Master Summoner Online

Chapter 188: Zombie

At this time, the silver stinger was under the full output of the firepower and the incense. At the same time, many steel stingers swarmed up. We were immediately entangled by these steel stingers, and more steel stingers appeared in an instant. As soon as the pressure increased, the number advantage no longer existed. At the same time, the golden spiny beast wanted to escape!

However, this is the lone mark suddenly stepping up in front of the golden thorn beast. The golden thorn beast wield its claws and hit the lone mark -73-74. The two scars were brushed out, although the attack of this thing is very low, but not too low. In this realm, if he is a hidden profession of the assassin type, then generally he does not inherit the situation of attacking and defending.

Then Guzhen pulled out the two Taidaos on the back, and an orange shimmering "qi chop!" Appeared on each of the two Taidaos. Gudao drank and slashed a Taidao cross and cut out two damages of -2214-2312, but Then he crossed the two Taidao "Shadow Dance!" The lone mark was low and drunk. Then the two Taidao waved up and down, left and right, and left and right, and the whole man was like dancing. The sparks fluttered out on the golden spiny beast. -74-76-79 ... The damage this time is completely incomparable to the previous one, but the Golden Spike can bounce back damage, but he doesn't care about the damage and his blood does not seem to be the same. This hidden profession is really enough Wonderful.

On the other side of the steel spiny beasts on our side, Ziyue swiftly shuttled in the middle of the steel spine beasts, and the whip in his hands waved out, making a crackling noise on those steel spine beasts.

The purple scorpion roared. A pair of scorpion tongs gathered a purple energy and slammed it out. The other side was scaled armor flying, and once the other party counterattacked, a crystal armor appeared on the body. Instead, it was the Steel Spike that was bombarded by itself.

Under the concerted efforts of all, these Steelspurs were defeated, but in less than ten minutes, they fell to the ground and turned into a data stream, leaving a lot of crystals and equipment.

On the other side, the lone mark's battle against the golden thorn beast is nearing completion.

He took a step and chopped two Taidao from bottom to top while yelling in his mouth: "Light blade chop!" Then he saw a golden cross in front of the golden thorn beast, brush! -749-781 Two injuries floated out. This hit was cut on the golden thorn beast, the opponent's blood was only left, and his life was completely terminated by a hit!

Wow! The golden thorn beast burst out of the spar equipment!

Big bang!

I blinked and watched for a while, but I knew that there was a certain chance that the monster would die once after the system update, and the RP broke out.

"Dizzy, really god, does he know that he will definitely explode when he fights?" The fighting nub spoke out the voice of everyone present, and the golden assassin actually had a big RP. It was really unusual.

"Just luck!" Solitary mark said lightly.

Looking at the shining spar equipment, everyone is undoubtedly happy. Everyone quickly picked up everything on the ground.

10 gold coins, 180 silver coins, 200 copper coins, and 5 pieces of equipment, two of which are green, three red, green needs identification, red attributes are good to live, plus other ordinary steel spiny animals burst out of the coin equipment, etc. In the first battle of entering the ruins, great gains were made.

"If you come here a few more times, we'll be rich!" Said the Field Mouse with a smile.

"No one can have such good luck!" Cola said, and everyone laughed, but a good start was half the battle, and everyone unanimously decided to encounter a similar situation just now!

Our team left the passage, and we detoured this place for more than ten minutes and reached an entrance to the second floor of the underground ruins. Only a few ordinary ground beasts were encountered along the way. Without everyone's hands, I and Ziyue's summoned beasts were all set.

We enter the next level together, the guardian and Kuqiulin protect Qiaoyuyi, the only supply unit in our team, during the adventure. The role of supply units such as priests is indispensable.

The second floor of the underground ruins in Cagli.

The maze area on the first floor has a lot of super-large passages, and there are also many entry points into the second floor. No one can predict what will happen to the next floor. This fear is the enduring charm of adventure.

Unlike the bright and stately passages on the first floor, the atmosphere on the second basement floor is much more gloomy. There are countless roads crisscrossing here that look like mine tunnels. The dim crystal light bulbs are hung scattered on the black stone walls. I do n’t know if the wind blowing from there passes through the mine tunnels. A very bad and cold feeling, making people uncomfortable, these crystal lights suddenly and suddenly reflected the pile of broken bone picks on the ground.

"My mission is to kill 3,000 zombie monsters here," Cola said.

"Ah, let's go to the third floor. The zombies here are too disgusting and look uncomfortable!" Qiao Yuyi said quickly, seeing that she couldn't stand it, she must hate zombies and should have been here.

"That's right!" Mixiang also said.

The combat niche said: "It doesn't matter that we can put blood in front and back, we can finish it quickly."

"Tell everyone the bad news that we are surrounded by zombies!" Solitary mark did not know when he had come over to report what he found.

Soon a large number of zombies appeared in front of us, 48 ​​iron zombies, 50 steel zombies, 51 vampire zombies and many other zombie monsters.

"Iron head zombies, steel zombies, and level 55 enhanced monster discharge zombies have come out, I rely on, it is refreshed in a large area!" Vole said with a frown. "Our luck is not good, what should we do?"

Coke said in a deep voice, "What else can we do? Just get out of the way!"

With the shield and weapons in his handshake, he was a strong swordsman who took a big step forward. He was undoubtedly very competent as the role of a meat shield and a daredevil in the team.

But he rushed back in less than half a minute and all retreated back in a daunting manner.

"Isolation, you Y's hurt me terribly, there are 63 elite beasts in front, at least a dozen acid zombies! I was sprayed into horses as soon as I ran over." Cola's shield and head The leg was covered with cruel green mucus. These strongly acidic mucus corroded the metal plate, but there was no blood loss to him for the time being, but it would be difficult to say if the armor was corroded.

"I'm sorry I didn't see it." The lonely mark said lightly, the combat ninth said, "I'll go and see." He came forward and chopped down an iron head zombie, but three acid zombies appeared in the back, and a mouthful of acid sprayed out. He was immediately buried by the green acid, and then ran out of range to see if his condition would be better. It seems that this acid zombie is not generally difficult to deal with.

"You guys, there are too many zombies, and there are also leaks." The vole said with a bitter smile, looking at the countless zombies in front of them, but fortunately they can move slowly, so they are not here.

Dr. Qiaoyu used a light curtain of purification on Combat Naughty and Cola to fall to their corroded places, and those acids immediately lost their effectiveness.

I have just finished processing both of them, and only heard a creepy low hissing sound from the dark place in front of the mine tunnel, as if the beast was biting its prey, and it seemed like the sound of a thousand maggots wriggling. .

The zombies were approaching, and the exposed scenes caused everyone to erect pores. The number of zombies standing on the ground and crawling on the ground didn't know the number, and they surrounded the crowd in black. These zombies are different from those of my zombie at that time. Although the zombies are disgusting like individuals, these zombies can't rot anymore. There are many people without arms and legs, but they are red in the weak light. The eyes glowed.

The fireball sent out by the fire hit a zombie's body and exploded. The zombie waved his bare arm and hissed a painful hissing, and then these hissings spread throughout the passage. The zombies that followed seemed to be Feeling sympathetic and crying at the same time, the pace of progress has accelerated a lot!

"Kill!" I didn't think about rushing up at once, Ziyue simultaneously released Hellfire, a huge hellfire, and his flame-burning arm waved across the front row of zombies and fell to the ground while spitting the flames, burning these zombies. In succession, the firepower was full and launched the group attack skills of the fire elemental divisions such as Meteor Fire Rain and Flame Swirl. The individual skills of Mixiang attacked. I replaced the Ruyi stick with a cold lightsaber, and I overturned a zombie as a warrior character. ...

As the crowds beat this batch in various ways, a terrible hissing came again in the channel.

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