Master Summoner Online

Chapter 221: Road to king

Brother Superman laughed: "Brothers, it's the first time I've been here for a while, and I've seen people like you who are so lucky. They even drive two good things! Truthfully. Seeing me both I have itchy hands and can't help but want to open a few to try. "

I laughed: "Go ahead and get it, I hope you can be as lucky as you were last time."

Brother Superman smiled and said, "How can it be so easy." Just like this, smile and spend the night.

The next day, I brought back the five-chapter map fragments to the birth pool and prepared to return to the main world, me. Big Brother Superman and Mizuki have different departures to the city, so they can only part ways here.

The world is so big, it's a rare fate to be able to meet and walk together.

After returning to the birth pool, you will be prompted to swipe it out.

"Ding ~! Will you return to the main world?"

Of course, I won't hesitate to click to confirm that a white light will fall in the next second, and at the same time, my eyes will be white, but the vision will soon become clear, and the cute Tianlong City appears in front of me.

Take out five map fragments and then a hint.

"Ding ~! Are they fragmented?"

The click is followed by five pieces and five pieces, and it becomes a square drawing with a length and width of 10 cm. It is densely painted with pictures of mountains, rivers, jungles, plains, etc. Then the drawing rises a light ball and then this light ball Shoot a light, and the end of this light should be where the dragon capital is.

Immediately, the dragon battle was called quickly, and then he sat up and flew away according to the light indication.

After not knowing how long the flight is, I am afraid that it is already tens of thousands of kilometers away from Tianlong City. What appeared to me at this time was a huge building. From the air, you can see the building is surrounded by a meadow full of various flowers, and then you fly in to see a huge door in front of the building. At the top of the building is a lifelike sculpture. Oriental dragon. There are countless dragon-shaped reliefs on the door, from east to west, and some strange words. On both sides of the door are statues of two giant western dragons.

The dragon battle fell in front of the building surrounded by grass. I jumped down to take back the dragon battle, and at the same time Tianzhao jumped out and stretched a big lazy waist. This move made her chest proud, and then Tianzhao said to me, "Good morning, master ! "

I smiled bitterly: "It's noon!"

"Ah! Sorry for not knowing the time!" Tianzhao said with her tongue out.

I asked, "How does your break count?"

Tian Zhao said: "When the master does not summon Tian Zhao, it is the rest time of Tian Zhao."

"That's it!"

"Yes!" Tian Zhao said happily while her actions stopped.

Then opened the door and walked in, striding in. Behind the door was a very long street. The ground was made of stones. There were dragon statues every ten meters on either side of the road, but it was strange. Yes, I came along all the way without any human voice, as if no one had come in at all. But I continued to move forward and finally another door appeared in front of me. However, I found that there were not one but two people on this door. One was a person wearing a red armor. That was the arbiter. !! A woman should lean on him!

At this moment, the woman gave a coquettish female voice with one arm of the arbiter and said, "Will you stay with me at night? Okay?"

The arbiter said, "Go back!"

The arbiter turned around and saw me immediately and shouted: "Nana are here. Come and hurry up and send the reward and ..."

"Then let's go shopping!" Said the woman named Nana.

"Don't think!" The arbiter said immediately

"Hate it! Do you dislike others!"


"Then why do you refuse, you say! You say!"

"Nothing to say, I've been troubled!"

Well, it seems that I was completely ignored.

The arbiter suddenly shouted to Nana: "Nana is obedient to get the reward law, and there is something to come back to."

"Okay, listen to you." After that, she jumped off the door and landed safely. I would like to know how she landed safely from the 30-meter-high gate, but this is not my concern. What I care about is my reward?

Nana came to me and smiled slightly in front of me: "Young man, look good, and this little girl you are also cute!"

I said impatiently: "Can you give me the reward first?"

Nana laughed: "Look at you in such a hurry, before I give you a reward, I will tell you first. In this special task, we will all give a very generous reward, of course, this reward is from the first A person who goes down by analogy will get less reward as he ranks lower. "

I asked, "Which am I?"

"If you arrive as the eighth person, you will get 100,000 gold coins and a march bag with a grid of 500 units."

Ok! I thought I was fast. I didn't expect that since I was the last one, but it was more than those who did n’t get those rewards, but think about how much money I would get if I was the first one to get 100,000 gold coins. Then Nana said, "In terms of time, you are ten minutes slower than the little girl who arrived in the seventh, and the difference in reward for each lower position is not small! But you are the only one in the top eight. I have to be surprised at the summoner profession. "

I said, "Do you look down on the summoner?"

Nana said: "Of course, there are three types of summoners in the summoner. Beast Tamer, War Beast Master, and Druid control the three different abilities of Tamer, Fighting, and Magic. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. It becomes the summoner of which department, and the ability to choose, which has an indelible relationship with personal talents and hobbies. The summoner's combat power, most of which depends on his own Summon the beast to fight, so the strength of the summoning beast basically determines the strength of the summoner. But if the summoner who relies too much on his summoning beast is definitely not a good summoner, it will never be a big weapon. "

Tianzhao shouted: "Tianzhao's Brother Long is a summoner and he is also very powerful. Brother Long will surely become a great weapon!"

Sitting close to the arbiter, he said, "Weiweilong seems to have been stuck in this neck bottle for a long time. We must break through quickly. If we can make another breakthrough, we will truly enter a new realm and enter This realm is not solely based on experience, but more importantly, self-awareness, self-awareness, nature, and heaven and earth. If you ca n’t understand, you can only continue to be an adventurer in the general realm. Becomes very slim. "

"The road to kings?" I wondered.

"It's been leaked," the arbiter said, covering his mouth.

"Since it's leaky, just say it." I felt very interested.

"It won't work. If I say that, they will charge me again," said the arbiter.

Nana leapt to the arbiter at this moment and hugged him and put it on him. "It doesn't matter. Let's keep it secret for you."

"Forget it, everyone in the company knows your mouth is loose." The arbiter said.

"Hate, hate! People's mouths are loose." Nana muttered.

"I said, Nana, let the arbiter finish the flowers first, and you're in love." I said.

"I have never had a close relationship with her," the arbiter said.

"Nonsense, you were so nice to people last night in bed." Nana said.



The arbiter said: "Well, I tell you, this part of the road of the king is still designed by me. I tell you that the road of the king is a large-scale PK competition in the second world. The content of this, you have to listen carefully, I just say it again! "

I nodded quickly and resolutely said, "Say it!"

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