Chapter 264

Opening 259.

[“The final phase of the race-!”][“Every block, the final collision is going on!”][“Even in the lead, the dropouts keep coming! Even the strong ones who advance to the finals are eliminated without mercy! And this moment-”]

All blocks have entered the final route, and the ‘3rd Colosseum’ is now ahead.

Block B- Selena is the undisputed number one, and the situation in the rear has changed.

The three blue wolves chasing Selena closely – Sauld, Kirumina, and Aruni would have noticed it first.

Selena also follows her and turns her head slightly to check her back.

And what you see there is-

“-It’s too noisy. you guys.”



quagga gaga!!

It was a mass elimination of the middle-class factions that were pursuing them.

If it doesn’t work for Selena, I’ll even devour a blue wolf- The students who were chasing for that purpose are pushed off the board one after another and fall.

Oltera House Vault.

She is one of the three entourage of the Metri faction, and she was the strongest participant in this Vanquish with Alice.

The race is now in the final half.

Oltera, who had spared her stamina and magical powers as her lieutenant, sprinted forward at her.

“I will tell you in advance.”

Ol Terra pointed her own sword at her lead four.

“One of them will be eliminated unconditionally, so plan ahead.”

obvious provocation.

It was Ol Terra’s provocation, which she threw just before she reached her goal.

“Damn goggles!”


Sauld and Aruni exposed their fangs.

“If you can jump first so that you can fall, it’s easy for me.”

And Selena, who saw the situation, met her eyes with Kirumina behind her for a moment-

“… … Eight.”

“Wow, Cell, Selena-sama!?”


Ignoring Oltera’s lead participation, she speeded up her board even further.

The golem and the golem bird’s attack, which just got more intense, was blocked with a sword and looked forward.

Rather than losing her decision-making power in the final phase because she was entangled in battle for nothing, she decided that it would be better for her to maintain her number one position as it is.

Of course, the original Selena is also a combat fanatic.

She is the true warrior of Four Enix, who always wants to clash with the strong.

If it was a normal battle, she would have raised her sword at the appearance of Oltera, her mighty man.

But now this field is not common.

In the direction of taking the first place for sure, her actions were decided.

After Oltera and all the blue wolves saw it-

“… … Your judgment is so cold!”

“Oooh! Aruni, Kirumina, speed up!”

“Okay, so don’t howl… … !”

“Your sister, Eud, is absolutely merciless!”

The board speeded up again to take the lead.

And block D-

“Aren’t you going to stop the fucking rabbit from coming in right?!”

“Devil bitch, you are! If Lenian-sama does any damage, I’ll immediately get rid of this united front!”

“Both, get along, get along.”

Leading group of ‘Lenianne’s main axis’ heading towards the last goal,

And the successor group of the middle-class and royal road faction that blocks it with all their might.

The battle between the two sides was getting rough enough to be comparable to the current block A.

“Hey profit! hey profit! 이, 이, 이 망할 새끼들이!!”

Jax is also continuing the battle in the immediate vicinity of Anat.

Dodge the attacks of those who are aiming for the board.

Prior Vanquish prep period. With the swordsmanship he learned while being thoroughly hit by Anat, he steadily shot down his opponents.

“You bastard, you’re so much better than you were two years ago!”

“You bastard!”

“You bastard child!”

“These bastards are talking one after another!?”

“-There’s nothing wrong with that, take it sweetly and focus!”

“Heh heh.”

At Anat’s remark, Jax nodded his head.

He’s Jax who can’t fight his half-brother anymore.

However, in this case, unlike the ‘Ten Nobility Alliance’ in Block A, remote control is not free.

Nevertheless, what can withstand the encirclement of sieges like this is-

“I am thinking of simultaneous attacks 3, 5, 6, 8. Alice, Annat sister, please join us.”


“Did you read your thoughts again in less than a second!?”

It was thanks to Lenianne’s ‘Magic Eye’, who quickly read the enemy’s strategy right before the attack.

Lenian in the center caught the attack with her magic eyes.

Alice and Anat, who are in the extreme battle world, respond more quickly accordingly.

“Read thoughts.”

This is a simple word, not a magic eye that can be easily resisted.

And if you try to attack Lenian directly from the side of the encirclement,


Whirly Rick-

Whoa, whoa!


“Hey, wait, suddenly- uh-uh!?”

Lenny Anne, who read the thought with her eyes, swung her fists to deal with her first.

“Damn it!? We need more people!”

“Don’t let Lenianne even think about it, the majority must attack at once!”

“Support? This consumption is too big!”

“Besides, there’s still a blue wolf and a black lion?!”


“Why doesn’t it come as planned!?”

‘If the current number is not enough, we will subdue it with more people.’

It was a simple, yet sure way to deal with it.

But they overlooked it for a while.

Metri already knows that there are ‘other factions’ that have joined hands.

At the beginning of the semester, the Ontras faction merged by Metti.

As the situation is, there were not many people in Vanquish this time.

Still behind the D block. Clearly, a small group of Ontras had been completed.

“Don’t send them all forward beyond this! Get it out of here!”


“Aim at their board with arrows!”

“Damn, elf bastards?!”

“Did you completely change your behavior with Metrey’s support?!”

The ‘five elf team’ led by the leader of the Ontras faction, Shyarn Ontras, was definitely keeping a check from the rear.

“Hey, that group is so bitter~ It’s the connection between rabies and demons handled by the youngest member of Metri.”

“Eud-kun, you put a really scary sister into your faction~”

Ranpus continued to drive, flanked by one side of the leading group, slowly, but not particularly slowing down. Meruni also sticks next to her brother and keeps it.

Thermi, who had already seen Caltus’ dropout, tried to slow down a bit.

“If I go, I will be swept away right away… … .”

To be honest, seeing the rabies and demons chirping with each other, it must have been difficult for them to stick together.

* * *

Then turn the situation back to block A.

Bartan, who runs straight to the front, quickly comes in against Dast.

The same leader, Penny and Jason swung their swords away.

Of course, it wasn’t just an attack called Dast.

As soon as the swords collide, a speculation of flames erupts and attacks the two with certainty.




“Haha, a substitute child who is not even recognized by his parents!”


The swords of Bartan and Darst collided with each other.

However, Bartan is also a leader who leads a middle-class faction.

no more than that.

He’s a student with enough power to wield all these mid-tier factions.

Its capabilities are never pushed by the leaders of large factions.

Darst, who attacked emotionally, reacted coolly to Bartan-

“Emotional, that’s your weakness. Now, what does it feel like to be dropped the way you’ve been chasing us!”

Raises Darth’s flame sword upwards at once.

And immediately, it fires the wind attribute magic chanted in advance, and violently pushes Dast back.

At the same time as Bartan’s own acceleration, it was used to drop the dash.

Whoa whoa!


Maybe it’s because Darst was too advanced in attack?

He was unable to deal with the sudden counterattack. He hastily tries to position himself, but his board is messed up.

‘Damn child! Magic down!’

It will be breathtaking, but he decides to balance his pressure by shooting a ‘fire cannon’ down. In such a hurry, it was time to swing the magic stick.



Even before the magic could be fired, someone snatched Darth and prevented it from falling at once.

Darst didn’t know for a moment who it was.

He doesn’t miss a chance quickly, and keeps his magic hardening so that the hoverboard doesn’t fall off his feet.

“You idiot Eud… … !”

“Every time you say something, nigga, nigga!”

“… … Chew!”

It was none other than Eud who grabbed Darst.

“Damn it! Yes, to be honest, thank you!”

“Oh, thank you!”


“It’s a gap! Attack at once!”

Simultaneously feeling hostility, Eud and Darst fell from each other at high speed to dodge the attack.

“The remaining distance is 300m!”

“A block 10 aristocratic faction, all are eliminated!”

“This is the end of you guys- Khuhe-uh!?”


Axius’ arrow flew again towards the students who attacked.

After that, Frances stirs up the situation.

“Aha, both are dangerous.”


The distance gradually reaching the end.

Leading group eliminated one after another.

Even so, middle-class leader-level students continue to hold back their ankles.

The attack from the red golems and golem birds grew stronger and stronger.

You need a solid wedge.

The two sides are not far apart.

However, the speed of each other is almost the same. In addition, due to long-distance driving, the horsepower is intermittent. There is a clear limit to the speed that can be achieved.

I’d rather use earth magic.

Although Stone Blade is optimal in a stagnant situation, it is difficult to see a great effect in such high-speed battles.

Perhaps when Stone Blade’s manifestation occurred, Bartan, Jason, and Penny would be out of range.

Then- Aqua Spear.

In the same way as in the previous chase, the Aqua Sphere should be shot backwards to act as a booster.

That was then.

Truth hurried to the four of you.

“From now on, you just have to stop for a moment. And finish-”

What caught True’s eyes was-

There were new red golems that just appeared near the front.

Bartan, Jason, and Penny read the golems’ movements and tried to counter them in a way that didn’t slow them down as much as possible.


‘I am reading the movement.’

“There is an appropriate obstacle! -‘Gorgon’!”

Doo woo woo!

so that-

‘I would not have considered the sudden stop of movement.’

The black magic eyes of Truth apply all power to the distant golem.

‘Material with magical powers’. Or blocking the flow of “magic itself” is the magic eye of Truth.

The golems that were moving aggressively from afar, their movements got twisted in an instant—


“Wait, move!”

“Truth’s magical eyes have reached this far?!”

In response to the actions of the three leaders, there was a slight shaking.

“Everyone said before, that no matter who advances, there is no resentment! Well then-”

Truth’s acceleration began.

Even the other golems stopped moving.

In other words, for about a few seconds from now, the variable of the straight course ‘toward the goal’ disappeared.

A whopping- with a very short stiffness of the top three.

All four of them grasped True’s intentions in less than a second.

Towards the leader-class students who rush to understand the situation and stop them in a hurry-

“From now on, the leading fight! Let’s get rid of all three of them!”


Unleash all magic.

Since the ‘one straight route’ was created, it was predicted that the siege stations would gather along the straight route.

Obviously, if the situation had been relaxed, the besiegers wouldn’t have rushed to stop the five.

It was a situation where the match was decided within ten seconds.

It must have been a poison rather than a move that was judged very quickly.

All of the remaining leader-level siege stations realize this only after they are ‘pushed’ in one direction.

It didn’t take long either. It happened in about 2 seconds.

But those two seconds. It was enough time for five people to shoot magic and speculation at the same time.

water window. fire shells.

wind shock wave.

And a number of magic arrows.

Towards the enemies who rushed too neatly. Magic is fired all at once.(Read more @

Without any gaps in defense, the conflict between magic and coexistence is ignored and they are driven wildly.


“Damn, were you aiming!?”


[“No, last minute-”][“Leader-level students who were siege of Block A, most of them were eliminated-!”][“And, and this!”]

And the magic shock wave that was directed to the rear, allowed the five people to be on the hunt.

[“As before, using the magic shock wave, we break through the ‘distance where the golem attack has disappeared’ at once!! Access!! This!!”][“Lead, eight! 200m ahead, everyone runs towards the goal-!!”]




That’s when Bartan’s voice rang out.

Eud, Darst, and Francis are done-

[“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”][“With 200m left, the leading group has been replaced!!”]

It beat Bartan, Jason, and Penny at once.

After that, at once, Truth and Axius followed.

Of course, it’s just ‘getting out’, not completely erasing it.

The current composition is a form in which eight students go to the goal at the same time.

Bartan was also considering this “situation to be put aside.”

Even if that’s the worst case scenario, of course!

Bartan poured all of the magical energy he had poured out for his final acceleration into his whole body.

He puts on a fighting spirit, surrounds his body with his magical power, and wields a sharp blow.

Because they had just taken the lead, they looked forward to the three of them, wielding their swords as if they were squeezing a wedge.

‘Are you afraid to lose it? I’m afraid I’ll lose it! I’m afraid I’ll lose it-!’


Both Eud and Darth noticed it at the same time.

As soon as the two bad boys notice it, they look at each other silently.

Coming and going in less than 0.1 second is dissatisfaction and understanding.

And the eyes of hostility and cooperation, saying ‘Damn!’ and ‘Damn, this is the first time!’


The sword strikes of Eud and Dast struck Bartan like a cross.

“Big!? what-”

The two demon swordsman’s attacks that matched perfectly cut down Bartan’s board in an instant.

[“Oh my gosh- Bartan, I’m eliminated-!!”][“He, and then-”]



Francis, Axius and Truth also ended up with Jason and Penny.

Francis’ swift sword. Axius’s Sword Bow Dagger.

Finally, the attack of the flowing sword, wielded by Truth in one final move.

Without a bird to resist the attack.

The three people who turned this block into a great brawl fall out of the lead.

On the street just before the 3rd Colosseum, they fall one after another.

Now there are five left.

The five who have continued to cooperate until now are… …

Nevertheless, from now on, one of them will fall unconditionally.

* * *

And lastly, Bartan, who was virtually eliminated, was-

“Are you going to just go like this, like this?”

before the fall.

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