Master Summoner Online

Chapter 167: Interrupted again

The next morning, I went to the classroom as usual, but when I came to the classroom, I sat down as usual, but then the college radio suddenly reminded me.

In the broadcast, Bo Zhao's voice rang: "Dear students, our long-awaited bank card real-name identity binding business has finally been implemented. When the exchange of game gold coins and RMB is opened, the school decided to temporarily take a day off today. Students can Take the school bus and get your bank card. Okay, now everyone will dissolve! "


After dissolution, returned to the dormitory, changed into casual clothes, closed the dormitory door, and walked side by side with the magical gate to the school.

"Magic moon, can I have a meal after you finish the bank card?" I said a little embarrassed.

Magic Moon said: "Can you?"

I smiled: "Of course, you invited me last time and this time I change you."

Magic Moon stunned slightly: "Okay."

I smiled, "Where do you want to go?"

Magic Moon smiled sweetly: "I know a good restaurant, and I'll take you there!"

"Okay!" I said happily.

Location Jinlong College Then, in front of the school gate, four MMs stood in front of the exhibition hall. They looked like an example model. These four MMs immediately attracted countless eyes.

I was a little surprised, my dear, the guardian, Yinyue, summer, and phoenix, the four of them, why is Xiaoguang not, if I go to the bank with them, I will become the only grass in the flowers.

The guardian Yinyue MM saw the magic moon and immediately got together, and the three chatted loudly.

Fire Phoenix MM stood on the side as usual without talking.

In summer, MM put his hand on my shoulder, and the body just moved towards me, grinning unwillingly: "Dragon spirit you two live together, what sparks do you rub out, have you become vigorous!"

Today, she was wearing a white casual outfit. Just like her, I felt her delicate and bulging figure. Her figure must be real and she looked like a thousand miles.

I rarely get used to this intimate move with girls, saying, "What are you talking about?"

Xia Xia laughed: "The development progress, and do we peek when we bathe in the moon every day?"

After hearing what she said, she immediately broke into sweat and clarified, "Do you think it is possible?"

Summer pouted and laughed: "What's impossible!"

I am speechless.

Talking and laughing along the way, after going to the noodle shop where I often go for a snack, I started to go to the bank.

To be honest, there are so many people in this bank. We did n’t go in until about 11 o'clock. We simply went to eat lunch first, but it was about one point. At this time, there were not many people, and 80% of them were impatient. We are not in a long line, but there are still sparse people in line, it is estimated that those who are not bound to the bank card will not stop.

In the first service window, I handed in my ID card and bank card. Unfortunately, the teller was a man. I looked around. The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth ... windows are all female. It is a mistake to hate for thousands of years!

The male teller asked, "What is the code of the game account you want to bind?"

I stumbled and forgot ...

When I first created the character, it seemed to be displayed, and it seemed to be easy to remember, but I still remember it for so long.

So I bluntly said, "Forget it."

The male teller held out a fingerprint reader and said, "Please fingerprint recognition."

I pressed my thumbs up, and the male teller started typing in the computer. After a long time, he said, "Weilong, Level 50, War Beast Master, is that correct?"

I nodded. "Please enter your bank card password."

I typed in immediately, and then within a short while, the male teller took out a card with the Second World character already on it, swiped it on a machine and smiled, "Okay, your bank card has been bound to this pass. In the future You can enjoy the exchange service in the game at any time. "

I nodded and paid the commission fee, got the bank card and ID card and returned the pass. I sat on the rest seat aside, and then the other women also came forward. After guarding, I went to the magic moon, which is estimated. It has to cause a stir. How do you say that the current boss of the day list, the name of the phantom knight and the moon is loud, but people like me can almost ignore the existence.

Then Magic Moon pulled me aside and said goodbye to them, saying that we would go back at night by ourselves, and summer said happily, "Go forward by name at night, if you ca n’t come back, open a room in one place."

I was shocked by this summer sentence, and Yueyue shouted, "We will go back."

Say goodbye to the four MMs, and the rest is the time I and lone moon are alone. The last date in the game was a mess. This time, I must succeed in reality. I have gathered the courage to say my true heart during dinner. Then, I wonder if she will accept it?

At this moment, Magic Moon grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go."

"it is good!"

In the afternoon we went to the park and sold a lot of things with her. Knowing that around 7pm, she took me there. The restaurant she knew was very dark and the atmosphere was ambiguous. The wall of the restaurant opposite the gate was a huge one. Curtain, on the catwalk of international supermodels.

This restaurant, which looks at least luxurious, is located on the upper floor of a large department store in the city center. On the top of the restaurant, there is a lamp with a crystal pendant, but it is not turned on. Of course, there is a wall lamp that emits a soft light. The dark-toned roof of three or four meters high, when a seat is selected, the lights slowly turn on. According to the table directly below, to be honest, if you are taking a romantic love movie here, there should be no need for additional whitewashing in this restaurant. My capital is high, and my forehead is gently sweating. Why did she choose to come here? Does she know what my heart means.

The waiter came over the menu, and the waiters were all shrouded in darkness. If they didn't look carefully, they couldn't see their presence. On the contrary, it felt very comfortable, as if nobody bothered.

In fact, everyone is protected by the dark package, even the people at the table cannot see your expression clearly.

At this point, the service lady came over and said, "Well, isn't this Xueyue, have you gone to class? Why are you free to come here? This is ... Oh! I see, you can see the menu yourself."

Hun Yue pushed open the menu and said, "Sister Han, just look the same."

"Well, I won't bother you." Then he patted my shoulder and whispered, "Brother, come on, you are very blessed."

Soon a few delicate dishes were served. They ate at noon and in the summer they ate a lot of greasy things. This time, I ca n’t say that they are light or oily but not greasy. Moon Moon smiled at this moment and made me make the whole The lobby lights up a bit ...

I leaned back, hiding in the dark, covering up the expression on my face, no matter what the expression was, I didn't want others to see it.

In addition to dishes, there are special refreshments. I have to say that the dishes here are really delicious. Even a pot of seemingly bland jasmine tea is fragrant. Being able to eat with Magic Moon is the most romantic meal I have ever had.

At this time, the giant screen is still the show models, swaying various figures, good looks, at this time I was thinking that if the moon went to the T stage, it would not be too much.

She eats food, sips, reminiscent of those furry and cute animals, blinking big eyes, delicate delicate lips closed, and occasionally you can see the white pearl-like teeth against the red lips.

"How is it? It tastes great!" After a few sips of tea. Magic Moon smiled at me.

"It's really delicious!" I answered with a smile.

"Fantasy ... Fantasy Moon is not Xueyue, I actually want to say ... I ... I!" After a moment of silence, the blushing me said shyly.

"Xueyue, can you listen to me? After listening, you don't need to give me an answer right away, but I hope you can listen to me well. Because I took all my courage to dare to say That's what I said. "Although shy, although my face was too hot to be hot anymore, I still spoke.

"Dragon spirit, let's talk, I will listen." Huan Yue said.

"That's it, I like ..." But just as I was about to say the most important thing to me.

There were quarrel sounds in the restaurant, and a few vicious voices were particularly obvious: "Dead old man, get out of Lao Tzu, we said we won't stop there!"

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