Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1042: Inherent enchantment vs inherent enchantment

Although the Wushuang ghost and the wolf king have been killed, the troubles of the black **** Tianzhao are still relieved.

On the contrary, it became more troublesome. The body of the sword tooth became blood red, and the blade of the arms also became bright red, which was as if the flame was burning. At the same time, it no longer confronted the Black God, but quickly retreated, and began to fight with her using a combat method similar to fighting techniques.

And the speed soared in an instant, not only did the attack not use the blade to cut, but also joined, punching, kicking, head hitting, and elbow hitting. All kinds of moves.

On the other side, the crab queen who was fighting with Tian Zhao also made a change, and the originally closed eyes of the crab opened sharply. It was a pair of pale blue eyes without any emotion. Originally, there was only looming thunder, and the brightness also instantly increased several times, and it became extremely dazzling.

"Oh!" It is no longer a stab like a needle, but a slam like a whip, the angle is extremely sharp. Tian Zhao was suddenly caught off guard, and the most important thing was that he had 10,000 points of blood and was paralyzed. At the same time, the crab king chased up, and the giant crab claws beat again.

bad! They are in danger! Observing their situation, I noticed right away! The figure flashed and appeared next to Tian Zhao. Blocked the lightning-fast blow.

This is the power of lightning. The moment I blocked the crab claw with a dragon gun, I immediately felt the shaking thunder and lightning. Originally only a dozen points of damage rose to nearly a thousand points in an instant.

"Come out of the biochemical blasting dragon! The sky photo is okay!" The moment he blocked the attack, he gave birth to the chemical blasting dragon. At the same time he spoke, he had already turned into the crab.

"I'm okay with the master, if this guy is too fast to make sense. I'll definitely fight it enough." Looking at the wound in anger with some annoyance, he could only retreat with me helplessly.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" This crab had to be fast. But my biochemical explosive dragon is not a soft persimmon, dragon claws and laser blades and a pair of crab claws. Constantly staggered in the air, dazzling and dangerous sparks continuously flashed in the air. That is the light that represents death.

Looking at the toy crab that is fighting with the biochemical dragon, it has to be fast. But I found that the attack method is not complicated. Is it because of insufficient AI? ? Thinking at that crab was a bit uncertain.

Indeed, the speed of attack is unparalleled, and even my eyes cannot see clearly. But do n’t forget, my Bio-Blast Dragon AI is very high. It can be used to deal with opponents with low AI and no AI. IQ is used to complete the opponent. The overly simple attack line of Jiu Kui cannot break the defense of Bio-Blast Dragon. of. For a biochemical dragon with AI, victory is only a matter of time.

This does not mean that Tian Zhao cannot defeat it. After all, Tian Zhao is a real person, and the Biochemical Dragon is just a bunch of data. The reason why Tian Zhao fights is because she can't see the opponent's attack, and her defense is weak. It must also be unclear, but because of its strong attributes, it doesn't need to do too many dodge and defensive actions. It only needs to avoid a few attacks that it considers deadly to defeat the opponent.

Next to the Black God, her opponent was really terrible, and I had to help her to watch it.



The giant mechanical wolf rushed out. At this time, the battle had reached the most tense stage. The blade of the arms of the fangs blew red blood. "Bang!" There was an explosive sound. The fangs' body accelerated to the speed of sound in an instant. Instantly, the blade that was emitting blood-red light stabbed out fiercely, but it was not the black **** that hit, but Gallulu, who came at the same time, and the two blades cut the armor of Garulu easily. , The blade penetrated into it.

If it is an ordinary summoning beast, it can be said that it is dead after receiving this blow. But my Gallulu is not an ordinary commodity, this degree of injury is not enough to make it come back to sleep.

"Roar!" With a terrifying roar, the turret on Gallulu's back began to rotate, and the dark muzzle aimed at the target. The guy stabbed into Gallulu's body with two blades and found that he could not pull it out. Obviously, its blade is not as sharp as imagined, because it can be penetrated by the impact of sound speed, and it is usually only able to scratch the wound. Next, this guy will end the blow containing Gallulu's whole body strength.

"Ziz!" This is the sound of the muzzle starting to recharge. The blue energy beam in the dark muzzle starts to converge, and it is launched after the gathering!

At the same time, the body of the animal's beast teeth also exploded, emitting a fiery glow that could not be seen directly. Even Hercules' immortal body, harder than rock or even steel, couldn't stop that light.

"Boom!" Obviously wanted to explode, but the Gallulu Energy Cannon took it one step further. There were no fragments, but they were completely turned into nothingness, and the remaining power even formed a huge beam of light that went straight to the sky.

On the other side, the biochemical explosive dragon has scratched the crab all over, and the irresistible biochemical explosive dragon's obstinate crab queen gathered all the lightning to the crab clamp on his left and slammed it out. The biochemical explosive dragon can be used immediately. One's claws stand in front of and behind one's own, and the other waved a blow!

The constantly flowing blue electro-optic crab claws hit the Biochemical Dragon with numerous tiny lightning waves surrounding the whole body, but the crab's body was also cut in half by the laser blade at this moment!

Seeing that the fighting on both sides was resolved, I also took a breath and looked at the gray sun, and said, "Take out any other toys, and I will always be with you."

"Awesome! Awesome! You are really awesome." Gray Sun didn't feel angry when he saw that his beast was knocked down, instead he began to appreciate his opponent.

"Next, even if there are more organ beasts, I am afraid they will not help, and most of the organ beasts are disposable consumables, and they will be used up."

"Are you going to give up?"

"How is it possible! Against your opponent, qualified to let me use it, only belongs to my battle sanctuary!" The gray sun shouted excitedly, while talking while standing as the center, a layer of abnormal fluctuations began to The entire playing field.

"What is he going to do?"

"All the world is white, but I am the only one. It ’s non-attack on Mo Men, and I love my life.

"This fluctuation ... bad! The kid is going to open! Inherent enchantment!" Just when I couldn't figure out what he was going to do, Ark's voice suddenly shouted in his mind. And his words shocked me.

Inherent enchantment A player can actually develop an inherent enchantment.

"What shall we do?" Feeling asked how the Ark approached.

The Ark said warily: ‘We also use inherent enchantments. In this case, the two inherent enclaves will collide. At that time, his thin body cannot bear it. "When I heard it, I summoned the Ark immediately." Open it here and show it to me! "(X2)

"Inherent Enchantment!" (X2)

"The realm of dragons!"

"Mohist Institution City!"

At this moment, there was unprecedented spatial chaos between heaven and earth.

"Here it is ..." He looked up and stared at the sky. This is not the world just now. It is not the ark that made the mountains and mountains. The air and the scenery are completely different from the last time.

In the blue-blue sky, there is a silver cold moon, and seven stars emitting beautiful light.

In front of me there was a huge fortress built around a mountain. The peaks around the fortress are all steep cliffs and valleys that are hundreds of miles away. It seems difficult to climb, and the rushing torrential rivers and water reefs are surrounded below. Rocks are densely packed, ships are sailing, and ships that often hit the reefs are killing people. More peculiar is that there are seas of clouds that are unpredictable. The weather is sunny and rainy, and people often get lost in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

"It doesn't seem so pessimistic." Ark's huge body appeared beside me.

"What do you mean?"

"The two worlds have not collided head-on, and they are in balance, but this balance is only time-consuming, and I am not sure how long it can take." Ark said after looking at the surrounding environment.

"Then quickly decide."

The Ark nodded, exposing a smart smile, spreading his hands, and lifted the stance of holding his chest from his hands. Two giant tomahawks appeared in his hands.

"Gather up, my compatriots! Tonight, our bravery will leave the strongest legend!"

The open environment is like responding to the call. A dragon's voice roared in the void, straddling the isolation between the present and the quiet world.

The battlefield has been elevated to eternity, so there is no need to choose a place of realization. The dragon spirits on the battlefield of the war-torn race are awakened again to start a new journey.

"The goal this time is an unprecedented city of organs-no complaints as opponents! Strong men, when we show our hegemony, level me that city!"

"Roar roar roar roar !!!"

With the roar of the ark, the dragon army in the air shouted loudly.

Excellent in owning flying. In front of the powerful Dragons, what mountains and mountains and rapids and reefs are just a joke. This mighty army, the government city between the mountains is like a flat boat in the sea.

"Just let the horses come!"

The organ city spread out the other side, and howled fearlessly. The organ city was surrounded by the sky.

I stood on top of the ark, a roar of the leading ark, and the dragons responded. Even the black **** Tianzhao shouted hard and joined the roaring chorus.

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