Master Summoner Online

Chapter 193: Spider and chocolate

Everyone ran down the stairs, and it did n’t take long for the frontline shouts and screams to be mixed with some screaming hissing noises, which were clearly passed into the ears of the players at the entrance from below, and the atmosphere in the room was a little frozen. Hurry up to support it later! "Deep Blue Fantasy's roars were a little hoarse, and suddenly there were seventy or eighty players from each team coming in unwillingly.

I also walked down the stairs in the crowd. The stairs leading to the fourth floor had hundreds of steps, which took me to a brand new map.

Here, thick stone pillars more than thirty meters high and several meters in diameter are neatly arranged like an army, supporting a magnificent world. These embossed stone pillars spread far into the distance but could not see the end. It is impossible to imagine how big the place is. The chandelier hanging between the stone pillars and the pillars sprinkled the dim light on the large bluestone bricks on the ground. A cold light glowed.

Just at the entrance where we walked down was located on the middle passage between two rows of stone pillars. A group of soldiers who acted as an advance team surrounded by a shield holding a shield and were waving their hands against the surging monsters attacking them!

"I rely! It ’s a lack of morality that attracts so many spiders. It really kills people and doesn't pay for it!" Someone who just rushed down issued a loud cursing, and his complaint resonated with countless people.

Countless spider-type monsters are everywhere in front of you, and there are others of the same kind who are aware of Sorso crawling not far away. They emit unpleasant hissing noises and constantly impact the soldiers' defense lines. Furry long claws and metal shields hit Let's make a loud noise together.

"Everyone kills!" There was an immediate sound of players screaming and killing each other. The soldiers and monsters in the front were desperately fighting. The fire, wind, water, earth, and thunderous elements in the back of the five elements of the magical elements burst into light. The roar of the summoning beasts The soldiers make a cry of powerful skills, the sound of a broken arrow from a broken arrow, and the chants of the priests with various skills. In such a heavily enclosed environment, there is almost no need to consider what aiming lock. Unleashing skills will inevitably hit a goal.

Although there are a lot of these huge and fierce spiders, under the full attack of hundreds of players, they immediately fell into a beating situation. The meteor fire and rain poured down, and the fierce wind blade was mixed with ice spikes. Raging in the spider group, there are spurs protruding from the ground and a thunderbolt harvesting the lives of the spiders.

With so many spiders in front of me, there is a lot of experience and potential equipment coins. Whoever shoots first occupies the first opportunity. How can elemental divisions in all teams miss such a good opportunity. Nature is desperately releasing the most powerful group attack skills.

The time has elapsed, the number of monsters in this group has increased, but the players are killing more vigorously. The light of the upgrade is constantly flashing in the team. The experience of these monsters is very good, which is very suitable for current level players. It ’s hard to get an upgrade before the monster.

The monster left the equipment and coins piled up like a hill. At this time, several players rushed out to pick up the equipment. Others saw it quickly and followed suit. The dozen people rushed out. The scene immediately chaosed, picking up things, picking up monsters. Still continue to fight monsters.

Seeing this scene, I can only think that it has been more than ten minutes since the beginning of the killing, and there are still a lot of spiders around. If it is to be completely cleaned, it will take a lot of time. It ’s time to protect things that belong to you. Is n’t it to let others have a chance? I shook my head and said on the team channel: “It ’s too messy, let ’s kill ourselves and go ahead and complete my task!”

Ziyue said: "It's really messy here. Where is your mission?"

"It should be west." I said.

Goku also said: "Then let's go and hurry up while there are no more monsters to refresh out, let's go."

I nodded and followed Gatling to explode the dragon. The dragon battle was called out. The dragon battle that had not appeared at the beginning was broken at this time. After the appearance, the majestic dragon groan began to roar, and it was immediately killed in the monster group. Lin Baolong's Gatling machine gun began to rotate and spray long tongues of fire, harvesting the lives of these small bugs, and Ziyue's Hellfire Demon came back and started the road with the Dragon War.

After Tian Zhao cut down a spider, he said, "Brother Long, I'll pick something up, too, Tian Zhao doesn't want to see Brother Long's stuff for free!"

I picked a steel tooth spider and said, "Don't worry, you look like this in front of you. It's troublesome if the monster suddenly refreshes. I don't want to see you hang up for those things. It's not worth it!"

Tian Zhao laughed: "Long Brother is really considerate."

A whip of Ziyue blasted a spider's head and said, "Hurry up, it will refresh soon. This place refreshes quickly and swipes a large area, which will be difficult to handle."

As soon as she spoke, she heard a horrifying whispering sound coming to everyone's ears, and the sound came from overhead!

Solitary mark said lightly: "It's really time you said."

I looked up and saw that on top of the zenith, a spider pulled the silver wire of thumb thickness from the stone pillars, and they twisted their tumbling heads. People eat, and at a glance they can't tell how many there are!

Some of these spiders landed on the ground quickly, while others climbed onto the stone pillars, but without exception jumping or crawling towards the crowd's position, more spiders fell directly on top of the players and shouted. There was a sound.

"Refreshed, the spider refreshed! Be careful, everyone!"

"The soldiers will soon form a line of defense!"

"Ah, I was shot by a stinger, priest. The priest will detox me soon!"


The sudden refresh of the spider and the subsequent rapid attack made the entrance of the fourth floor of the ruins a mess of porridge. Our side is much calmer. After all, the dragon battle and the flames of **** spit flames at the ceiling, and two flames will The local photos are bright, countless spiders are burned to the ground and few are burnt down. Spiders crawling on the ground must first climb through the fire web of the Gatling Blast Dragon, or Kuchulin and Tianzhao. The horrible damage of me, Ziyue, and Guchen are basically standing there to get experience, and from time to time to solve some of the fish that leaked the net, Amber Dragon is the most leisurely, standing there to get experience, but it swallowed No amount of experience has evolved. I wonder if this guy will evolve when he falls to the ground.

We relied on these beasts to open the way, all the way forward, and quickly ran across a stone bridge. The monsters behind had not kept up. We also slowed down and advanced to the altar. The fierce battle just came to an end temporarily. After ten minutes of entering, I finally arrived. In front of the altar on my mission site, there are no monsters here. Finally, everyone can breathe and enjoy a rare peace. After coming in, there is no half-time rest, all in the process of fighting. On the go.

Solitary mark took out a rectangular bag and said, "Would you like?"

I said, "What?"

Lone Mark said: "Chocolate."

"Ah!" Then the lone mark ripped open the front part of the bag, so dark, and took things that everyone knew chocolate, then he swallowed this piece of chocolate and swallowed it, and said, "Eat one to recover 2.4 % Stamina, come on. "

Tian Zhao looked at the chocolate in his hand and showed a very eager expression in his eyes. "Hey ... Brother Solen, can you give Tian Zhao one?"

Gu Chen handed a piece of chocolate to Tianzhao and said lightly, "Go ahead." Tianzhao took the chocolate and tore open the packaging bag, then sent the whole piece of chocolate into the mouth, and then swallowed it, then she did so This kind of sad look.

I asked, "What happened?"

Tianzhao muttered, "Woohoo ~! Eat too fast and produce no taste."

Gu Chen handed another piece of chocolate to Tianzhao and said, "Eat slowly, there are many more."

Tian Zhao immediately took the next moment and smiled with chocolate, "Brother Gengchen is a good friend of Tian Zhao, Tian Zhao will never forget you!"

"I don't think you will forget chocolate," Kuchulin said to me with a smile. "Tianzhao is a famous glutton among us. She secretly hid in the cafeteria while we were training. .It is not easy to maintain her. "

I heard a bitter smile, Tian Tian swallowed the chocolate in his mouth and said, "So what, it's better than you going to peek at the girls to take a bath every night."

"Ah! This ..." Kuqiulin was obviously said to be blushing a few steps back, Ziyueto said, "I didn't expect you to have this hobby, so I have to be careful in the future."

"I ... that ... what ..." Kuchurin was incoherent at this point.

Dragon War raised the black sword at this time, and Shen Sheng said, "Master! Here it is!"

I nodded and said, "You guys are ready!"

Everyone nodded.

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