Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1027: Vs. Rainstorm

After noon break, everyone returned to the competition site. On the stage, the hostess stepped on the platform with high-heeled boots and held the microphone in her hand. She said sweetly: "Hello everyone, welcome back to continue watching. Next, we will work together. Looking forward to the two teams' confrontation, now I have invited both sides to play, they are-Dragon's Tooth and Rainstorm! "

In a duel between the Super Guild and the dark horses, the rainstorm five people had nothing to say. Five people and four people had ordinary occupations. One had a rare occupation that was rarer than the hidden occupation. The opponents they encountered in the previous battle were not too strong. Having been here smoothly, it also means that they may have hidden many tactics and skills, which is destined to have a very difficult battle next.

"This team is very strong, come on ..." Fire Dance said from the seat.

I laughed: "Relax, we are stronger when we are strong."

"You just wait for us to beat you in the finals." Xueyue also said.

Fire dance laughed: "I will."

The two sides entered the game room and lay into the game room system to connect, we appeared in the preparation room, and then began to send contestants.

Not long after, the big screen appeared on the list of the two sides-Warriors Storm (Valkyrie) LV-160VS Purple Wind Chime (Stopper) LV-160 Phantom Moon (Phantom Knight) LV-160VS Life and Life (Magic) LV-161 Hua Lotus (swordsman) LV-162VS Flying Helen (Berserker) LV-160 Vevey Dragon (War Beast Master) LV-160VS Paper Drunk Gold Fan (Druid) LV-161 Mo Yan (Priest) LV-160VS Fighter) LV-161. Do they actually put the scoring point of the Berserker to the last? No matter what it says, as long as the first three MMs don't play abnormally and the other side plays abnormally, they basically win well. In the end, the Berserker can basically not need to come up.

Two people teleported one after the other. The purple wind chime was almost a mature woman similar to Wushuang Jianji, covered with black leather armor, and holding a lilac long bow. Before the game, the two sides did not speak, and the opponent's long bow lingered on the blood. The light should be an aggressive gain BUFF. At the same time, it retreats quickly. First, it opens the distance and waits for the start of the game. However, Yun Lan is approaching the edge of the enchantment, and the aggressive momentum is on the horizon. The surrounding map becomes a forest.




The battle begins!

As soon as the opening, Yun Lan stepped out of the martial arts step. At this moment, the other party was tumbling in the woods immediately. The tumbling was not a movement but a skill, but now this skill is no longer. The other party hid in the forest. Yun Lan stormed. Speak: "Crush the ground!"


One punch fell on the ground and shook, the ground split without cracks, swept all over, and even the trees fell in this blow. The purple wind chimes had no suspense in the strokes, and the blood violently fell off. They were also forcibly forced. Forced it out, it was really helpless for Yun Lan's destructive blow. After pushing the opponent, Yun Lan immediately hurried forward, while the other side shot back, shooting arrows, watching this arrow screaming out, this person The bow-swing operation is quite good. Yun Lan's foot martial arts chasing and killing, his eyes are cold, his fists are continuously waving, and all the arrows that can't be avoided are punched by her with a punch. This reaction speed and operating skills absolutely give the field It was full of exclamation.

I have to say that the speed of martial arts step is really fast, and it immediately caught up with the purple wind chimes. At this time, the purple wind chimes also ran long, and behind it was a big tree in the sky.

The cyclone was on the iron fist. When a punch was about to fall, the other party quickly rushed to the side, and Yun Lan punched the tree in the sky behind Zifengling.


A hole more than three meters straight from the trunk of the poor tree was in danger.

The other cat fluttered and rolled along the grass on the other side. Squatting down is raising a long bow, and the sky arrow + spiral arrow blade whistled away!

—9920—8837 Two injuries floated out of two strokes and caused nearly 20,000 injuries. Yun Lan simply ignored the two injuries and punched his right fist towards the purple bell when the opponent next pulled the bow and fired an arrow!

"Beast King Boxing!"

A lion-shaped energy wave is released from the right hand. The energy wave rushes out and the arrows fired by the opponent are directly consumed by the energy wave. The energy wave is flying towards the purple bell. The purple bell is probably stupid. The energy wave came to the front. It's too late to think about avoiding it.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The dust was rolling, and the purple bell was swept across the wave of energy near the Beastmaster's Boxing. A whole blood was burned, and the body was soft and crooked, and hung up!

1: 0, Yun Lan successfully scored the first point for the team.

The second map came to the plain.

At the end of the last word, the blade of grass was flying, and Xueyue had already rushed out. The photon giant sword in his hand began to store power. After 20 meters, the giant sword pointed at the target and the energy gathered on the sword tip.

"Gathering energy!"

The beam of ability hits the mage with a very weak body, and was released by Xueyue's concentrated energy. I believe that 99% or more can be spiked directly. Even if the seconds don't fall, they can break the shield, but this time they The sight was even more weird. The opponent's body is like an ice cube, fragmented and broken by energy beams.

"Where did you go?" Xueyue looked around.


A cold voice came from Xueyue's left wing, and a huge ice hockey slammed it. Xueyue quickly blocked the puck with a shield, but she was still carrying more than 6,000 health.

"Phantom step!" He kicked out and pulled out a long phantom behind him, very gorgeous. At this moment, the other party began to throw magic towards Xueyue, but every time he was lightly avoided by Xueyue.

In an instant, Xueyue came to the other side.


If this sword comes down, it will be ridiculous. In the next life and this life, quickly sacrifice flashes, and flash out to sing magic.

"Phantom Flash!"

Xueyue's body scratched a residual image, flashing behind the opponent with a speed invisible to the naked eye, and the phantom flash hit the opponent's shield fiercely, even if it had a shield to reduce the damage, and the blood of the afterlife It also dropped by a fifth suddenly, and the shield fluctuated sharply.

"Cross World Sword!"

After being hit, the world and this life hurried to distance themselves from Xueyue. This reaction speed is really not slow. However, Xueyue fell faster and faster on the shield of the next life and the world. The shield shook violently. Qi and blood lost another two-fifths, and the body was beaten and lost balance.

"Fatal blow!"

With another blow, the shield was shattered, and at the same time, the afterlife was silenced. What a magician who could not use magic could do anything, and he had no idea that Xueyue would move so fast, so he had to drink and hate and die!

The score became 2: 0 and got the match point.

In the third round, the map came and the grass came last time.

Hualian VS Fei Hailun, Fei Hailun is a young man about 25 years old, with a gray-white armor and a blood-colored long sword, I don't know how much it can bear.

At the beginning of the game, Fei Helen opened three auras to start the charge, and a blaze of flames fluttered above the blade. It should be a very powerful skill. Hua Lian rushed forward with a handle, but did not Using the charge, the two knives flickered across with a flash of lightning, and then ran a distance of four or five meters towards the other side to "snap" Hualian's sword and scabbard. There was no expression in the red eyes.

Behind Hua Lian, Fei Helen fell to the ground with a "ah" cry. It seemed that she didn't even know what was happening, and she was beheaded. Her eyes were full of shock and incredibleness, and she flew out of the field into sporadic light.

Including Xueyue, Yun Lan and Mo Yan were stunned, speechless and speechless.

Mo Yan asked blankly, "What happened just now?"

Yun Lan watched the video slowly and said in surprise: "03 seconds."

"Um?" We all looked at it.

Yun Lan said: "She took only 03 seconds from the time Hualian pulled the knife to the hand knife, although the number was not accurate enough."

"From attack to acceptance in 03 seconds, oh my god! Isn't this something that only those retreat masters can do? Huh, I can't do anything like this, Hualian is too strong." Xueyue was very strong. Not willing to say.

Hualian came back and I saw her passing by, sighing inwardly: "How strong are you Hualian?"


In the fourth game, I played against a druid named paper drunk gold fan. At the beginning, it was convenient to become a white bear. I released Gallulu and the white bear was beaten down after 27 seconds, but the system didn't prompt me to win. What happened? Watching Galulu sniff his nose for a long time beside the white bear.

"What's the matter?" I saw the guy lying on the ground, rolling his eyes and tongue out, half dead.

"What the hell?" He looked at him with a smile, and then fired his eyes with a golden eye. Then he twitched. "You have a seed, I can't look up?" A burning ignited the bear's ass.

1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds

"Ahhhhhh ... I'm scalded ..." A bear jumped up, covering his buttocks, and frantically wandering through the wilderness like crazy. This scene is ridiculous. I didn't expect this guy to call on the beast. There is actually a pretend skill, and it is the one that never lays down when lying down, but it will not cause damage even if it is attacked, but there is still pain perception, so this is an insulting IQ skill After the **** became hot, this guy took the initiative to leave the field, and then I didn't know how many jokes would be made.

In the last match, the finale fighter appeared on the stage, but he was faced with one of the best pets, the super pet broken dragon and the cute beauty priest Mo Yan, and Mo Yan wielded his scepter lightly. The dragon beat him! "


The magic array was violent, and the huge six-pointed star was moving. At the front of the array, a behemoth flew out, which was the broken dragon.


At the beginning of the game, the Berserker has begun to attack, holding a pair of swords, and attacking several times in a row, but obviously he has no intention of fighting, and he has lost and there is no need to fight, Broken Dragon is not polite to launch a counterattack, and continues to fight Berserker's blood has bottomed out.

In an instant, the Berserker fell to the ground and hung up ...

Win the first game!

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