Master Summoner Online

Chapter 226: farewell

A new day has begun. Today is Sunday and the day when the game is updated, but my habit of getting up early will never change. When I get up from bed, I find that the magic moon is not around me, and I go back to my bed at night. Yet?

I saw her bed bulging. She lay on the bed? Forget it, I did n’t bother herself to wash her face and brush her teeth to buy breakfast. I just stepped into the dormitory building and said, “Porphyrin ~!” Suddenly, my cell phone rang, and I immediately returned to the door and quickly opened the breakfast. . Pick up the phone, the caller ID is the one I do n’t know, okay? Until a feminine voice came into my ear and said, "Are you a dragon spirit?"

This voice seems to have heard "Well, who are you, is there anything wrong?" I said lightly.

The other said, "I'm Ruiwen."

"Ruiwen ?! Fire Dance! Why do you have me talking."

"I basically have everything that Snow Moon had."

I asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Fire dance: "Did you see Tianxueyue?"

"Isn't she in the dorm?"

"I want to be absent. Yesterday, I heard from our class that Xueyue arrogant went to the second floor of the cafeteria for a drink yesterday after class. And this morning, while they were doing morning exercises, some people saw that she was walking outside the school gate at around 6 o'clock. Go and the mood seems very low, with a sad face, what is wrong with her? And as far as I know, the lazy worm will not get up if she does not sleep after twelve o'clock on the rest day, why she got up so early, I doubt she looks Wrong person, so I will call you and ask ~! "

After hearing these words, I couldn't help but rushed to the moonlight bed and opened the quilt. Since I found out that the quilt was not hers, but her grizzly bear "Really no longer, then, what did she do?" I A bad hunch came into my heart.

"I don't know, I just want to ask you ..." Fire Dance Road.

I was puzzled: "Uh ... haven't you tried calling her?"

"I tried it, but it turned off, and then I went to ask my classmates. They said that Xueyue was sitting alone and drunk yesterday. No matter who it was, they didn't say anything. I suspect it was your two who quarreled. Or she must be hiding something from us this time. "Fire Dance said solemnly.

I said: "I didn't fight, but she was drunk all the way yesterday and always shouted that she didn't want to leave me or something."

At this moment, Fire Dance was silent for a while and said, "How much did she drink?"

I said: "It's probably a box and a half. To be honest, she has a good drink. Both me and half a box may be drunk. She drinks a box and a half ..."

"No! She's not drunk!" I said suddenly before I finished, and the tone was very firm.

"What did you say?" I was a little surprised

Fire Dance continued: "I said she was not drunk?"

"No, right?" I didn't believe it.

"No, the amount of alcohol in Tian Xueyue is so scary, and the wine sold in the cafeteria is different from the college supermarket. In order to prevent students from getting drunk, in the supermarket, the wine is the real thing coming in from outside and the quantity purchased. It is limited, and the cafeteria is different. The canteen wine is specially blended with a very low alcohol content. Even people with poor alcohol content are not easy to get drunk. It can be said that it is a cottage version of wine, especially like Xueyue. People, I dare to say that she can't get drunk without more than five cases in the cafeteria, and can even maintain a very sober look. "Fire Dance Road

"But she was lying on the table yesterday and her face was clear ..."

"Do you want to say if she is blushing? I think I can tell you that blushing of others is a sign of being drunk, but blushing on her does not mean drunk. No one understands that is the sign of her drunkenness. Long Ling, do you look for what she has left? Could it be her ... "

"Can it be done?"

"It's nothing? I'll hang up first." Fire Dance said.

"Okay." When I hung up the phone, I started looking for what Fire Dance had left over. I found nothing but her clothing and a travel bag and the grizzly bear ... wait "What is this?" I noticed that there was something pressed under the doll, and I immediately took the doll aside. At this moment, I saw a piece of paper with a lot of densely written characters on it. Handwriting, then look at what is written on it?

Sorry, Long Ling, please forgive me for saying goodbye. Yesterday you always thought that I was drunk, and I firmly told you that I was so drunk and sober! But it ’s a little too late to say these things. As the only daughter of my family, I have been bound in many places, but when the family is in trouble, I only have to stand up. I honor the family, in order to repay my parents. The grace of nurturing, contributing to the family by marriage, I'm sorry I can't go with you, Dragon Spirit. You are the best boy I have ever encountered in my life. Previously, those who looked at me drooled, and I would nod and say no, the guys were totally different. After leaving Jinlong College, the sisters in the student union asked you to take care of the dragon spirit. I finished the withdrawal procedure yesterday afternoon and the dormitory has been returned. Now, I will not participate in the road of the king in December. I may not even go online in the future ... I'm sorry I can meet you, I ... I really do not want you and the student union All of you, the time with you is the most memorable in my life, and I will never forget it in my life ... even if I can never meet again in this life, I will never forget your names, your existence, what you have been Bring me happy hours ... Farewell. "

Farewell ... Farewell ... These three words have been lingering in my mind, I can hardly believe this is true!

"I ... I ... you hate it! ... Dragon Spirit helped me drive them away ..."

"Thank you, Dragon Spirit, you ... know ... you know ... I like you"

"Dragon ... Dragon spirit! I, I like you, I want to be with you!"

"Now, listen carefully, what I didn't finish at that time, that is-I like you, Xueyue. Like you, in this world, you are the only person I like, and I will not like to Anyone other than you, you are my only one, would you be my girlfriend? "

"Finally, Long Ling! I have always wanted to hear you say this, and my answer is yes!"

"I ... will you miss me after I leave?"

"Dragon Spirit I don't want to leave you! I don't want to!"

"I like you, I like you Dragon Spirit, I want to be with you! I don't want to leave you!"

For a moment, my mind and the experience of interacting with the magic moon.

Holding this piece of paper, I was shaking with both hands. "What a joke !!!" The roar of the beast, roaring out, this sound is estimated to have echoed throughout the academy, the next moment I threw the paper aside and broke the door to get out Principal Zhao's Office.

At this time, Zhao Bo was relishing the taste of good tea in his hands, but the moment I hit the door, Zhao Bo was in a hurry, the tea cup fell down with the tea, the tea cup broke, and the tea was in his pants. Seeing his busy hands holding a tissue, it is estimated that others will turn over with a smile, but I can't laugh now.

After half a minute, Zhao Bo sat down and his expression became calmer. He sat in his own position and said, "Mr. Long Ling, today is Sunday and the day when the game is updated. Why don't you come to me for a good rest in the dormitory? "

"I have no mood to rest. Zhao Bo told me whether Tian Xueyue really dropped out of school!" I shouted, holding my hands on the table in front of Zhao Bo.

Zhao Bo froze afterwards and said, "It turned out to be this thing. I think you came back to me but didn't come to you so quickly and suddenly. I was not prepared at all."

"I'm going around with you, I want answers."

"Okay, okay, okay." Uncle Zhao squeezed his tie and said, "Tianxueyue is a rare talent. Whether in games or studies, it is a superhuman existence. We do n’t want to lose such talents, so she I did not approve the application for dropping out, but just gave her a way to leave school and let her parents go home first to worry about her. It would be best if you could bring her back. "

I shouted, "I will, tell me where is her house? I'll go."

Zhao Bodao: "These are the home addresses of the students, which are private and the school has no right to disclose, but ..."

"But what?"

"But I can take her father's place of work. Go and talk to his father. I want to be a better person than you forcibly, you say."

"Okay, just tell me that."

Then Bo Zhao took out a piece of paper and wrote about where her father worked, and at the same time gave me an exit note so that I could go out.

Bring the paper and exit strip to the place where the school bus is parked and ask the driver to drive me out ...

The school bus drove to the park and stopped me. The driver said, "Classmates, please call me in the duty room when you are going back. I will pick you up. I have to start at nine in the evening."

"Okay." After that, I called a taxi, the place where I came quickly, at this moment I saw a 20-storey building in front of me, and looking at this behemoth, I was a bit helpless Feeling, the biting cold wind seems to be very few people in this area. Forget about the boring feeling and walked forward, at this moment two people in black clothes and sunglasses stood at the gate.

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