Master Summoner Online

Chapter 150: carry out

I stepped forward and held the cylindrical thing floating in mid-air, held it in my hand, and saw that the attribute was the energy processor. Then after a while, it began to collapse and the rubble fell down. We hurriedly moved to the previous psionic matrix Run away.

The teleportation of the psionic matrix was quickly transmitted back to the previous altar, and the alien was patiently waiting for us.

Zelaka said: "Human warriors, I'm very glad to see you back again, but you seem to be one less."

I drank, "Yeah, one less is not your fault."

Zelaka reached out to look for something, and I also took the ability processor to his hand. Zelaka looked after him and said, "You guys are successful. Thank you. I can use it to wake up some sleeping soldiers. Now, what kind of reward do you want, despite saying, I'll satisfy you as much as possible. "

I asked, "Can you do anything?"

"Everything can be as long as I can do it," Zelaka said.

Magic Moon went up and said, "I want a shield!"

"Okay, then I will make this side by our Protoss mechanic, and give the shield to this beautiful lady!"

Speaking, I did not see how Zelaka moved. A pale gold alloy shield appeared in his right hand, and passed it to the moon in front of him.

Huan Yue took the shield with great joy, stood up and waved it slightly, and the shield immediately extended, covering her most of her body.

"Shield of the Moon, Grade: Silver, Defense +1150, + 20% overall defense, Strength Specialization +25, Armor Specialization +25, Qi and Blood +750, Durability Auto Repair, with 6000 durable plasma shields, After the shield is defeated, it will automatically reply 6 seconds after leaving the battle. Requires level: level 47. "Magic Moon reported the attributes one by one.

If the powerful attributes are no wonder she is so happy then Zelaka brings out a skill book and says: "Beautiful lady, please bring this gift to the warrior who is not present, I think it will be of great use to him. . "

"[Invisible arrow]: Passive skill, players do not consume arrows when they attack." This skill is a practical skill that cannot be used by the other archer players. It is well known that the arrows fired by archers are bought in the store. Although there are only 10 copper coins for 100 bows and arrows, that gadget also occupies a grid of 100 arrows that occupy the capacity of your backpack. If you have prepared too many bows and arrows for long-term battles outside, you will have no place for other things or loot. That can be very depressing.

This prehistoric alien shot really generously, and was well paid, which made me very much what kind of preparation or items this guy would give to himself.

What I didn't expect was that since it clapped my head on his head and said, "Mr. Weiweilong, I found that you have a strong partner, but it can't wake up for some reason. In return for you, I took you Its power activates and helps it break through early! "

While talking, Zelaka turned into a light ball with a faint white light. The light ball flew into the center of my eyebrows, and then I was surprised to find that my summoning beast egg that never hatched began to move, and there were several cracks, but it still did not fully hatch, so what a reward, I seem to get nothing.

Zelaka then smiled as she went in and out of an angry expression: "Haha, don't go in and out of this expression. It was just a little help just now, and your real reward is here." Talking about a metal ball delivery Into my hands.

Then I found out that my last summoned beast space was occupied. It seems that I got a mechanical family. I used to dream whether I could get it now. Now the dream comes true, and immediately open the attribute.

Name: Gatling Blast Dragon.

Type: Special department.

Race: Mech

Whether it can evolve: Yes.

Life: 4500 points.

Attack: 2500 points.

Defense: 2500 points.

Skills: Plasma barrier (passive). Gatling Blast Dragon covers this layer of hard plasma shield. Before the shield disappears, it can reduce the damage taken to a maximum of 10 points. The shield lasts 2500 points and escapes the battle. Automatically reply after 6 seconds.

Hellfire: The Gatling Dragons refilled their Green machine guns with fire-type bullets to fire on enemies in front, each bullet inflicting 70 additional magic damage to the fire attribute and reducing the opponent's 10 defense. Enemies under continuous attack will continue to reduce their armor value for 10 seconds and cool down for one minute

Photon Missile Launcher: Gatling Blast Dragon stretches out its own launcher and fires four glowing cannonballs at the target in front of it, causing damage and exploding when killing the enemy, causing magic damage to nearby enemies, cooling for 4 seconds

Thermal energy rays: Gatling Blast Dragon spews a high-heat ray from the mouth, cutting the battlefield straight, causing magic damage to enemies on the way, the hit enemy will catch fire, and continue to cause 300 additional magic damage within 4 seconds. , And let cool for 10 minutes.

Helium Acceleration: Gatling Blast Dragon recharges its jet backpack. After the charging is completed, high-heat helium is released. Gatling Blast Dragon ’s movement speed will suddenly increase, and you can climb cliffs or leap in this state. Valley, the maintenance time is determined by the charge time. The longer the charge is, the longer the maintenance time is, the cooldown is 100 seconds. (The cooldown is calculated after casting.)

Introduction: Gatling Blast Dragon is an insane alchemist who uses Alstar technology and the magical powers of this world to make it with unparalleled combat power.

Horrible, the summoned beast of the mech is really terrible, and the scientific and technological strength is really strong. I have new companions. My five summoned beast spaces have their own owners, but the summoned beast of the mech is also a bit bad. It is in a metal ball called a universal capsule, but this metal ball occupies the space of my summoned beast, but it is placed in my backpack, which is a bit of a pit that does n’t shit, but it does n’t explode when it dies. It's a good design.

Finally Xiao Yue went up and shouted, "I want to hide my career!"

I patted her and said, "Is your request a little too much?"

Feng Xiaoyue said: "It's not too much. Ye Zi always occupies himself as a hidden profession. He fiddles in front of me, so I should also be angry with him and kill him."

Zelaka said: "You have helped me so much. I don't understand what hidden professions you say. I do have a powerful force here, so I will send you."

Isn't it really a hidden career? !! ? There was a buzz in my head.

I saw Zelaka's hand gathering energy into the sky, and then gathered into a dark cloud in the air, emitting a red light, and then a thunderbolt suddenly split down, and immediately fell on the wind Xiaoyue, she was photographed here A sudden lightning strike screamed to the ground.

"Um, you really become a hidden profession?" I asked curiously.


"But it seems that nothing has changed?" I looked up and down, and saw that she was swimming all over the body with a blue current, and there was no other change.

Zelaka said, "Human warriors, thank you for your help. We will have a period of time." After talking about the surrounding scene changes, all the buildings disappeared into a large desert here in the middle of the night, the wasteland of blood, and the moon over the sky. The stars in the dark blue night sky were dim, and the boundless sandy sea under the moonlight was quiet and gentle. Several of us stood side by side on a dune and watched the ancient city slowly disappear before our eyes.

"Ding ~! Congratulations to complete, hide the mission, Zelaka's request, reward experience 1,000,000, reputation 500 points."

Is this task reminder too late? I shook my head, and Feng Xiaoyue on the side shouted, "Haha, this trip is really worthless, and today's harvest is not small." It is indeed a small hidden career!

I immediately said, "Show us what you know."

Magic Moon also said: "I also want to see what hidden professions on the ground?"

Feng Xiaoyue said happily, "Okay, please see."

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