Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 166: She doesn't suffer anymore...

"Miss Ye, there is a man named Fang He outside who wants to see you, saying it's your former doctor..."

Inside the Mountain Resort, the maid said to Ye Sili.

Ye Sili frowned subconsciously, what is he doing?

However, she still agreed to meet Fang He.

After a while, he appeared in front of her wearing a clean shirt.

He is still the same as before, his appearance has not changed.

The gold wire glasses framed on the bridge of the nose slightly decorated his refreshing and clean facial features, and his thin face was very gentle. If he didn't say it, no one could tell that he was a doctor who often sees blood.

"Doctor Fang, what are you looking for with me?" she asked straightaway, her tone a little tired.

Since Qin Cheng left, she suddenly felt like she didn’t want to see people. Recently, even the whole person has been lazy. She is lazy, sleeping more and waking up less all day long. Fortunately, this is also the normal routine of pregnant women. It didn't attract anyone's attention.

Fang He also looked at her carefully at this time.

Compared with before, she looked a little changed, her beautiful face with makeup added a touch of flamboyance, and her long wavy hair added a touch of charm.

But it is a pity that the faint tiredness and negativity in her eyes still failed to escape his sharp eyes.

"Many things," he said, "I'm looking for you this time, I still want to say sorry, because something happened in my house, I didn't expect that you actually..."

"But I don't want to listen to this, just say anything. I'm sleepy. I want to go to bed as soon as you finish."

As she spoke, she yawned unabashedly and narrowed her sleepy eyes.

He said: "Okay, I won't talk about it. I just want to tell you, Ye Sili, this time, I will definitely save you."

She smiled, "There is no need for Doctor Fang, do you think I need you to help me with so many people waiting? I'm afraid you don't know that Qin Cheng came over before and was scolded by me. I now, Don't be afraid of him anymore."

"But your situation is very bad," he took a step forward, then suddenly turned his head to look at the other maids in the living room, and then said, "I have something about your physical condition, and I want to discuss it with you alone."

"It's up to you, Auntie, you can go down and rest first." Ye Sili shouted.

When several maids heard this, they also left honestly.

After they left, Fang He took out a chocolate box and put it on the table.

"Sili, your current situation is not suitable for continuing pregnancy. If you continue to have this child, the mental pressure alone is enough to push you over, so...there is a medicine that can relieve you."

Ye Sili was taken aback.

She didn't expect that the medicine she couldn't get when she begged her grandpa to tell her grandma, but now it's so easy to put it on her table.

Sure enough, after moving out of Qin's house, she was more free.

She smiled and accepted the chocolate,

"Thank you, Doctor Fang."

"You don't need to thank me. What I am doing is at best just to make up for it. Si Li, I just want you to return to the way you were before. You shouldn't be locked in this place by Qin Cheng like you are now. It’s not fair to you to have children for him separately..."

"Doctor Fang," she interrupted him again, "It's unfair for me to stay here to give birth. What about the maids who take care of me? Is it fair to them again? To you, you paid such a big risk in vain. I deliver medicine, but I can't give you anything. Is this fair? In fact, it is quite unfair. I think that the growth of people may start from accepting that this is an unfair world."

He paused, looking at her misty but sober eyes, he had to admit that she was right.

"Sili, I just want to ask you now, would you like to believe me again and let me help you leave Qin Cheng."

"I don't want to," she rebuffed, "I will naturally separate from Qin Cheng after I knock out this child, but there are still accounts to be settled between me and him, Doctor Fang, you can't control that much."

Fang He wanted to say something, but Ye Sili continued to remind.

"Doctor Fang, in any case, it is not easy for you to do this as a friend. I cherish your friend very much, but this is my business. I need to deal with it by myself. I am tired. I'm sorry for being out of company."

After speaking, she ignored Fang He and went straight back to her bedroom.

With a bang, the bedroom door closed.

Ye Sili looked down at the chocolate box in his hand.

She opened the box and saw an instruction manual and a few pills hidden inside.

As long as they eat them, the child in her belly will disappear.

At this moment, the child's life is so fragile, a few soybean-sized pills are enough to kill him, so that he can never be born in the world.

And to do this, she only needs to find a glass of water and take these medicines.

So simple, so easy.

But thinking about this, she raised her hand to hold the water glass, but she trembled slightly.

She has no parents anymore.

This child is her only relative in this world!

Even if the child's father is Qin Cheng, it is not his fault.

Why am I so obsessed with me that I want to accept this box of medicine?

Thinking of this, she suddenly rushed to the bathroom, poured all the medicine in the chocolate box into the sink, turned on the water, and rushed into the sewer!

When the drugs were all washed away, she regretted it again.

How can I be so stupid, even if I don't take these medicines, it is a hole card!

If Qin Cheng continues to control herself, will she give birth to a second child after giving birth?

If she can't escape, will she be controlled by him for the rest of her life?

In an instant, her mind seemed to have turned into a black hole, devouring her consciousness with countless explosive contradictions.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed her hair, then raised her head, suddenly feeling that she didn't recognize the woman in the mirror.

"Who are you?" she asked.

In the bathroom, her voice kept echoing.

who is she?

She is Zhou Mengqing, will all this be much better?

She deserved it if she had this catastrophe, so how could she be an innocent Ye Sili?

If you don't be Ye Sili, there will be no Ye Sili in this world. Wouldn't it be better?

She looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly, a bright smile appeared on her face.

She thought that she might have found the final answer to all the problems and all the pain.


There was the sound of broken glass, resounding in the peaceful resort villa.

The maid downstairs heard it and hurried upstairs to find Ye Sili.

"Miss Ye, Miss Ye!" They knocked **** the door of her bedroom, but found that her door had been locked.

"Hurry up and find the key, and also, call Master Qin!" someone shouted.

They finally found the key to the bedroom door, but when they entered the bedroom, they found that Ye Sili had already entered the inner bathroom.

The bathroom door is also tightly sealed, but they don't have this key!

A group of people was anxious and wandered around like grasshoppers on a hot pot, not knowing how long they were busy without opening the door.

Suddenly, they heard a series of rapid footsteps, and it was Qin Cheng who rushed to hear the news!

"Master Qin, open the door! Miss Ye locked herself in! We don't have the key!" a maid yelled.

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