Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1037: Mo Yan defeated, illusionist debuts

The host announced that his voice was backward. Although we couldn't hear it, the audience was cheering, but at this moment the enthusiasm had burned to the highest point! Seeing the answer to our camp, Mo Yan couldn't help running up to him and asked, "Xueyue told me, why did you suddenly appear behind each other?"

I also asked, "Yeah, I'm also curious."

Xueyue smiled, "Because of it." Share a skill for us.

Hetero-Dimensional Tunnel-Mirror's Gate, consumes 1000 mana and creates a dimensional tunnel in the specified area, but he is judged that the attack target can be launched. Create a non-attribute shadow to replace the player as the target of the opponent's attack. The Dimensional Tunnel disappears after the shadow is destroyed or after ten minutes, and cools for 2 hours.

What a shame skill, if I'm not mistaken, I will make up the next meta tunnel when Xueyue drills into the jungle. The next step is to use the waiting time. I said: "When did you learn such a skill, Don't tell us! "

After saying this, Xueyue didn't laugh angrily: "You don't seem to tell me to learn new skills, hee hee ~!"

"So too."

Mo Yan said: "Next to me, you guys have to cheer for me."

I said, "Of course."

"We will applaud you." Xueyue.

Yun Lan said: "Have a good fight, the opponent is a crispy skin, as long as you are hit, you will die."

Hualian: "..."

"Well, thank you, then I'll be there." Mo Yan smiled and went to the ring.

"Be careful," I shouted.

"Look at me." Mo Yan waved her fist and walked to the center of the ring with her scepter.

When the two sides came on the map, the map came to a green prairie. The two girls stood face to face. The lemon flower was obviously older than any of us, and it could be called an elder sister.

"Come out, Broken Dragon"

Mo Yan used the old tactics to summon the Broken Dragon, and all subsequent actions were centered on Broken Dragon.

"I knew that you would use this trick to see me." The lemon flower was like magic. A blue card had appeared in his hand, and it was thrown directly towards the broken dragon's head. The broken dragon immediately waved his forelegs. The card was flying, but it was supposed to be flying, but I didn't expect the card to stick to its forelimb.




At 3 o'clock, a "bang" was heard, and the broken dragon fell down in response, making a huge snoring sound.

"How come! What do you do?" Mo Yan was suddenly frightened when she saw Sui Long falling asleep.

"The sleeping dog dragon card I used is a one-time effect card. Now your biggest dependence has fallen asleep, and it's your turn now." Lemon flower said, a large piece sprinkled towards Mo Yan Hidden weapon!

"Icy Frost, Frostblade!"

When the broken dragon was hypnotized, he quickly summoned the battle of Frostwell, and at the same time began to sing and purify the surroundings to prepare for the broken dragon to remove the negative state.

"Solid snake! Poisonous Fang!"

The lemon flower threw the hidden weapon and was called by the ice skimmer to be crushed by the ice knife, but this is a purple python drilled out of the land behind Mo Yan, facing Mo Yan, opening a large mouth of the blood basin, and a pair of sharp-pointed The fangs bit him hard, but fortunately, Mo Yan's response quickly fled away, but she was forced to interrupt half of the spell because of this.

"Icy ice!"

Hearing the call of the master, the ice skimmer in the sky immediately turned his finger at the purple python that attacked his beautiful mistress.

After a long beep, the sharp claws of Han Bing's grasped the purple mannequin severely, and at this moment a cracking sound produced by air friction sounded.

-3450 "Ah!"

Mo Yan gave a scream. The original lemon flower at this moment cast a bitter and no shock on the shield of Mo Yan. The damage was not high. It was obviously an ordinary throwing attack. A successful lemon flower continued to be thrown at Mo Yan. Six small flying knives are divided into two in the air, and six knives become twelve in the air.

Mo Yan responded very well. She reacted in an instant, and the flying knife that flew over was avoided by her in turn. I saw the lemon flower reacted without surprise and began to swim away. At the same time, a huge dragonfly was created. The dragonfly and the python were entangled in the frost.

The appearance of Mo Yan now became very dangerous. The most powerful fighting dragon Broken Dragon fell asleep and didn't know when to wake up. Han Bingyu was entangled in the opponent's pet and Warcraft mount and could not escape.

Mo Yan, who had lost these two combat capabilities, was in an extremely dangerous and desperate situation. For a moment, Mo Yan fell into a loss.

"Oh ~!" The other party apparently didn't give her more time to think, and once again flew over four flying knives, flashing a ghost, and turning them into eight!

"Holy Shield!" Mo Yan hurriedly opened the skills to resist. My mind was stunned, and two major combat powers were sealed. Now Mo Yan's position was completely chaotic.

"Oh ~!" But when she threw three flying knives once again, she thought together and used what skills!

"Brush brush brush brush ~!" That's three throwing knives, a moment actually turned into nine! The holy shield was broken in an instant, and the broken dragon couldn't afford to sleep. Han Bingyu was under siege by the opponent and couldn't get away. At the same time, Mo Yan was restrained by the ghostly lemon flower.


The lemon flower suddenly deceived, and a cold dagger flew out of his hand, and Mo Yan used a scepter to parry the opponent's dagger, then quickly flashed away.

"Where to run!"

The lemon flower chased, the dagger swung across, and it suddenly fell. Although she was better at long-range attacks, melee attacks should not be underestimated.

However, Mo Yan is more afraid of melee than long range, because she enters the game to draw a very strange skill. This skill is called cut off. It is a skill, although it is two words. The effect of the skill can make the opponent attack. There is an error, and there is no cooling time, it can be said to be a very useful skill.

Because this skill Mo Yan can easily avoid the opponent's attack, but there is a disadvantage of this skill is that continuous use will fail, Mo Yan clenched her silver teeth, lemon flower holding a dagger to attack continuously but never hit.

However, the moment Mo Yan flashed and there was an attack from the other side, the lemon flower was no longer chasing. Instead, Mo Yan had the first three flying knives. Mo Yan's attack was only effective for melee attacks. She judged by herself, but at this moment there was no chance to make a prediction, because the three flying knives hit her shield almost when she failed to respond. The shield couldn't bear the blow. Three times broke his shield, opened his mouth wide, and stood there in amazement.

Mo Yan's body brushed by a row of darts from a lemon flower "brush!"

The little beauty flew back behind us again, and the two sides drew 1: 1 ...

"Woohoo, others lost ..." Mo Yan's big eyes looked at us.

Xueyue: "It doesn't matter, the priest was not a front-line occupation, and that lemon flower has better technology than you. There is no broken dragon and cold ice, and it is understandable to lose."

Mo Yan burst into tears: "Woohoo, you are so good."

Yun Lan blinked: "Are we companions? It's enough to go back and win for you. By the way, where did Han Bingyu come from?"

"This ..." Mo Yan started a little messy. No one expected that Yun Lan would suddenly ask this sentence, and I had never mentioned anything to Mo Yan about buying ice cream.

I hurried over to round the field and said, "Personal privacy, why do you ask so clearly?"

"I just asked casually, what are you excited about? Rare ?!" Yun Lan held her chin and looked at me with a strange look.

I said quickly: "Okay, don't bother watching the game, who's next?"


The two sides played, and this battlefield was a huge stone field. On the hard ground, there were only a few wild grasses stubbornly struggling to grow in the cracks in the rocky ground. There were no mountains or lakes around it. The wilderness that anyone has set foot on.

The girl who came to this wasteland first was a girl with red hair and red eyes, carrying a two-meter long sword, carrying the magic circle. Then stand like that without moving.

The wind blowing from a distance made the girl's long hair tremble gently, and there was any tension in those beautiful red eyes, and soon afterwards. On the other side of the wilderness, white light flashed faintly, and a girl with a loli figure appeared in this world.

The name is Lemongrass Loli, an illusionist who can license any illusion in the game of brewing with green plums. She apparently hallucinated his opponent. The opponent did not find her true body from countless phantoms until the end, and finally approached a mental breakdown. Voluntarily surrendered. This result. It seemed to her that she was a little surprised.

Lemongrass took out the crystal ball, and the ground closed its eyes, at the same time. Her figure gradually blurred.

The figure next to the lemongrass was divided into two, and turned into two identical phantoms, divided into two, and then repeated. Repeat again. Less than a minute. There were more than one hundred lemongrass in front of Rasha.

Hualian silently looked at the lemon grass around her, which was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, without any action, all the lemon grass opened her eyes together. Then move.

As soon as Hua Lian grasped the hilt of the knife on the back, she uttered a sharp whistling sound as she waved, and the blade came out of the sheath and whistled. Constructed a perfect ring, pulling all 30 or more opponents into their own attack field.

Swipe through an arc. The opponent was severely hacked, and Hua Lian's body was slashed. The remaining corpse even took a few steps forward before falling down.

Disappeared without a trace.

"Oh!" Hua Lian held the two-meter-long fuchsia knife. There was a spin cut from left to right. Slash three enemies simultaneously. Turned into green smoke, followed by another, this time let ten opponents disappear.

More than a hundred enemies were cut off by her as if they had been harvested. Weakly fell to the ground. Fortunately, these are phantoms. If it is true, such an amazing amount of blood flows into the earth, it seems that this rocky land can be completely red.

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