Master Summoner Online

Chapter 242: Snow Moon News and Awakening Organs



What happened when two big MISS came out? When I saw this, I suddenly came to my senses. The master ca n’t hit himself to summon the beast and it wo n’t hurt him. Similarly, the summoning beast will not hurt the master again. On the head of the ark.

The Ark was hit by the sudden blow and fell to the sky. "Boom!" Like a meteorite, it fell to the ground. The blue-eyed white dragon chased down instantly, turned around and hit the Ark's chest with its tail. After the ark was beaten seven or eight times, he couldn't help but shouted, "Damn! You've had enough TMD to fight!"

The ark stood up sharply, grabbed the tail of the blue-eyed white dragon with both hands and threw it out fiercely. Then two red lights fell in the sky, "Boom!" Two sounds seemed to hit the ground. The sound sounded and the smoke filled, then a pair of bright red eyes lit up in the thick smoke, and then I saw a red axe with a length of more than five meters in each hand in front of the boat, aggressively killing the blue-eyed white dragon in the end. .

In the void, a voice suddenly sounded: "Stop the ark!"

I saw that the arbiter did not know when he appeared in front of Qingyan Bailong, and the ark saw the arbiter yelling at him: "Arbiter! You are so good! Look at how you found such a trashy host for my son. To be loyal to him, what do you think of the dignity of the Dragons! You must give me an account today! "

The arbiter said: "Ark you first put away the axe, we sit down and talk."

Ark yelled, "Talk about the fart! Let Laozi hack you three axes first, then talk."

"I said I want you ... sit down ... did you hear it!" After that, he swayed and said "Wow", the Ark screamed suddenly, his body bowed like a curved shrimp, and his stomach spit out a lot of gastric juice. .

Kneeling on the ground, the arbiter raised his fist and the ark immediately shouted, "Don't fight, don't fight, just talk to us as we talk." It seemed to be convinced.

When the ark appeared just now, he was bullied and courageous. Now the arbiter punched him down. Tian Zhao couldn't help but ridicule: "It's really beyond my control. I have to be beaten to be honest.

The arbiter said: "You go to the holy spring for a while, we will talk about it later, and then the ark so obediently soaks himself in the holy spring," Why are you here? "I saw the arbiter appear and asked.

"Of course it's the night shift, otherwise I would have slept at home early." The arbiter grinned: "Good boy, I really have you, you can get through this brave road, but you summon a guy who has to Say, your luck is not good, remember to treat it well, it may be of great benefit to you in the future.

I said, "Let's not talk about the benefits first, it is really the father of Dragon War?"

The arbiter said: "Yes, Dragon Fight is a very filial child. By the way, you should go to sleep. See what time it is now!"

I turned on the real time. It was already two o'clock in the morning. I scratched my head and smiled. The arbiter said, "Go to sleep, I'll clean up this guy for you."

Tianzhao also said, "Brother Long, go to sleep. Your body is the most important thing."

I nodded and took a look at the father of Dragon War and went offline.

After the class the next day, I was dragged by Ye Shuang to lunch. Ye Shuang said, "Brother, you are so good, all girls except you! I think it will be a good life."

I said, "Not at all."

Ye Shuang hit me with a shoulder and said, "Don't tell lies there. After seeing the environment and people there, your kid is just in the paradise."

I said, "What paradise, I'll go back after dinner."

Ye Shuang said, "Okay, come on, be sure to pick up your wife."


Ye Shuang and I will go after dinner. At this time, a girl appeared in front of us: "Ruiwen!" I blurted out.

Ye Shuang said, "Brother, where did you meet this beauty?"

I said, "She's Lan Xue's sister, why don't I know him."

Fire Dance: "I will talk to you alone, Dragon Spirit."

"With me." I pointed to myself.

Ye Shuang said, "What about me?"

"You go away!" Fire Dance said politely.

Ye Shuang "..."

Then Ye Shuang took a step back to the dormitory, and Ruiwen and I sat down on a stone bench and said, "Is there anything wrong with me?"

Fire dance said: "I'll give you your girlfriend's latest care. Do you want to know?"

"Tianxueyue" I shouted, "Tell me how she is now!"

"Look at you urgently." Fire Dance smiled lightly: "Yesterday, your Xueyue was dating a person named Xie Junhong."

Blind date, indeed, I heard it from that guy ’s mouth. If I did n’t know then, I'm afraid I have jumped up now, and I frowned: "What kind of guy is Xie Junhong?"

Huomao nodded, saying, "The eldest son of the chairman of a Sino-US joint venture, I heard that he was hired as one of China's top ten young people three years ago."

I said, "What does this outstanding young man have to do with me?"

Fire Dance: "I want to tell you that Tian Xueyue agreed to this blind date!"

"What!" I asked in horror: "So how is she now, Tianxueyue."

Fire dance said: "Tianxueyue is nothing, although she agreed, but she did not volunteer."

I said, "What do you mean?"

Fire Dance said: "She promised that the blind date was under the intimidation of her father, and Xueyue's dad was very satisfied with Xueyue's promise, and also said that she would be separated on the road of the king on December 11th. On the day after the victory, I took Xueyue to Taipei with the other party for New Year's Day. "

"What a joke! Is this an ultimatum?" I stood up angrily and said.

Fire dance said: "It seems that her dad really doesn't like you. Right, I remember that guy also has a number in the second world and also wants to participate in the road of the king. His ID is Dazhanhongtu, and he was also born in Tianlong. City, you're going to beat him up. "

"Well, thank you for bringing me the news. I must win the championship on the road to the king, and I will convince Xueyue her father to take it." I said to Fire Dance, "I will leave first." Run away.

"I wish you success, and if there is new news of Xueyue, I will notify you as soon as possible." Fire Dance said behind me.

"Thank you." I did not go back and ran back to the dormitory at the fastest speed to put on a helmet and go online. At this moment, I appeared on the edge of the holy spring. At this time, the father of the dragon battle, the ark was soaking Quanzhong, I walked over, and at this moment Ark twisted his head and looked at me and said, "What's wrong, the kid will come so soon without sleeping, and the arbiter takes care of you."

I shouted at the Ark: "Ark! Please lend me your strength!"

The ark stood on the shore, walked to the shore, and sat in front of me, saying, "Boy, why do you want my strength?"

I said, "I want to win! I want to win on the King's Road."

"Champion?" Ark said, "Is that champion your dream?"

I nodded Ark and said, "Since it is your dream, what does it have to do with me! My dream must be fulfilled by myself."

My face sank and said, "It's true, but my strength is not complete yet, so I need your strength, as long as you are there."

Ark's head crooked and said: "I know from the arbiter that you are not the guy who is desperate for a vanity, but desperate, tell me what it is to win that championship, and what that championship means to you."

I said, "You don't understand it, I can only tell you that I am for the most important person in my life, and I can ignore everything for her, and this championship is my proof!"

"For the most important person ?!" Ark Long said with a smile on his mouth. "Interesting, no wonder my son will look, can you be desperate for the most important person? Is it fun? Well, let me help you. "After I said, a claw stretched out and grabbed me, then raised it in front of myself, and opened my mouth without saying a word and threw me in.

Immediately before my eyes darkened, God's master was summoned by his own beast to eat, this ... This is amazing, at this time I fell all the way until I fell into a weird space, I looked around and blurted out: Where is this? "

At this time, it was surrounded by white walls. I felt very strange. I was so eaten and returned here. At this time, the sound of the ark echoed: "Here is my body."


"Rightly speaking, I went to an inherent enchantment enclosed in my body. This intrinsic enchantment is called the awakening organ, and I completed it with the inner beast of the Celestial Beast." Ark explained.

I said, "What is the awakening organ?"

Ark said: "The awakening organs exist to improve the level of heavenly people, but not here with me. This is specially prepared for your adventurers. I have no intention of eating you. You want to become stronger. If you do this, practice it here, it will not give you experience, but it will speed up the awakening of your internal strength. At the same time, you can also learn new skills during the cultivation process. Oh! By the way, if you only If you can cultivate in it for 12 hours, if you do n’t understand anything in 12 hours, I will digest you out of my instinct. "

"Does it become stronger when you realize it?" I said.

"Yes, comprehension can be much higher than simply upgrading the basic combat power than cost-effectiveness. Adding one sentence cannot be stopped once it is accepted. What is the new power or being digested?"

I said categorically: "Of course it started, I have to be stronger! If I ca n’t be stronger, I won't win, I will never see her again, I will only be with her Do it! "

Ark smiled slightly: "Interesting, I will release the commanding beast after a while, please follow the prompts of the commanding beast." After speaking, there will be a avatar of a robot cat in front of me. "Now the postgraduate entrance examination begins."

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