Chapter 240

Three conditions237.

Roseveld Cattleya.

Well, when the three siblings talk to each other, they all call each other ‘Grandpa’ (Eud), ‘Grandpa Rose’ (Tiana), and ‘Grandpa Rosveld’ (Selena), all three of them call each other friendly every time.

To be honest, I’ve never met him.

It’s just that there aren’t many, Eud has virtually never seen it.

With only the occasional letter, it was enough to exchange a few words. (Thanks to Weiss, he knew how to get to Cattleya’s house.)

Cattleya itself does not engage in social activities as if buried in the early night.

He also has an awkward relationship with Roro, so I have to say he doesn’t have much of a chance.

Even if reconciliation was made ten years ago, the goal is still there.

To be honest, even if Phoenix and Cattleya have an in-law relationship, their contact point is not that great.

Of course, the three siblings and Lorona have pocket watches that “guarantee the help of the Cattleyas.” If there is a problem, I will come to you in a month or so.

But, such a Cattleya family- Also, maternal grandfather Rosveld came directly.

Was this really unexpected for the three siblings?

First of all, like Camila, I often come here for ‘work’… … .

“Your maternal grandfather has a job… … ?”

“No, it doesn’t make sense.”

Tiana and Selena go crazy.

Yes. The fact that Cattleya doesn’t socialize means that she doesn’t do a lot of aristocratic work at the same time.

Her three siblings immediately understood that the ‘work’ was only a nominal name.

And did Eud feel a little uneasy?

Eud thought that this visit might be because he said, ‘I will not be able to acknowledge Eud’.

If that’s the case, there’s nothing wrong with Eud, who didn’t inherit either the blood of Phoenix or Cattleya.

I’ll have to quietly return the watch. (Although it was modified by Rune.)

Well, I guess I quickly noticed the youngest’s anxiety.

Tiana and Selena pressed their cheeks tightly against Eud’s cheek.

“It will never happen. Don’t worry, Eud.”

“Every time I worry too much, Eud. It’s okay if your sisters say it’s okay!”

“Okay, I get it-” (molang-molang)

Edud nodded his head as the two sisters’ cheeks were pressed against each other.

“And, by any chance, if that’s the real purpose—”

Tiana said in a slightly trembling mood.

“Mom, you are sure to fight her maternal grandfather with all your might… … ?”

“… … .” (Eud & Selena)

At that moment, in an instant, the pixies poked their faces out from behind Czerny.

It was Pufu, Nana, and Kaka.

[“Turn it off.”] (Kaka)

[“Evil, so evil, Chernia… … .”] (pufu)

[“It hurts… … .”](Nana)

It also wraps the crown slightly.

In the end, I guess I got a honey night from Cerny.

Then, looking at Wood, he flew over and sat down on his shoulder and head.

[“Eud, please scold Chernia~”][“This is pixie abuse!”][“Shoot me~ Scold me~”]

“Not quite right, guys!”

[“Hey Ik.”] (All Pixies)

“Why are you dealing with children so seriously and sincerely, Cerny-senpai… … .”

[“That’s right, that’s right!”] (All Pixies)

“Hey, Eud?! These guys, aren’t they more kids than they look?!”


When Eud was startled by that, all the pixies eh hehe.

“Pixie = Fairy! So there is no basic raw material like other races! All the pixies currently in the academy are children who have lived for more than 30 years!”


It’s a surprise.

I can’t believe that these guys on my shoulders and on top of my head are all much older than Eud.

If you’re over 30, Jessica and Dies aren’t old enough to even give you business cards.

In the first place, the species called Pixies themselves do not care much about their age.

[“To be territorial by age among us!”][“Basic 100-year-olds must eat!”][“It’s my time~!”]

– says she.

After 100 years, she is considered to be a ‘Pixie Queen’.

From then on, it must have been a category that could be called ‘evolution of species’.

It is said that respect for age is established only after such evolution.

More than that… … .

Thirty years of pixies seems to be different from humans and other human races.

We can’t tell each other for sure, but the feeling is that the time is different.

[“After 30 years, we are still a kid.”][“We are young! You’re young! Little kid!”][“Young man~ little boy!”]

Surely this makes sense?

The experience time for each race is different.

Even 24 hours that feel short or long are perceived differently depending on the lifespan of each living thing.

Time flows not only in space, but in different selves and lives at the same time.

… … It’s not that Eud wants to express a poetic expression.

It’s just what he felt before when he was investigating the 7th Dungeon.

It is said that there is a place where the flow of time is twisted.

However, the pixies said that Eud was going to the underground library, and Cherny was waiting here.

I’d like to know what’s the relationship between the two.

I’m going now, so I guess I’ll just have to say that I’ve been waiting for you as a companion.

Eud understood it as usual.

And without Wood noticing, the pixies were about to say something, but when they saw Czerny’s eyes, they shut her mouth tightly.

In fact, spending the night in the underground library is also a small hobby for Czerny.

I came here today, thinking that I might be able to do it with Eud too.

She doesn’t have many friends of hers in the first place, and she’s that much Cherny she’s never been with her age. She had always longed for something like “playing with friends late at night”.

I was already a little bored.

All of the test scores released today were good, and she wanted to show off her secretly.

For Chernny, who had made friends for the first time, maybe the 10-minute report and contact seemed a little short.

As I shrugged at that thought-

I’ve just arrived here, that’s the story.

It must have been a sense of unexpectedly sneaking into a cafe with her friend.

I can’t say it directly.

I’m ashamed, I’m ashamed.

Soon after, Eud entered the underground library with Czerny, with the pixies on board (all three were in their thirties).

* * *

Eventually we arrived inside the underground library.

Flora welcomed two people and three pixies.

“Eud! what?! Did it go through?! Are we going through it too?”

“Wow?! It’s a surprise?! There are two Flora?!”

Click click!

Along with the fake Flora doll, which at first glance is mistaken for the corpse of a Keynes-elect girl.

It must have been because of the doll business, she came to Rune first.

“Ah, you are here too! … … huh? Why did His Majesty come with Eud-sama in the middle of the night?”

“Wait, was it that ‘doll’ or what?! Aww, I’m afraid of something! Don’t bring it closer?!”

“It’s scary, how beautifully decorated! Is that right, Eud-sama!?”

“It’s like having two Floras.”

“Oh, shame on you~♡”(Read more @

That fake Flora is just the scary Flora who held the knife at Eud.

Now that Flora has decorated it a lot, it sure is cute.

Still, she is afraid of every single thing.

I have to say that somehow I feel like I’m going to move with a knife any time… … .


“What is it, Cerny and Eud are here too? He should have brought more on the tray. But why are you making such a fuss as soon as you arrive?”

“Ah, Luna.”

“This is a doll, I’m afraid of something… … !”

And at the far end of the library that Flora ran to, Rune also stuttered.

Two mugs in her hands. A cookie was placed on top of each mug. Sweet cookies and milk. It’s a good match.

Seeing that there were two, it seems like they were trying to share with Flora.

The pixies nearby were also eating different cookies.

After seeing the two of them with Eud, Rune wondered if something had happened with Lapis at first.

He soon realizes that the two of them aren’t like that.

Rather, Rune asked the pixies to set an alarm when something happened there. On Eud’s head and shoulders, Kaka, Fufu, and Nana all sit peacefully.

Soon, Eud also judges that Rune doesn’t know “about what the Pixie Set said” by looking at Rune’s expression.

So, it would be right to bring up the topic here first.

Eud loosened his neck slightly and opened his mouth.

“Hey there, Luna.”


“What is ‘secret reading’?”

At those words, Rune’s expression hardened slightly.

His gaze immediately turned to Kaka, Fufu, and Nana.

“… … Oh my.”

[“Hey hey.”] (All Pixies)

You’d know right away who said it.

Immediately, the mug with the cookies on it, Rune put it on the table for a while.

“Kaka, pupu, Nana, come here!”

[“No, no~”][“Lune, I’m afraid of the eyes~”][“I’m scared~”]

Of course, despite Rune’s call, all three pixies hide behind Eud’s shoulders and head.

A strange tickling was felt on the back of Eud’s head and behind his shoulders.

not heavy though.

Then Rune said to the three pixies with a benevolent smile.

“No, I’m trying to give you the sweets I told you last time. Can you see everyone eating?”

[“Really!”] (All Pixies)

Soon, all three of the other pixies in the library are devoured by the sweets they are eating, and they fly to Rune.

too easy!

And of course-

Faba Baba Baba!!

“You guys with a light mouth, did I tell you to keep your mouth shut~!?”

[“Uhhhhhh!?”][“Ughhhhhhhhh!!”][“Tickle! I went to tickle, go to tickle~!”]

“You guys! These guys-!”

At once, three people were caught and punished by Rune at the same time.

Kaka, Fufu, and Nana were all tickled by Rune until they ran out of breath.

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