Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1019: Go to the race city

"Ding ~! Congratulations, your team has successfully entered the offline tournament. The offline tournament schedule will be held in the Suzhou Virtual Arena in the day after tomorrow. Please enter the venue with your valid ID before 9 am the day after tomorrow!"


This virtual arena is supposed to be built for the game, and the game company is really rich.

I have n’t eaten at night until after noon. A few mm seem to be hungry. It ’s already 7 o’clock in the evening. It ’s time to eat, mm is offline, and the sky **** is out of work. Everyone Hungry and furious, he rushed to the cafeteria.

Sweeped N more food and piled up a table, and then quickly got up.

Many rookies have emerged in this game. These are the first time I have seen. None of them are masters who are not good at soft persimmons. After all, none of the teams that can reach the offline tournament through heavy killing is fuel efficient. Lights.


"Please go through the top 50 competition students, listen to the radio and go to the multimedia classroom on the first floor of the main building!"

"Please go through the top 50 competition students, listen to the radio and go to the multimedia classroom on the first floor of the main building!"

"Please go through the top 50 competition students, listen to the radio and go to the multimedia classroom on the first floor of the main building!"

Just as we were eating, the college radio rang, and I don't know what famous Zhao Bo was going to do.

Hurry up and finish eating the multimedia classroom.

At this moment, Zhao Bo was already standing in front of the podium, waiting for us. He sat in the classroom, and I looked at the empty classroom. Only us were there. It seemed that the college classmates were once again annihilated.

After seeing us seated, Bo Bo cleared his throat and said loudly: "Congratulations! My lovely classmates, you have achieved glory for the college with your wonderful performance and incomparable spirit. It is the pride of our college. You are proud! You are the hope of the motherland in the future, you ... (10,000 words omitted below) "

After Zhao Bo spoke, we applauded. His words were very decent, that is too wordy.

"Return to the truth." Zhao Bo said: "In addition to congratulating you on your successful promotion today, the college also prepared small rewards for you." After finishing speaking, handed each of us a piece of paper.

I took it and read the above: D3137D3136, D-EMU, type: round trip, departure station: Fuzhou South, arrival station: Suzhou seat number: 12 departure time: 11:06, arrival time: 19:37, required Time: 8 hours and 31 minutes, a total distance of 981 kilometers, can not help but lose track: "Motion tickets! Still first-class seats!"

Zhao Bo said: "This is your round-trip ticket to the race city. The college will book it for you when your results come out."

"Thank you so much," I said, still wondering if I should go out and buy tickets.

Bo Zhao said with a smile: "You're welcome. This is what you deserve. I can tell you that if you can get out of the country, all the expenses for your participation in the World Championships will be reimbursed by the college! All evaluation procedures will be done by the college. "

"Really!" With both eyes brightened, I was completely reimbursed, and it was completely fair to go abroad with public money.

"Of course, but the premise is that you want to win." Zhao Bo laughed.

Fire Dance: "Relax, there must be some of us going abroad."

"I hope so." Zhao Bo nodded.


After listening to Zhao Bo's words, everyone returned to the dormitory in the classroom on the way.

"Tomorrow at noon, you don't need to hurry up in the morning." Xueyue smiled

Mo Yan said: "Yeah, go back at night to pack up and get up late tomorrow. I remember when I first started the car when I was six years old, but our family went to Gulangyu for a summer vacation."

Xiaoguang also said, "I went there when I was a kid. But that was Golden Gate."

Xueyue sighed, "Your childhood was so happy."

I asked, "Aren't you?"

Xueyue shook her head and said, "How is it possible. You don't know! I was kept in a gorgeous cage like a birdie in childhood, and I had no freedom at all. The old man still said good for me every day, and he was not fully self-sufficient. I ca n’t even choose a toy I like, I ask for everything. The old man just turned it all down for the sake of my goodness, and squeezed me like a clay figure at his will! ”

"I really do n’t understand why other children can play outside freely, but it ’s only me who is at home. Especially when the old man is at home, I ca n’t even play with other children, and I ca n’t even go to school. I can only slap hard books all day to those private teachers whom the old man invited. I really like the present life and the days before are incomparable. "Whoever said that it is better to have a rich life, listen to her complaints, I It is impossible to imagine how her childhood came.

Yun Lan said: "It is indeed the young lady of Tianxue's family. Compared with you, my childhood experience in making up lessons is hardly worth mentioning."

Fire Dance: "How was your life as a kid?"

I thought about it and said, "Very good, pretty happy."

Ziyue looked at the moving ticket in her hand at this moment and said, "Why do you have a company, I must be alone in Beijing. The most **** thing is to start at 7:00 in the morning and arrive at 10:30 in the evening. I It's hard to get up at five or six. "Shaking his head helplessly.

Guardian said: "If you are actually worried about one person, then you can go to the male dormitory to recruit a few flower-guard ambassadors. I guarantee that as long as you shout, all the male students in the dormitory will apply."

Ziyue said, "Forget it, just the group of people. I'd better go by myself and be safer."

Yinyue laughed: "Look, let Zhao Bo directly send you a bodyguard."

Xiaoguang Road: "Should go to change the plane ticket!"


After returning to the dormitory room, there was no need to ask Long Xin when a phone rang. She must go to me tomorrow, but Zhao Bo did not book a ticket for her. It seems that I can only afford to get in the car first and make up for it.

The competition is over. I went online and dealt with some problems in the shop. I have to say that the two elite npc hired by that guy before were really very powerful and supported the entire store. My Maple Leaf Station ’s turnover is absolutely Not low. Of course, the goods that support the store cannot be solely relied on me. Basically, the equipment obtained by the MMs of the Student Union is put to me for sale. The money made by this store is definitely a gold collar income. In addition, I also checked the geographical situation of Suzhou.

Suzhou China is a mega city in East China, one of the first historical and cultural cities, and one of the ten key scenic tourist cities in China. Located in the Yangtze River Delta, located in the southeast of Jiangsu Province, it was called Wu County in the ancient times. The ancient city of Suzhou was built in the period of Wu Wangzhang in 514 BC. It has a history of more than 2500 years and was renamed Suzhou in the ninth year of the Emperor Sui's reign (589 years) because of the mountains in the southwest of the city. Suzhou has a long history and a wealth of humanities. It enjoys a reputation as "the paradise on the top, the Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom", the beautiful, elegant Suzhou garden with the reputation of "Jiajiangnan", and the small bridge flowing around the city of Gusu. Suzhou is one of the important sub-center cities in the north wing of the Yangtze River Delta economic circle. As a highly modernized city, Suzhou is an important economic, foreign trade, industrial and commercial center and an important cultural, artistic, educational and transportation hub in Jiangsu Province. At the same time, China is one of the most economically dynamic cities, national sanitary cities, national environmental protection model cities and national civilized cities.

Playing in such a city has to say that the people in the game company will choose the place.

No dreams overnight.

The next day, I did n’t choose to level up, I just went to the station to take care of it. This **** station, the level stayed at level 9 and the experience value was 9999%, and it did n’t move. NND, as the first station, could n’t even rise to level 10. These things are absolutely impossible. The reason why there is no upgrade is definitely that I do not know that the conditions have not been fulfilled. As Tassada said, the lack of information is bound to be a key point.

After finishing the things in the station, I packed my luggage offline. I packed a lot last night. I packed it today and I did n’t have to bring anything for a few days. The helmet is necessary. Although there is a game room for the game, this helmet is Proof of identity is just as important as identity card. After eating something to pad your belly, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Hua Lian, and Mo Yan followed me on my journey. Let ’s start with the used school bus. At the train station, Ziyue had already left one step earlier. In addition, when the college really had to send her a bodyguard, Teacher Cheng went with her.


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