Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1040: Split

"What!" Assassin's Creed was startled, as he was both trapped in the opponent's trap. At this moment, Yun Lan's hands clutched at the door of Assassin's Creed, and it was not difficult to lift the soldier with one hand even in the proportion of the fighter. It is not difficult to raise the assassin's thin body. Lianzhao has already turned Yun Lan into empty blood, and you can end it with a second click, but the time is paralyzed.

Seeing that the other party suddenly came up with this unexpected move when he was about to hang up. Don't look at the Assassin's Creed being only held by the door with one hand, but he can't do anything now.

"I've finally caught you." Raising the Assassin's Creed high, the other hand began to brew an absolutely destructive move!

The energy emerging from her seemed to make the whole earth start to shake, and a huge airstream burst around, forming a huge storm. Huge power condensed around her into something like a vortex, making a huge roar.

"Ka! Ka!" Countless cracks began to appear on the ground underneath, and the other hand raised the fist as well. The surrounding air and even the space began to distort.

"The last scream!"

Release your left hand and hit your right fist. This looks like a very simple punch. When you hit the opponent again, you bring out a huge pillar of hot light that bursts out on the ground. Where the white pillar of light bombards everything, everything becomes nothing This is the simple but practical ability to rely on pure energy to destroy matter.

"Boom!" For a moment, the world turned white.

"Hah ... Huh ..." Yun Lan's right hand was as if the bone had been completely broken, and she hanged on her side. It has been a long time since the arduous battle of the road of the king. Most of the time, she can liberate her own operations and strength, and she can definitely gain an advantage, even when fighting in the expedition battlefield and the ruin battlefield.

However, this time is different. The opponent this time is obviously different from any previous opponent. Very strong, not ordinary, as the fiercely-scarred president, the strength of the Assassin's Creed should not be let down.

Wipe off the blood from the corner of the mouth, even if the tank is in the meat, I am afraid that the collision will be finished, let alone a crispy assassin.

The smoke spread, you can see a shabby body that lost its right hand, right shoulder, left foot, and most of the right chest. The owner of this incomplete body is not someone else who was just assassin ’s creed that was just bombed out It seems that the outcome has already been determined.

However, the next scene made everyone think of it.

No signs, no veins—the gorgeous vermilion red strewn the earth.

Everyone looked equally astonished. Either we, the audience, or the host, even Yun Lan himself stared at this overly abrupt end—the person in charge, Yun Lan, should be most surprised. Because she had no expectation or awareness of the severe pain and despair.

Staring blankly at the red lotus flower that fell to the ground from a silver sword. No matter how hard it was to believe, it was her own blood.

The sword pierced his heart. It wasn't anyone else who pierced the sword's tip into itself, it was the assassin's creed that had just been flew out and had worn out!

why? why? Obviously he has hit the opponent, why he is hit now instead of himself.


Red tears flowed from Yun Lan's wide eyes.

He lifted his eyes wet with blood and tears and looked ahead. At this moment, everyone was witnessing the person standing in front of her.

"How do you ..."

With the sword pulled out, Yun Lan knelt down in his own pool of blood, trying to say in a hoarse, low voice.

"Why ... that's ... the avatar ..." It's not even one of the moves that he lost, it's definitely the biggest shame for the master.

Assassin ’s Creed states: “It ’s not a split, it ’s a split, paying half the level of experience value, and dividing the ontology into two halves. Since the ontology is divided into two parts, most of the skills I ca n’t cast, and the attributes also become Half, because the speed of completion is close to the speed of light, even if the eyes look great, they can still be deceived. "

"That's it ... it's a real idea," said sadly.

"It's been very good. As a newcomer, you still need to work hard."

"I will." After talking about Yun Lan's bloodless body, he became countless light particles, completely destroyed.


After a while, Yun Lan returned.

"It's okay." I asked a little worried.

"Oh. Just take a break. He's really amazing. I can't win without Tianlong and Lanshi. I need to be stronger." Yun Lan looked at his tight fists, looked up, and looked up. Tell me.

"You are also very powerful, and you have hidden so deeply, especially the last move, it looks very shocking!" I said.

"Yeah, really great! If your opponent is not an Assassin's Creed with split skills, you have won." Xueyue said.

"Now as long as our beast **** president wins each other, we can go out." Mo Yan said slightly excitedly.

"Well! It's my turn finally! It's a tragedy! I've thanked the flowers for waiting!" I stretched and said helplessly.

"Come on, our hopes are pinned on you." Xueyue patted my shoulder and laughed.

"Well, I lost my sleep in the corridor at night!" Yun Lan said with hands on hips.

"There's no need to be tough."

"Required!" The two MMs exclaimed together.


In the last game, the final championship battle started, and the two teams here are the most popular teams in China.

The middle of our virtual platform has been radiated, holding a microphone, a short skirt wrapped with long snow legs, a light-footed hostess, and a smiling Ying Ying announced: "It's been almost a whole day, and the final battle I'm also deeply impressed by the match now, so the World Championship China preliminary! The final match! The fifth match! The final round ~~ !!! "

"Come on! Courage to move forward!"

"You can do it!"

"Come on, dear!"

"Come on, dear friend!"

I turned and smiled at my companions with thumbs up: "I will."

Here on the ring, my opponent is a man wearing a large black jumpsuit. On the surface, it should be younger than me, but I do n’t know the actual age. After all, the guy with a baby face is not Little, the small tooth of the dragon's tooth and the night of the rose are all like this, in fact, already in their twenties, it looks like a teenage child on the surface.

Well let's not talk about others, I'm still a teenager myself.

This time I chose a piece of urban ruins. In the gloomy sky. Not even a trace of sunlight. But the countless icy cold winds shuttled through the ruins of the ruins. It sounded like a weeping sound, just like the legendary Dead City.

This deserted city is full of weird breaths, and you can even dimly see the pile of building debris that can no longer see what it was originally is floating in the shadow of ghosts.

To be honest, I don't like this kind of place at all, my taste is not so heavy. And the place is very similar to some ruined leveling areas I've been to.

It is said that among the ruins destroyed by the war, until now there are still lingering party remnants from the period of countless ethnic wars. From the initial level of skeletons to the boss that can kill a group of people in a second, it is possible to appear. Even large-scale guilds will not easily receive the task of exploring in this kind of ruins. Only those who are least afraid of death will come to this place to find some previous heritage. But often after entering, the next thing to do is to weirdly hang weak in the city.

This is the original land battle that scarred the mainland. Even thousands of years later. In many remote places, there are still many such war ruins.

Of course, the so-called underground world is even more dangerous. The nest of countless levels of monsters in that kind of place, even if I dare not go to that kind of place at will.

"Huh!" After taking a deep breath. Set aside the discomfort for the environment for a while and start watching your opponents.

This guy just stood out just after coming out. I didn't say a word, but this name is called the Grey Sun. I think it is definitely not weak. The opponent is a member of the Scarlet Elite home team, not an opponent that can be defeated casually.

Fight now. Do your best now. As I was thinking, the game had already begun.

"Oh!" An extremely fast black shadow shot into my ear. There was a spark of sparks on my helmet, and the object fell to the ground behind me. I swept with the light from the corner of my eye and found that it was an arrow, but much shorter than the average arrow, almost only one palm long.

"Can't you even hide this, then. You still have to let it go. This half-toned dignified beast god. I'm not interested." A low voice came from the opposite side.

"Hmm ..." Actually, I didn't have no chance to avoid it, but the attack was obviously not an attack on my own body, but just passing by. And I was thinking about things just now, a little careless.

However, compared to this, the other party's ability makes me care more.

What kind of ability does this person have ...

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