Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1118: Final battle is fierce (11)

Team dynamics: The remaining number of participants-Dragon's Tooth, one captain and four players. Score: 6 Deathblade, one captain and two players. Score: 2 Swordtooth Tigers, one captain and two players. Score: 12 Griffins, one captain (dead) and one player. Score: 3 Seahawk's Cavern (eliminated): Entire army annihilated. Score: 5 kingdoms of gods, one captain (dead) and two players. Points: 3 Dracula family, one captain, one player, points: 3 Cong Yunyu Ninja, one captain (dead), one player. Scoring: 5 Rules of the game: Start when you see people. The last team to survive before the end of time is the champion or the highest score after the end is the winner.

The minions of the dragon turn this grief into strength and give the cruel tiger, due punishment! ?

"I won't spare you!" Hua Lian lifted her head, holding the blood-red eyes of the blue holy dagger in her hand, and the anger, which had always appeared in the cold and careless eyes,

"It's your turn to get off. I don't know how long you can play with me." There was an unusual joy in the dark-jewel-like eyes of Yukihime.

"Dead." Hualian's answer was simple and straightforward.


Hualian shook with the opponent's Taidao. Mars was splashing. Hualian's blow was terrible. The magic Jige was blocked and suddenly crushed, followed by another heavy pressure!


The power is too strong, and some magic girls can't bear it. The third time, the magic girl falls backwards, and Hualian's sword shows a cold power!

"Howling Wind Blast"

A deep whistling sound, a whirlwind of cold currents left, and the magical girl waved her arms unhurriedly. At the moment, a dark energy blocked the rushing cold current. When she was able to prevent her skills, Hualian was silent. Come on!

"Bloody combo!"

—19311—19344—19377 Precise hit, Huan Ji hit the three strikes of Hualian, and after three consecutive strikes, Huan Ji rolled over.

"Replace her partner." Hualian said coldly.

"You say that little girl? Well, it's useless to me." After beckoning, the black cross appeared, and heard "click! Click! Click!" The nail that pinned the girl's hands and feet broke. The black cross behind her also began to show a huge crack.

"Boom!" In a blast, the cross died out. The girl's **** body fell to the ground without a sound.

"Actually, she has already fallen down and scored on the little girl." Yuki looked at the slowly disappearing girl body and smiled evilly.

I haven't talked about myself for a long time, let's turn the lens back to see it.


— 22399 Black cactus, I was hit by a blue dragon tooth on my body, and my body took several steps back, and I quickly stabilized myself with a punch on the ground: "Rage of the Earth!"

"Boom boom!"

The ground is cracking, the ground under my feet is continuously shaking and cracking, Longhui locks the second skill [Qianlong] to activate, I ca n’t choose as an attack target as long as the Qianlong is moving, and then open [Yulong] to rise from the ground Crossing among the big rocks, rushing out of the range suddenly launched a heroic charge, the dragon gun raised, the blade of ice breath!

The subconscious defense of the black cactus, but any defense has no meaning in the face of this move. After the blow of the blade of ice breath, the blood of the black cactus fell sharply below 50%.

The attacked black cactus took the impact and opened the distance, while laughing: "It is much stronger than the last time I saw it."

I said disdainfully, "I just finished talking, is this bird like this now?"

The black cactus was not angry at all, but said with an excited expression, "What next ...?"

"Huh!" Humming waved provocations against him.

There was a burst of laughter as we were preparing for the second round of battle.

"Hehehe, it's really a pleasure to meet the strong ..." Seeing a person walking not far away, and seeing the person who came was the head of death-Xiao Jiuquan.

Xiao Jiuquan laughed and said, "Please make sure that you also join me. I also want to taste the feeling of blood boiling."

"Smile Jiuquan !!!" I was surprised when Xiao Jiuquan appeared.

"The big boss has appeared." The black cactus smiled.

Location of shooting training hall ...

A loud noise ...

The two men in the battle flew out like artillery shells. The powerful force caused the collision force to knock down a stand and the shooting target.

Yu Luo turned over in the air and fell a little bit to the ground. With a pale face, Yu Luo reached out and gently wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He smiled bitterly: "You are really good! This contest is not in vain."

"I also feel lonely in the country. I only knew it when I was international. I'm far behind!" At this time, the whole body's leather armor had been damaged in many places. The blonde girl also stood up hard. She looked at each other and the other side. It's not as big as yourself, but leather armor is not as resistant as heavy armor, and said, "It's time to use all your strength. Where is your magic?"

"Divine skill? I have used that kind of thing several times!" Yu Luo didn't reserve much. "My divine skill is healing and not very noticeable."

"The archer actually has healing skills, it's really fun." The blonde narrowed her eyes and said, "Next I want to show you my magic!"

"Okay, I'd love to know it," Yu Luo said.

The blonde smiled. "You've seen it."

"What ?!" I was told by the other side that Yu Luo was stunned, and I saw that at the beginning, both people were shooting arrows at each other. Although the other side just punched himself, did they say ...

"I just thought, you think that an archer is OK to punch someone else, is it fun?" The blonde laughed: "That punch is just my magical skill. It is called a wild kiss, without any attack bonus. But But it has a special effect, that is, paralysis for a short period of time, and a buffer is not easy to find. After speaking for so long, you should be numb all over now. "

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Luo felt his head faint. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't move the slightest. At this moment, every nerve in the body seemed to be disturbed by inexplicable provocation. Full strength was disarmed, he bit his hand on the ground and half-knelt down. At the moment, Yu Luo was in a state of perplexity. On the skills, the other party was not better than himself. On the weapon, the two sides were half-dominated. On the operation, he was slightly better than the other.

I've buried the good intentions by myself, and my magic skills have a very strong healing ability and defensive function, but there is no way to relieve the negative effects, which is a great disadvantage.

The opponent's magical power paralyzed himself for a full 30 seconds, which was enough for him to kill himself several times.

"Come on!" Yu Luo raised his head hard, stood up tremblingly, gasped heavily, and although he was not 100% unable to move, he had an eighty or ninety state.

"Handsome guy, please." After the blonde said, Long Bow retracted her palms and crossed them, and raised it high. A brilliant red light suddenly appeared at the intersection of her hands. Under the light, suddenly, condensed in The blood-red wind energy around him spun wildly and wrapped it in. The surging energy envelops her entire body in an instant. When you look outside, you can only see a vortex condensed by wind energy. You can't see what is inside. From the inside, if the leather armor disappears on the blonde girl, it is only a moment, she has nothing to worry about. It looks like snow and ice skin, but there is a strange redness on the skin.

Drops and drops of crimson liquid overflowed from the wind energy and hovered in the air. With a squeak, the blood-red liquid flow speeded up sharply, and basketball-sized blood-red spheres appeared around them. Contains endless power, constantly expanding around the blood-red whirlwind.

"My blood! Destroy the enemy in front of you! Devour his body, torture his soul, and let him suffer in despair!" The blonde in the wind energy closes her hands together, her index fingers are facing each other, and she leaps forward With a wave, the hundreds or thousands of blood cells swirling around turned into a shadow of blood howling and rushed to the rain.

"Did you stop here?"

The blood cells exuding a strong **** slammed into the rain like raindrops. Wave after wave, getting more and more urgent, bombarded like a storm.

A stream of blood-red smoke rose, and craters, one by one, appeared on the ground. Under this kind of indiscriminate and large-scale coverage blow, the magical healing energy of the rain fall must die no matter how good it is.

"Finally solved." The energy of the wind system disappeared, and the original leather armor turned into a blood-red robe. A large white skin was exposed at the opening on the chest of the robe, and a cast of golden hair turned red.

Just as she was about to leave, at this moment, a glimpse of Jinmang appeared in the corner of her eyes.

The wind was so strong that the mist of blood disappeared. A fairly strong figure stood on the ground with bullet marks like a god, and the whole person rained!

"You didn't hang!"

"Sorry, after I tell you, there is another passive effect of my magic skills, that is, there is only a 1% chance of resurrection in place." Yu Luo laughed: "Good character."

"I see if you can be resurrected once! The hunter riots!" The long bow trembled in his hand, and ten arrows burst out suddenly!

"Essence Jump!"

The rain fell and then made a sudden shift, moving behind the opponent. Her eyes were round, her face filled with panic.

"Thunder whirlwind arrow!"

A powerful thunderstorm arrow passed quickly through the girl's body, and she was surprised to see that the other party had not hung up yet. Although it was supported, it was a pity that it fell into a dizzy state and there was only a little blood skin left in its health. A flat shot, defeat it!

A drop of rain resolved the opponent to score a point, but when he was just exhaling, he was cold on his waist, but was cut in half by the ten-meter-long giant knife.

Yu Luo opened her eyes wide, watching her two halves fall, and saw a masked man in heavy armor standing there, and covered the huge knife.

The rain fell bitterly, after the praying mantis caught the cicada, after the clams competed for the fisherman's profit, he has thoroughly understood the ancient famous words. Even at this moment, he can only watch his body destroyed.

Remembering that you would be killed by a sneak attack? In the end, a sigh was issued, and life is so helpless, even if you die, you really want to die on the occasion of a head-to-head confrontation as before.

With the last sigh of regret, the rain fell.


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