Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1023: Two games

In the third game, the bloodthirsty battle emperor VS magic moon, the uncles who lost the Earth League can sell tickets back.

"Ding ~ !, Players: Bloodthirsty War Emperor and Players: Fantasy Moon, Ready! Match Venue: Mountain Forest! Countdown to 30 seconds to start ~!"

The site changed, and the former vast white environment suddenly became a mountain forest.


The two were teleported together in the arena. The bloodthirsty battle emperor looked dignified and looked as if he was dead. Holding a great sword, he did not ride, unless he hit the plains. If he was fighting, that would only hinder the player's flexibility. .

Xueyue was in a photon slayer suit, supporting her exquisite figure, and she always wore a silver-white mask that blocked half of her face. The photon giant sword on her back was not pulled out in a hurry, and she left from the Valley of Thunder God with her left hand. The shield that hasn't been changed since then, is a magnificent pair of heroes, and the appearance of the hero is so cool.

The game has the last 10 seconds countdown, 9,8,7 ... 3,2,1, the game starts!

At the beginning of the game, the bloodthirsty battle emperor shouted three haloes on his body, and followed by another flame appearing around him. It seems that he has added a skill to himself.

BUFF all added up, the bloodthirsty battle emperor had already rushed out, approaching step by step, Xueyue did not dodge, oncoming, "铿铿 铿" three consecutive times, three thrilling Mars on the shield, with full horsepower The Berserker is truly extraordinary. The bloodthirsty war emperor, with a little advantage in strength, shakes Xueyue's petite body continuously back!

"Chasing the stars!"

The bloodthirsty battle emperor drank a little, his body flickered, and quickly flew behind Xueyue. With a great sword wave, he poked hard.


Raised my hand slightly, and then introduced it into my ear with a light noise. Looking up, I saw that the bloodthirsty battle emperor's quick and incomparable blow was easily blocked by Xueyue Shield.

"Damn!" The bloodthirsty battle emperor pumped his sword again, but he did not expect Xueyue to be above him.

"Charge! Shield strike!"

The flaw in the moment of drawing the sword was caught, and the shield hit stunned the opponent. Xueyue's shield hit was an additional skill on that shield, but her shield stun probability was abnormally high. It should not be ordinary shield hit skills. After the shield fainted, the Photon Great Sword appeared in her hand for a moment, and a set of gorgeous horizontal founders were chopped down on the chest of the Bloodthirsty Warlord, spurring four damage numbers—21220—21263—21299—21341 Opening the halo defense force dropped sharply, but later that skill was obviously a skill to reduce damage defense skills, because of this reason, he was left with 10% of blood, which was not hanging.

All that was left was the blood skin, and the bloodthirsty battle emperor swallowed the medicine, and Xueyue took the initiative to attack.

"Batian Strike"

The bloodthirsty battle emperor saw Xueyue rushing forward, and poured the potion to launch his skills to meet him.



Xueyue swiftly blocked the opponent's attack with a shield. The bloodthirsty battle emperor's attack power was very strong. Even if the attack was blocked, he was shocked and took many steps.

"A bloodthirsty blow !!"

The bloodthirsty battle emperor who finally seized the opportunity made every effort to pierce this past.

—15350 The Great Sword penetrated into Xueyue's shield. On Xueyue's head, a huge damage came out. Xueyue's profession is not the kind that can resist. She is not a tank but a relatively brittle DPS. Knowing that there are not many such opportunities, it is another sword that cuts the sword.




The bloodthirsty battle emperor was blocked by the shield and a howling wind blew on the shield, and the bloodthirsty battle emperor was suddenly out of balance due to the wind.

"Heaven and Earth Cross Sword !!!"

—8273—8222—8219 Under continuous attack, the bloodthirsty war emperor was disoriented and suffered an attack from a set of heaven and earth cross swords. The bloodthirsty war emperor's blood was greatly reduced. At this moment, he did not have time to replenish blood, because Xueyue's next attack and Arrive: "Guardian of the Warrior!" Quickly sacrifice defensive skills, a shield like a magician appears outside Xueyue smiled: "Vertical Quartet!" The blue afterglow from the giant sword, four from top to bottom The second slash continued to fall on the shield. The shield resisted the last big slash after the first three slashes but could not bear it. The shield was broken. At the same time, the bloodthirsty battle emperor in the shield stabbed the blade sharply. "

Xueyue's great sword penetrated the bloodthirsty battle emperor's breastplate, smashing its last trace of blood! Moreover, the bloodthirsty battle emperor's sword was inserted through the ribs of Xueyue, and although he accidentally injured him, he failed to kill Xueyue, and he had to drink hate and fall.

The total score is 3: 0. You can choose not to compare all the abstentions in the next two games. It doesn't matter to us, but abstaining is not in line with my style. If you choose not to fight, you need the other side to do the same. May not fight.


"Easy." Xueyue returned to the camp with a smile, walked to my side and arched my waist and eyes with an elbow, and said, "My husband is here for you next."

"OK, leave it to me." I said with a thumbs up. Take a break.

"Master, morning!" My two beautiful bodyguards also appeared next to me when I appeared on the court, and my master greeted me sweetly.

I said, "A lot of people look at it today, to be better, do you know?"

"Understand!" Tianzhao laughed.

Black God: "Why is the host playing behind that side, everyone's buttocks sitting in the game warehouse are numb."

I laughed: "Is it? Would you like me to check it?"

Aizhao said, "Master, it's a live broadcast right now, and it's a bit too kind of you to say such a thing."

After hearing what she said, I was stunned, uh, all the words I just spoke were broadcast live, **** it, when the game is over, come back to the Dragon City Hotel to clean up the two of you.

"Ding ~ !, Player: Yi Shuihan and Player: Weiweilong, ready! Match Venue: Bottom of the Volcano! Beginning in 30 seconds countdown ~!"

The surrounding environment turned into a magma world. The enemy and ours appeared on the cliffs at both ends, and a stone bridge was connected in the middle. The bridge was extremely narrow and could only be passed by one person.

Look under the bridge, this is a huge pool, the fiery red magma surging underneath, screaming like countless monsters and demons. Although it is very vast, all of them are made of magma. The only place where the world can settle is only here and opposite.

"If I fall into the magma, I'll hang it up." Tianzhao stood at the edge and looked at the magma that was constantly bubbling. A hot breath spread from far away.

"Hahaha." As we observed the surrounding environment, we suddenly laughed across the face: "Beast **** you will fall here today!"

I said, "Why do you see it?"

"Here is full of fire elements. In this environment, I can exert more than 100% of my strength. This venue is exactly the home court customized for me." Yi Shuihan said on the opposite side, and I looked up and down Yi Shuihan This is a young man in his twenties, with a thin figure, holding a fire-red staff in his hand, and a red magic robe.

I laughed and said, "Is the home advantage? But the advantage is to show it to the advantage, not even a fart if it can't be used."

"Then you look good."

Thirty seconds of preparation time is over.

"The master asked me to come." The black god's sickle ran across his chest, followed by an arrow off the string, and rushed to the stone bridge likewise, the number of injuries on his head kept on falling: -319, -319, -321, -317

"God! Fire damage will be triggered on the bridge!" Aizhao shouted.

This damage is nothing to the black god. The momentum of the rush is really brave, the domineering, the stone bridge is only forty meters away, and the black **** arrives in a blink of an eye. Swinging, the magma below erupted, and four huge magma flows rushed into the air in a half-circle, unbiasedly against the black god's waist.

"Spirit teleportation!" Seeing that the black **** was sprayed by lava, his body fell into the large pond next to him, as long as this fall was personal.

Speaking late, then quickly, a teleportation of the soul saw her teleport back, and at this time, Yi Shuihan mobilized the fire element to spray a large pillar of fire, and the three of them avoided, and the pillar of fire burned on the floor except one piece. Scorched.

The sky-crossed blood-colored cross sprayed out, a wave of Yishuihan's staff waved, and a wall of fire standing several meters high stood in front of him. The energy of the blood-colored cross shot on the wall of fire like a mud cow into the sea.

"The raging fire waves!"

After the end of the fire wall, Yi Shuihan's expressionless pointing staff pointed at us. The raging fire elements gathered around him, and the magma boiled to form a large wave ten meters high and five meters wide.


Huge arms stood up, blocking us from big waves.

"You return, I have a way to the other guy." Wei Fengtang was melted by the lava, Tianzhao and the Black God returned, I rushed towards Yi Shuihan, rushed directly to the stone bridge, and continued to hurt me.

"Beast god, you are really a messy guy." A long whip condensed in Yi Shuihan's right hand, waved it fiercely, and attacked and blocked himself in front of him. It still didn't seem to dodge.

This long whip fiercely evacuated the shield, I immediately launched a flash of frost, and Yi Shuihan's body also burst into a large group of fire, and the frost of the flash of frost was instantly melted.

"Resist the fire wall!"

When I came to the end of the stone bridge, a fireball that was ten meters high suddenly blocked my way.


When the fireball blocked my way, a turbulent flame burst from the top of Yi Shuihan, forming a very large fireball with a diameter of more than five meters, a finger of the Yishuihan staff, and a large fireball whistling towards Got me.


Although I stepped back quickly, the fireball slammed into the ground, the whole fireball burst into a blast, and the entire stone bridge swept in instantly, like a fierce storm, it was constantly raging. The more terrible impact made the original Very strong stone bridge showing signs of cracking.


At this time, two streams of slurry sprayed obliquely from the left and right ends. The target pointed directly at the loose stone bridge under my feet. His calculations are not only reasonable. And elemental expertise is also in place. Spell accuracy is quite high.

"Boom!" Two pulp streams sprayed on the stone bridge. Suddenly the stone bridge collapsed and collapsed. I had no time to cast a bird in the air, and fell into the fiery red stream, disappearing without a trace.

"Master!" The black **** Tianzhao completely lost his voice.

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