Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1009: Collision between fighters

Not long after the third game ended, the fourth game began in full swing. This time the battle was a rubber stickman and fierce blood flying.

The two appeared in an unmanned warehouse street, and the surrounding streets were already full of scars after three games. The next two games will take place in this ruined place.

"I've always wanted to know, how is your strength? Now I finally have a chance." Lie Xie Fei said on the golden roar. "Me too, I would like to learn how much strength the Dragon War God has." Said with his dragon-scale warhorse.

"Okay! I'm going to let you know that I am awesome today!" Lie Xuefei pulled out the photon killing giant sword behind him.

"Okay, brother isn't a pinch." The rubber sticky man pulled out the conqueror's wings and said a few volleys.

The system starts counting down.

"It's said that your recruiters don't care about you."

"It's not easy for your recruiters to go, how long did it take to show their faces in the comment area."

"That's better than you, at least he knows that a role like me exists."

After talking about the system's countdown, it is over. At the end of the countdown-"Charge !!!" Both men shouted with great momentum at the same time. The soldier's first move.

"Roar!" The war horse and the lion rushed forward with their master roaring!


At the beginning of the game, two people slammed into each other fiercely, and the two weapons slammed into a loud noise.

"Crusader Strike!"

"Bravely cut!"

Seeing that they didn't grab the first move, the two withdrew their weapons at the same time, and then waved again and slammed into the air fiercely.

-1389-1395 Two people's heads were hurting at the same time, and Lie Xuefei was slightly injured. Lie Xuefei was wearing a full set of photon killer suits, although the rubber stick man was a platinum but not a suit However, on the weapon, he used the wing of the conqueror of the inheritance grade, but the sword of the photon killing that the fiery blood used was only the diamond grade. The level is lower for each other, and the damage is naturally higher.

The melee combat is always exciting. After several collisions of skills, both men fought with basic attacks. The two great swords collided with each other, and they were in place. The weapon sounded like a storm. Constantly ringing, the two people in the audience who watched fiercely were hard to come by. The battle between the soldiers was the most domineering.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, the two opened a distance, and the rubber sticky said: "It's not a good performance to play on the mount. How about we play?"

"Okay, I'm afraid you won't do it!" Turning over and dismounting, standing next to Jin Maohou, patted him with his hands, and Jin Mao howled, "Have courage!" He said, turning over and dismounting.

"Come on, Golden Hair Roar killed me that weird horse!" The fierce blood slammed Golden Hair Roar's ass, and Golden Hair Roar immediately snarled up. The Warcraft mount had a separate combat ability and did not want ordinary mounts to mount it. Hard.

"This guy is not a horse, a dragon scale beast! Go and play with it!" The rubber sticky conqueror's wings pointed forward, and the weird warhorse called dragon scale beast immediately made a sound like a dragon yell and rushed out and faced The golden hair roared and wrestled again.


"Ferocious blow!" The host naturally won't be idle while the two mounts scrambled together. The fierce blood flew up and waved his skills, and he severely slashed with his huge sword.

"Talk to fight! Dragon Shield Guard!" A rubber shield with a dragon pattern appears on the rubber arm's left arm. "Oh!" The shield easily followed the fierce blood blow, and there was not even a ripple on the shield. appear.

"Flying Dragon Cut!"

After catching the fierce blood fly, of course, the rubber stickman immediately responded, and the wings of the conqueror in his hand glowed into the shadow of the dragon head and chopped the fierce blood.

"Battle roar!" A loud roar uttered in the fierce blood flying, and the flying dragon chopped by the rubber stickman collided with a sound wave wall, and it exploded with bliss.

"Sword Qi!"

The Warcry skill shook open the rubber sticky person and played the most basic sword qi of the soldier. Just being shaken open and had no time to respond, the rubber sticky man was hit by sword gas naturally.

-8150 The attack power is high. Even this most basic skill will not cause low damage. After the hit, Liefei immediately started to pursue, but he didn't rush up but-"Limited!" Hearing the sound of fierce blood flying, the next moment there was a black light rising from his feet, and the rubberized human tiger stood upright.

The magical skill of alienated blood flying, which is worse than my ripper, actually shined at this time, and set the rubber sticky in place.

"Scream of war!"

"God of War!"

The fierce blood can escape this great opportunity. Two BUFFs add up and rush straight up, and at the same time the light of the sword of photon killing bursts out.

"Half-moon cut!"

"Fatal slash!"

"Vacuum burst!"

In addition to the first skill, the latter two are additional skills on the Great Sword, and a series of six injuries fly from the rubber sticky head!

-15891-18992-17944-27540-27390-27169 The last blow directly penetrated the human body! Divorce was just doomed a while ago, the rubber sticky man's inability to return to heaven. Who says that skills are invalid, and people who do n’t use skills are really invalid.


The rubber stick man slowly kneels on one knee, holding the wings of the conqueror in his hand, staring at the fierce blood flying unwillingly, slowly turning into a spiritual light and flying out of the field.

0: 1, the first game, Lie Xuefei won the first game.

The second round started after a short break. This time, the two did not talk much. The fiery blood flew open two auras at the same time. At the same time, two purple and black apertures rose at the feet of the rubber stick. The system also began the final countdown. -"3!"



At the moment the battle started, a "snap" of shattered grass flew, and neither of them called for a mount in this round. At the same time, the charge was activated at the same time, and the arrows rushed out. The two weapons were again. Collision together, this time is still a **** flying loss, there is no way the weapon difference between the two is not a grade but a grade, not a grade at all.

After the fierce blood flew open, the rubber sticky men kept on.

"Longwu eight steps!"

He snarled eight times under his feet, and came to the wings of the fierce blood like ghosts. A sword appeared between the flashes of lightning, and the wings of the conqueror turned into a mighty man!

"Dragon Sword Raid!"

The Wings of the Conqueror slashed three times in a row like lightning. This slash flew so fast that "Papapa" blasted towards the fierce blood, "Scared?"

The fierce blood frightened the opponent. This game was uncharacteristic. Instead of fighting with himself, he started a swift attack!

"Eh! Heh!" The two photon-killing swords swayed twice in a row, very reluctantly to block the rubber sticky man's attack twice, but the last one couldn't be stopped, and the wings of the conquered pierced a blood hole in his body. !!

-28891 The fierce blood flew back painfully and prepared to replenish blood at the same time, but the rubber sticky man did not give him a chance at all. He kicked the foot and swept the distance between the two, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and grasped the wings of the conqueror The entire hilt of the hilt of the sword turned around in mid-air, spinning like a gyro.

"Typhoon!" As he turned around, a sharp gale blew around him. The wind was so smooth that the ground was cracked.

The fierce blood flew his teeth tightly, his body sank, he almost fell to his knees, and leaped away.

"Jumbo bomb!" Lie Xuefei clenched the hilt of the sword and the whole person collided with the gale. "Boom" The two people were bombarded by the impact of the skills at the same time. Both of them suffered 2W damage. Figures, but both were flying a few meters and adjusting their attitude in the air. The boots slammed on the ground, and after sliding back for a while, they slammed on the ground at the same time. The image of the dragon with the dragon's head floating above him screamed, "Dragon Horn Hit!"

The fierce blood flying also shows no weakness: "God of War breaks in!" The golden energy flow from the giant sword.

The two skills collided again, dazzling a dazzling energy flow. This terrible energy improperly bounced the two people and simultaneously lifted up the surrounding ruins. Broken rubble and rubble flew into the air. After falling down.

-41944-39991 The blood of both of them plummeted, and the two stood up again at the same time, poured potions for themselves, and roared again, and the two great swords collided again, and they kept crashing like a storm.


If the sword is stabbed into the ground, the energy flow flashes away in all directions, and the fierce blood is too late to dodge, and it is directly killed by 4000+ blood, which is not even the body of fierce blood. Actually, rigidity appeared, the rubber sticker approached again, and the wings of the conqueror rose with flame cones, and I went! Actually, the barriers were broken! When did this guy learn!


The fierce blood woke up at the critical moment, and successfully blocked the great sword across his chest, but it was far from over. The rubber sticky man raised his foot and kicked it out fiercely. !!

-988 The rubber stickman's reaction speed is really not normal. The barriers are broken and blocked. In a short time, a new set of attack routines is come up, but the position of the attack may be damaged.

Lie Xuefei had a cramped expression on his face, and both eyes flew out. The most important place was a kick from someone. If this is a realistic estimate, he has already rolled on the ground with pain. Lie Xuefei's face The convulsions were so severe that he covered his eggs with one hand and said, "Fuck! Where are you kicking!"

"Sorry, I didn't notice it," he said, "trauma!"

Suddenly I saw water ripples in the air, an infinite energy passed through the body of blood and flew out from behind, the blood flew into a dizzy state for a while, the rubber sticker did not miss the opportunity, the wings of the conqueror suddenly Spike: "Flying Dragon Sword!"

Three dragon shadows flew through the body of the fierce blood, and three numbers of injuries flew up--38772-35029-32716 The fierce blood flew to the body and fell down.

1: 1 rubber sticky man tied.

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