Chapter 206

Mysterious Day205.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh hehehe

“What is this in the middle of the night? Oh, you left my cup and powder behind. …and the table was overturned earlier, didn’t it?”

“That’s right, mine too…”

“Whoa ♡♡”

“I’m sorry, Kirlumina… to reduce the adhesion just a little-”


“it’s nothing…….”

The four of them fell from the height of the fifth floor and were hiding in the bushes far from the current dormitory.

Being able to land somehow even after falling from that height was a true Academy combat student.

Of course, my legs are still throbbing.

Especially since Eud was holding Kirumina tightly. The weight felt heavy.

As of now-

Male students in heat, even the Guard Knights.

The situation in which the two groups moved.

The good news is-

([Intruder Escape! Intruder Escape!])

([Looks like he went out through the 5th floor window! The guards follow the pursuit-])

(“What, this!? Why are Suin students like this?!”)

(“Students, get out of the way! We have to keep chasing-”)

(“Heh heh heh heh!”)

(“Kirumina Lady Kirlumina Lady Kirlumina Lady-!!”)

(“Ranpus, you bastard! Put the girl out and be fair-!”)



It must have been that the two groups collided just before the chase.

On the 5th floor where the intruder (Kirumina) was, there were male students left behind.

…No, but I have to say I’m lucky, right?

At that moment, the sound of flapping wings was heard in the sky.



It was Wise, who sent reconnaissance at the same time as the escape.

Fortunately, it was Eudni, who suffered from the Czerny crisis last time.

Piri never left her arms.

Wise, who had arrived, naturally climbed onto Eud’s arms.

“A chase? Are there any guards or prisoners chasing you?”


Fortunately, there seemed to be no pursuers at this time.

Looking at Wise’s frenzy, it seemed like he wouldn’t have to worry about it for a while.

Ranfus and Truth sighed in relief.

“But last time, I thought it was an unusual owl. A real Death Strike.”


“What is it, boy? uplifting spirit. It’s very cute.”

“The risk is A.”

Ranpus had seen Wise before, in front of the Blue Wolf Hideout.

Death strix is ​​said to be a monster to the extent that it is considered a spiritual creature even among the beast people.

I’ve never seen him handle it so skillfully as Eud did.

Rather than dealing with it, it is a contractual relationship consisting of material and labor.



Then, Mina Kiru, who was being held by Wood, glared at her again.

Wise flinched for a moment at the eyes that were no different from wolves.

“More than that… I’m sorry to get you swept up, Eud-kun. And, True Symmetry. You.”

Truth shrugged his shoulders at Ran Firth’s apology.

“What are you? Call me Truth.”

It must be said that Truth was just as bad as Eud.

Surprisingly, Truce wasn’t very angry. It was just annoying, that’s all.

“Then- I’m sorry, Truth-kun.”

“…After all, it is good to see the various experiences. There are some things that are difficult to see in person in the heat of the beast race.”

“We try to keep it as invisible as possible.”

Ranpus, Truth. nod to greet each other.

Blue Wolf No. 2 and the leader of the Metri faction greeted them politely.

Eud had a strange feeling.

“By the way, how long has Kirumina been like this? Oh, and those beautician boys too. Rather, why are you like this…”

Could it have been a bit of gibberish? Eud asked many things at once.

Mina Kirumina, who used to play her aegyo like a puppy, is sniffing her as if she’s drunk on Ewood’s clothes.

She’s already got 30 minutes down. Kirumina didn’t seem to get tired of it.

“Now Kirumina, I must say, she was drunk on her own pheromones. Because this is also one of the symptoms of estrus – no, mystic day.”

“Mystery……? Ah.”

Come to think of it, Meruni was trying to say ‘What a mystery’ in the morning.

Maybe it was a slang word for estrus.

That’s why Aruni was so hastily shutting her mouth.

Beyond that, the sense of incongruity of the beasts that I felt yesterday and today began to follow one by one.

Ranpus told me about a mysterious day after he calmed down his breath.

What happened last night, and that the beasts were drunk on the moon and pheromones.

The pheromone of Kirumina this time is very strong.

And when you wake up from sleep, everyone will come to their senses.

Even today, most of the original male students, who are the original beasts, have awakened.

I guess that happened again because of Kirumina’s visit.

Obviously, Kirumina had stabilized a lot. It is said that Ran Firth does not know why she has gotten so drunk.

“When I wake up from sleep, the runaway symptoms go away. After tonight, it will be back to normal. I think Kirumi-san would be similar. …..Perhaps.”


“Because it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a lady this drunk… She smells pheromones now, so maybe she can go a little bit longer.”

“Really, then it’s just an unknown situation, this.”

Truth, who had been stroking Wise’s hair before he knew it, said in a weak voice.

And with hidden eyes, the magician tells Ranpus.

“I’m asking just in case… Ranfus-senpai isn’t drunk?”

“I don’t get drunk with Kirumina. never. She is a child who has been together like her family since long ago. Kirumina is like my own little sister.”

At Ranfus’s resolute words, Truth kept his mouth shut for a moment.

“Yes. Her brother can’t help it.”

For Lenian, he is always a weak truth.

Ranfus, too, must have understood how Truth responded.

That Truth has a younger brother, because every academy student knows.

Thanks to this, Ranpus’s determined expression was immediately released.

“Ah, but I have to say this too… I’m sorry, Eud-kun, Truth-kun. The two of you probably won’t be able to enter the dormitory today.”


Eud and Truth widened their eyes at that.

“That’s… Kirlumina’s pheromone has been engulfed in the two of you right now. So much so that it doesn’t fall off with a bath.

Ran Firth said, stealing a little under his nose, as if to check his smell.

In other words, if it goes back like this, it will stimulate the beasts again.

Does that mean I have to wait until it falls off naturally?

Eud lost a bit of strength.

He thinks he’s finished his hellish period, and he’s finally resting in his room.

How did things happen all of a sudden?

It seems that Truss feels the same way. There was confusion on his face.

But it can’t be helped.

The pheromone of Kirlumina was buried on the bodies of Eud and Truth.

If the beast male students are stimulated by that pheromone, they will try to visit Kirlumina again.

Originally, the pheromone wouldn’t be as bad as the contact.

Now, Kirlumina has an unusually high amount of pheromone, so it can’t be helped.

“And… what else…”

Ranfus said cautiously, looking at Eud and Kirlumina held by him in turn.

“Anyway, Lady Kirumina doesn’t seem to have any intention of separating from Eud-kun.”




Besides… Kirlumina earlier moved as if she was aiming for ‘Eud’s side’.

“Really, how did she come to me? She said she wanted to see me, but…”

“Uh, well?”

At Eud’s small question, Ranfus averted his eyes like crazy.

As if shyly, Kirumina rubbed her face against the collar of Ewood’s chest.

Did Truth already notice from a while ago? I just quietly watched the situation with Wise.

“Then, I’ll just ask for one day. I’m really sorry, both of you.”

Ranpus bowed his head and apologized to the two boys again and again.

The blue wolf always seemed to value apples.

As Eud received Ran Firth’s apology again, he remembered that he was missing something.

“That’s right, but what happened to Sauld-senpai?”

“Yes, in a situation like this, the faction leader would have to move.”

Sauld is his great little sister.

She wouldn’t just stand still in a situation like this.

As Ranfus said earlier, yesterday too, Saul was guarding Kirumina.

Trusdoe agreed with Wood and nodded his head.

However, Ranpus’s expression is not good.

“That, that…”


Rather than saying it’s not good, it was an expression of embarrassment and shyness.

“When Mina Kiruma started running rampant earlier, she was hit in the stomach by a single shot and I still can’t get up……”

“Wow.” (Eud)

“Puha!?” (Truth)

“Turn it off ♡”

eud. True.

He looked at Kirumina, trembling for a moment.

It’s Saul. That Saul Azulwolf.

Boiled with Caltus Vantareo, and considered to be more than that.

He is one of the leaders of the current giant faction, and is undoubtedly a genius Suin.

But you’re stunned in one hit.

Whether he knows the thrill of the two boys or not.

Kirumina still rubbed her body to Ewood.

She buried Ewood a bunch of her pheromone, and it seemed like she was trying to claim it was hers.

“-Wait a minute. Still, we can’t stay in this bush.”

After barely finishing his trembling and laughter, Truth opened his mouth.

As Truss said. I can’t go back to the dorm, and I can’t stay here.

Hygiene comes second. The pursuit of the male students and the guards was not completely stopped.

You never know when it will happen again.

“Our blue wolf hideout….. it can’t be done.”

Ran Firth shook his head immediately.

As Kirumina came out of the hideout, she broke the window.

And if Sauld wakes up-

“If that younger sister, Palbulchul, sees this now…”

okay. So far.

eud. Kiruna. and Saul.

When these three characters are intertwined at the same time, the event always ends in tragedy.

“I don’t care if it’s our hideout. In terms of distance, our hideout is probably the closest.”

Truth willingly allowed the use of the Metri Hideout.

Surprisingly, True has a lot of cool aspects in this regard.

Perhaps this action also contains calculations, though.


“Ahhhhh… Eudne, you want to go.”


“A place full of the smell of Eud…”

Kirumina, who had been whining for a while, said as if whining

She wiggled her tail, raising her eyes to Ewood.

They don’t roll around in Eud’s arms, they use herds like little puppies.

Eudne- is probably referring to the Phoenix hideout. Also.

Fortunately, she was carrying the key, along with the Wise flute, tied to her string.

“……Then, is it okay for us?”

“Ah, I’m not in a position to complain right now… How about Truth-kun?”

“Eudne would be much better. In fact, there may still be members left on our hideout side.”

So, four people + one animal decided to head to the Phoenix hideout.

* * *

At the huge alarm, Tiana and Selena were startled in the room.

I just finished taking a bath in the bathroom of the room, and the whole dormitory is a warning alarm.

Inside the dormitory room, there is a suitable bath.

In particular, from the top 10 aristocrats to the double room.

It was not too difficult for the two young girls to enter together.

Changed into their fluffy pajamas, the two tilted their heads over and over again.

“Breaking into the dormitory of the opposite sex?” (Selena)

“Yes? After all, where are you?” (Tiana)

“Ugh-” (Selena)

[Confirmed that they broke into the men’s dormitory!]


As if answering the two girls, the words continued from the magic loudspeaker.

[An additional anomaly occurred! The condition of the male students is strange!][What, what!? Stop it! Where are you going, you guys?][Oh oh oh oh oh-!!][Waaaaah?!][Woodang-tang! Woodang Tangtang!!]


what is this

When the chaos ends, hell.

When hell ends, chaos.

The academy has been in a vicious cycle since the beginning of the semester.

“Really, this school is full of uproar from the time I entered the school.”

“That’s right, sister.”

On one side of the uproar is usually Phoenix.

The two sisters put aside such trivial things lightly in one side of their minds.

Warrior Phoenix doesn’t care about the little things.

“-awhile. If it’s a boy, we have the youngest.”(Read more @


Then, the two sisters think of their younger brother, who will be sitting in the men’s dormitory.

Well, Tiana, of course. Her fighting power is much stronger than Selena.

However, she is not a child who will easily fall for the devil of something.

Still, for the older sisters, can’t they help worrying about the youngest?


Besides, should I call it the ‘sister sensor’ of the Phoenix family?

For nothing, I had a bad feeling about Tiana and Selena.

In the beginning it was….

The cute and cute maknae has been involved in the Suin case since the beginning of the semester.

It was a reasonable enough concern.

Soon, the two older sisters came out of the dormitory in a dry state.

I wanted to check what was going on, just in case.

That was then.

rumble rumble!


The sound of footsteps resounded with great momentum from upstairs.

And the truth is-

“You idiots! Things ruled by X!”

“Stupids, really! In the end, I must have been drunk with pheromones…!”

“Miss Kirumina, how did you get here?!”

“Aru, Meru! Ranfus-senpai and Soul Leader!?”

““Obviously you said you were with the lady?!”

“Ahaha, you bastards are always a disgrace to the clan!”

“Shut up, you black lion niggas!”

““Hey, are you going to get up, you bastards?!” (All Black Lions)

“It’s time for us to fight!? Really! Everyone, we’re going to subdue those bastards!”


In a blink of an eye, the canine-beast female students.

Besides, even the Black Lion girls.

No, I should call them strong female leads.

Also, there were Aru & Meru twins who had come to the mansion. Maybe he didn’t see the two of them, so he just passed by.

no no.

More importantly-


Another name sounded like passing by now.

Kirlumina Azulwolf.

For the current two older sisters, the ‘Viper DS’-DS professor level was a dangerous name.

I don’t feel good.

That wolf girl. Isn’t he the most important person right now, who wags his tail whenever he sees the youngest?

“I’m really grateful for helping our citizens…” (Tiana)

“I saved a lot of people, but…” (Selena)

Still, for Tiana and Selena, they had to distinguish between public and private.

……. That bitch is dangerous! (※ In the sense of the younger brother’s opposite sex)

while we were having that conversation.

A girl’s voice suddenly came from behind Tiana and Selena.

“- Sisters, what’s going on?”


“Wow?! Surprise!”

Turning her head, Lenny Anne was clutching her handcrafted children’s book tightly.

“Beep beep?”

And then, the alarm ringing in the dormitory was followed by a sneak peek.

Today, the white hair tied to one side was cute.

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