Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1054: Sealed Exzodia

Those who reached the school Snow Rabbit Dragon drilled out of the snow curiously looked at us. Perhaps we have never seen humans, but none of the monsters rushed to attack, and they were very docile with Ice Dragon MM.

The palace looks very close. In fact, there is a constant distance from us. It took me more than ten minutes to walk in front of the palace at ordinary walking speed. Only at this distance did I really see the grandeur of the palace.

The whole palace is like a sculpture carved from ice. It is very luxurious and beautiful. When we approach the huge ice gate that is 100 meters high, it opens automatically. A strong cold gushes out of the palace. To be frozen into ice by this cold air, fortunately, this cold air only disappeared for a few seconds.

Entering this palace, the exterior looks very magnificent, but the interior is very simple and monotonous. Perhaps it is empty, the whole body is ice blue and there is no trace of other variegated colors. In this hall, I see a dragon Lying on the ground, this dragon is more than a hundred meters long, but the dragon is very old and weak, its wings have been broken, the dragon's scales have shown signs of decay and shedding, and its claws are swollen and aging. That should have shook the earth at this moment is like an old man suffering from tuberculosis. I'm afraid it might die at any time.

"Child, come here." A deep old voice echoed throughout the hall, the old dragon slowly opened his eyes.

Binglong MM respectfully hurriedly walked to the old dragon, and said, "Is there something for Master Sakasa?"

Lao Long said: "You child is not meditating in a secret place, running around to do anything."

"I didn't follow you as if to take that human being? Why go around and run around?"

"It seems to be like this, the memory is getting old, human, you come over," Laolong whispered. I quickly came to the old dragon with the dark **** Tianzhao, and I raised my head and cast a fire on the old dragon.

King of the Ice Dragon-Skarsa, BOSS of unknown level, Status: Dying, Introduction: Forgotten when to fall asleep, not to know when to wake up ... The horror brought by Skarsa has suffocated despair. Now, the terrifying dragon of this dragon in the past has become old and fragile, its wings have been broken, its remaining dragon scales have begun to rot, its claws have become swollen and aging, it used to The proud breath of ice has no power now. Lying in a secret place all year round quietly waiting for death.

"Human." Scarsa stared at me. "Not a pure human. I hurried to a strong dragon-like atmosphere on your body. Your eyes, blue pupils are the same as that of the white dragon, but I feel the black dragon on you. It is interesting that the breath of the two most powerful taboo dragons appears on the same person. "

"Speak your purpose."

I said bluntly, "I'm looking for the Dragon Claw in the Holy Dragon's Glory suit."

"The Holy Dragon Yao Yao's equipment cursed by the gods."


"The master who equipped the previous generation, in order to satisfy his own stubbornness and vanity, broke into the heavens and beheaded the gods, causing turbulence in the heavens. Since then, the gods have never cared about the world, but this is so good. That group of guys who are high above. "Indeed, the acceptance of the suit is indeed the story of the true beast **** who made a big noise in the previous generation. It seems Scasa knows this very well.

"If you want, you can do it. Now I don't have the strength to practice standing up, and fight with Bettei." Skarsa sighed and said.

"But you have to accept, one of my tests, I will give you something if you succeed. If it fails, you should not come again," Scasa said for a while.

I froze and asked, "What test?"

"Do you know the abyss invasion the other day?" Scasa asked.

"I know. But I always feel that there is no known intention in the invasion of the abyss." I replied.

"Yes, this small space-time gate cannot deploy their large troops to this plane. The test you choose to accept is related to the abyss." Skarsand paused and continued: "The goal of the abyss is not to capture the experiment. The problem is not killing, but to awaken the devil's final weapon, Akzodia! "

"Ekzodia ?!"

"The archmage of ancient times, one of the culprits of the destruction of the Titan civilization, was sealed by the demon tens of millions of years ago. In the final battlefield of the race war, only a fraction of the land was sunk into the ocean The terrifying ability of the world. If Abyss frees Exzodia, the world will be complete. "

"What's that guy sealed in?"

Secasa said: "Exodia is sealed at the bottom of this mountain, in an independent dimension world, all you have to do is to enter that world and stop them."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the triggering mission [Secked Zordia], Quest Level: SSS, Mission Objective: Kill the abyss demon who can release the seal, Quest failed: Sedrin Zordia ’s seal was lifted , Mission Type: Sharing, Mission Brief: Ikzodia is a terrible demon with infinite power, its power is enough to tear up the planet. During the Titan civilization, the planet he came to use this infinite power to push the planet towards On the verge of destruction, until the seven strongest war gods in the world at the time, desperate actions, united their spirits and smashed into Exzodia, and destroyed the physical body of Exzodia with the feat of self-sacrifice. Its soul is sealed in the core of the earth. Now the monsters of the abyss are going to pull out this devil who has the ability to destroy the earth and the earth. The adventurer, you must stop this from happening, and guard the hope of humankind!

Seeing this task, Xiao hesitated for a while, then looked up and chose to accept.


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