctor in front of her said so, she always felt that she was going to be hopeless.

Even, she had depression during pregnancy. If the doctor didn't mention it, she wouldn't even notice it.

However, she could also feel that her temper had indeed become a little irritable recently, and sometimes she couldn't control herself.

But before that, she didn't think so much.

"Ms. Ye, you'd better go back and discuss with your family, think of a way to deal with this matter as soon as possible." The doctor persuaded.

After leaving the consultation room, Jin Ruiying greeted her and asked.

"How's it going?"

Ye Sili lowered his head and smiled, "That's it."

Jin Ruiying didn't know what she was like, just said:

"The doctor didn't say something went wrong."

"Well, which ward Zhou Mengqing is in, I want to go and see." Ye Sili said suddenly.


So, a few minutes later, they came to Zhou Mengqing's ward together.

In the ward, Zhou Mengqing sat on the hospital bed blankly, like an off-line puppet.

Even when she saw Ye Sili walk in, she didn't have any more expressions, just continued to watch the TV in front of her, even if the TV was not turned on at all.

"Miss Zhou, can't bear such a crime?" Ye Sili asked.

Compared with her being buried alive, her leg bones being interrupted, she was injected with some messy painkillers that she didn't know what ingredients, she completely lost her freedom, and she had to give birth to children for Qin Cheng, Zhou Mengqing now has just knelt for 12 hours.

In fact, what she paid back was far from enough.

Therefore, seeing Zhou Mengqing's appearance at this moment, Ye Sili was not moved either.

However, upon hearing this, Zhou Mengqing slowly raised a pair of eyes and stared at Ye Sili for a long time before saying:

"Miss Ye, I know that at the beginning I was sorry for you, which made you look like this now. I am very guilty but guilt is useless, so you can treat me whatever you want. I won't blame you."

"You think you don't blame me, this is a gift from heaven? Zhou Mengqing, you take yourself too much!" Ye Sili said, pinching Zhou Mengqing's shoulder fiercely.

Then, she leaned over and approached the face that was almost exactly the same as her own.

"What I hate the most is your face like me! Tomorrow, you will arrange a cosmetic surgery for me, no matter what it looks like, you are not allowed to look like me again!"

Zhou Mengqing trembled, it was hard to believe that Ye Sili who said this would stand up to rescue her family and even forgive her again and again.

"Have you heard!" Ye Sili said, squeezing Zhou Mengqing's face heavily.

Zhou Mengqing suffered from the pain and looked up at her face full of anger. Although unwilling, she knew that she couldn't twist her thigh now, and she could only shed tears, and nodded tremblingly.

Seeing Zhou Mengqing's submission, Ye Sili threw her away, then turned and left.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she ran into Mo Xiyuan with a look of astonishment.


Her eyes were also full of consternation.

Mo Xiyuan didn't understand, he had never thought that Ye Sili would become that aggressive one day.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it. In the ward, the cruel woman who pinched Zhou Mengqing to ask her for plastic surgery was Ye Sili he knew.

Ye Sili was also a little surprised, but after a while, she actually laughed.

"Mr. Mo, if you want to see your fiancée, I won't bother you."

In her opinion, he had been captured by Qin Cheng for so long, and he hadn't shown up, which meant that he had given up on her.

But now, as soon as Zhou Mengqing was hospitalized, he rushed over from Yucheng in a hurry. Even if there were no emotional factors in it, it was enough to make her sober.

Therefore, she only ridiculed and left, bypassing Mo Xiyuan.

Mo Xiyuan was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly he remembered something, and quickly stopped in front of Ye Sili, and explained,

"Sili, things are not what you think! I came here to find you, but I don't know how to find you, so I can only find Zhou Mengqing first..."

"It's okay, you don't have to explain Mr. Mo, the fate between you and me is over."

The false smile on her face disappeared. Looking at the man she once loved, she knew that she was no longer worthy of him.

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