Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1045: State of the game

Returning to the hotel with excitement, and returning to the college the next day, it was expected that the only team out of the college was us, and we also hosted a banquet to celebrate us in Zhao Bo.

Anyway, I won't have my own money, I readily agree, and took a few hungry straight to the agreed place, a hotel in the urban area, Zhao Boyan invited our class and MM class. And the teacher Shu Tao must be in it.

Back in the dormitory, the first time to go online, it's time to go to Darkmoon City to deal with my ten-level station. I'm really looking forward to it. What will this shape city give me?


After the game, I was automatically teleported back to the main city. Without a word, I took out the crystal and transported the capital of steel. In a flash of light, I came to this high-tech alien city exclusive to us and rose to level 10. The steel capital is even more magnificent. The area has been enlarged and it is now as huge as a dragon city. The city is covered with silver-gray armor, shining under the sun, extremely strict, especially the city walls, which have been strengthened a lot. The outer wall of the city wall is full of sharp spikes, and the outer armor is a genuine steel plate. Even if the flint attack of the trebuchet is scarce, it will not be able to shake the slightest, unless it is about the same as the help of the magic guide.

The castle hall seems to be a steel barrier for the Phantom Hub. The core of the giant mother ship floats directly above it. The core repulsive gun will not allow any outsiders to enter the Phantom Hub.

Entering it, I greeted the mechanical workers who made it before, and the old aliens here in Tasada and Zekatu came out to greet them respectfully.

"Welcome, the commander is back!"

I knew: "How is the situation at the station?"

Tassa reached: "The situation in the base is good, because the commander worked hard, the missing data of the base has been added, and now the base has been smoothly upgraded to the highest level. It can already leap more technology buildings from the database to expand us. strength."

I said with interest: "What are they?"

Zekatu said: "Please commander follow me."

So we came to the combat command room, Zekatu tapped the keyboard of an unknown supercomputer, and soon a series of options were launched on the huge screen.

Name: Technological Transformation Technology Factory, Cost Needed: Crystal: 35000, High Energy Gas: 25000, Steel, Mercury

Name: Photon technology research workshop, cost required:

Name: Macrospace conversion device, cost required

Three more buildings have not been heard. I immediately ordered and started construction all of them. This is definitely a good thing. I thought about it and asked, "What's the use of these three buildings?"

Zekatu said: "Science and technology transformation technology factory can transform the Star Force and the city's facilities. Each transformation has three characteristics to choose from. After selection, it cannot be changed and it needs to be cautious. It can also transform other mechanical units. Photon Technical research workshop. Now we can make a leap in the Air Force. At present, only the Prophet ships are met, and the Prototype weapon research project is further obtained. Finally, the space-time conversion device can transmit our troops to any energy field. Somewhere, but every transmission has a long interval. "

Not bad! Not bad! It is indeed a castle of alien technology, and finally produces air. Although there are only prophets, the prophets are also very powerful. We must know that all five gunmen can't beat one prophet, and I am curious: "What else can we use for construction? Can it be used? "

Tasada said: "Of course, now the data in the Dark Templar has been obtained, the portal can start to jump over the mechanical Dark Samurai, and the data library has also obtained the data. We can license the energy body administrator to strengthen the frontal defense, but there is time limited."

I couldn't help but say, "Okay, you guys are going to jump over the building right away."


Let the two of them go to work. I went offline to visit the official website. It's been a long time since I checked out the latest news. However, just after logging on to the website, I found that all kinds of news on the entire website are ubiquitous, of which the top page is naturally the list of offline matches.

Let ’s take a look. In addition to China, you can even watch the finals of the world ’s offline tournaments, which can be watched by any player.

Look at yourself first.

There is almost no suspense in the Shanghai area. The night of Rose is strong, the Firefox Cangkong team is second, and the long-established Dusk Ghost actually only gets third. The reason is not their captain, the guy named Xiongba Tianxia. Too good. He lost points in both games. In the first match against Rose Night, four to one, only that brother scored points. In the second game, after a bitter battle, the two sides were tied two to two, and the last player in the world dominated. As a result, the opponent was bombarded by a very good magician. This guy didn't even touch the opponent ’s clothes from beginning to end. His performance confirmed the sentence: opponents who are not afraid of God are only afraid of teammates like pigs.

Xiamen Station, needless to say, the sea battle against the beautiful girl special team, finally defeated the beautiful girls of the student union by three to two, and obtained the right to qualify.

Beijing Station, Wushuang War Spirit vs. Special Action Team. The final result was four to one, and the night got a point from the pit father, and everyone else regretted losing.

Shenzhen Station, this group can be described as the death group in the death group. A group of people played in the dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the final blade of death was up to the expectations. Their final opponent was the Taoist **** of Shu. The final score was four to one. The first song of the battle of the rain falling dust of life, although the song of life is expensive as an assassin, and the strength is amazing, but still can not beat the rain falling dust against the metamorphosis in the sky. In the second game, the Dragon Slayers battled the Dragon. Although the Dragon Slayers attack area was against the sky, he almost turned the entire area over, but he could not stop the dragon's death magic bombardment. In the third game, the ghost was killed by the rain-falling kite. It was not the ghost that was unhappy. He had the skill of a flying fighter, and he ran to the second. No one would dare to recognize the first, but the other party could fly. It's not furnishing. In the fourth game, Zero Lin killed the blood. The blood kill was also an assassin and a hidden profession, but his strength was not as good as the rain and dust. Zero Lin gained a valuable point from his hands. In the end, Shu Tao battled Xiao Jiuquan, and the two sides fought fiercely for 58 minutes. In the end, Shu Tao's magic and sword skills were defeated by Xiao Jiuquan's strange space ability. Mingshen had to take second place.

After paying attention to domestic competitions, it is time to look at the international ones, focusing on the finals of several major countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Unsurprisingly, all the major players have attended their own offline tournaments. Through the video, I was the first to watch a game in the United States. Among the five teams that finally qualified in the United States, I saw the guy who was wielding a thunder hammer in the ruins and the person holding a torch. But the most dazzling of them is an extremely indifferent American beauty. This person is a martial arts professional, and the player who competes with it is also a super master, but under her double fists, she only supported it for only one minute. This person not only has high attack power, but also has a large penetration of armor, with a very abnormal explosive effect. In the end, her opponent's dead bones were lost. From the video I can conclude that this person is stronger than my Yun Lan, and very much stronger.

In the English Division, there are several very dazzling masters. Among them is an extremely pale youth. His speed is very fast, and a warrior department actually uses the magician's flash skills, but he flashes so far. But it is very fast, basically his opponents can only be played by him.

There is also an English girl, she is very well-dressed and wearing a lot of equipment, and she is extremely hot, but unfortunately there is a mask on her face that can't see her look. Her characteristics are high attack power, high speed, and the attack also has a blood-sucking effect. This effect is very perverted. This effect in the video has almost reached 50%. I can see it in my heart.

Finally there was a middle-aged man. This guy is actually a priestly profession, holding a scepter, summoning light magic to attack the enemy, and eventually killing the other party, drying the other party with a strong light, and finally turning into squid.

In the German area, the situation is equally astonishing. There is a guy in the German area. This goods drives the chariot like the black god, and knocks the opponent over during the game. The most dazzling player in the Russian area is an uncle player. This person dresses himself like a human crab, and naturally cannot dare to compliment. The weapon is a pair of huge crab-claw-like weapons. His opponent was cut into pieces on the field. One piece.

The Japanese district is undoubtedly the most dazzling man known as the most reliable man in the entire Yamato Ward, the black general, and his tall opponent is a small dwarf. Although he doesn't look very good, he has fully obtained the essence of Japanese tradition, and fully used the essence of the insignificant ninja. It is a pity that General Black did not eat his set. During the whole game, General Black only wiped it with only a pair of flesh palms. He did not even have to draw a knife to use the holy weapon of Zhanlong Pill. One of his teammates also has a ninja, but he is much better than the previous insignificant guy. Both his appearance and jutsu are better than the previous insignificant guy by N grades. His weapon is very strange. He uses a too-fashion knife Using a short knife in his left hand, he opened his bow from side to side, his enemies were playing with ecstasy.

In the end, I wanted to watch a video of the United Nations Theater, but I could n’t find it. Nima, it is indeed an independent theater, and even the video is independent.

I watched a lot of the finals in the theater, and the people inside were very excited to see it, and I promised that some of them must hide their strength. However, these strengths will eventually be unveiled at the World Championship.

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