Chapter 226

Opening news224.

In fact, the period of Hell was over.

It was time for something to be delivered.

Because of that, Eud must have received the newsletter even though he was surprised.

Lennie Anne looked closely at her newsletter, together by Ewood’s side.

“No, but that ‘Hell Jessica’! Who really started it?! Just adding ‘Hell’ or ‘Hell’ to a person’s name! Because that’s so bad?! It hurts my heart?!”

“Ah, no, we heard it all the way… … !”

Jessica was still being referred to as Hell Jessica.

Laini and her female students tried to avoid Jessica’s gaze as much as possible, thinking they had made a mistake.

Suga, who was looking at it from the side, turned his head as if trying to hold back his laughter as much as possible.

The slight trembling of his shoulder has stimulated the point of laughter.

On the other hand, Jessica cries a little.

Although the difficulty of the exams and assignments is hell, he is a kind-hearted, fire-attribute professor.

… … But the real difficulty, even though Eud thought it was a bit harsh.

Even Eud, who had already heard from Jessica of the highest score, was difficult to defend on the difficulty level.

He almost rolled his eyes.

After Suga, who had barely stopped laughing, stopped Jessica, the commotion stopped.

Jessica sits down in her chair, who is in pain, and Suga forcibly braids his hair.

Is it a healing time to calm Jessica down?

Jessica’s golden hair is cutely twisted.

And Rainey and the two girls were getting pretty close to Eud.

Apparently, she was treated like a barrier, trying to defend Jessica.

After the youngest Barrier (user Selena), it must be a barrier of the teenage nobles.

As the girls got closer, Lenianne became more attached to Eud.

“The date is- two weeks later.”

“-Oh, yes! Originally, I heard that Princess Lapis came and was supposed to be executed, right?”

Eud further checked the contents of the archived newsletter as he put it on the clipboard.

Martial Arts Vanquish.

A competition that has been previously announced and is held regularly by the Academy.

I said it was a martial arts competition, but-

Actually sword and magic. Fighting and all sorts of martial arts techniques, etc.

If ‘battle’ is possible, it is possible to any extent within the rules.

So whether it’s a swordsman, an archer, a wizard, or a martial arts garden

It’s called a contest where students can participate, regardless of what combat technique they’re learning.

However, the newsletter did not mention more than that.

To what extent is it a foreshadowing?

First of all, I had a strong feeling of simply sending information.

“Ummm, but after listening to it, it feels similar to faction warfare… … .”


To what Eud murmured slightly, Lenian agreed as well.

Then Lani explained.

“Actually, faction battles are based on the rules of Vanquish and some tournaments! I was so influenced by it, I can’t help it!”

“… … what? Did you?”



-thinking about it.

The faction warfare was officially created, at least recently.

It was decided after Dean Bernay took office.

Before that, when it came to conflict between factions, it was political or informal warfare (written as, read as clashes).

In addition, it is said that there are many things that have been going on for decades, including regular and irregular events at the Academy.

If so, it would have been a natural procedure to refer to the rules while creating a faction battle.

“Well, Vanquish was a competition that focused on the faction battles, only the ‘chaos’ part.”

Laini said it with a slight bitter smile.

However, what Raine was saying seemed to know more than Eud or Lenianne.

He must have been a freshman this semester, just like Eudna and Lenny Anne, when he looked at the book loan.

“Raini, are you a freshman like me?”

“Huh? Sure! We are all fresh freshmen in our first year! He is a strong fifteen-year-old!”

At Eud’s question, Rainey grabbed the hands of his two female friends and flashed.

The female students were half-turning their faces, perhaps embarrassed by Laini’s words.

She’s two years older than him – was she the same age as the first older sister?

Because Rainey’s height was slightly shorter than his peers, Eud wasn’t expecting it either.

Lenny Anne is also a little surprised to learn that Raine is her older sister.

In fact, Eud, Lenianne, and Radarus are on the “slightly fast side” for admission.

As Jessica and Camilla told me before, most of the academies come in when they are 14 or 15.

Anyway, back to the horse.

As a freshman, did Laini seem to know the battles and tournaments surprisingly well?

When Eud asks Rainey about it-

“Ah, all three of us live near here. That’s why the Academy competitions come often!”

“Yeah? So, were you from Alcalasia?”

“No no, not even Alcalasia. It is a city called Adran. Or, do you know?”



I was wondering where you heard it.

It was the neighboring city of Alcalasia, where the alchemy guild Illo Camilla was staying.

I’m sure Tiana told me a few days ago-

“I heard from my older sister last time that the alchemy guild was also very active in Eugracia.”

“That is the perfect word! It smells like potions when you walk around the city!”

Laini laughed vigorously as if making a sound like ‘Ding-Dong!’.

Because his behavior was bright, he smiled without knowing it.

“Thanks to you, my nose has gotten so used to the smell of potions, so I’m fine in most herbal medicine classes!”

“The last time I went back during the holidays, I was like, ‘Our city is full of the smell of medicinal herbs… … ’ I felt like… … .”

“While walking around the city, the first few hours were really hard… … .”

I wonder if the two girls were also relieved by the story of their hometown.

He spoke quite comfortably in front of Eud and Lenian. I thought it was very fortunate for Eudora

But the whole city smells like potions.

If Tiana hears it, she will want to go sightseeing with all her energy.

Camila-sama said that she was still staying.

“So, thanks to her hometown of Adran, when she was young and had something to do at the academy or a contest, her parents would often take her!”

“Ah, indeed. Since I was still in school, Dean Bernay started promoting the opening of the academy.”

Are you done braiding your hair? Jessica reminisced about her memories.

Well, that way.

People from nearby cities like Raine must have seen a lot of academy events unexpectedly.

Academy events and competitions are basically for entertainment purposes.

It must have appealed to the citizens of other cities as well.

Besides, people from nearby cities come from quite a few places.

“Besides, not only citizens, but also nobles – in some cases, as many as 10 generations of nobles or royalty! A lot of tall people!”

“Raini, the two of you in front of me are teenagers… … !”

“Oh right!?”

Rainey looked at Eud cautiously, startled.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Well, Eud doesn’t really care about formalities, even for regular students.

In addition, when Wood laughed unwittingly at the girls’ strange conversation, Laini and her female students were relieved as well.

– Then I heard

At competitions and festivals including Vanquish, not only domestic factors, but also foreign factors come to visit.

The only ‘academic city’ in Eugracia, whatever it was.

In terms of importance, Alcalasia is also called the “second capital”.

In addition, among the current students, there are ‘beast people’, ‘elves’, ‘dwarfs’, etc. There are also quite high-ranking students from other races.

Also, as you can see from the Ragnaril faction, there are a lot of international students.

Inevitable topicality and entertainment.

And depending on the number of people gathered, it will even play a political role.

That’s why a lot of tourists, both domestic and foreign, gather here.

As such, it is a stage that can be used very effectively when students want to ‘make their name known’ or ‘leave an achievement’.

… … Perhaps Vanquish will be a bigger stage than Eud thought.

“However, surprisingly, most of the academy students tell the news when they go out.”

After braiding Jessica’s hair.

Suga, who hid the lunchbox out of sight for the perfect crime, said it lightly.

“Ah that-”

To that, Lainey scratched her head and answered.

“The purpose is to publish it while all the students went out to see Princess Lapis, and surprise them when they come back,” Agata-senpai said earlier!”



Although the Academy students used to be hungry for entertainment.

The head of the newspaper department and faction leader, Agata Pority, seems to be no exception.

“Academy Newspapers are monsters of all ages, always hungry for entertainment… … .”

Jessica said, rubbing her forehead.

Apparently, the newspaper club in Jessica’s days was no different.

no what… … .

In the first place, he pursues entertainment more than anyone else, so he may be leading a special faction called the newspaper club.

And after a few minutes.

When Eud posted the Vanquish newsletter on the bulletin board of the second library, Rainey and the two girls were about to go back.

“… … Eud.”

“Huh? Lennie, why?”

Lenianne, who was gently sitting next to her, called out to Eud in a low voice.



“I hear a sound.”

At that, Eud tilted his head for a moment.

But after a while, I understood what that meant.


dimly from afar.

Still, there was a very loud, ‘huge sound’.

If someone you don’t know hears it, they probably think it’s the sound of a ‘sea monster’ swimming in the sky.

Eud hurried to the window.

Lenian also clings to Eud and heads towards the window.(Read more @

“Huh? Bleeding Eud- No no, eh, Eud, what’s going on?”

“… … .”

Suga stared at Jessica, who almost would call her ‘Bocchan’ in front of ordinary students. Jessica quickly corrected it too.

And soon the source of the sound is-

Embracing a huge shadow and a roar, he began to enter the academy.

Jessica and Suga too. Also, Laini and her friends were already approaching the window.

Unfairness is also something that is hard to see.

Beyond that, the sound was getting louder and louder.

“It’s a lot bigger than the one used by the Keynesians… … !”

Like Eud.

Jessica, who had seen the airship in the previous ‘early tomb cave avalanche’, said it with thrill.

Because Suga wasn’t in Phoenix at that time. It was difficult to show sympathy, but it was a slightly disappointing expression.

Well, Jessica’s words were natural.

The airships that Soil had driven before and that Keynes dealt with were, to the last, the airships that were “superior”.

Of course, the airship is also huge enough to transport a large number of hunter teams.

What has come to the sky now is an airship that shows the power of the ‘state’.

Yes. country.

If you count the countries of this world from the top with your fingers, it will definitely be one of the ‘big ones’.

Originally, it was a super-giant airship of the Safra royal family, which would have been carrying Lapis.

Of course, I knew it was going to come in the first place.

I didn’t know that the date could be moved up so quickly.

Actually more than that… … .

Had he not been told that the Airship was arriving early, it would not have taken Eud long to find out.

The aircraft’s body was engraved with the ‘purple saffron flower’, the national flower of Safra.

Clothes at the orphanage, books and writing instruments that were given to teach calligraphy.

The mark was engraved on the basket containing the hard bread.

This is a very familiar mark for Eudora.

In a sense, it was something I had seen more than Phoenix’s phoenix mark.

Safra’s airship, scattering roars, went beyond the library as it was-

They moved to a large open space within the academy site.

In terms of location, it is probably the place where the ‘First Colosseum’ is located.

Certainly, if the size of the Colosseum was enough, there would be no problem in accommodating the aircraft.

Did the older sisters in the hideout also see the airship?

“Wow, that’s amazing! Unfair is amazing!”

“Really, really!”

“It felt like a castle was moving… … !”

And Laini and the girls were amazed at the first gigantic airship they had ever seen.

… … Eudda, who was slightly nervous about the appearance of the Safra Airship,

Seeing the girls’ lively reaction, the tension was relieved a bit.

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